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Read, S.M
Rahe, F
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Zaman, Q
Schumann, A.W
Percival, D.C
Esau, T.J
Read, S.M
Ruckelshausen, A
Alheit, K.V
Busemeyer, L
Klose, R
Linz, A
Moeller, K
Rahe, F
Thiel, M
Trautz, D
Weiss, U
Engineering Technologies and Advances
Sensor Application in Managing In-season Crop Variability
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Filter results2 paper(s) found.

1. Performance Evaluation Of A Prototype Variable Rate Sprayer For Spot- Application Of Agrochemicals In Wild Blueberry Fields

  Wild blueberry yields are highly dependent on agrochemicals for adequate weed control. The excessive use of agrochemicals with uniform application in significant bare spots and plant areas has resulted in increased cost of production. A cost-effective automated prototype variable rate (VR) sprayer was developed for spot-application (SA) of agrochemicals in a specific section of the sprayer boom where the weeds have been detected. The weed patches were mapped with an RTK-GPS... Q. Zaman, A.W. Schumann, D.C. Percival, T.J. Esau, S.M. Read

2. Sensor And System Technology For Individual Plant Crop Scouting

Sensor and system technologies are key components for automatic treatment of individual plants as well as for plant phenotyping in field trials. Based on experiences in research and application of sensors in agriculture the authors have developed phenotyping platforms for field applications including sensors, system and software development and application-specific mountings.   Sensor and data fusion have a high potential by compensating varying selectivities... A. Ruckelshausen, K.V. Alheit, L. Busemeyer, R. Klose, A. Linz, K. Moeller, F. Rahe, M. Thiel, D. Trautz, U. Weiss