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Bernardi, A.C
Batbayar, B
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Bettiol, G.M
Inamasu, R.Y
Rabello, L.M
Bernardi, A.C
Campana, M
Oliveira, P.P
de Oliveira, R.P
Bernardi, A.C
Benites, V.D
Rabello, L.M
Inamassu, R.Y
Naime, J.D
Queiros, L.R
Resende, A.V
Vilela, M.D
Bassoi, L.H
Perez, N.B
Bernardi, A.C
Inamasu, R.Y
Bernardi, A.C
Gimenez, L.M
Silva, C.A
Machado, P.L
Bernardi, A.C
Grego, C.R
Andrade, R.G
Vaz, C.M
Rabello, L.M
Inamasu, R.Y
Erdenee, B
Batbayar, B
Tateishi, R
Precision Dairy and Livestock Management
Spatial Variability in Crop, Soil and Natural Resources
Global Proliferation of Precision Agriculture and its Applications
Precision A-Z for Practitioners
Precision Nutrient Management
Global Proliferation of Precision Agriculture and its Applications
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Filter results6 paper(s) found.

1. Variable Rate Application Of Potassium Fertilizer For Soybean Crop Growth In A No-till System

Variable rate application of fertilizer has the potential to improve nutrient use efficiency, improve economic returns, and reduce negative environmental impacts. The objective of this study was to evaluate the variable rate application of potassium fertilizer to soybean crop in a no-till system. The study was conducted on a 13-ha soybean grain field in Carambeí, State of Paraná, Brazil in a Typic Hapludox. The area has been under no-tillage for more than 10 years growing grains... A.C. Bernardi, L.M. Gimenez, C.A. Silva, P.L. Machado

2. Spatial Variability Of Crop And Soil Properties In A Crop-livestock Integrated System

The knowledge of spatial variability soil properties is useful in the rational use of inputs, as in the site specific application of lime and fertilizer. The objective of this work was to map and evaluate the spatial variability of the crop, soil chemical and physical properties. The study was conducted in 2 areas of 6.9 and 11.7 ha of a Typic Haplustox in Sao Carlos, SP, Brazil. The summer crops corn and sorghum were sowed together to the forage crop Brachiaria brizantha in the system of crop-pasture... A.C. Bernardi, C.R. Grego, R.G. Andrade, C.M. Vaz, L.M. Rabello, R.Y. Inamasu

3. Land Information System Of Precision Farming In Mongolia Using Remote Sensing And Geographical Information System

    Remote sensing (RS) and geographic information system (GIS) technologies have been of great use to planners in planning for efficient use of natural resources at national, sub region and rural levels.   RS can be used for precision farming in a number of ways for providing input supplies and variability management through decision support system.   GIS is the principal technology used to integrate spatial data... B. Erdenee, B. Batbayar, R. Tateishi

4. Spatial Variability of Soil Properties in Intensively Managed Tropical Grassland in Brazil

For the intensification of tropical grass pastures systems the soil fertility building up by liming and balanced fertilization is necessary. The knowledge of spatial variability soil properties is useful in the rational use of inputs, as in the variable rate application of lime and fertilizers. PA requires methods to indicate the spatial variability of soil and plant parameters. The objective of this work was to map and evaluate the soil properties and maps the site specific liming and fertilizer... G.M. Bettiol, R.Y. Inamasu, L.M. Rabello, A.C. Bernardi, M. Campana, P.P. Oliveira

5. Spatial Variability Index Based On Soil Properties for Notill and Pasture Site-Specific Management in Brazil.

 Quantitative characterization of soil properties spatial variation has first been applied... R.P. De oliveira, A.C. Bernardi, V.D. Benites, L.M. Rabello, R.Y. Inamassu

6. Brazilian Precision Agriculture Research Network

The adoption of adequate technologies for food, biomass and fiber production can increase yield and quality and also reduce environmental impact through an efficient input application. Precision agriculture is the way to decisively contribute with efficient production with environment protection in Brazil. Based on this, recently Embrapa established the Brazilian Precision... J.D. Naime, L.R. Queiros, A.V. Resende, M.D. Vilela, L.H. Bassoi, N.B. Perez, A.C. Bernardi, R.Y. Inamasu