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Grove, J
Garcia, L
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Garcia, L
Elhaddad, A
Grove, J
Pena-Yewtukhiw, E.M
Pena-Yewtukhiw, E.M
Grove, J
Remote Sensing Applications in Precision Agriculture
Precision Carbon Management
Modeling and Geo-statistics
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Filter results3 paper(s) found.

1. Using A Surface Energy Model (reset) To Determine The Spatial Variability Of ET Within And Between Agricultural Fields

Remote sensing algorithms are currently being used to estimate regional surface fluxes (e.g. evapotranspiration (ET)). Many of these surface energy balance models use information derived from satellite imagery such as aircraft, Landsat, AVHRR, ASTER, and MODIS to estimate ET. The remote sensing approach to estimating ET provides advantages over traditional methods. One of the most important advantages is that it can provide estimates of actual ET for each pixel in the image. Most conventional... L. Garcia, A. Elhaddad

2. C And N Coupling Through Time: Soil C, N, And Grain Yield In A Long-term Continuous Corn Trial

Gains and losses of both C and N are important in agricultural landscapes. Temporal changes in the pattern of crop yield response to tillage and fertilizer input are commonly observed; often weakly interpreted, in long-term research. A 38-year-long monoculture corn (Zea mays L.) tillage (moldboard plow, no-tillage) by N rate (0, 84, 168, 336 kg N per hectare) trial was sampled to a depth of 100 cm, as was the surrounding... J. Grove, E.M. Pena-yewtukhiw

3. Crop Rotation Impacts ‘Temporal Sampling’ Needed For Landscape-defined Management Zones

Yield and landscape position are used to delineate management zones, but this approach is confounded by yield’s weather dependence, causing yield to evidence temporal variability/lack of yield stability. Management options (e.g. crop rotation) also influence yield stability. Our objective was to build a model that would describe the influence of crop rotation on the temporal yield stability of landscape defined management zones. Corn (Zea mays L.) yield data for two rotations,... E.M. Pena-yewtukhiw, J. Grove