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Sankaran, S
Sulastri, N
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Ehsani, R
Sankaran, S
Maja, J.M
Neto, J.C
Sulastri, N
Shibusawa, S
Kodaira, M
Sankaran, S
Ehsani, R
Mishra, A
Dima, C
Sankaran, S
Wang, M
Ellsworth, P
Cousins, A
Khot, L
Sankaran, S
Johnson, D
Carter, A
Serra, S
Musacchi, S
Cummings, T
Precision Horticulture
Spatial Variability in Crop, Soil and Natural Resources
Precision Horticulture
Proximal Sensing in Precision Agriculture
Applications of UAVs (unmanned aircraft vehicle systems) in precision agriculture
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Filter results5 paper(s) found.

1. On The Go Soil Sensor For Soil Ec Mapping

This paper describes spatial variation maps of soil electrical conductivity (EC) obtained by both spectroscopic and capacitance methods using on the go soil sensor ( a real-time soil sensor -RTSS) SAS 1000, commercialized by Shibuya Kogyo Co. The experiments were conducted over a 2 year period on an experimental Hokkaido farm with an alluvial soil type. The comparison in soil EC records between the spectroscopy and the capacitance were also discussed. The spectroscopic approach used the soil... N. Sulastri, S. Shibusawa, M. Kodaira

2. Development Of Ground-based Sensor System For Automated Agricultural Vehicle To Detect Diseases In Citrus Plantations

An integrated USDA-funded project involving Carnegie Mellon University, University of Florida, Cornell University and John Deere is ongoing, to develop an autonomous tractors for sustainable specialty crop farming. The research teams have come together to develop an automated system for detecting plant stress, estimating yields, and reducing chemical usage through precision spraying for specialty crops. The goals of the automation process are to reduce the tractor-related labor costs, reduce... S. Sankaran, R. Ehsani, A. Mishra, C. Dima

3. Affordable Multi-Rotor Remote Sensing Platform for Applications In Precision Horticulture.

Satellite and aerial imaging technologies have been explored for a long time as an extremely useful source of collecting cost-effective data for agricultural applications. In spite of the availability of such technologies, very few growers are using the technology... R. Ehsani, S. Sankaran, J.M. Maja, J.C. Neto

4. Rapid Sensing For Water Stress Detection In Foxtail Millet (Setaria Italica)

In recent years, the drought conditions due to changing climate patterns have adversely affected the U.S. agriculture. The 2012 drought that damaged major crops in Midwest was one of the most severe in last 25 years. It has resulted in losses of production, revenue, livestock and jobs, and has increased food prices. Under these circumstances, farmers are focused to use the water resources carefully. The researchers are working together to develop new crop varieties resistant to water... S. Sankaran, M. Wang, P. Ellsworth, A. Cousins

5. Unmanned Aerial System Applications In Washington State Agriculture

Three applications of unmanned aerial systems (UAS) based imaging were explored in row, field, and horticultural crops at Washington State University (WSU). The applications were: to evaluate the necrosis rate in potato field crop rotation trials, to quantify the emergence rates of three winter wheat advanced yield trials, and detecting canker disease-infection in pear. The UAS equipped with green-NDVI imaging was used to acquire field aerial images. In the first application,... L. Khot, S. Sankaran, D. Johnson, A. Carter, S. Serra, S. Musacchi, T. Cummings