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Site-Specific Nutrient, Lime and Seed Management
Genomics and Precision Agriculture
General Session
Spatial and Temporal Variability in Crop, Soil and Natural Resources
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Abdul Rahman, K
Alabi, T
Alene, A
Amaral, L.R
Amaral, L.R
Anderson, W
Anken, T
Asgedom, H
B K, A
Baghernejad, M
Balboa, G
Balboa, G
Beasley, D
Beppu, Y
Bhandari, M
Bhattarai, B
Boettinger, J.L
Boyer, W
Brasco, T.L
Brasco, T.L
Burns, D
Burris, E
Canal Filho, R
Casey, F
Castro, S.G
Clay, D.E
Clay, S.A
Colley, T
Coulter, J.A
Da Silva, E.R
Da Silva, J
De Oliveira Moreira, F
Derdall, E
Duddu, H
Emadi, M
Folle, S
Foster, J
France, W
Franzen, D.W
Franzen, D.W
Franzen, D.W
Fulton, J.P
Gardezi, M
Ghansah, B
Gidea, M
Grueninger, R
Halvorson, M
Hamagami, K
Harris, G
Hehar, G
Helgason, C
Hirai, Y
Hofman, V
Holpp, M
Horvath, D
Hueppi, R
Ikpi, A
Inaba, S
Johannsen, C.J
Joshi, N
Kaiser, D
Kamerer, C
Karppinen, E
Kechchour, A
Khakbazan, M
Khanal, S
Khuimphukhieo, I
Kumari, S
Lamb, J
Lemke, R
Li, H
Liu, K
Long, D
Lund, E
Lund, T
Masnello, J.C
Maxton, C.R
Mbakwe, I
McCarter, K.S
Melo, D.D
Melo, D.D
Miao, Y
Miao, Y
Mitra, S
Mizuta, K
Mizuta, K
Molin, J.P
Mooleki, P
Mori, K
Mori, Y
Morris, D.K
Musetescu, L
Negrini, R.P
Neupane, J
Norquest, S
Nziguheba, G
Olayide, O
Oldoni, H
Overstreet, C
Poncet, A
Puntel, L
Rathore, J
Reicks, G
Roa Acosta, G
Ross, J
Ruiz Diaz, D
Schoenau, J
Scott, J.L
Seatovic, D
Seielstad, G
Shang, J
Shi, L
Shrefler, J.W
Sigdel, U
Sims, A
Starek, M
Staricka, J
Struthers, R.R
Stueve, K
Sulik, J
Taylor, M.J
Thompson, L
Tomita, K
Uchida, S
Virk, S
Walsh, O
Wan Ismail, W
Webber III, C.L
Willness, C
Wolcott, M
Zhang, X
da Cunha, I.A
da Cunha, I.A
Site-Specific Nutrient, Lime and Seed Management
Spatial and Temporal Variability in Crop, Soil and Natural Resources
Genomics and Precision Agriculture
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Filter results29 paper(s) found.

1. Evaluation of the Effects of Telone Ii on Nitrogen Management and Yield in Louisiana Delta Cotton

Research indicates that cotton yield on light soils within the alluvial flood plain of the Lower Mississippi delta may be increased by using chemical fumigation applications of Telone II and/or seed treatments to control infestations of plant parasitic nematodes. There is a documented interaction with fumigation and nitrogen and therefore a need to further understand the performance of site- specific treatment strategies for nitrogen (N) and fumigation treatments. In a small plot test conduct... E. Burris, D. Burns, K.S. Mccarter, C. Overstreet, M. Wolcott

2. Terrain Modeling to Improve Soil Survey in North Dakota

Users of site-specific technologies would prefer to use digitized soil survey boundaries to help in delineating management zones for nutrient application. However, the present scale of soil type does not allow meaningful zone delineation. A project was conducted to use terrain modeling and other site- specific tools to delineate smaller-scale soil type boundaries that would be more useful for directing within-field nutrient management. Topography, soil EC, yield mapping and satellite imagery ... D.W. Franzen, J.L. Boettinger

3. Regional Usefulness of Nitrogen Management Zone Delineation Tools

In the Northern Plains of Montana, North Dakota and Minnesota, a number of site-specific tools have been used to delineate nitrogen management zones. A three-year study was conducted using yield mapping, elevation measurements, satellite imagery, aerial Ektochrome® photography, and soil EC to delineate nitrogen management zones and compare these zones to residual fall soil nitrate. At most of the sites, variable-rate N was applied and compared with uniform N application. The site-specific... D. Franzen, F. Casey, J. Staricka, D. Long, J. Lamb, A. Sims, M. Halvorson, V. Hofman

4. Summary of Forty Years of Grid Sampling Research

Between the years of 1961 and 2001, two 12.5-ha fields in Illinois were sampled for soil pH, and available P and K in a 24.3-m grid. One field was sampled beginning in 1961 while the other field was sampled from 1982. At each sampling, the samples were obtained in the same grid. This resulted in the ability not only to compare grid sample density to delineate fertility patterns within the fields, but also to determine the rate of soil test change with P and K applications, the change in ferti... D.W. Franzen

5. Development of Real-time Color Analysis for the On- Line Automated Weeding Operations

Weeds compete with the crop for water, light, nutrients and space, and therefore reduce crop yields and also affect the efficient use of machinery. Chemical sprayer is the most popular method to eradicate weeds but has cause hazardous to the environment, crops and workers. A smart sprayer is required to control the usage of chemical weedicides at the optimal level. Thus an on-line automated sprayer is introduced to the Malaysian farmers to locate in the real time environment the existence and... W. Wan ismail, K. Abdul rahman

6. Precision Placement of Corn Gluten Meal for Weed Control in Organic Vegetable Production

Organic vegetable producers rank weeds as one of their most troublesome, time consuming, and costly production problems. As a result of the limited number of organically approved weed control herbicides, the precision placement of these materials increases their potential usefulness in organic production systems. As a non-selective preemergence or preplant-incorporated herbicide, corn gluten meal (CGM) inhibits root development; decreases shoot length, and reduces plant survival. The developm... C.L. Webber iii, M.J. Taylor, J.W. Shrefler

7. Plant and N Impacts on Corn (Zea Mays) Growth: Whats Controlling Yield?

Studies were conducted in South Dakota to assess mechanisms of intraspecific competition between corn (Zea mays) plants. Treatments were two plant populations (74,500 and 149,000 plants ha-1), three levels of shade (0, 40, and 60%) on the low plant population, two water treatments (natural precipitation and natural + irrigation), and two N rates (0 and 228 kg N ha-1). In-season leaf chlorophyll content was measured. At harvest, grain and stover yields were quantified with grain 13C-d... D.E. Clay, S.A. Clay, G. Reicks, D. Horvath

8. Principal Component Analysis of Rice Production Environment in the Rice Terrace Region

Environmental conditions that affect rice production, such as air temper- ature, relative humidity, solar radiation, effective cation exchangeable capacity (ECEC) of the soil, and total nitrogen in irrigation water, were assessed for 4 paddy fields in Hoshino village, Fukuoka prefecture in Japan. Also, environ- mental factors that affected rice quality (physicochemical properties of rice grains and cooked rice) were identified using data during the beginning of a ripening period (20 days afte... Y. Hirai, Y. Beppu, Y. Mori, K. Tomita, K. Hamagami, K. Mori, S. Uchida, S. Inaba

9. Mapping Surface Soil Properties Using Terrain and Remotely Sensed Data in Arsanjan Plain, Southern Iran

Sustainable land management and land use planning require reliable information about the spatial distribution of the physical and chemical soil properties affecting both landscape processes and services. Spatial prediction with the presence of spatially dense ancillary variables has attracted research in pedometrics. The main objective of this research is to enhance prediction of soil properties such electrical conductivity (ECe), exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP), available phosphorus (P)... M. Baghernejad, M. Emadi

10. 3d Object Recognition, Localization and Treatment of Rumex Obtusifolius in Its Natural Environment

Rumex obtusifolius is one of the most highly competitive and persistent sorts of weed in agriculture. An automatic recognition and plant-treatment system is currently under development as an alternative treatment technique. An infrared-laser triangulation sensor and a high-resolution smart camera are used to generate 3D images of the weeds and their natural environment. In a segmentation process, contiguous surface patches are separated from one other. These 3D surface patc... M. Holpp, T. Anken, D. Seatovic, R. Grueninger, R. Hueppi

11. Zone Mapping Application for Precision-farming: a Decision Support Tool for Variable Rate Application

We have developed a web-based decision support tool, Zone Mapping Application for Precision Farming (ZoneMAP, http://zonemap.umac.org), which can automatically determine the optimal number of management zones and delineate them using satellite imagery and field survey data provided by users. Application rates, say for fertilizer, can be prescribed for each zone and downloaded in a variety of formats to ensure compatibility with GPS-enabled farming applicators. ZoneMAP is linked to Digital Nor... X. Zhang, C. Helgason, G. Seielstad, L. Shi

12. Application of Geographic Information Systems in Socioeconomic Analysis: A Case of Integrated Soil Fertility Management in the Savannas of Nigeria

Population pressure increases, shortened fallow cycles, cropping intensification, inaccessibility and low output prices as well as concerns about agricultural sustainability and self-sufficiency have combined to contribute to increased demand for integrated soil fertility management of the agricultural resource base. Following this situation, organic fertilizer in the form of animal manure becomes one of the principal sources of nutrients for soil fertility maintenance and crop production. He... O. Olayide, A. Alene, A. Ikpi, G. Nziguheba, T. Alabi

13. Soil Moisture, Organic Matter and Potassium Influences on Eca Measurement

Spatial variability of soil physical and chemical properties is a fundamental element of site-specific soil and crop management. Since its early implementation in agriculture as a method of measuring soil salinity, the acceptance of Apparent Electrical Conductivity (ECa) in agriculture has been popular as a method of determining the spatial variability of soil physical and chemical properties that influence the ECa estimates. It was the objective of this study to examine the spatial-temporal ... R.R. Struthers, C.J. Johannsen, D.K. Morris

14. Evaluation of Utilization Potential for Methods of Georeference in the Management of Weed Contamination of Potato Cultures

Combating crop contamination with harmful invasive species is one of the main themes of agricultural research. For the potato cultures, the weed contamination decreases not only the quality but also the quantity of the harvest. The most invasive contamination for this culture is represented by the Agropyron repens and Sorgum halepense, two invasive and very nocive species characterized by underground stems able to penetrate the potato¢s tubercle and decrease their stora... L. Musetescu, M. Gidea

15. Improving Site-specific Nutrient Management in the Southeastern US: Variable-rate Fertilization Based on Yield Goal by Management Zone

Site-specific nutrient management is a critical aspect of row crop production, especially when aiming to achieve improved yields in the highly variable fields in the Southeastern United States. Variable-rate (VR) fertilizer application is a common practice to implement site-specific nutrient management and relies heavily on the use of precision soil sampling methods (grid or zone) to obtain accurate information on spatial nutrient variability within the fields. Most fields in the southeastern... S. Virk, T. Colley, C. Kamerer, G. Harris, D. Beasley

16. Assessing Crop Yield and Profitability with Site-specific Seed Rate Management in Corn and Soybean Cropping Systems

Integrating the information about soil and topographic properties for variable rate seeding is a prerequisite for improved crop production and thus profit. However, limited studies have explored the geospatial and machine learning approaches to understand factors influencing crop yield and profit under site-specific seed rate management. The objectives of this study were to: a) observe the effect of variable seeding rate based on soil and topographic properties on soybean and corn grain ... J. Neupane, N. Joshi, J.P. Fulton, S. Khanal, A. B k, B. Bhattarai

17. Hierarchical Zoning: Targeted Sampling for Soil Attribute Mapping

The mapping of soil attributes for fertilizer recommendation remains challenging in precision agriculture. Traditionally, this mapping is done through soil sampling in a regular grid, which generally yields good results when done in denser grids. However, due to the high costs associated with sampling and analysis, sparser grids have been adopted, which has not produced good prediction results. Some studies with directed sampling points to obtain more accurate soil maps have been adopted to a... D.D. Melo, I.A. Da cunha, T.L. Brasco, H. Oldoni, L.R. Amaral

18. Prescription Map Creation for Optimal Variable-rate Seeding in Arkansas Fields

Soybean seeding rate selection in Arkansas depends on cultivar, planting date, and soil characteristics. Guidelines were developed to maximize profitability from whole field management and little information is available to optimize smaller-scale management. Nevertheless, Arkansas cropland is expected to be a good candidate for variable-rate seeding (VRS) because of heterogeneous soil parent materials, large field sizes, and added spatial variability introduced by the normalization of land-le... W. France, A. Poncet, U. Sigdel, J. Ross

19. Within-field Spatial Variability in Optimal Sulfur Rates for Corn in Minnesota: Implications for Precision Sulfur Management

The ongoing decline in sulfur (S) atmospheric depositions and high yield crop production have resulted in S deficiency and the need for S fertilizer applications in corn cropping systems. Many farmers are applying S fertilizers uniformly across their fields. Little has been reported on the within-field spatial variability in optimal S rates and the potential benefits of variable rate S applications. The objectives of this study were to 1) assess within-field variability of optimal S rates (OS... R.P. Negrini, Y. Miao, K. Mizuta, K. Stueve, D. Kaiser, J.A. Coulter

20. Using Soil Samples and Soil Sensors to Improve Soil Nutrient Estimations

Estimating soil nutrient levels, especially immobile nutrients like P and K, has been a primary activity for providers of precision agriculture services.  Soil nutrients often vary widely within fields and growers have been eager to manage them site-specifically.  There are many causes of the variability, including pedogenic factors such as soil texture, organic matter, landscape position and other factors that have resulted in an accumulation of unused nutrients in some areas of th... C.R. Maxton, T. Lund, E. Lund

21. High Throughput Phenotyping of the Energy Cane Crop UAV-based LiDAR, Multispectral and RGB Data

Energy cane is a hybrid of sugarcane cultivated for their high biomass and fiber instead of sugar. It is used for production of biofuels and as feedstock for animals. As a relatively new crop, accurate knowledge of biophysical parameters such as height and biomass of different genotypes are pertinent to cultivar development. Such knowledge is also crucial to manage crop health, understand response to environmental effects, optimize harvest schedules, and estimate bioenergy yield. Nonetheless,... B. Ghansah, I. Khuimphukhieo, J.L. Scott, M. Bhandari, J. Foster, J. Da silva, H. Li, M. Starek

22. On-farm Evaluation of the Potential Benefits of Variable Rate Seeding for Corn in Minnesota

Many farmers in Minnesota are interested in adopting variable rate seeding technology for corn, however, little has been reported about their potential benefits. The objectives of this study were to 1) determine within-field variability of optimal seeding rates, and 2) evaluate the potential benefits of variable rate seeding in commercial corn fields in Minnesota. Four on-farm variable rate seeding trials were conducted in Minnesota in 2022 and 2023, with seeding rates ranging from 31,000 to ... Y. Miao, A. Kechchour, S. Folle, K. Mizuta

23. Site Specific Evaluation of Dynamic Nitrogen Recommendation Tools

Management tools are a potential solution for increased profit and N use efficiency (NUE) in corn production. Most previous studies evaluating these tools used small plot research which does not accurately represent large scale performance and inhibits adoption. Two dynamic model-based N management tools, which were commercially available in 2021 and 2022 (Adapt-N and Granular), were tested at fifteen on-farm research locations in Nebraska. The objective of this study were to evaluate the sit... S. Norquest, L. Puntel, G. Balboa, L. Thompson

24. Sampling-based on Plant Vigor Zones As a Strategy for Creating Soil Attribute Maps

Mapping agronomically relevant soil properties for fertilizer recommendation remains challenging in precision agriculture. Traditionally, this mapping is conducted through soil sampling on a regular grid basis, where points are equally spaced primarily to ensure spatial coverage. However, directing soil sampling points based on plant vigor may be more efficient in capturing soil variability that directly affects plant development. Several commercial platforms offer solutions for defining mana... D.D. Melo, T.L. Brasco, I.A. Da cunha, S.G. Castro, L.R. Amaral

25. Drone Use Extension and Demonstrations Support Management of Riparian Areas, Grazing Land, and Water Quality

Agricultural and natural resource managers have explored a variety of ways in which drones might be used to aid in decision-making. One of the most useful ways may be the production of orthorectified aerial photography which can have very high spatial and temporal resolution. Such photography offers new opportunities for visualizing and measuring features on the landscape. Not just measuring the two-dimensional characteristics of landscape features, but also measuring three-dimensional charac... W. Boyer

26. Enhancing Phosphorus Nutrient Management in Corn Through Tissue Analysis and Diagnostic Tools

Phosphorus (P) plays a pivotal role in crop growth, and optimizing its application is crucial for sustainable agriculture. This research focuses on advancing nutrient management by precisely evaluating tissue phosphorus concentrations in corn. The study delves into identifying critical P levels during various growth stages, assessing alternative diagnostic tools, and exploring correlations to refine phosphorus nutrition strategies. Across 26 locations in Kansas, field experiments employed a r... G. Roa acosta, D. Ruiz diaz

27. Optimizing Soil Nutrient Management: Agricultural Policy/environmental Extender (APEX) Model Simulation for Field Scale Phosphorous Loss Reduction in Virginia

Managing soil nutrients is crucial for enhancing crop productivity and meeting consumptions demands while minimizing environmental impacts. Sustainable agriculture relies on well-planned soil nutrient management strategies. Phosphorous (P) stands out among the 16 essential soil nutrients, particularly in Virginia, where natural P levels are typically low. Adequate amount of P is necessary for the early root formation and plant growth. However, excess amount of P in the soil leads to increase ... S. Kumari, J. Rathore, S. Mitra, M. Gardezi, O. Walsh

28. Sugarcane Yield Mapping Using an On-board Volumetric Sensor

Few alternatives are available to the sugarcane sector for monitoring crop productivity. However, in recent years, research has been dedicated to developing methods ranging from estimation based on engine parameters to using sensors and artificial intelligence. This study aims to present a new tool for monitoring productivity applied to sugarcane cultivation, which utilizes a volumetric optical sensor, in contrast to other methods already used for this measurement, and is recently being intro... G. Balboa, J.C. Masnello, F. De oliveira moreira, R. Canal filho, E.R. Da silva, J.P. Molin

29. Response of Canola and Wheat to Application of Enhanced Efficiency Nitrogen Fertilizers on Contrasting Management Zones

Investment on nitrogen (N) fertilizers is a major cost of growers, and variable rate (VR) application of N fertilizers could help optimize its usage. In the growing season of 2023, field experiments were conducted at four sites (i.e., Watrous – Saskatchewan SK and two fields in the vicinity of Strathmore, Alberta AB, Canada). The main objectives were to (i) determine performance of Enhanced Efficiency N Fertilizers - EENF (i.e., Coated urea, urea with double inhibitors - DI, urea mixed ... H. Asgedom, G. Hehar, C. Willness, W. Anderson, H. Duddu, P. Mooleki, J. Schoenau, M. Khakbazan, R. Lemke, E. derdall, J. Shang, K. Liu, J. Sulik, E. Karppinen, I. Mbakwe