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Precision Dairy and Livestock Management
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Alves, G
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Auer, W
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Dallago, G.M
Dallago, G.M
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Dallago, G.M
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Drillich, M
Drillich, M
Drillich, M
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Fadul-Pacheco, L
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Figueiredo, D
Figueiredo, D
Gandorfer, M
Ghoreishi, S
Guimarães, L
Guimarães, L
Hagan, B.A
Hagymássy, Z
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Hauschild, L
Hauschild, L
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Iwersen, M
Iwersen, M
Iwersen, M
Iwersen, M
Jafari, A
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Kickinger, F
Kickinger, F
Kickinger, F
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Krieger, S
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Lidauer, L
Lidauer, L
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Nagy, J
Nándor, C
Oczak, M
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Pires, P.S
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Pomar, C
Pomar, C
Pomar, J
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Santos, D
Santos, D
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Santos, R
Santos, R
Santos, R
Santschi, D.E
Sattlecker, G
Schweinzer, V
Schweinzer, V
Sturm, V
Séguin, M
Vasseur, E
Vieira, J
Vántus, A
Werner, A
Öhlschuster, M
Öhlschuster, M
Öhlschuster, M
Precision Dairy and Livestock Management
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Filter results17 paper(s) found.

1. A Tool for Monitoring Genetic Selection Differentials in Dairy Herds in Canada

A software tool was developed to allow a dairy producer and/or agricultural advisor to monitor the genetic selection differentials (GSD) that a dairy farm is making. The objectives of this study were (i) to monitor GSD in individual farms, over years, so that producers can be advised as to whether or not they are achieving their selection objectives (and hence optimizing productivity and profitability); (ii) the development of a prototype software tool and visualization model to assist produc... B.A. Hagan, R.I. Cue

2. A Pilot Study on Monitoring Drinking Behavior in Bucket Fed Dairy Calves Using an Ear-Attached Tri-Axial Accelerometer

Accelerometers support the farmer with collecting information about animal behavior and thus allow a reduction in visual observation time. The milk intake of calves fed by teat-buckets has not been monitored automatically on commercial farms so far, although it is crucial for the calves’ development. This pilot study was based on bucket-fed dairy calves and intended (1) to evaluate the technical feasibility of using an ear-attached accelerometer (SMARTBOW, Smartbow GmbH, Weibern, Austri... L. Roland, L. Lidauer, G. Sattlecker, F. Kickinger, W. Auer, V. Sturm, D. Efrosinin, M. Drillich, M. Iwersen, A. Berger

3. Evaluation of an Ear Tag Based Accelerometer for Monitoring Rumination Time, Chewing Cycles and Rumination Bouts in Dairy Cows

The objective of this study was to evaluate the ear tag based accelerometer SMARTBOW (Smartbow, Weibern, Austria) for detecting rumination time, chewing cycles and rumination bouts in dairy cows. For this, the parameters were determined by analyses of video recordings as reference and compared with the results of the accelerometer system. Additionally, the intra- and inter-observer reliability as well as the agreement of direct cow observations and video recordings was tested. Ten Simmental c... M. Iwersen, S. Reiter, V. Schweinzer, F. Kickinger, M. Öhlschuster, L. Lidauer, W. Auer, M. Drillich, A. Berger

4. Ear-Attached Accelerometer as an On-Farm Device to Predict the Onset of Calving in Dairy Cows

The objective of this study on an ear-attached accelerometer in dairy cows was (1) to determine activity, rumination and lying time of the dams prior to calving, and include group level of measured variables (2) use the data to develop an algorithm to predict calving and (3) to test the performance of this algorithm. Video observations (24h/d) were used as reference for these events. Four weeks before expected calving, an ear-tag integrated tri-axial accelerometer (SMARTBOW system) was attach... S. Krieger, M. Oczak, L. Lidauer, F. Kickinger, M. Öhlschuster, W. Auer, M. Drillich, M. Iwersen, A. Berger

5. Evaluation of the Ear-Tag Sensor System SMARTBOW for Detecting Estrus Events in Indoor Housed Dairy Cows

Livestock farming technologies have a tremendous potential to improve and support farmers in herd management decisions, in particular in reproductive management. Nowadays, estrus detection in cows is challenging and many detection tools are available. The company Smartbow (Weibern, Austria) developed a novel ear-tag sensor, which consists of a 3D-accelerometer that records head and ear movements of cows as basis for algorithm development and further analyses. Estrus detection by the SMARTBOW ... V. Schweinzer, L. Lidauer, F. Kickinger, M. Öhlschuster, W. Auer, M. Drillich, M. Iwersen, A. Berger

6. Exploring Relationships Between Dairy Herd Improvement Metrics in Minas Gerais – Brazil Dairy Herds

The objective of the present study was to apply principal component analysis (PCA) on Brazilian Dairy Herd Improvement (DHI) data to discover the subset of most meaningful variables to describe complete lactations. The Holstein Livestock Breeders Association of Minas Gerais provided data collected between 2005 and 2016 from 122 dairy farms located in the State of Minas Gerais – Brazil. Twelve numerical variables were selected from the original dataset and four additional variables were ... G.M. Dallago, D. Figueiredo, R. Santos, P. Andrade, D. Santos

7. Evaluation of a Wireless Pulse Oximeter to Measure Arterial Oxygen Saturation and Pulse Rate in Newborn Holstein Friesian Calves

Pulse oximetry is a well-established technique in nowadays human and veterinarian medicine. Also in the farm animal sector, it could be a useful tool to detect critical conditions of the oxygen supply and the cardiovascular system of the patient. However, its use in ruminant medicine is still limited to experimental application. The objective of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of a Radius-7 Wearable Pulse Oximeter (Masimo Corporation, Irvine, CA) for monitoring the vital parameters of... P. Kanz, S. Krieger, M. Drillich, M. Iwersen

8. Time Series Analysis of Somatic Cell Count from Dairy Herds in Minas Gerais - Brazil

The objective of this study was to analyze the temporal variation of somatic cell count (SCC) in milk of dairy cows from the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The Holstein Livestock Breeders Association of Minas Gerais provided data collected from 128 dairy farms located in the state of Minas Gerais between the years of 2000 and 2016. The database contains the SCC average of a total of 91,851 305-day lactations of Holstein animals. The annual SCC average was calculated as well as the percentage ... G.M. Dallago, D. Figueiredo, R. Santos, D. Santos, L. Guimarães, C. Santos, T. Castro, A. Santos, L. Otoni, J. Andrade

9. The Influence of Calf’s Sex on Total Milk Yield and Its Constituents of Dairy Cows

The objective of the present work was to evaluate the influence of the sex of the calf on total milk yield and its constituents of Holstein-Friesian dairy cows. The Holstein Livestock Breeders Association of Minas Gerais provided data collected over the years from 2000 to 2016 from 127 dairy farms located in the state of Minas Gerais – Brazil. The data set analyzed contained 61747 observations of Holstein-Friesian animals that calved female (n = 28903) or male (n = 32844) calf. Fat, pro... G.M. Dallago, D. Figueiredo, R. Santos, D. Santos, L. Barroso, G. Alves, J. Vieira, L. Guimarães, C. Santos , L. Maciel

10. Economic Evaluation of Automatic Heat Detection Systems in Dairy Farming

Although heat detection makes a relevant contribution to good reproduction performance of dairy cattle, available studies on the economic evaluations of automatic heat detection systems are limited. Therefore, the objective of this article is to provide an economic evaluation of using automatic heat detection. The effect of different heat detection rates on gross margin is modelled with SimHerd (SimHerd A/S, Denmark). The analysis considers all additional investment costs in automatic heat de... J. Pfeiffer, M. Gandorfer, J.F. Ettema

11. The Spread of Precision Livestock Farming Technology at Dairy Farms in East Hungary

During the survey, 25 dairy farms were examined in East Hungary in Hajdú-Bihar (H-B) County between 2017 and 2018 by methodical observation and oral interviews with the farm managers, about the spread of Precision Livestock Farming (PLF) technologies. Among Holstein Friesian dairy farms in the County 60% were questioned, and the representativity was above 47 percent ins each size category. Nine precision farming equipment were examined on the farms: milking robot or robotic carousel mi... C. Nándor, T. Rátonyi, E. Harsányi, P. Ragán, Z. Hagymássy, J. Nagy, A. Vántus

12. Usage of Milk Revenue Per Minute of Boxtime to Assess Cows Selection and Farm Profitability in Automatic Milking Systems

The number of farms implementing robotic milking systems, usually referred as automatic milking systems (AMS), is increasing rapidly. AMS efficiency is a priority to achieve high milk production and higher incomes from dairy herds. Recent studies suggested that milkability (i.e., amount of milk produced per total time spent in the AMS [kg milk/ minute of boxtime]) could be used for as a criteria for genetic evaluations. Therefore, an indicator of milkability was developed, which combines econ... L. Fadul-pacheco, G. Bisson, R. Lacroix, M. Séguin, R. Roy, E. Vasseur, D. Lefebvre

13. Relationships Between First Test Day Metrics of First Lactation Cows to Evaluate Transition Period

The objective of this study was to apply principal component analysis (PCA) and multiple correspondence analysis (MCA) on Dairy Herd Improvement (DHI) data of animals on their first lactation to discover the most meaningful set of variables that describe the outcome on the first test day. Data collected over 4 years were obtained from 13 dairy herds located in Québec – Canada. The data set was filtered to contain only information from first test day of animals on their first lact... G.M. Dallago, D. Figueiredo, R. Santos, P. Andrade, D.E. Santschi, R. Lacroix, D.M. Lefebvre

14. Feature Extraction from Radial Descriptor Lines for Body Condition Scoring of Cows

Body condition score (BCS) is considered as one of the most important indices for managing dairy cows, which is used to evaluate fat cover and changes in body condition. Dairy farmers should be aware of their cows BCS to be able to identify the patient cows on time and manage diets when needed. In this study, we have introduced a new index which uses Radial Descriptor Lines (RDL) for BC scoring. Based on the fact that the fatter the cow the smoother the back surface, we hypothesised that the ... A. Jafari, F. Karimi, A. Werner, S. Ghoreishi, S. Kargar

15. Dynamic Feeding Intake Monitoring in Growing-Finishing Pigs Reared Under Precision Feeding Strategies

Pigs exposed to challenges with no prior experience change their daily feeding intake pattern. A method identifying deviations from normal feeding patterns could be used to develop a model framework to estimate individual nutrient requirements of challenged pigs fed with precision feeding systems. The objective of this study was to develop a tool for early identification of feed intake deviations in precision fed growing-finishing pigs. Feed intake measurements collected during 84 d in 126 gr... L. Hauschild, A.R. Kristensen, I. Andretta, C. Pomar, A. Remus

16. Precision Feeding Can Significantly Reduce Lysine Intake and Nitrogen Excretion Without Compromising the Performance of Growing Pigs

The impact of using a mathematical model estimating real-time daily lysine requirements in a sustainable precision feeding program for growing pigs was investigated in two performance trials. Three treatments were tested in the first trial (60 pigs of 41.2±0.5 kg): a three-phase feeding program (3P) obtained by blending fixed proportions of feeds A (high nutrient concentration) and B (low nutrient concentration); and two daily-phase feeding programs in which the blended proportions of ... C. Pomar, I. Andretta, J. Rivest, L. Hauschild, J. Pomar

17. Environmental Impacts of Precision Feeding Programs Applied in Brazilian Pig Production

This study was undertaken to evaluate the effect that switching from conventional to precision feeding systems during the growing-finishing phase would have on the potential environmental impact of Brazilian pig production. Standard life-cycle assessment procedures were used, with a cradle-to-farm gate boundary. The inputs and outputs of each interface of the life cycle were organized in a model. Grain production was independently characterized in the Central-West and South regions of Brazil,... C. Pomar, I. Andretta, L. Hauschild, M. Kipper, P.S. Pires