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Machine Vision / Multispectral & Hyperspectral Imaging Applications to Precision Agriculture
Food Security and Precision Agriculture
Engineering Technologies and Advances
Precision Crop Protection
Land Improvement and Conservation Practices
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Abbas, A
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Engineering Technologies and Advances
Precision Crop Protection
Machine Vision / Multispectral & Hyperspectral Imaging Applications to Precision Agriculture
Land Improvement and Conservation Practices
Food Security and Precision Agriculture
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Filter results50 paper(s) found.

1. Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM) Based Citrus Greening Disease Detection Using Airborne Hyperspectral Imaging

Over the past two decades, hyperspectral (HS) imaging has provided remarkable performance in ground objects classification and disease identification, due to its high spectral resolution. In this paper, a novel method named ‘extended spectral angle mapping (ESAM)’ is proposed to detect citrus greening disease (Huanglongbing or HLB), which is a destructive disease of citrus. Firstly, Savitzky-Golay smoothing filter was applied to the raw image to remove spectral noise within the da... W. Lee, K. Wang, H. Li, R. Ehsani, C. Yang

2. A 3-D Stereovision Simulator for Centrifugal Fertilizer Granule Spreading

... J. Vangeyte, F. Cointault, M. Paindavoine, J. Pieters, B. Hijazi

3. Validation of Modicovi - Monocot and Dicot Coverage Ratio Vision Based Method for Real Time Estimation Canopy Coverage Ratio between Cereal Crops and Dicotyledon Weeds

... H.S. Midtiby, R.N. Jørgensen, N. Krüger, M.S. Laursen

4. Evaluating Spectral Measures Derived From Airborne Multispectral Imagery for Detecting Cotton Root Rot

Cotton root rot, caused by the soilborne fungus Phymatotrichopsis omnivore, is one of the most destructive plant diseases occurri... C. Yang, G.N. Odvody, C.J. Fernandez, J.A. Landivar, R.L. Nichols

5. A Method for Combining Spatial and Hyperspectral Information for Delineation of Homogenous Management Zones

Hyperspectral (HS) remote sensing is a constantly developing field. New remote sensing applications of different fields constantly appear. The possibility of acquisition information about an object without physical contact is spanning new opportunities in many fields and for precision agricultural in particular. These opportunities demand constant improvement and development of new analysis approaches and algorith... Y. Cohen, V. Alchanatis, O. Levi, S. Cohen

6. In-field Plant Phenotyping Using Multi-view Reconstruction: an Investigation in Eggplant

Rapid methods for plant phenotyping are a growing need in agricultural research to help accelerate improvements in crop performance in order to facilitate more efficient utilization of plant genome sequences and the corresponding advancements in associated methods of genetic improvement. Manual plant phenotyping is time-consuming, laborious, frequently subjective, and often destructive. There is a need for building field-deployable systems with advanced sensors that have both high-speed and h... T. Nguyen, D. Slaughter, B. Townsley, L. Carriedo, J. Maloof, N. Sinha

7. Use of Satellite Data to Improve Damage Assessment Process for Agricultural Insurance Scheme in Indonesia

Goal is to develop new method utilizing satellite data for assessment of damage in paddy field which can contribute toward substantial reduction of the damage assessment time and costs in framework of agricultural insurance in Indonesia. For the damage assessment, estimation of yield in each paddy plot is a key, so the research on the estimation of rice yield was carried out using satellite data which was acquired in harvesting season. Multiple linear regression analysis was conducted for the... C. Hongo, C. Ogasawara, E. Tamura, G. Sigit

8. A Harvesting Robot System for Fresh Cherry Tomato in Greenhouse

In order to improve the , a new harvesting robot system for cherry tomato was designed and tested, which mainly consisted of a railed-type vehicle, a visual servo unit, a manipulator, a picking end-effector, and other accessories. According to the greenhouse environment and the standard planting mode, the robot configuration was determined, whose operating space could be adjusted horizontally and vertically in order to enlarge the harvesting range. Besides, a harvested fruits automatic transp... F. Qingchun, W. Xiu, W. Xiaonan, W. Guohua

9. Field Tests and Improvement of Sensor and Control Interface Modules with Improved Compatibility for Greenhouses

Number of greenhouses has been increased in many countries to control the cultivation conditions and improve crop yield and quality. Recently, various sensors and control devices, and also wireless communication tools have been adopted for efficient monitoring and control of the greenhouse environments. However, there have been farmers’ demands for improved compatibility among the sensors and control devices. In the study, sensor and control interface modules with improved compatibility... K. Han, S. Chung

10. The Device of Air-assisted Side Deep Precision Fertilization for Rice Transplanter

Rice is the most important crop in China, which has the largest plant area. Fertilization is an important process of rice production, which directly affects the yield of crops, reasonable and effective use of chemical fertilizer can improve the yield of crops. At present, the mechanization level of rice fertilization is very low in China, and the artificial fertilization requires a large amount of fertilizer which caused the uneven distribution. The rice side deep fertilizing is an ideal way ... C. Zhao, G. Wu, Z. Meng, W. Fu, L. Li, X. Wei

11. Design of a Greenhouse Monitoring System Based on GSM Technologies

Nowadays, internet and mobile technologies are developing and being used in everyday life. Systems based on mobile technologies and IoT (Internet of Things) are being popular in every area of life and science. Innovative IoT applications are helping to increase the quality, quantity, sustainability and cost effectiveness of agricultural production. In this study; a system which monitors temperature, relative humidity and PAR (Photosynthetically Active Radiation) and warns the farmer... G.T. Seyhan, U. Yegul, M. Ayık

12. Steering Strategy Selection of a Robotic Platform for Bin Management in Orchard Environment

For a robotic bin-managing system working in an orchard environment, especially in modern narrow row spaced orchards in the Pacific Northwest (PNW) region of the U.S., path planning is an essential function to achieve highly efficient bin management. Unlike path planning for a car-like vehicle in an open field, path planning for a four-wheel-independent-steered (4WIS) robotic bin-managing platform in orchard environment is much more challenging due to the very confined working space between t... Y. Ye, L. He, Q. Zhang

13. Evaluation of a Seed-fertilizer Application System Using a Laser Scanner

The system evaluated is a design that combines planter and sprayer technologies to allow clients to plant crops while simultaneously spraying initial fertilizer on or in close proximity to the seed.  The system is an idea Capstan Ag Systems has been pursuing for around 15 years, and has recently been revived in a partnership with Great Plains Manufacturing Company.  Great Plains Manufacturing released the final product under the name AccushotTM at the 201... P. Weckler, N. Wang, C. Zhai, L. Zhang, B. Luo, J. Long, R. Taylor

14. Development of Land Leveling Equipment Based on GNSS

An attitude adjustable land leveling equipment was designed. The reference elevation of the land to be leveled was generated based on the topographic data which was acquired by the RTK-GNSS technology. The blade lifting mechanism was controlled by comparing the reference elevation and the real-time blade’s elevation and attitude data which was obtained by the dual antenna GNSS receiver and as a result the land leveling operation was implemented. A new algorithm using the electro-hydraul... W. Fu, G. Wu, H. Bao, X. Wei, Z. Meng

15. Static and Kinematic Tests for Determining Spreaders Effective Width

Spinner box spreaders are intensively used in Brazil for variable rate applications of lime in agriculture. The control of that operation is a challenging issue because of the complexity involved on the interactions between product and machine. Quantification of transverse distribution of solids thrown from the spinner box spreaders involves dynamic conditions tests where the material deposited on trays is evaluated along the pass of the machinery. There is a need of alternative testing metho... L. Maldaner, T. Canata, J. Molin, B. Passalaqua, J.J. Quirós

16. Helvis - a Small-scale Agricultural Mobile Robot Prototype for Precision Agriculture

The use of agricultural robots is emerging in a complex scenario where it is necessary to produce more food to feed a crescent population, decrease production costs, fight plagues and diseases, and preserve nature. Around the world, there are many research institutes and companies trying to apply mobile robotics techniques in agricultural fields. Mostly, large prototypes are being used and their shapes and dimensions are very similar to tractors and trucks. In the present study, a small-scale... M. Becker, A.E. Velasquez, H.B. Guerrero, V.A. Higuti, D.M. Milori, D.V. Magalhães

17. Simulation of Curiosity and Exo Mars Rovers on Agriculture Terrain

Improving agricultural productivity is one of the biggest challenges Agriculture and Engineering face. A possible solution is the creation of soil databases and/or maps to apply precision agriculture techniques, aiming to produce more in the same land, using less agricultural supplies. This practice may be developed with the help of rovers applied to e.g. agricultural data collect, mapping, scouting and supply tasks. However, the rover needs to move and adapt to the terrain to obtain a real a... J.F. Archila-diaz, M. Becker

18. Development of a Crop Edge Line Detection Algorithm Using a Laser Scanner for an Autonomous Combine Harvester

The high cost of real-time kinematic (RTK) differential GPS units required for autonomous guidance of agricultural machinery has limited their use in practical auto-guided systems especially applicable to small-sized farming conditions. A laser range finder (LRF) scanner system with a pan-tilt unit (PTU) has the ability to create a 3D profile of objects with a high level of accuracy by scanning their surroundings in a fan shape based on the time-of-flight measurement principle. This paper des... C. Jeon, H. Kim, X. Han, H. Moon

19. Post Processing Software for Grain Yield Monitoring System Suitable to Korean Full-feed Combines

Precision agriculture (PA) has been adopted in many countries and crop and country specific technologies have been implemented for different crops and agricultural practices. Although PA technologies have been developed mainly in countries such as USA, Europe, Australia, where field sizes are large, need of PA technologies has been also drawn in countries such as Japan and Korea, where field sizes are relatively small (about 1 ha). Although principles are similar, design concept and practical... K. Lee, S. Chung, J. Lee, S. Kim, Y. Kim, M. Choi

20. The Methods and Applications of Artificial Intelligence Used in the Technologies of Precision Agriculture

The methods and applications of artificial intelligence more and more are linking with technologies of precision agriculture. The classical and modern approaches to artificial intelligence used for problem solving in the technologies of precision agriculture. Searching methods include uninformed and informed search methods which is better way to achieve optimality. Expert systems are typical classical approaches to artificial intelligence and they can be applied for problem solutions. Decisio... A. Gailums

21. Open Data for Food Quality and Food Security Control: a Case Study of the Czech Republic

Food quality and food security is of a high public interest in the European Union. In the Czech Republic, food quality and food security is under control of three different public authorities: the Czech Trade Inspection Authority (CTIA) that is affiliated with the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic, the Czech Agriculture and Food Inspection Authority (CAFIA) that is affiliated with the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic and the regional network of hygienic station... M. Ulman, M. Stoces, J. Jarolimek, P. Simek

22. Misalignment Between Sugar Cane Transshipment Trailers and Tractor

Sugarcane production system is dependent on a continuous cutting and regrowth of cane plants from their roots, on which traffic should be avoided to ensure the physiological integrity of regrowth and productivity.  This need for accuracy in sugarcane machine traffic boosted the adoption of automated steering systems, especially on harvesters. Tractors with the transshipment trailers, which continually accompany the harvesters in the field, yet do not adopt it or use technology with lower... B.P. Passalaqua, J. Molin, J. Salvi, A.P. Aguilera

23. A Dynamic Variable Rate Irrigation Control System

Currently variable rate irrigation (VRI) prescription maps used to apply water differentially to irrigation management zones (IMZs) are static.  They are developed once and used thereafter and thus do not respond to environmental variables which affect soil moisture conditions.  Our approach for creating dynamic prescription maps is to use soil moisture sensors to estimate the amount of irrigation water needed to return each IMZ to an ideal soil moisture condition.  The UGA Sma... G. Vellidis, V. Liakos, W. Porter, X. Liang, M.A. Tucker

24. Field Sampling and Electrochemical Detection of Nitrate in Agricultural Soils

Nitrate is an essential plant nutrient and is added to farm fields to increase crop yields. While the addition of nitrate is important for production, over-fertilization with nitrate can lead to leaching and contamination of water bodies. Increased nitrate loading in water sources then leads to eutrophication and hypoxia in downstream regions. Many efforts are being made to accurately control nitrate fertilizer additions to fields. Here, we present a soil sampling device that directly samples... J. Brockgreitens, M. Bui, A. Abbas, D. Mulla

25. Value of Map Sharing Between Multiple Vehicles Using Automated Section Control in the Same Field

Large area farms and even moderate sized farms employing custom applicators and harvesters have multiple machines in the same field at the same time conducting the same field operation.  As a method to control input costs and minimize application overlap, these machines have been equipped with automatic section control (ASC). Over application is a concern especially for more irregularly shaped fields; however modern technology including automated guidance combined with automatic section ... J. Bennett, C. Wilson, A. Sharda, T. Griffin

26. Evaluation of a Sensor and Control Interface Module for Monitoring of Greenhouse Environment

Protected horticulture in greenhouses and plant factories has been increased in many countries due to the advantages of year-round production in controlled environment for improved productivity and quality. For protected horticulture, environmental conditions are monitored and controlled through wired and wireless devices. Various devices are used for monitoring and control of spatial and temporal variability in crop growth environmental conditions. Recently, various sensors and control devic... N. Sung, S. Chung, Y. Kim, K. Han, J. Choi, J. Kim, Y. Cho, S. Jang

27. Real-time Gauge Wheel Load Variability on Planter with Downforce Control During Field Operation

Downforce control allows planters to maintain gauge wheel load across a range of soil resistance within a field. Downforce control is typically set for a target seed depth and either set to manually or automatically control the gauge wheel load. This technology uses load cells to actively regulate downforce on individual row units by monitoring target load on the gauge wheels. However, no studies have been conducted to evaluate the variability in gauge wheel load observed during planter opera... A. Sharda, S. Badua, D. Flippo, I. Ciampitti, T.W. Griffin

28. Design of VAV System of Air Assisted Sprayer in Orchard and Experimental Study in China

One type of new automatic target detecting based on size of canopy with variable chemical dosage and air-flow of fan orchard sprayer was designed and developed to meet the demand of chemical pest control in orchards. Canopy parameter data scanned by infrared sensors and LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) were used to detect the target and to design spraying algorithm and PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) control system. Four integrated five-finger atomizers were equipped on each side of sprayer, ... H. Xiongkui, L. Longlong, S. Jianli, Z. Aijun, L. Yajia

29. Automated Support Tool for Variable Rate Irrigation Prescriptions

Variable rate irrigation (VRI) enables center pivot management to better meet non-uniform water and fertility needs. This is accomplished through correctly matching system water application with spatial and temporal variability within the field. A computer program was modified to accommodate GIS data layers of grid-based field soil texture properties and fertility needs in making management decisions. The program can automatically develop a variable rate application prescription along the lat... A.T. Nguyen, A.L. Thompson, K.A. Sudduth, E.D. Vories, A.T. Nguyen

30. Experimental Study Using Wind Tunnel for Measuring Variability of Spray Drift Sedimentation

Spray drift is defined as physical movement of pesticides by air action as a particle droplet and is not deposited on the intended target. Evaluation of the parameters affecting on spray drift is difficult. The accurate studies are expensive, as well as, the variability is high under field conditions due to instability in wind speed and turbulence. Wind tunnel experiments are adequate to simulate the results of field measurements for spray drift. A laboratory experiments were carried out to s... M.H. Alheidary, J. Douzals, C. Sinfort

31. Rapid Identification of Mulberry Leaf Pests Based on Near Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging

As one of the most common mulberry pests, Diaphania pyloalis Walker (Lepidoptera: Pyralididae) has occurred and damaged in the main sericulture areas of China. Naked eye observation, the most dominating method identifying the damage of Diaphania pyloalis, is time-wasting and labor consuming. In order to improve the identification and diagnosis efficiency and avoid the massive outbreak of Diaphania pyloalis, near infrared (NIR) hyperspectral imaging technology combined with partial least discr... L. Yang, L. Huang, L. Meng, J. Wang, D. Wu, X. Fu, S. Li

32. Optimum Spatial Resolution for Precision Weed Management

The occurrence and number of herbicide-resistant weeds in the world has increased in recent years. Controlling these weeds becomes more difficult and raises production costs. Precision spraying technologies have been developed to overcome this challenge. However, these systems still have relatively high acquisition cost, requiring studies of the relation between the spatial distribution of weeds and the economically optimum spatial resolution of the control method. In this context, the object... R.G. Trevisan, M.T. Eitelwein, M.N. Ferraz, T.R. Tavares, J.P. Molin, D.C. Neves

33. Real-Time Control of Spray Drop Application

Electrostatic application of spray drops provides unique opportunities to precisely control the application of pesticides due to the additional electrostatic force on the spray drops, in addition to the normally seen forces of aerodynamic drag, gravity, and inertia. In this work, we develop a computational model to predict the spray drop trajectories. The model is validated through experiments with high speed photography of spray drop trajectories, and quantification of which trajectories lea... S. Post, M. Jermy, P. Gaynor, N. Kabaliuk, A. Werner

34. Spatial Variability of Optimized Herbicide Mixtures and Dosages

Driven by 25 years of Danish, political 'pesticide action plans', aiming at reducing the use of pesticides, a Danish Decision Support System (DSS) for Integrated Weed Management (IWM) has been constructed. This online tool, called ‘IPMwise’ is now in its 4th generation. It integrates the 8 general IPM-principles as defined by the EU. In Denmark, this DSS includes 30 crops, 105 weeds and full assortments of herbicides. Due to generic qualities in both the integrat... P. Rydahl, R.N. Jorgensen, M. Dyrmann, N. Jensen, M.D. Sorensen, O.M. Bojer, P. Andersen

35. Detecting Basal Stem Rot (BSR) Disease at Oil Palm Tree Using Thermal Imaging Technique

Basal stem rot (BSR), caused by Ganoderma boninense is known as the most damaging disease in oil palm plantations in Southeast Asia. Ganoderma could reduce the productivity of oil palm plantations and potentially reduce the market value of palm oil in Malaysia. Early disease management of Ganoderma could prevent production losses and reduce the cost of plantation management. This study focuses on identifying the thermal properties of healthy and BSR-infected tree using a thermal ima... S. Bejo, G. Abdol lajis, S. Abd aziz, I. Abu seman, T. Ahamed

36. Organic Nitrogen Uptake: A Novel Pathway to Improve Nitrogen Use Efficiency and Crop Productivity

Formulation of amino acid N fertilizer and uptake of organic N by plants has the ability not only to ensure N availability to plants particularly in N-limiting environments but also can manipulate the environmental hazards associated with over inorganic N fertilization. To support this view, clear experimental evidence is still lacking. In addition, the current experiments aimed to evaluate the uptake of organic N (Amino acid based N fertilizer) by plants in comparison with inorganic fertiliz... K. Ali, D.L. Jones, M. Arif

37. Characterization of Soil Properties, Nutrient Distribution and Rice (Oryza Sativa.) Productivity As Influenced by Tillage Methods in a Typical Gleysols

Global emphasis and interest in conservation Tillage in agricultural soils has tremendously increased in the last few years, especially no tillage with its potential to improve soil physicochemical properties, reduce nutrient leaching as well as improve crop productivity in a more sustainable manner.  Several questions still exist with regard to the true role of no tillage in improving soil fertility. A two year field study was conducted to characterize the effects of different tillage m... F. Issaka, L. Yongtao, L. Jiuhao, M.M. Buri, E. Asenso, A. Sheka kanu, Z. Zhao

38. Africa Regional Meeting

... K.A. Frimpong

39. Asia and Oceania Regional Meeting

... S.K. Balasundram

40. Europe Regional Meeting

... E. Gil

41. Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Meeting

... R.A. Ortega

42. North America Regional Meeting

Agenda: to discuss PA topics of common interest; to examine potential contributions of country representatives to the ISPA; to formulate suggestions to be examined by the Board for the development of the ISPA.   For your information: What do country representatives do? The intent of Country Representatives is to have champions of ISPA spread all over the world. Country Representativ... A. Cambouris, K.A. Sudduth

43. On-Farm Experimentation Community Meeting

Meeting Agenda: Updates for the OFE-C Newsletters  Increased membership Conference  Global OFE Network (GOFEN) Scientists AND Farmers Global Directory Discussion points OFE-C Outreach Country reps for the OFE-C / Entry point... L. Longchamps

44. Precision Nitrogen Management Community Meeting

Agenda Welcome to the meeting participants by Dr. Brenda Ortiz (Professor at Auburn University) 2022-2024 community leader and incoming leader Dr. Laila Puntel (Syngenta). Brief update of activities and opportunities for the upcoming years (Brenda Ortiz) Strategies to assess precision nutrient management educational needs and networking opportunities among community members and ISPA in general. Discuss possibilities for colla... B.V. Ortiz, L.A. Puntel

45. Precision Agriculture Economics, Profitability, Adoption, and Risk Community Meeting

Agenda Update on Community Activities Update on membership Announcement and introduction of incoming Deputy Leader Discussion points GIATE Symposium session Other activities AOB ... K. Behrendt, M. Michels

46. African Association for Precision Agriculture Community Meeting

... K.A. Frimpong, V. Aduramigba-modupe, N. Fassinou hotegni

47. Sentinel Fertigation - Sponsor Presentation

Sentinel’s N-Time software leverages imagery and agronomic data to provide nitrogen application scheduling and rate recommendations to agronomists and farmers. Recommendations from the system have demonstrated profitability improvements of $24/ac and Nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) improvements of 30% in on-farm research studies since 2021. This presentation will discuss the function of N-Time, highlight the advantages of the management system it enables, and briefly discuss on-farm resea... J. Stansell

48. National Agricultural Producers Data Cooperative - Sponsor Presentation

... B.E. Craker

49. TEG Automation Solutions - Sponsor Presentation

... V. Oliveira

50. Oklahoma State University Department of Plant and Soil Sciences - Sponsor Presentation

... R. Sharry