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Precision Crop Protection
Modeling and Geo-statistics
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Aberger, C
Bao, Y
Barreto, A.R
Basso, B
Been, T
Bodson, B
Bremer, E
Burns, J
Cerri, D.G
Chen, J
Chen, N
Chou, T
Cosby, A.M
Dammer, K
Dehne, H
Deng, W
Destain, J
Destain, M
Dumont, B
Elshafie, A
Evert, F.V
Falzon, G
Federle, C
Feldhaus, J
Feng, L
Ferrandis Vallterra, S
Figueredo, D.G
Franco, H.C
Gómez, S
Golla, B
Greer, K
Griffin, T.W
Hartmann, B
He, Y
Heijting, S
Huang, Y
Isakeit, T
Jian, S
Jiang, L
Jonsson, A
Kamel, N.N
Karkee, M
Kempenaar, C
Kempenaar, C
Khalid, M.B
Kleinhenz, B
Kodaira, M
Lamb, D
Langrock, M
Leemans, V
Leite, N.J
Leithold, P
Li, Q
Liu, F
Ma, W
Magalhães, P.S
Martini, D
Mederos, B.T
Minzenmayer, R.R
Monfort, W.S
Nichols, R.L
Odvody, G.N
Oerke, E
Ohaba, M
Powell, K
Röhrig, M
Rodrigues Jr., F.A
Rothrock, C.S
Santiago, W.E
Scheiber, M
Schneider, D
Sharaf, S
Sharda, A
Shibusawa, S
Spurlock, T.N
Stanley, J
Steiner, U
Thomasson, A
Tinini, R.C
Trotter, M
Vancutsem, F
Volk, T
Wagner, P
Wallenhammar, A
Wang, X
Wang, X
Xiu, W
Yan, Z.D
Yang, C
Yeh, M
Yousef, D.A
Zainal Abidin, M.B
Zhang, Q
Zhao, C
Precision Crop Protection
Modeling and Geo-statistics
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Filter results22 paper(s) found.

1. Using Soil Attributes To Model Sugar Cane Quality Parameters

The crop area of sugar cane production in Brazil has increased substantially in the last few years, especially to meet the global bioethanol demand. Such increasing production should take place not only in new sugar cane crop areas but mainly with the goal of improving the quality of raw material like sugar content (Pol). Hence, models that can describe the behaviour of the quality parameters of sugar cane may be important to understand the effects of the soil attributes on those parameters. ... F.A. Rodrigues jr., P.S. Magalhães, H.C. Franco, D.G. Cerri

2. Statistical Procedure to Compare Farming Procedures with the Observation of Spatial Trends and Correlations in On-Farm Research

Modern management and machines have been introduced on a demonstration farm in Ganhe (China). This has led to new methods of cultivation with effects on yields, cost structure and thus also on the economic success of the farm. These effects should be tested with the help of an on-farm trial. The cultivation methods differed in the equipment used, plant protection and fertilisation strategies. In contrast to classical field trials, normal working practice farm machinery and fields are used in ... P. Wagner, M. Langrock

3. Assessing the Potential of an Algorithm Based On Mean Climatic Data to Predict Wheat Yield

In crop yield prediction, the unobserved future weather remains the key point of predictions. Since weather forecasts are limited in time, a large amount of information may come from the analysis of past weather data. Mean data over the past years and stochastically generated data are two possible ways to compensate the lack of future data. This research aims to demonstrate that it is possible to p... F. Vancutsem, V. Leemans, S. Ferrandis vallterra, B. Bodson, J. Destain, M. Destain, B. Dumont

4. Transient Water Flow Model in a Soil-Plant System for Subsurface Precision Irrigation

The spatial variability of plant-water characteristic in the soil is still unclear. This limits the attempt to model the soil-plant-atmosphere system with this factor. Understanding the non-steady water flow along the soil-plant component is essential to understand their spatial variabili... M.B. Zainal abidin, S. Shibusawa, M. Ohaba, Q. Li, M. Kodaira, M.B. Khalid

5. Evaluation of PRS(TM) Probe Technology and Model for Variable Rate Fertilizer Application in Hummocky Fields in Saskatchewan

... K. Greer, J. Burns, E. Bremer

6. A High-Reliability Database-Supported Modular Precision Irrigation System

Title of Abstract:          A High-Reliability Database-Supported Modular Precision Irrigation System Authors of Abstract:     N. Kamel1, S. Sharaf1, A. El-Shafei... S. Sharaf, A. Elshafie, N.N. Kamel, D.A. Yousef

7. I-SALUS: New Web Based Spatial Systems for Simulating Crop Yield and Environmental Impact

  SALUS (System Approach to Land Use Sustainability) model is designed to simulate the impact of agronomic management on yield and environmental impact. SALUS model has new approaches and algorithms for simulating soil carbon, nitrogen, phosphorous, tillage, soil water balance and yield components. In the past, the use of the crop model was not easy for genera... T. Chou, M. Yeh, J. Chen, B. Basso

8. Development Of Variable Rate System For Soil Disinfection Based On Injection Technique

Abstract:  A variable rate system injection of soil pesticide was developed for control of soil pesticide amount by PWM. The paper analyzes the input and output conditions of control system, and designed hardware, algorithm and control of soil pesticide, mainly software flow and a feedback control way. In the paper, the variable-rate control system consisted of time delay, interface module, micro controller, speed sensor, PWM valve, and hyd... W. Ma, X. Wang

9. Perspectives For Site Specific Application Of Soil Herbicides In Arable Farming

Soil herbicides kill plants via root uptake. The use of soil herbicides can be made more sustainable by adjusting the dosage to the local soil condition. This so called Variable Rate Application (VRA) is the core of Precision Farming. Soil herbicides often play an important role in weed control strategies in conventional arable farming. Broad field uniform application is by far the most common application method. However, with increasing advances in sensing and ... S. Heijting, C. Kempenaar

10. Using Airborne Imagery To Monitor Cotton Root Rot Infection Before And After Fungicide Treatment

Cotton root rot, caused by the soilborne fungus Phymatotrichopsis omnivore, is a severe soilborne disease that has affected cotton production for over a century. Recent research has shown that a commercial fungicide, flutriafol, has potential for the control of this disease. To effectively and economically control this disease, it is necessary to identify infected areas within the field so that variable rate technology can be used to apply fungicide only to th... C. Yang, G.N. Odvody, R.R. Minzenmayer, R.L. Nichols, T. Isakeit, A. Thomasson

11. Weed Identification From Seedling Cabbages Using Visible And Near-Infrared Spectrum Analysis

Target identification is one of the main research content and also a key point in precision crop protection. The main purpose of the study is to choose the characteristic wavelengths (CW for short) to classify the cabbages and the weeds at their seedling stage using different data analysis methods. Using a handheld full-spectrum FieldSpec-FR, the canopies of the seedling plants, cabbage ‘8398, cabbage ‘zhonggan’, Barnyard grass, green foxtail, goosegr... W. Deng, X. Wang, C. Zhao, Y. Huang

12. Pesticide Application Manager (PAM) - Decision Support In Crop Protection Based On Terrain-, Machine-, Business- And Public Data

Introduction   Pesticide Application Manager (PAM) is a project, co-financed by the German Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE) that aims to develop solutions for automating important processes in crop protection.   Due to a series of rules and legal requirements for planning, implementation and documentation, crop protection is one of the ... B. Kleinhenz, M. Röhrig, M. Scheiber, J. Feldhaus, B. Hartmann, B. Golla, C. Federle , D. Martini

13. Fungiprecise - A German Project For Precise Real-Time Fungicide Application In Winter Wheat

Regarding to real-time or online technologies in recent years, new technologies has been introduced into practical farming especially in the field of nitrogen application. These technologies are based on sensors mainly detecting the canopy reflectance. In the field of plant protection, although few sensor-based real-time technologies in weed control and growth regulator application are marked available, solutions for fungicide application are mostly missing currently. Amongst ot... P. Leithold, T. Volk, K. Dammer

14. Thermal Sensing Of Roses Affected By Downy Mildew

Downy mildew caused by the oomycete Peronospora sparsa affects roses and is a serious problem in nurseries and cut roses in commercial greenhouses, especially in those without heating systems. The disease, which affects the quality and the yield of roses, develops fast under suitable environmental conditions. Currently it is controlled mainly by the application of foliar fungicides and removal of symptomatic plant material due to the limited availability of resistant cu... E. Oerke , H. Dehne, S. Gómez, U. Steiner

15. Recognition And Classification Of Weeds In Sugarcane Using The Technique Of The Bag Of Words

The production of sugar and ethanol in Brazil is very prominent economically and the reducing costs and improving the production system being necessary. The management crops operations of sugarcane and the control of weed is one of the processes that cause the greatest increase in production costs; because the competition that exists between cane plants and weed, for water, nutrients and sunlight is big, contribute to the loss of up to 20% of the useful cane. The use of image processing ... W.E. Santiago, A.R. Barreto, D.G. Figueredo, R.C. Tinini, B.T. Mederos, N.J. Leite

16. Diagnosis Of Sclerotinia Infected Oilseed Rape (Brassica Napus L) Using Hyperspectral Imaging And Chemomtrics

 Abstract: Brassica napus L leaf diseases could cause seriously reduction in crop yield and quality. Early diagnosis of Brassica napus L leaf diseases plays a vital role in Brassica napus L growth. To explore an effective methodology for diagnosis of Sclerotinia infected Brassica napus L plants, healthy Brassica napus L leaves and Brassica napus L leaves infected by Sclerotinia were prepared in a controlled circumstance. A visible/short-wave near infrared hyperspect... N. Chen, F. Liu, L. Jiang, L. Feng, Y. He, Y. Bao

17. Effect Of Time Of Application On Spray Coverage Using Solid Set Canopy Delivery System

Permanent or solid set canopy delivery system can be used for foliar application in tree fruit orchards. The emitters are placed along the tree rows and are very close to tree canopy. During spray application droplets quickly get deposited on tree canopy and coverage of up to 90% could be achieved. However concerns still exist regarding critical time required to achieve target coverage using SSCD system. This knowledge of selecting an appropriate application time could help grow... M. Karkee, Q. Zhang, A. Sharda

18. A Portable Instrument For Recognition Of Farm Weeds And Management Of Chemical Spray

With the information technology being popularization and application and farmers’ knowledge level being increase in China, smartphone has been accepted by peasants used as terminal of information collection and query. Recently, because of the serious diseases and insect pests, it is impossible to prevent and control these disasters when we only rely on grassroots staffs’ investigation or professors’ instruction. If each of these farmers distributed in all of the country... S. Jian, W. Xiu, Z.D. Yan

19. Biological Soil Mapping - Infesttion By Plasmodiophora Brassicae And Soil Characteristics

Clubroot, caused by Plasmodiophora brassicae, is a soilborne pathogen that causes severe yield losses in many Brassica crops. It is a increasing problem in many Brassica growing countries. The spores survive for 15-20 years and might cause significant yield losses (>10%), already when 20% of plant are infected. An infestation with a couple of thousands spores/g soil is considered to have the potential to give such significant losses... C. Aberger, A. Wallenhammar, A. Jonsson

20. Disease Scouting For Aerial Blight Based On Logical Areas Of Collection In Soybean Fields Rotated With Rice

Rhizoctonia solani AG1-IA causes sheath blight in rice and aerial blight in soybean.  In Arkansas, rice and soybean rotations facilitate a continuous source of R. solani AG1-IA inoculum from one year to the next.    Aerial blight is a two stage disease where colonization of the plant occurs during the early vegetative growth stages and aerial blight symptoms occur during the reproductive growth stages after canopy closure.  At canopy cl... C.S. Rothrock, W.S. Monfort, T.W. Griffin, T.N. Spurlock

21. Use Of Vegetation Indices In Variable Rate Application Of Potato Haulm Killing Herbicides

Variable rate application (VRA) of pesticides based on measured spatial variation in crop biomass is possible with currently available crop reflection sensors (remote and proximity), GNSS technology and modern field sprayers. VRA has the potential to contribute to a more sustainable use of pesticide. Dose rates are optimized based on local requirements at a scale of about 5-50 m2, leading to less adverse side effects, less costs and higher yields. In the longer term, ... C. Kempenaar, T. Been, F.V. Evert

22. Using A Decision Tree To Predict The Population Density Of Redheaded Cockchafer (Adoryphorus Couloni) In Dairy Fields

A native soil dwelling insect pest, the redheaded cockchafer (Adoryphorus couloni) (Burmeister) (RHC) is an important pest in the higher rainfall regions of south-eastern Australia. Due to the majority of its lifecycle spent underground feeding on the roots and soil organic matter the redheaded cockchafer is difficult to detect and control. The ability to predict the level of infestation and location of redheaded cockchafers in a field may give producers the option to use an endophyte co... A. Cosby, G. Falzon, M. Trotter, J. Stanley, K. Powell, D. Schneider, D. Lamb