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Precision Crop Protection
Data Analytics for Production Ag
Applications of Unmanned Aerial Systems
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Acconcia Dias, M
Adedeji, O
Adedeji, O.I
Aggarwal, V
Ahmad, A
Aldridge, K
Alves de Lima, J.D
Andvaag, E
Arias, A.C
Aryal, B
Asci, S
Attanayake, A
Balbinot, A
Barai, K
Barbosa, M
Bareth, G
Basir, M.S
Baumbauer, C
Bautista, F
Bello, N
Bhandari, M
Bhandari, S
Buckmaster, D
Campos, S
Carcedo, A
Chen, L
Ciampitti, I
Ciampitti, I
Craker, B
Culman, S
Da Silva, M.L
Das, A
Deri Setiyono, T
Dhillon, R
Dhiman, V
Duddu, H
El Gamal, A
Eldefrawy, M
Eyster, R
Fernandez, O
Fernando, H
Ferreyra, R
Ferreyra, R
Flores, P
Friskop, A
Fuller, H.D
Ghimire, B.P
Gill, N
Gimenez, V
Goodrich, P.J
Gu, H
Gu, H
Gu, H
Guo, W
Guo, W
Guo, W
Guo, W
Guo, W
Ha, T
Ha, T
Ha, T
Hernandez, C
Hillyer, C.C
Hodeghatta, U.R
Hongo, C
Hüging, H
Isono, S
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Johnson, E
Johnson, R.M
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Karn, R
Ketterings, Q
Khanal, S
Khosla, R
Kotlyarov, D
Kotlyarov, V
Krogmeier, J
Krys, K
Kulhandjian, H
Lamichhane, R
Landivar, J
Landivar-Scoot, J.L
Lee, S
Lehmann, J
Lin, Z
Lin, Z
Lingua, L.N
Maddonni, G
Magalhaes Cisdeli, P
Maja, J
Mandal, D
Marcaida, M
Martin, D.E
Mathew, J
Melgar, J
Molin, J.P
Nagle, M
Nambi, E
Nascimento-Silva, K
Nketia, K
Nocera Santiago, G.N
Owusu Ansah, E
Parkash, V
Peiretti, J
Pereira de Souza, F
Peña, J
Pokhrel, A
Raheja, A
Ramachandran, B
Ryu, S
Saraswat, D
Sedinina, N
Shafian, S
Shajahan, S
Sharda, A
Sharma, V
Shiratsuchi, L
Shirtliffe, S
Shirtliffe, S
Shirtliffe, S.J
Siegfried, J
Sigit, G
Snider, J.L
Srinivasagan, S
Stavness, I
Stočes, M
Suh, C
Swinton, S.M
Takoo, G
Tamura, E
Tang, Q
Trang, T
Ulman, M
Utoyo, B
Valencia Ramirez, P
Vaněk, J
Vellidis, G
Vetch, J.M
Virk, S
Walsh, O.S
Watanabe, K
Wilson, J.A
Xu, G
Xu, M
Yang, C
Yang, C
Yi, T
Yilma, W
Zhang, J
Zhang, R
Zhang, X
Zhang, Y
Zhang, Y
Zhang, Z
Zhao, H
Zhao, L
de Castro, A
tao, H
van Steenbergen, S
Data Analytics for Production Ag
Precision Crop Protection
Applications of Unmanned Aerial Systems
Wireless Sensor Networks
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Filter results40 paper(s) found.

1. Airspeed and Pressure Affect Spray Droplet Spectrum from an Aerial Nozzle for Fixed-wing Applications

The atomization of the droplets generated by a flat fan nozzle has been studied in the IEA-I high speed wind tunnel at NERCIEA with Marvern Spraytec Laser Diffraction system. The measurement point is set at 0.15m, 0.25m and 0.35m away from the orifice of the nozzle. The wind speed range is from 150km/h to 305km/h, and the tube pressure is set about 0.3MPa, 0.4MPa and 0.5MPa. The measuring distance from the orifice of the nozzle is found important to the diameter and relative span of the dropl... Q. Tang, L. Chen, R. Zhang, M. Xu, G. Xu, T. Yi

2. Field Evaluation of a Variable-rate Aerial Application System

Variable rate aerial application systems are becoming more readily available; however, aerial applicators typically only use the systems for constant rate application of materials, allowing the systems to compensate for upwind and downwind ground speed variations. Much of the resistance to variable rate application system adoption pertains to applicator’s trust in the systems to turn on and off automatically as desired.  If an application system operating in an automatic mode ... D.E. Martin, C. Yang

3. Technology Support for Game Monitoring As a Tool for Damages Reduction of Field Crops

Wild boars (Sus scrofa) are increasingly becoming the main cause of field crops damage in Czech Republic and central Europe area. There are many reasons why wild boars population is growing. The major reason is most likely change in the composition of field crops. In some areas in particular there is focus on oilseed rape and maize, for which there are also recorded the biggest losses. One of the key discussion topics is the issue of estimation of animal quantities and its traceabil... J. Jarolimek, M. Stočes, M. Ulman, J. Vaněk

4. New Technologies in Biological Plant Protection and Its Localization

The sharp increase in the use of pesticides in agrobiocenosis in the background of no-till and minimum tillage called: the growth of costs, the decline of soil fertility, the occurrence of resistance in harmful organisms and change in species composition, a number of other pressing environmental problems. In this regard, the most preferred and safe bipolarization of plant protection. The use of microorganisms in plant protection can reduce the number of harmful organisms in anthropogenic ecos... N. Sedinina, D. Kotlyarov , V. kotlyarov

5. Application of Drone Data to Assess Damage Intensity of Bacterial Leaf Blight Disease on Rice Crop in Indonesia

The Government of Indonesia has launched agricultural insurance program since 2016. A key in agricultural insurance is damage assessment which is required to be as precise, quick, quantitative and inexpensive as possible. Current method is to inspect the damage by human eyes of specialist having experiences. This method, however, costs much and is difficult to estimate disease infected fields precisely in wide area. So, there is increasing need to develop effective, simplified and low cost me... C. Hongo, S. Isono, G. Sigit, B. Utoyo, E. Tamura

6. Evaluation of Image Acquisition Parameters and Data Extraction Methods on Plant Height Estimation with UAS Imagery

Aerial imagery from unmanned aircraft systems (UASs) has been increasingly used for field phenotyping and precision agriculture. Plant height is one important crop growth parameter that has been estimated from 3D point clouds and digital surface models (DSMs) derived from UAS-based aerial imagery. However, many factors can affect the accuracy of aerial plant height estimation. This study examined the effects of image overlap, pixel resolution, and data extraction methods on estimati... C. Yang, C. Suh, W. Guo, H. Zhao, J. Zhang, R. Eyster

7. A Passive-RFID Wireless Sensor Node for Precision Agriculture

Accurate soil data is crucial for precision agriculture.  While existing optical methods can correlate soil health to the gasses emitted from the field, in-soil electronic sensors enable real-time measurements of soil conditions at the effective root zone of a crop. Unfortunately, modern soil sensor systems are limited in what signals they can measure and are generally too expensive to reasonably distribute the sensors in the density required for spatially accurate feedback.  In thi... P.J. Goodrich, C. Baumbauer, A.C. Arias

8. Knowledge-based Approach for Weed Detection Using RGB Imagery

A workflow was developed to explore the potential use of Phase One RGB for weed mapping in a herbicide efficacy trial in wheat. Images with spatial resolution of 0.8 mm were collected in July 2020 over an area of nearly 2000 square meters (66 plots). The study site was on a research farm at the University of Saskatchewan, Canada. Wheat was seeded on June 29, 2020, at a rate of 75 seeds per square meter with a row spacing of 30.5 cm. The weed species seeded in the trial were kochia, wild oat, ... T. Ha, K. Aldridge, E. Johnson, S.J. Shirtliffe, S. Ryu

9. UAV-based Hyperspectral Monitoring of Peach Trees As Affected by Silicon Applications and Water Stress Status

Previous research has shown that the application of reduced doses of Silicon (Si) improves crop tolerance to water stress, which is common in commercial young peach trees because irrigation is not usually applied during their first two years. In this study, aerial images were used to monitor the impact of different Si and water treatments on the hyperspectral response of peach trees. An experiment with 60 young (under 1 year old) peach trees located at the Musser Fruit Research Center (Seneca... J. Peña, J. Melgar, A. De castro, J. Maja, K. Nascimento-silva

10. N-management Using Structural Data: UAV-derived Crop Height As an Estimator for Biomass, N Concentration, and N Uptake in Winter Wheat

In the last 15 years, sensors mounted on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have been intensively investigated for crop monitoring. Besides known remote sensing approaches based on multispectral and hyperspectral sensors, photogrammetric methods became very important. Structure for Motion (SfM) and Multiview Stereopsis (MVS) analysis approaches enable the quantitative determination of absolute crop height and crop growth. Since the first paper on UAV-derived crop height was published by Bendig e... G. Bareth, A. Jenal, H. Hüging

11. Cotton Boll Detection and Yield Estimation Using UAS Lidar Data and RGB Image

Cotton boll distribution is a critical phenotypic trait that represents the plant's response to its environment. Accurate quantification of boll distribution provides valuable information for breeding cultivars with high yield and fiber quality. Manual methods for boll mapping are time-consuming and labor-intensive. We evaluated the application of Lidar point cloud and RGB image data in boll detection and distribution and yield estimation. Lidar data was acquired at 15 m using a DJI Matri... Z. Lin, W. Guo, N. Gill

12. Integration of Unmanned Aerial Systems Images and Yield Monitor in Improving Cotton Yield Estimation

The yield monitor is one of the most adopted precision agriculture technologies because it generates dense yield data to quantify the spatial variability of crop yield as a basis for site-specific management. However, yield monitor data has various errors that prevent proper interpretation and precise field management. The objective of this study was to evaluate the application of unmanned aerial systems (UAS) images in improving cotton yield monitor data. The study was conducted in a dryland... H. Gu, W. Guo

13. Deep Learning-Based Corn Disease Tracking Using RTK Geolocated UAS Imagery

Deep learning-based solutions for precision agriculture have achieved promising results in recent times. Deep learning has been used to accurately classify different disease types and disease severity estimation as an initial stage for developing robust disease management systems. However, tracking the spread of diseases, identifying disease hot spots within cornfields, and notifying farmers using deep learning and UAS imagery remains a critical research gap. Therefore, in this study, high re... A. Ahmad, V. Aggarwal, D. Saraswat, A. El gamal, G. Johal

14. Evaluation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Images in Estimating Cotton Nitrogen Content

Estimating crop nitrogen content is a critical step for optimizing nitrogen fertilizer application. The objective of this study was to evaluate the application of UAV images in estimating cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) N content. This study was conducted in a dryland cotton field in Garza County, Texas, in 2020. The experiment was implemented as a randomized complete block design with three N rates of 0, 34, and 67 kg N ha-1. A RedEdge multispectral sensor was used to acqu... R. Karn, H. Gu, O. Adedeji, W. Guo

15. Establishment of a Canola Emergence Assessment Methodology Using Image-based Plant Count and Ground Cover Analysis

Manual assessment of emergence is a time-consuming practice that must occur within a short time-frame of the emergence stage in canola (Brassica napus). Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) may allow for a more thorough assessment of canola emergence by covering a wider scope of the field and in a more timely manner than in-person evaluations. This research aims to calibrate the relationship between emerging plant population count and the ground cover. The field trial took place at the Uni... K. Krys, S. Shirtliffe, H. Duddu, T. Ha, A. Attanayake, E. Johnson, E. Andvaag, I. Stavness

16. Utilization of UASs to Predict Sugarcane Yields in Louisiana Prior to Harvest

One of the most difficult tasks that both sugarcane producers and processors face every year is estimating the yields of sugarcane fields prior to the start of harvest. This information is needed by processors to determine when the harvest season is to be initiated each year and by producers to decide when each field should be harvested. This is particularly important in Louisiana because the end of the harvest season is often affected by freeze events. These events can severely damage the cr... R.M. Johnson, B. Ramachandran

17. Increasing the Accuracy of UAV-Based Remote Sensing Data for Strawberry Nitrogen and Water Stress Detection

This paper presents the methods to increase the accuracy of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV)-based remote sensing data for the determination of plant nitrogen and water stresses with increased accuracy. As the demand for agricultural products is significantly increasing to keep up with the growing population, it is important to investigate methods to reduce the use of water and chemicals for water conservation, reduction in the production cost, and reduction in environmental impact. UAV-based r... S. Bhandari, A. Raheja

18. Estimation of Cotton Biomass Using Unmanned Aerial Systems and Satellite-based Remote Sensing

Satellite and unmanned aerial system (UAS) images are effective in monitoring crop growth at various spatial, temporal, and spectral scales. The objective of the study was to estimate cotton biomass at different growth stages using vegetation indices (VIs) derived from UAS and satellite images. This research was conducted in a cotton field in Hale County, Texas, in 2021. Data collected include 54 plant samples at different locations for three dates of the growing season. Multispectral images ... O.I. Adedeji, B.P. Ghimire, H. Gu, R. Karn, Z. Lin, W. Guo

19. Enhancing Spatial Resolution of Maize Grain Yield Data

Grain yield data is frequently used for precision agriculture management purposes and as a parameter for evaluating agronomy experiments, but unexpected challenges sometimes interfere with harvest plans or cause total losses. The spatial detail of modern grain yield monitoring data is also limited by combine header width, which could be nearly 14 m in some crops.  Remote sensing data, such as multispectral imagery collected via satellite and unmanned aerial systems (UAS), could be used t... J. Siegfried, R. Khosla, D. Mandal, W. Yilma

20. Assessment of Goss Wilt Disease Severity Using Machine Learning Techniques Coupled with UAV Imagery

Goss Wilt has become a common disease in corn fields in North Dakota.  It has been one of the most yield-limiting diseases, causing losses of up to 50%. The current method to identify the disease is through visual inspection of the field, which is inefficient, and can be subjective, with misleading results, due to evaluator fatigue. Therefore, developing a reliable, accurate, and automated tool for assessing the severity of Goss's Wilt disease has become a top priority. The use of un... A. Das, P. Flores, Z. Zhang , A. Friskop, J. Mathew

21. Precision Nitrogen and Water Management for Optimized Sugar Beet Yield and Sugar Content

Sugar beet (SB) production profitability is based on maximizing three parameters: beet yield, sucrose content, and sucrose recovery efficiency. Efficient nitrogen (N) and water management are key for successful SB production. Nitrogen deficits in the soil can reduce root and sugar yield. Overapplication of N can reduce sucrose content and increase nitrate impurities which lowers sucrose recovery. Application of N in excess of SB crop need leads to vigorous canopy growth, while compromising ro... O.S. Walsh, S. Shafian

22. Potential of UAS Multispectral Imagery for Predicting Yield Determining Physiological Parameters of Cotton

The use of unmanned aerial systems (UAS) in precision agriculture has increased rapidly due to the availability of reliable, low-cost, and high-resolution sensors as well as advanced image processing software. Lint yield in cotton is the product of three physiological parameters: photosynthetically active radiation intercepted by canopy (IPAR), the efficiency of converting intercepted active radiation to biomass (RUE), and the ratio of economic yield to total dry matter (HI). The relationship... A. Pokhrel, S. Virk, J.L. Snider, G. Vellidis, V. Parkash

23. Multispectral Assessment of Chickpea in the Northern Great Plains

Chickpea is an increasingly important crop in the Montana agricultural system. From 2017 to 2021 the U.S. has planted an average of about 492,000 acres per year with Montana chickpea production accounting for around 44% of the U.S. total (USDA/NASS QuickStats accessed on 2/11/2021). This has led to an increase in breeding efforts for elite varieties adapted to the unique conditions in the Northern Great Plains. Breeding of chickpea often relies on traditional phenotyping techniques that are l... J.M. Vetch

24. Comparing Profitability of Variable Rate Nitrogen Prescription Methods

Variable rate nitrogen (VRN) prescriptions have been field-tested against uniform N application for over 25 years.  VRN prescription algorithms vary in the type and cost of information they require.  To date, few studies have compared the benefits and costs of alternative VRN prescription methods. VRN prescriptions draw on diverse information, including soil and tissue N sampling, yield history (YH), and remotely sensed spectral reflectance (such as the Normalized Differen... S. Lee, S.M. Swinton

25. Yield Analysis in Sugarcane Harvesters Using Design of Experiments (DoE) Methodology

The sugarcane crop is highlighted in national agribusiness, Brazil is the world’s largest producer of the plant, and the prospection of specialists is of strong growth for the next years. However, in order to increase productivity, technological interventions through of precision agriculture must be implemented. Among them, the management of inputs guided by yield spatial variability for otmizing production and income. This project approaches the implementation of the methodology of ana... M.L. Da silva, J. . Alves de lima, A. Balbinot, J.P. Molin

26. Interoperability As an Enabler for Principled Decision-making in Irrigation: the Precision Agriculture Irrigation Language (PAIL)

Fresh water is a scarce resource, and agriculture consumes a high fraction of it worldwide. As climate change increases the likelihood of high temperatures and droughts, irrigation becomes an increasingly attractive option for managing crop production risks. Unfortunately, and despite decades of efforts by professional associations to promote the use of a principled, data-driven approach to irrigation scheduling often called scientific irrigation scheduling (SIS), the fraction of far... R. Ferreyra, C.C. Hillyer, H.D. Fuller, B. Craker, K. Watanabe

27. Standards for Data-driven Agrifood Systems, One Year After the ISO Strategic Advisory Group for Smart Farming

The lack of data interoperability is a major obstacle for the data-driven, principled multi-objective decision-making required for modern agrifood systems to help meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Aware of this, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) chartered a Strategic Advisory Group for Smart Farming (SAG-SF) to survey the existing standardization landscape of the domain within ISO, to identify gaps where additional standardization is needed, and to provide a st... R. Ferreyra, J. Lehmann, J.A. Wilson

28. Digital Agriculture Driven by Big Data Analytics: a Focus on Spatio-temporal Crop Yield Stability and Land Productivity

In the ever-evolving landscape of agriculture, the adoption of digital technologies and big data analytics has ushered in a transformative era known as digital agriculture. This paradigm shift is primarily motivated by the pressing imperative to address the growing global population's food requirements, mitigate the adverse effects of climate change, and promote sustainable land management. Canada, a significant player in global food production, has made a substantial commitment to reduci... K. Nketia, T. Ha, H. Fernando, S. Shirtliffe, S. Van steenbergen

29. Assessing Plant Spacing Inequality and Its Impact on Crop Yield Using Lorenz Curves and Gini Index

Plant spacing is the distance between individual plants in a crop field. It is vital for proper crop establishment as it can influence the spatial and temporal variation in plant emergence. These variations alter how plants interact for light, water, and nutrient resource needs, which, in turn, impact an individual plant's growth conditions and crop yield. Alternatively, studies have associated uniformity in plant spacing with higher yields and increased weed suppression. Modern precision... B. Aryal, A. Sharda, J. Peiretti

30. Almonds and Pistachios: Sustaining Legacy, Innovations, and Nutritional Advancements in California

California's unique Mediterranean climate has made it the global epicenter for tree nut production, providing nearly 99 percent of the nation’s almond and pistachio supply. The California tree nut industry is characterized by its deep-rooted heritage, with 90% of its farms being family-owned and operated, often spanning multiple generations. These farmers have been at the forefront of agricultural innovation, investing approximately millions of dollars annually in scientific researc... H. Kulhandjian, S. Asci

31. Predicting Water Potentials of Wild Blueberries During Drought Treatment Using Hyperspectral Sensor and Machine Learning

Detecting water stress on crops early and accurately is crucial to minimize its impact. This study aims to measure water stress in wild blueberry crops non-destructively by analyzing proximal hyperspectral data. The data collection took place in the summer growing season of 2022. A drought experiment was conducted on wild blueberries in the randomized block design in the greenhouse, incorporating various genotypes and irrigation treatments. Hyperspectral data ( spectral range: 400-1000 nm) us... Y. Zhang, U.R. Hodeghatta, V. Dhiman, K. Barai, T. Trang

32. Machine Learning Approach to Study the Effect of Weather and Proposed Climate Change Scenarios on Variability in the Ohio Corn and Soybean Yield

Climate is one of the primary factors that affects agricultural production.  Climate change and extreme weather events have raised concerns about its effect on crop yields. Climate change patterns affect the crop yield in many ways including the length of the growing season, planting and harvest time windows, precipitation amount and frequency, and the growing degree days. It is important to analyze the effect of climate change on yield variability for a better understanding of the effec... R. Dhillon, G. Takoo

33. Environmental Characterization for Rainfed Maize Production in the US Great Plains Region

Identifying regions with similar productivity and yield-limiting climatic factors enables the design of tailored strategies for rainfed maize (Zea mays L.) production in vulnerable environments. Within the United States (US) Great Plains region, rainfed maize production in Kansas is susceptible to weather fluctuations. This study aims to delimit environmental regions with similar crop growth conditions and to identify the main climatic factors limiting rainfed maize yield, using the ... L.N. Lingua, A. Carcedo, V. Gimenez, G. Maddonni, I. Ciampitti

34. A Digital Interactive Decision Dashboard to Analyze, Store and Share Year-to-year Crop Genotype Yield

The lag time between data collection and sharing is a critical bottleneck in order to make impactful decision at farmer field-scale. Following this line, there is a need for developing a digital interactive decision dashboard for sharing results of crop trials, in parallel to establish a database for storing data. These crop trials, invaluable for farmers seeking to determine the optimal genotype for their crops, are at risk of becoming obsolete due to the current format and the lack of more ... P. Magalhaes cisdeli, G.N. Nocera santiago, I. Ciampitti, C. Hernandez

35. Can Soil Fertility Data and Topography Predict Yield Stability Zones for Corn Fields in New York?

Yield monitor systems play a vital role in precision agriculture given their ability to capture and map within-field yield variability. When three or more years of yield data are available, yield stability zone maps can be generated to show both the spatial and temporal variability of yield within a field. Based on the farm’s overall temporal mean and standard deviation for a specific crop, we can classify areas in the field as consistently high- (Q1) or low-yielding (Q4), and variably ... M. Marcaida, X. Zhang, S. Srinivasagan, S. Shajahan, Q. Ketterings

36. Private Simple Databases for Digital Records of Contextual Events and Activities

Farmers’ commitment and ability to keep good records varies tremendously. Records and notes are often cryptic, misplaced, or damaged and for many, remain unused. If such information were recorded digitally and stored in the cloud, we immediately solve some access and consistency issues and make this data FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable). More importantly, interoperable digital formats can also enable mining for insights and analysi... M.S. Basir, J. Krogmeier, Y. Zhang, D. Buckmaster

37. Assessing the Variability in Cover Crop Growth Due to Management Practices and Biophysical Conditions Using a Mixed Modeling Approach

Planting winter cover crops provides numerous agronomic and environmental benefits. Cereal rye, which is a commonly planted cover crop in Ohio, when established, offers advantages such as recycling residual nitrogen in the soil, enhancing soil organic matter, and reducing nutrient loss. However, understanding cover crop growth is challenging due to field management and weather conditions, and insights using traditional methods are limited. Remote sensing offers a cost-effective and timely alt... K. Kc, S. Khanal, N. Bello, S. Culman

38. Analytics Model for Predicting Sucrose Percentage in Sugarcane Using Machine Learning Techniques

Sucrose is one of the most important indicators in the final profitability of Colombian sugar mills, therefore, its understanding and forecast are fundamental for the business. In this work, a proposal is formulated for an analysis model that allows predicting the percentage of sucrose based on historical data from mechanically harvested farms with the objective of knowing the numerical value of sucrose for each month of milling and be able to plan monthly and annual sugar production. ... P. Valencia ramirez

39. Computer Vision by UAVs for Estimate Soybean Population Across Different Physiological Growth Stages and Sowing Speeds

Soybean (Glycine max (Linnaeus) Merrill) production in the United States plays a crucial role in agriculture, occupying a considerable amount of cultivated land. However, the costs associated with soybean production have shown a notable increase in recent years, with seed-related expenses accounting for a significant proportion of the total. This increase in costs is attributed to a number of factors, including the introduction of patented and protected genetic traits, as well as inflationary... F. Pereira de souza, L. Shiratsuchi, H. Tao, M. Acconcia dias, M. Barbosa, T. Deri setiyono, S. campos

40. Ground-based Imagery Data Collection of Cotton Using a Robotic Platform

In modern agriculture, technological advancements are pivotal in optimizing crop production and resource management. Integrating robotics and image processing techniques allows the efficient collection, analysis, and storage of high-resolution images crucial for monitoring crop health, identifying pest infestations, assessing growth stages, making precise management decisions and predicting yield potential. The objective of this project is to utilize the Farm-NG Amiga robot to develop an imag... O. Fernandez, M. Bhandari, J.L. Landivar-scoot, M. Eldefrawy, L. Zhao, J. Landivar