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Özyurtlu, M
Acosta, L.E
Albrigo, G
Albrigo, L.G
Amaral, L.R
Ampatzidis, Y
Antunes, J.F
Azam, S
Bedwell, E
Belasque Jr., J
Bell, G.E
Bell, G.E
Benny, H
Betz, A
Bier, J
Blanke, M.M
Bouroubi, M.Y
Brazda, D
Camargo Neto, J
Camergo Neto, J
Campoy, J
Carneiro, F.M
Cho, B
Cho, J
Choi, J
Choi, J
Christensen, A
Chung, S
Chung, S
Chung, S
Chung, S
Claupein, W
Colaço, A.F
Damerow, L.M
De Poorter, E
De Waele, T
Deng, L
Dima, C
Dima, C.S
Dorais, M
Dos Reis, A.A
Duhachek, G
Ehsani, R
Ehsani, R
Ehsani, R
Ehsani, R
Ehsani, R
Ehsani, R
Ehsani, R
Esau, T.J
Farooque, A.A
Figueiredo, G.K
Filippini A., J
Flores, C
Freitas, R.G
Gebbers, R
Gianquinto, G.P
Gonzalez-Mora, J
Graeff, S
Ha, S
Hammond, J
Han, K
Han, K
He, Z
Hegedus, P
Hennessy, P.J
Hu, Q
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Huh, Y
Hur, S
Hur, S
Hutchinson, A
Jara, L.A
Jens, M
Jimenez, A
Kang, S
Karampoiki, M
Karkee, M
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Khot, L.R
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Kim, H
Kim, H
Kim, H
Kim, K
Kim, K
Kim, K
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Kumar, A
Kumpatla, S
Lacerda, L.N
Lamparelli, R.A
Larbi, P.A
Lee, W
Lee, W
Liaghat, S
Liburd, O.E
Lie, D.M
Lund, E
Ma, W
Magalhães, P.S
Mahmood, S
Maja, J.M
Maja, J.M
Manoj, K
Mansor, S
Marcassa, L
Martin, D.L
Maxwell, B
Meon, S
Miao, Y
Miele, A
Mishra, A
Mishra, A.R
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Molin, J.P
Morales, G
Morata, G.T
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Moss, J.Q
Moss, J.Q
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Neto, J.C
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Noh, N
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Oliveira, M.F
Oliveira, M.F
Oliveira, S.R
Ortega, R.A
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Paraforos, D
Payton, M.E
Peerlinck, A
Peralta, D
Pereira, F.R
Pereira, N.D
Pfenning, J
Pflanz, M
Pourreza, A
Quanbeck, J
Rachow-Autrum, T
Rai, N
Ranieri, E
Ryu, D
Ryu, M
Salyani, M
Sankaran, S
Sankaran, S
Sanz-Saez, A
Scheele, M
Schischmanow, A
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Schueller, J.K
Schumann, A.W
Sela, S
Shafri, H
Shahid, A
Sheppard, J.W
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Silva, R.P
Solie, J.B
Sornapudi, S
Sridharan, S
Stone, M.L
Stueve, K
Sun, X
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Taylor, J
Tedesco, D
Tempesta, M
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Tian, Y
Todman, L
Tremblay, N
Upadhyaya, P
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Vigneault, P
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Yang, C
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Zaman, Q.U
Zhang, Q
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Zhang, Y
Zhang, Y
Zhao, C
Zhou, C
Zhou, R.R
Zude, M
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del Val, M.D
shilai, Y.M
Precision Horticulture
Precision Horticulture
Big Data, Data Mining and Deep Learning
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Filter results47 paper(s) found.

1. Fluorescence Imaging Spectroscopy Applied To Citrus Diseases

Diseases are one of the most serious threats for citrus production worldwide. Sao Paulo, Brazil and Florida, USA, are the most important citrus producers and, both, are making efforts for citrus diseases control. Citrus canker is one of the serious diseases, caused by the Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri bacteria, that infects citrus trees and relatives, causing a large economic loss in the citrus juice production. Another important disease affecting the citrus production worldwide is the Huang... C. Wetterich, J. Belasque jr., L. Marcassa

2. HLB Detection Using Hyperspectral Radiometry

The need for sustainable agriculture requires the adoption of low input, long-term and cost-effective strategies to overcome the adverse impact of disease and nutritional deficiencies on citrus groves. In this context, early detection of diseased trees has become an important topic in the citrus industry. Multiple factors make field assessment of disease conditions a challenging task: the non-specific nature of many symptoms, the possibility of having localized affections in only certain area... J. Gonzalez-mora, C. Vallespi gonzalez, R. Ehsani, C.S. Dima, G. Duhachek

3. Development Of Ground-based Sensor System For Automated Agricultural Vehicle To Detect Diseases In Citrus Plantations

An integrated USDA-funded project involving Carnegie Mellon University, University of Florida, Cornell University and John Deere is ongoing, to develop an autonomous tractors for sustainable specialty crop farming. The research teams have come together to develop an automated system for detecting plant stress, estimating yields, and reducing chemical usage through precision spraying for specialty crops. The goals of the automation process are to reduce the tractor-related labor costs, r... S. Sankaran, R. Ehsani, A. Mishra, C. Dima

4. Normalized Difference Vegetative Index For Evaluating Turfgrass Color: A Comparison Of Two Handheld Devices

The normalized difference vegetative index (NDVI) is a commonly used light reflectance index in agriculture. For turfgrass research, color and herbicide phytotoxicity have historically been subjectively rated by human evaluators. Prior research has related NDVI to creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera L.) (R2 = 0.50) and tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb) (R2 = 0.80) color, and bermudagrass [Cynodon ... J.Q. Moss, X. Pan, Y. Tian, A. Hutchinson

5. Design And Experiment On Target Spraying Robot For Greenhouse

In greenhouse, the robot sprayers give rise to concern as they  reduce the labor intensity and improve the accuracy of  the spraying. This paper details the progress to date in the development of a precision robot sprayer. The precision robot sprayer is able to adjust both liquid and air volume to match, the branches contour and location of the greenhouse crops with two ultrasonic sensors  which ensures the position of the plants in the greenhouse. The spraying robot with ... W. Ma, C. Zhao, Q.U. Zaman, D. Zach

6. Adoption Of N-application Rates In Different Broccoli Cultivars By Reflectance Measurements

 To date many sensors have been solely developed and tested for arable crops. This project aims to develop the means to rapidly map N-demand in broccoli plants on a site-specific, plant-by-plant basis using reflectance measurements. The aim of this specific study was to monitor nitrogen status in six different broccoli cultivars using reflectance measurements and to derive suitable N-fertilization strategies based on the sensor measurements.... S. Graeff, J. Pfenning, W. Claupein

7. Indirect Measurement Of Creeping Bentgrass N, Chlorophyll, And Color For Precision Golf Green Management

Indirect measurement of turfgrass tissue through optical sensing may provide golf course managers with non-destructive and relatively simple real-time measurements of golf green N requirements. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of N rate on ‘Crenshaw’ creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera L.) tissue N, chlorophyll concentration, and color using the GreenSeeker (NTech Industries, Ukiah, CA) handheld sensor... J.Q. Moss, G.E. Bell

8. Citrus Greening Disease Detection Using Airborne Multispectral And Hyperspectral Imaging

Citrus greening disease (Huanglongbing or HLB) has become a major catastrophic disease in Florida’s $9 billion citrus industry since 2005, and continued to be spread to other parts of the U.S. There is no known cure for this disease. As of October 2009, citrus trees in 2,702 different sections (square mile) in 34 counties were infected in Florida. A set of hyperspectral imageries were used to develop disease detection algorithms using image-derived spectral library, the mixture tu... W. Lee, A. Kumar, R. Ehsani, C. Yang, L.G. Albrigo,

9. Development Of A Precision Sensing Sprayer For The Application Of Nitrogen Fertilizer To Turfgrass

  Normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) may be very useful for turfgrass managers to measure turf quality and obtain an indirect measurement of turf N status. The objective of this research was to develop a Nitrogen Fertilization Optimization Algorithm (NFOA) for use in a turfgrass variable rate N applicator on bermudagrass [Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers] fairways and creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera L.) greens in Oklahoma. Plots (0.9 X 1.5 ... J.Q. Moss, G.E. Bell, J.B. Solie, M.L. Stone, D.L. Martin, M.E. Payton

10. Research On Nutrition Detection Technology Of Soil And Leaf Of Citrus Based On Spectroscopic Techniques

The diagnosis technique of real-time lossless crop nutrition is the foundation and conditions for the precise and effective fertilization. Currently, the diagnosis of crop nutrition mainly relies on the routine chemical analysis of laboratory. Due to the complicated procedure, time-consuming, high cost and high professional technique requirement, it can hardly meet the need of precise variable fertilization technology. Spectrum technology is the technology of real-time and non-destructive tes... S. Yi, L. Deng

11. Research on Nutrition and Quality Detection Technology of Soil, Leaf and Fruit of Citrus Based on and Digital Image Spectroscopic Techniques

The diagnosis technique of real-time lossless crop nutrition is the foundation and conditions for the precise, effective fertilization, cultivation and management, and so on. Currently, the diagnosis of crop nutrition mainly relies on the routine chemical analysis of laboratory. Due to the complicated procedure, time-consuming,... D.M. Lie, Y.M. Shilai

12. Early Detection of Oil Palm Fungal Disease Infestation Using A Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy Technique

Basal stem rot (BSR) caused by Ganoderma boninense is known as the most destructive disease of oil palm plantations in Southeast Asia. Ganoderma could potentially reduce the market share of palm oil for Malaysia. Currently Malaysia produces about 50% of the world’s supply of palm oil. Early, accurate, and non-destructive diagnosis of Ganoderma fungal infection is critical for management of this disease. Early disease management of Ganoderma could also prevent great losses in production ... S. Liaghat, S. Mansor, H. Shafri, S. Meon, R. Ehsani, S. Azam, N. Noh

13. Affordable Multi-Rotor Remote Sensing Platform for Applications In Precision Horticulture.

Satellite and aerial imaging technologies have been explored for a long time as an extremely useful source of collecting cost-effective data for agricultural applications. In spite of the availability of such technologies, very few growers are using the tech... R. Ehsani, S. Sankaran, J.M. Maja, J.C. Neto

14. Variable Rate Fertilization for Citrus

To improve economic and environmental sustainability new management strategies has been considered to citrus production. Especially on grain crops, Precision Agriculture (PA) has proved to be a successful tool to manage crop fields according to their variability, mainly through variable rate (VRT) fertilization practice. Although VRT technology is already being used on commercial citrus orchards, few academic researches have app... J.P. Molin, A.F. Colaço

15. Remote Control System for Greenhouse Environment Using Mobile Devices

Protected crop production facilities such as greenhouse and plant factory have drawn interest and the area is increasing in Korea as well as in other countries in the world. Remot... S. Chung, K. Kim, H. Kim, J. Choi, Y. Zhang, S. Kang, K. han, S. Hur

16. OptiThin - Precision Fruiticulture by Tree-Specific Mechanical Thinning

Apple cultivars show biennial fluctuations in yields (alternate bearing). The phenomenon is induced by reduced yields in one year due to freeze damage, low pollination rate or other reasons. Consequently, trees develop many flower buds that blossom in the following year. The many flowers lead to a high number of small fruits that won’t be accepted on the market. Endogenous factors (phytohormones and carbohydrate allocation) subsequently establish the biennial cycle. The alternate b... A. Betz, H. Benny, M. Jens, M. Özyurtlu, M. Pflanz, T. Rachow-autrum, A. Schischmanow, M. Scheele, J. Schrenk, L. Schrenk, M. Zude, R. Gebbers

17. Spatial Variability of Inceptisol and Entisol Soils and Their Effect on Merlot Grape Must Composition

Technologies associated to precision agriculture are being used in some crops in Brazil, mainly soybean, wheat, corn and sugarcane. However, information on its use in viticulture is scarce. Thus, a research was carried out during the vegetative cycle of 2010/2011 in a clone 347 Merl... C. Flores, J. Filippini a., A. Miele

18. Determination of Sensor Locations for Monitoring of Soil Water Content in Greenhouse

 Monitoring and control of environmental condition is highly important for optimum control of the conditions, especially in greenhouse and plant factor, and the conditio... S. Chung, Y. Huh, J. Choi, D. Ryu, K. Kim, H. Kim, H. Kim

19. Determination of Sensor Locations for Monitoring of Greenhouse Ambient Environment

In protected crop production facilities such as greenhouse and plant factory, f... S. Chung, K. Kim, Y. Huh, S. Hur, S. Ha, M. Ryu, H. kim, K. han

20. Young Leaf Detection for Spot Spray Treatment of Citrus Canopies to Control Psyllids

Huanglongbing (HLB) is an important disease of citrus that is spread mainly through a vector, psyllid (Diaphorina citri), that feeds predominantly on young leaves.  Given the selective feeding of the insect, treating only the young flush, instead of spraying the ent... R. Ehsani, M. Salyani, J.M. Maja, A.R. Mishra, P.A. Larbi, J. Camargo neto

21. Use of Cluster Regression for Yield Prediction in Wine Grape

@font-face { font-family: "Cambria"; }p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal { margin: 0cm 0cm 0.0001pt; font-size: 12pt; font-family: "Times New Roman"; }div.Section1 { page: ... L.E. Acosta, L.A. Jara, R.A. Ortega

22. Variability in Soil Water Content and Sensor-Based Irrigation Scheduling for Protected Ginseng Production

Ginseng is one of important medicinal plants, especially in Asian countries including Korea. Korean ginseng is mostly grown in sun-block facility on ridges, and irrigation would be critical for better production. Conventionally no irrigation or timer-controlled irrigation based on experience was practiced, and variability ... J. Cho, B. Cho, S. Chung

23. Remote Sensing of Nitrogen and Water Status on Boston Lettuce Transplants in a Greenhouse Environment

Remote sensing is the stand-off collection through the use of a variety of devices for gathering information on a given object or area. Applied as a warning tool in plant stock production, it is expected to help in the achievement of better, more uniform and more productive organic cropping systems. Remote sensing of vegetation targets can be achieved from the... N. Tremblay, P. Vigneault, M.Y. Bouroubi, M. Dorais, G.P. Gianquinto, M. Tempesta

24. Recognition Algorithms for Detection of Apple Fruit in an Orchard for Early Yield Prediction

... L.M. Damerow, M.M. Blanke, R.R. Zhou

25. Validation of Variable Rate Spray Decision Rules in Intricate Micro-Metrological Conditions

This study evaluated validity of modified spray decision rules formed to operate axial fan airblast sprayer retrofitted for use in citrus production. The sprayer was field tested in a spr... L.R. Khot, R. Ehsani, G. Albrigo, J. campoy, C. Wellington, W. Swen, J. Camergo neto

26. Spotweeds: a Multiclass UASs Acquired Weed Image Dataset to Facilitate Site-specific Aerial Spraying Application Using Deep Learning

Unmanned aerial systems (UASs)-based spot spraying application is considered a boon in Precision Agriculture (PA). Because of spot spraying, the amount of herbicide usage has reduced significantly resulting in less water contamination or crop plant injury. In the last demi-decade, Deep Learning (DL) has displayed tremendous potential to accomplish the task of identifying weeds for spot spraying application. Also, most of the ground-based weed management technologies have relied on DL techniqu... N. Rai, Y. Zhang, J. Quanbeck, A. Christensen, X. Sun

27. A Generative Adversarial Network-based Method for High Fidelity Synthetic Data Augmentation

Digital Agriculture has led to new phenotyping methods that use artificial intelligence and machine learning solutions on image and video data collected from lab, greenhouse, and field environments. The availability of accurately annotated image and video data remains a bottleneck for developing most machine learning and deep learning models. Typically, deep learning models require thousands of unique samples to accurately learn a given task. However, manual annotation of a large dataset will... S. Sridharan, S. Sornapudi, Q. Hu, S. Kumpatla, J. Bier

28. Meta Deep Learning Using Minimal Training Images for Weed Classification in Wild Blueberry

Deep learning convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have gained popularity in recent years for their ability to classify images with high levels of accuracy. In agriculture, they have been applied for disease identification, crop growth monitoring, animal behaviour tracking, and weed classification. Datasets traditionally consisting of thousands of images of each desired target are required to train CNNs. A recent survey of Nova Scotia wild blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium Ait.) fie... P.J. Hennessy, T.J. Esau, A.W. Schumann, A.A. Farooque, Q.U. Zaman, S.N. White

29. Generation of Site-specific Nitrogen Response Curves for Winter Wheat Using Deep Learning

Nitrogen response (N-response) curves are tools used to support farm management decisions. Conventionally, the N-response curve is modeled as an exponential function that aims to identify an important threshold for a given field: the economic optimum point. This is useful to determine the nitrogen rate beyond which there is no actual profit for the farmers. In this work, we show that N-response curves are not only field-specific but also site-specific and, as such, economic optimum points sho... G. Morales, J.W. Sheppard, A. Peerlinck, P. Hegedus, B. Maxwell

30. Real-time Detection of Picking Region of Ridge Planted Strawberries Based on YOLOv5s with a Modified Neck

Robotic strawberry harvesting requires machine vision system to have the ability to detect the presence, maturity, and location of strawberries. Strawberries, however, can easily be bruised, injured, and even damaged during robotic harvest if not picked properly because of their soft surfaces. Therefore, it is important to cut or pick the strawberry stems instead of picking the fruit directly. Additionally, real-time detection is critical for robotic strawberry harvesting to adapt to the chan... Z. He, K. Manoj, Q. Zhang, S. Kshetri

31. Predicting Below and Above Ground Peanut Biomass and Maturity Using Multi-target Regression

Peanut growth and maturity prediction can help farmers and breeding programs improving crop management. Remote sensing images collected by satellites and drones make possible and accurate crop monitoring. Today, empirical relations between crop biomass and spectral reflectance could be used for prediction of single variables such as aboveground crop biomass, pod weight (PW), or peanut maturity. Robust algorithms such as multioutput regression (MTR) implemented through multioutput random fores... M.F. Oliveira, F.M. Carneiro, M. Thurmond, M.D. Del val, L.P. Oliveira, B. Ortiz, A. Sanz-saez, D. Tedesco

32. From Fragmented Data to Unified Insights: Leveraging Data Standardization Tools for Better Collaboration and Agronomic Big Data Analysis

The quantity and scope of agronomic data available for researchers in both industry and academia is increasing rapidly. Data sources include a myriad of different streams, such as field experiments, sensors, climatic data, socioeconomic data or remote sensing. The lack of standards and workflows frequently leads agronomic data to be fragmented and siloed, hampering collaboration efforts within research labs, university departments, or research institutes. Researchers and businesses therefore ... S. Sela

33. Coupling Machine Learning Algorithms and GIS for Crop Yield Predictions Based on Remote Sensing Imagery and Topographic Indices

In-season yield prediction can support crop management decisions helping farmers achieve their yield goals. The use of remote sensing to predict yield it is an alternative for non-destructive yield assessment but coupling auxiliary data such as topography features could help increase the accuracy of yield estimation. Predictive algorithms that can effectively identify, process and predict yield at field scale base on remote sensing and topography still needed. Machine learning could be an alt... M.F. Oliveira, G.T. Morata, B. Ortiz, R.P. Silva, A. Jimenez

34. A Framework for Imputation of Missing Parts in UAV Orthomosaics Using Planetscope and Sentinel-2 Data

In recent years, the emergence of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), also known as drones, with high spatial resolution, has broadened the application of remote sensing in agriculture. However, UAV images commonly have specific problems with missing areas due to drone flight restrictions. Data mining techniques for imputing missing data is an activity often demanded in several fields of science. In this context, this research used the same approach to predict missing parts on orthomosaics obtain... F.R. Pereira, A.A. Dos reis, R.G. Freitas, S.R. Oliveira, L.R. Amaral, G.K. Figueiredo, J.F. Antunes, R.A. Lamparelli, E. Moro, N.D. Pereira, P.S. Magalhães

35. Identifying Key Factors Influencing Yield Spatial Pattern and Temporal Stability for Management Zone Delineation

Management zone delineation is a practical strategy for site-specific management. Numerous approaches have been used to identify these homogenous areas in the field, including approaches using multiple years of historical yield maps. However, there are still knowledge gaps in identifying variables influencing spatial and temporal variability of crop yield that should be used for management zone delineation. The objective of this study is to identify key soil and landscape properties affecting... L.N. Lacerda, Y. Miao, K. Mizuta, K. Stueve

36. Strawberry Pest Detection Using Deep Learning and Automatic Imaging System

Strawberry growers need to monitor pests to determine the options for pest management to reduce damage to yield and quality.  However, manually counting strawberry pests using a hand lens is time-consuming and biased by the observer. Therefore, an automated rapid pest scouting method in the strawberry field can save time and improve counting consistency. This study utilized six cameras to take images of the strawberry leaf. Due to the relatively small size of the strawberry pest, six cam... C. Zhou, W. Lee, A. Pourreza, J.K. Schueller, O.E. Liburd, Y. Ampatzidis, G. Zuniga-ramirez

37. A Bayesian Network Approach to Wheat Yield Prediction Using Topographic, Soil and Historical Data

Bayesian Network (BN) is the most popular approach for modeling in the agricultural domain. Many successful applications have been reported for crop yield prediction, weed infestation, and crop diseases. BN uses probabilistic relationships between variables of interest and in combination with statistical techniques the data modeling has many advantages. The main advantages are that the relationships between variables can be learned using the model as well as the potential to deal with missing... M. Karampoiki, L. Todman, S. Mahmood, A. Murdoch, D. Paraforos, J. Hammond, E. Ranieri

38. Automated Lag Phase Detection in Wine Grapes

Crop yield estimation, an important managerial tool for vineyard managers, plays a crucial role in planning pre/post-harvest operations to achieve desired yield and improve efficiency of various field operations. Although various technological approaches have been developed in the past for automated yield estimation in wine grapes, challenges such as cost and complexity of the technology, need of higher technical expertise for their operation and insufficient accuracy have caused major concer... P. Upadhyaya, M. Karkee, X. Zhang, S. Kashetri

39. Supervised Feature Selection and Clustering for Equine Activity Recognition

In this paper we introduce a novel supervised algorithm for equine activity recognition based on accelerometer data. By combining an approach of calculating a wide variety of time-series features with a supervised feature significance test we can obtain the best suited features using just 5 labeled samples per class and without requiring any expert domain knowledge. By using a simple cluster assignment algorithm with these obtained features, we get a classification algorithm that achieves a m... T. De waele, D. Peralta, A. Shahid, E. De poorter

40. Increasing Precision Irrigation Efficacy for Row Crop Agriculture Through the Use of Artificial Intelligence

The agricultural sector is the largest consumer of the world’s available fresh water resources. With fresh water scarcity increasing worldwide, more efficient use for irrigation water is necessary. Precision irrigation is described as the application of water to meet crop needs of a specific area, at the right amount and at the time that is optimum for crop health and management objectives. Irrigation becomes increasingly efficient through the use of precision irrigation tools. Howe... E. Bedwell

41. Measuring Soil Carbon with Intensive Soil Sampling and Proximal Profile Sensing

Measuring soil carbon is currently a subject of significant interest due to soil’s ability to sequester carbon and reduce atmospheric CO2. The cost of conventional soil sampling and analysis along with the number of samples required make proximal sensing an appealing option.  To properly evaluate the performance of proximal sensing of soil carbon, a detailed lab-analyzed carbon inventory is needed to serve as the ‘gold standard’ in evaluating sensor estimations.  F... E. Lund

42. Minnesota Corn Growers Association

With more than 6,500 members, the Minnesota Corn Growers Association is one of the largest grassroots farm organizations in the United States. Working in close partnership with the Minnesota Corn Research & Promotion Council, MCGA identifies and promotes opportunities for Minnesota’s 24,000 corn farmers while building connections with the non-farming public. We accomplish this by investing in third-party research that focuses on water quality and soil health, targeted consumer outre... M. Kazula

43. #DigitAg France

#DigitAg, the Digital Agriculture Convergence Laboratory, is one of 10 French Convergence Institutes financed by the Investissements d'Avenir (Investment for the Future) program. #DigitAg conducts interdisciplinary research between agronomic sciences, engineering sciences (computer science, mathematics, electronics, physics, etc.) and social and management sciences (economics, sociology, business management), bringing together more than 700 experts in these fields to produce the scientifi... J. Taylor

44. EarthScout, GBC

EarthScout is a precision remote sensor technology that provides farmers and researchers with reliable data in real time, straight from your field to your desktop and mobile devices. In season data allows users to access current conditions for smarter decision making in irrigation and nitrogen management. EarthScout is a crop agnostic tool that is used in any soil type and climate. Our plug and play field sensors need no calibration and set up only takes about 5 minutes. There are no data sub... S. Wieland, A. Kelley

45. SoilView, LLC

SoilView is an independent provider specializing in precision sampling and field services for agriculture retail, research groups, universities, and the evolving carbon market. Our areas of expertise include sampling for soil nutrients, carbon sampling, soil health and biology, and custom sampling processes for field research. We aim to remove the burden of sample collection for our customers by expertly managing all steps from field collection to final data delivery.   Our... R. Shorkey

46. Pessl Instruments

For more than 37 years, Pessl Instruments has been offering tools for informed decision-making. A complete range of wireless, solar powered monitoring systems which support almost all communication standards roofed under the METOS® brand is available to our clients worldwide.    The systems, along with online platform and mobile application Fieldclimate, are applicable in all climate zones and can be used in various industries and for various purposes – from ... D. Brazda

47. MDPI - Agriculture and Agronomy Journals

... N. Nišavić