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Adamchuk, V.I
Adkins, J
Adrian, A.M
Adrian, A.M
Amin, S
Ashley, R
Balboa, G
Balzarini, M
Bernardi, A.C
Blackmer, T.M
Blackmer, T.M
Bongiovanni, M
Bongiovanni, R
Bosse, D
Cassman, K
Cerliani, C
Cox, M
Cruse, R
Degioanni, A
Douche, H
Drummond, S
Dzinaj, T
Endres, G
Esposito, G
Ferguson, R.B
Franzen, D.W
Frimpong, K.A
Fulton, J.P
Fulton, J.P
Gelder, B.K
Gimenez, L.M
Gonzalez, J
Griffin, T
Haneklaus, S
Herzmann, D
James, D
Jasper, J
Kieffer, D
Kinder, T
King, B.A
Kitchen, N
Klose, R
Kyveryga, P.M
Kyveryga, P.M
Lejealle, S
Lilienthal, H
Link, A
Lukach, J
Machado, P.L
Mandel, R
McGary, S.D
McKay, K
Melchiori, R
Mullen, R.W
Norwood, S.H
Norwood, S.H
Pearson, R
Phillips, S.B
Prostko, E.P
Raun, W.R
Reetz, H
Reusch, S
Roberts, D
Rousseau, J
Ruckelshausen, A
Runge, M
Sadler, J
Sandoval-Green, C
Scaramuzza, F
Schelling, K
Schnug, E
Schulthess, R
Shannon, D.K
Shibusawa, S
Silva, C.A
Sklenar, T
Staricka, J
Sudduth, K
Taberna, Jr., J.P
Varner, D.L
Videla, H
Virk, S.S
Vollmar, J
Waits, M
Weist, D
Whaley, C
White, S
Williams, J.D
Winstead, A.T
Winstead, A.T
Yost, M.A
Precision A-Z for Practitioners
Education and Training in Precision Agriculture
Education and Outreach in Precision Agriculture
Precision Conservation Management
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Filter results41 paper(s) found.

1. Networking Advances Emerging Agricultural Technologies

  Innovative Nebraska farmers and agribusinesses partnered with University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) extension in 2001 to form the Nebraska Agricultural Technologies Association (NeATA). UNL Extension faculty and NeATA members have collaborated for nearly a decade to further agriculturists' understanding and adoption of emerging agricultural technologies via machinery/technology field days, hands-on GIS/GPS computer workshops, aerial imagery experiential learning... D.L. Varner

2. Revising Nitrogen Recommendations For Wheat In Response To The Need For Support Of Variable-rate Nitrogen Application

Sampling studies in North Dakota conducted from 1994 to 2003 showed that variable-rate N application could be practically directed with zone soil sampling. Results from variable-rate N studies using zone soil sampling were often less than rewarding due in part to the use of a whole-field predicted yield-based formula for developing the N recommendation in each zone. Nitrogen rate studies on spring wheat and durum were established in 2005 through 2009 to reexamine N recommendations. The result... D. Franzen, G. Endres, R. Ashley, J. Staricka, J. Lukach, K. Mckay

3. Oenoview : Bringing Remote Sensing To Wine Quality

  Oenoview is born in 2006 from the partnership between Infoterra, an EADS Astrium company specialised in earth observation and the Institut Cooperatif de Vin, a French company of services for the wine industry. Oenoview is an operating precision viticulture service, dedicated to vine monitoring, harvest optimisation and input management. In France, this service implemented in 2009 on a commercial scale is now used by clients as different as larg... H. Douche, J. Rousseau

4. Developing And Teaching A Site-specific Crop/soil Management Course

           Site-specific crop/soil management technologies have been available for over fifteen years. Consequently, there is a demand for classroom and laboratory education across a variety of agricultural disciplines in the University community. To meet this demand, a course was developed in 1998 to teach the basic concepts of site-specific crop/soil management. This class is designed as a upper level undergraduate and graduate class and generally has between 1... M. Cox, D. Roberts

5. Variable Rate Application Of Potassium Fertilizer For Soybean Crop Growth In A No-till System

Variable rate application of fertilizer has the potential to improve nutrient use efficiency, improve economic returns, and reduce negative environmental impacts. The objective of this study was to evaluate the variable rate application of potassium fertilizer to soybean crop in a no-till system. The study was conducted on a 13-ha soybean grain field in Carambeí, State of Paraná, Brazil in a Typic Hapludox. The area has been under no-tillage for more than 10 years growing grains... A.C. Bernardi, L.M. Gimenez, C.A. Silva, P.L. Machado

6. Effect Of Sub-surface Drip Irrigation And Shade On Soil Moisture Uniformity In Residential Turf

Sub-surface irrigation in turf has advantages over traditional sprinkler systems. Evapotranspiration is reduced and water applied below the root zone promotes deeper root growth. Auditing such applications requires measurement of root-zone soil moisture. Data was taken in 2008 and 2009 on a private lawn in northern California that had just been rebuilt to include both sub-surface drip and overhead spray irrigation systems. A portable wave reflectometer was used to take geo-referenced soil moi... D. Kieffer

7. Precision Agriculture Education Program In Nebraska

With the cost of agricultural inputs and the instability of commodity prices increasing, demand is growing for training in the essential skills needed to successfully implement site-specific crop management. This set of skills is uniquely interdisciplinary in nature. Thus, it is essential for potential users of precision agriculture to understand the basics of geodetic and electronic control equipment, principles of geographic information systems, fundamenta... V.I. Adamchuk, R.B. Ferguson

8. Site-specific Nematode Management For Potatoes In Idaho Using 1,3-dichloropropene; Experiences And Economics

Fumigation for nematode management in irrigated potato production systems of Idaho is widely practiced. Spatially uniform fumigation with large scale soil injection equipment is the traditional application method for Telone II. Plant-parasitic nematode species exhibit spatially variable population densities that provide an opportunity to practice site-specific fumigation to reduce chemical usage and production costs. Over the past 3 years 1200 ha of potato production has been site-specific fu... B.A. King, J.P. Taberna, jr.

9. Using Late-season Uncalibrated Digital Aerial Imagery For Predicting Corn Nitrogen Status Within Fields

Using uncalibrated digital aerial imagery (DAI) for diagnosing in-season nitrogen (N) deficiencies of corn (Zea mays L.) is challenging because of the dynamic nature of corn growth and the difficulty of obtaining timely imagery. Digital aerial imagery taken later during the growing season is more accurate in identifying areas deficient in N. Even so, the quantitative use of late-season DAI across many fields is still limited because the imagery is not truly calibrated. This study... P.M. Kyveryga, T.M. Blackmer, R. Pearson

10. A Systematic Approach For Using Precision Agriculture Tools For On-farm Evaluations In Iowa

 The competitive nature of modern agriculture requires constant refinements of many crop production management decisions. Precision agriculture tools (PAT) can allow growers to rapidly evaluate different management practices across large areas at a relatively low cost. But a systematic approach and a decision-making process describing how to utilize different PAT for on-farm evaluations have not been yet developed and adopted. This presentation will focus on how  approximately... T.M. Blackmer, P.M. Kyveryga

11. Interpretation Of Thinking Process In Farmer’s Decision

An idea of knowledge management is composed of (1) defining the four steps of recognition: data, information, knowledge and wisdom, (2) decision-make actions of evidence mining and context making, (3) system makeup of input and output on management. In simulating expert farmers’ practiced, five factors of farming system and eleven units of thinking were derived. The five factors are crop, field, techno... S. Shibusawa

12. Multiplex : A New Diagnostic Tool For Management Of Nitrogen Fertilization Of Turfgrass

Multiplex is a fluorescence-based optical sensor that measures in real time and in vivo the leaf content of compounds such as chlorophyll and several families of polyphenols (anthocyanins, flavonoïds, hydroxycinnamic acids). We propose here to show that the measurement of leaf chlorophyll and flavonoïd content permits us to evaluate nitrogen status of turfgrass. Actually, experiments have shown that chlorophyll content increases whereas flavonoïd content decreases with increase... S. Lejealle

13. Adoption And Use Of Precision Agriculture Technologies By Practitioners

A survey of farmers and farm service providers were initiated to ascertain the adoption and use of precision agriculture technologies as well as the barriers to and incentives for adoption. Farm-level data were collected via audience response system at the 2009 Alabama Precision Ag and Field Crops Conference and local winter production meetings across the six crop reporting districts in Alabama. Service provider data were collected using an online survey. Questions common to farmers and servi... A.T. Winstead, S.H. Norwood, T. Griffin, A.M. Adrian, M. Runge, J.P. Fulton

14. PA Education: Using Social Media

Social media and web-based applications are gaining in popularity for disseminating information and communicating with others. The traditional method of transferring information through print and face-to-face meetings is now often supplemented and/or replaced by web-based outlets. The Alabama Precision Agriculture Program initiated a social media and web campaign as a method of distributing educational information while gaining recognition as a source for precision... A.T. Winstead, S.H. Norwood, J.P. Fulton, A.M. Adrian

15. Experiencs Of Extension Education Via Online Delivery Of Programming Related To Precision Agriculture Technologies

This paper will describe the content and experiences teaching an extension education course on precision agriculture technologies via online delivery. The course was developed to be delivered in 16 weeks meeting one time a week online. There was also a one-day face-to-face hands-on session focused around 4 lab type activities related to GPS guidance, diagnosis, and setup and maximizing the usefulness of precision agriculture technologies. This course focuses on agricultura... D.K. Shannon

16. Revisited: A Case Study Approach For Teaching And Applying Precision Agriculture

Current agricultural students understand and are excited about new technologies, but often do not understand how precision agriculture can be applied to farming operations. A case-study approach that requires students to develop precision agriculture management practices which includes selecting equipment and assessing the financial feasibility could help students understand and apply precision agriculture. This paper revisits a case-study approach to teaching precision agriculture and descri... J.D. Williams, S.D. Mcgary, M. Waits

17. From Rapideye's Spad In The Sky To N Application Maps

... R. Schulthess, K. Schelling, D. Weist

18. Estimating Crop Biomass And Nitrogen Uptake Using Cropspectm, A Newly Developed Active Crop-canopy Reflectance Sensor

  In-season variable rate nitrogen fertilizer application needs efficient determination of the nitrogen nutrition status of crops with high spatial and temporal resolution. A suitable approach to get this information fast and at low cost is proximal sensing of the light that is reflected from the crop canopy. CropSpecTM is an active vehicle mounted crop canopy sensor. Using pulsed laser diodes as light source, the sensor is designed to look at the crop at an ob... S. Reusch, J. Jasper, A. Link, J. Vollmar

19. Isobus Demonstrator And Working Environment For Agricultural Engineering Education

ISOBUS is the international standard for communication on agricultural equipment. In practice, however, a manufacturer independent tractor-implement communication is still a significant problem. This aspect has been identified as a major hindrance for the transfer of research results into products for precision farming.  As a consequence the ISOBUS standard should strongly be included in education and research, which is the focus of this work. &nb... A. Ruckelshausen, T. Dzinaj, T. Kinder, D. Bosse, R. Klose

20. Precision Irrigation To Improve Water Use Efficiency

  Efficient water use is the key to sustainable management of water resources.  Over irrigating is wasteful and can lead to leaching of fertilizers and other potential pollutants into both underground and surface water supplies, whereas under irrigation leads to reduced yields.  The spatial and temporal characterization of crop water consumption is important for efficient management of water resources and allows water delivery to match agricultural demands. ... S. White, J. Adkins, C. Whaley

21. Optical Sensor Advancements In Latin America

Placeholder... S.B. Phillips

22. Farmer Perspectives Of Precision Agriculture In Western Australia

Many farmers in the Western Australian wheatbelt have successfully adopted guidance and yield mapping technologies. However they have so far avoided adopting variable rate technology (VRT).  While agronomists and farmers can determine the limiting factors to production, whether it is soil fertility, pH, plant available water capacity (PAWC) or others, they have less confidence in managing spatial variability. Although WA farmers understand the need to adopt these techniques they h... R. Mandel

23. Precision Placement Of P And K


24. Extending “Precision AG” Technologies In Oklahoma

This is a placeholder for Brian Arnall's talk for A to Z...

25. Precision Ag In New Zealand

  To date New Zealand farmers do not realize how involved they are in Precision Agriculture (PA). As arable farmers we know how many kilograms of nitrogen (N) it takes to grow a tonne of wheat, how many kilograms of seed we can produce for every millimetre of water that is applied (through irrigation and/or rainfall) and yet we don’t believe we are involved in PA. As dairy farmers we are matching feed requirements to the specific production level of individual cows....

26. Temporal Variability In Crop Requirements – Going Beyond Spatial In Ohio

placeholder... R.W. Mullen

27. Real World (on-farm) Implementation Of Sensor Based VRN In Mid-atlantic Corn Production


28. RapidEye Satellite Imaging Services -- Ground Cover, Chlorophyll, and The Red Edge


29. Variable Seeding Rates: Optimizing Yield Opportunity And Minimizing Seed Costs


30. 20/20 Vision On Precision---What The Last 20 Years Has Shown Us / What The Next 20 Promises To Give Us

placeholder... H. Reetz

31. Connected Farm – Collecting And Collating Information From The Field


32. Impact of Crop Yield Limits and Precision Agriculture on Global Food Security and Conservation of Natural Resources

blank... K. Cassman

33. Application of Indirect Measures for Improved Nitrogen Fertilization Algorithms

blank... W.R. Raun

34. Satellite Based Energy Balance For Mapping Riparian Evapotranspiration


35. The Daily Erosion Project - High Resolution, Daily Estimates of Runoff, Detachment, Erosion, and Soil Moisture

Runoff and sediment transport from agricultural uplands are substantial threats to water quality and sustained crop production. Farmers, conservationists, and policy makers must understand how landforms, soil types, farming practices, and rainfall affect soil erosion and runoff in order to improve management of soil and water resources. A system was designed and implemented a decade ago to inventory precipitation, runoff, and soil erosion across the state of Iowa, United States. That system u... B.K. Gelder, R. Cruse, D. James, D. Herzmann, C. Sandoval-green, T. Sklenar

36. A Decade of Precision Agriculture Impacts on Grain Yield and Yield Variation

Targeting management practices and inputs with precision agriculture has high potential to meet some of the grand challenges of sustainability in the coming century, including simultaneously improving crop yields and reducing environmental impacts. Although the potential is high, few studies have documented long-term effects of precision agriculture on crop production and environmental quality. More specifically, long-term impacts of precision conservation practices such as cover crops, no-ti... M.A. Yost, N. Kitchen, K. Sudduth, S. Drummond, J. Sadler

37. 25 Years Precision Agriculture in Germany - a Retrospective

It all started with the availability of Global Positioning Systems for civil services in 1988. In the same year variable rate applications of fertilizers were demonstrated in northern Germany and Denmark, which were globally the first of their kind and introduced a new era of agricultural production. The idea of Computer Aided Farming (CAF) was born. Only one year later the first yield maps were established. In 1992 at the Soil Specific Crop Management Workshop in Bloomington, Minnesota which... H. Lilienthal, E. Schnug, S. Haneklaus

38. Survey of Pesticide Application Practices and Technologies in Georgia Agricultural Crops

Georgia is a leading producer of numerous crops including cotton, peanut, blueberries, pecans, bell peppers, cabbage, watermelons, and peaches in the United States. Pesticide applications are critical for the successful production of these crops. Pesticide regulations and application technologies are changing rapidly due to growing concerns around off-target movement and increased focus on improving the efficiency and efficacy of pesticide applications. In order to provide suitable ... S.S. Virk, E.P. Prostko

39. Precision Agriculture Education in Africa: Perceptions, Opportunities and Challenges, and the Way Forward

Precision Agriculture is critical for accelerated transformation of the agrifood systems in Africa for shared prosperity and enhanced livelihoods. The paper presents an overview of the perceptions of faculty, undergraduate and postgraduate students from Ghanaian universities about PA education, and its opportunities and challenges. The study involves a case study of two public universities, the University of Cape Coast and the Technical University of Cape Coast, respectively a and a desk revi... K.A. Frimpong

40. Overcoming Educational Barriers for Precision Agriculture Adoption: a University Diploma in Precision Agriculture in Argentina

The lack of educational programs in Precision Agriculture (PA) has been reported as one of the barriers for adoption. Our goal was to improve professional competence in PA through education in crop variability, management, and effective practices of PA in real cases. In the last 20 years different efforts has been made in Argentina to increase adoption of PA. The Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto (UNRC) launched in 2021 the first University Diploma in PA, a 9-month program to train agronomis... G. Balboa, A. Degioanni, R. Bongiovanni, R. Melchiori, C. Cerliani, F. Scaramuzza, M. Bongiovanni, J. Gonzalez, M. Balzarini, H. Videla, S. Amin, G. Esposito

41. Teaching Mathematics Towards Precision Agriculture Through Data Analysis and Models

Precision agriculture is used in a wide variety of field operations and agricultural practices that affect our daily lives. Many fields of agriculture are increasingly adopting equipment automation, robotics, and machine learning techniques. These all lead to recognize that data collection and exploitation is a valuable tool assisting in real-time farming and livestock decisions. Thus, the immediate need to empower students in Agriculture Sciences with mathematical tools using data analysis i... R. Sviercoski