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Precision Nutrient Management
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Al-Gaadi, K.A
Banerjee, M
Basso, B
Bhuiya, G
Bodson, B
Braunbeck, O
Braunbeck, O.A
Cao, Q
Castro, S.G
Castro, S.G
Christiaens, R
Destain, J
Destain, M
Devakumar, N
Dumont, B
Dutta, S
Feng, G
Franco, H.C
Franco, H.C
Gao, X
Giriyappa, M
Graziano Magalhães, P.S
Grocholski, P
Hanumanthappa, D
Inamasu, R
Jangandi, S
Johnson, R.M
Kaul, A
Kolln, O.T
Kolln, O.T
Kulczycki, G
Kumar, R
Li, F
Li, Y
Liu, B
Liu, Y
Madugundu, R
Magalhães, P.S
Maiti, D
Majumdar, K
Makkar, M.S
Malagi, M.T
Malik, G
Mallikaarjuna, G
Marey, S
Mariano, E
Mclure, B
Melnitchouck, A
Miao, Y
Michalski, A
Mulla, D.J
Nakao, H.S
Otto, R
Pampolino, M
Pandey, A
Pannu, C.S
Patil, V
Pgowda, C.C
Phillips, S
Raju, N
Rossi Neto, J
Rudramuni, T
Salimath, S.B
Sanches, G.M
Sanches, G.M
Schepers, J.S
Sekhon, B.S
Shankar, M
Sharma, A
Sheshadri, T
Stepien, P
Sun, X
Swanson, G
Tola, E
Upadhyaya, S.K
V.M., A.H
Viator, B.J
Walsh, O.S
Xu, K
Zhang, X
kaboodi, S
nabizadeh, E
Precision Nutrient Management
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Filter results18 paper(s) found.

1. Precision Sensors For Improved Nitrogen Recommendations In Wheat

Crop sensor-based systems with developed algorithms for making mid-season fertilizer nitrogen (N) recommendations are commercially available to producers in some parts of the world. Although there is growing interest in these technologies by grain producers in Montana, use is limited by the lack of local research under Montana’s semiarid conditions. A field study was carried out at two locations in 2011, three locations in 2012, and two locations in 2013 in North West Mont... O.S. Walsh, A. Pandey, R. Christiaens

2. Evaluating Different Nitrogen Management Strategies For The Intensive Wheat-Maize System In North China Plain

The sustainable agricultural development involves both environmental challenges and production goals to meet growing food demand. However, excessive nitrogen (N) applications are threatening the sustainability of intensive agriculture in the North China Plain (NCP). Improved N management should result in greater N use efficiency (NUE) and producer profit while reducing the risk of environmental contamination. Therefore, developing and disseminating feasible N management strategi... Q. Cao, Y. Miao, G. Feng, F. Li, B. Liu, X. Gao, Y. Liu

3. Nitrogen Fertilisation Recommendations : Could They Be Improved Using Stochastically Generated Climates In Conjunction With Crop Models ?

In the context of precision nitrogen (N) management, to ensure that the yield potential could be reached each year, farmers have too often applied quantities of fertilizers much larger than what was strictly required. However, since 2002, the Belgian Government transposed the European Nitrate Directive 91/676/EEC in the Belgian law, with the aim to maintain the productivity and the revenue of Belgian's farmers while reducing the environmental impact of excessive N management... B. Basso, J. Destain, B. Bodson, M. Destain, B. Dumont

4. Precision Nutrient Management In Cotton At Different Yield Targets In Northern Transitional Zone Of Karnataka

  Nutrient management in cotton is complex due to the simultaneous production of vegetative and reproductive structures during the active growth phase. Lot of spatial variation in soil available nutrients is observed under similar management situation. In view of this an experiment ... C.C. Pgowda

5. Variable-Rate Application Of Nitrogen And Potassium Fertilizers In Louisiana Sugarcane Production Systems.

If sugar and cane yields are to be optimized and profitability improved, it is critical that a sugarcane crop receive the proper levels of plant nutrients.  Under-fertilization can result in reduced cane yields, while over-fertilization can reduce sugar recovery.  In addition, improper fertilization may increase crop susceptibility to environmental stresses and disease and insect pests. Nitrogen (N) continues to be one of the most important and co... B.J. Viator, R.M. Johnson

6. Estimation Of Nitrogen And Chlorophyll Content In Wheat Crop Using Hand Held Sensors

A Field experiment was conducted to estimate crop nitrogen (N) status and chlorophyll content in wheat crop by using chlorophyll content meter(Apogee’s CCM-200) and N-Tester®  (Make YARA International). The experiment was conducted by sowing university recommended wheat variety viz. PBW 550 with 5 nitrogen levels i.e. 0, 30, 60, 90, 120 & 150 kg N/ha. It was found that at tillering stage when nitrogen rates were increased from 0 to 150 kg ha-1 , the... M.S. Makkar, A. Kaul, R. Kumar, A. Sharma, B.S. Sekhon, C.S. Pannu

7. Multilayer And Multiyear Data Analysis In Precision Yield Planning

This work covers two separate field experiments. In the first one, the results of 1-ha grid soil analysis for soil organic matter (OM), pH, cation exchange capacity (CEC), nitrate N, P, K, S, Ca, Mg and soluble salts were compared with the results of yield mapping, biomass index from optical on-the-go sensors, as well as multispectral imagery analysis for the last 30 years.  As a result, it was found that none of the analyzed soil characteristics was predominant for determining yiel... A. Melnitchouck

8. Response Of Rhodes Grass (Chloris Gayana Kunth) To Variable Rate Application Of Irrigation Water And Fertilizer Nitrogen

Rhodes grass is cultivated extensively in Saudi Arabia under center pivot sprinkler irrigation system. The research work was carried out to optimize irrigation water and fertilizer nitrogen levels for the crop. The objectives of the study were: 1. To delineate the field in to management zones, 2. To study the effects of variable rate application (VRA) of irrigation water and fertilizer nitrogen on the yield of Rhodes grass. A field experiment was carried out fro... V. Patil, R. Madugundu, E. Tola, S. Marey, D.J. Mulla, S.K. Upadhyaya, K.A. Al-gaadi

9. Optical Sensors To Predict Nitrogen Demand By Sugarcane

The low effectiveness of nitrogen (N) from fertilizer is a substantial concern in worldwide which has been threatening the sustainability of sugarcane production. The increment of nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) by sugarcane genotypes associated to the best practices of fertilizer management and nutritional diagnosis methods have higher potential to reduce environment impacts of nitrogen fertilization. Due to the difficult to determine N status in soil test as well as there is not... O.T. Kolln, G.M. Sanches, J. Rossi neto, S.G. Castro, E. Mariano, R. Otto, R. Inamasu, P.S. Magalhães, O.A. Braunbeck, H.C. Franco

10. Effect Of Land Use Over Spatial Variability Of Nitrogen Mineralization And Some Of Chemical Soil Properties In Mirabad Area Of Iran

Abstract Any changes in ecosystem conditions and land management impact on ecology of soil inorganic nitrogen. Understanding of the biology soil is increasingly important for sustainable ecosystem. The aim of this study was to investigate the spatial variability and zoning of nitrogen mineralization, organic carbon and calcium carbonate influenced by the user of apple orchards, crop production and pasture, and compare the two interpola... E. Nabizadeh, S. Kaboodi

11. Research On Measurement Device For NO3- Ion Concentration Of Nutrient Solution

The management of water and ion concentration in nutrient solution is crucial in precision agriculture. Poor management may leads to the increasing of energy consumption and cost as well as low efficiency. The measurement of ion concentration in nutrient solution is prerequisite for optimal control and management of nutrient solution. Real-time detection of NO3-, as an important component of nitrogenous fertilizer, is always a big problem over the world. Th... X. Zhang, Y. Li, K. Xu, X. Sun

12. Site Specific Drip Fertigation

Two test plots, one from high fertility zone and one from low fertility zone were identified and delineated with the help of GPS for raising the test crop. Soil samples were collected from the experimental sites one month before planting. The samples were analyzed for available N, P and K. Site specific nutrient recommendations were made using the Decision Support System for Integrated Fertilizer Recommendation (DSSIFER) software (Murugappan et al. 2004) for optimum yie... A.H. V.m.

13. Precision Nutrient Management For Enhancing The Yield Of Groundnut In Peninsular India

               Groundnut is an important oil seed crop grown in an area of around 8 lakh hectares in Karnataka state of India under rainfed conditions. In these situations farmers applied inadequate fertilizer without knowing the initial nutrient status of the soil which resulted in low nutrient use efficiency that intern lead to low productivity of groundnut in these areas. Soil fertility deterioration due to... M. Giriyappa, T. Sheshadri, D. Hanumanthappa, M. Shankar, S.B. Salimath, T. Rudramuni, N. Raju, N. Devakumar, G. Mallikaarjuna, M.T. Malagi, S. Jangandi

14. The Most Sensitive Growth Stage To Quantify Nitrogen Stress In Sugarcane Using Active Crop Canopy Sensor

The use of sensors that allow the application of nitrogen fertilizer at variable rate has been widely used by researchers in many agricultural crops, but without success in sugarcane, probably due to the difficulty of diagnosing the nutritional status of the crop for nitrogen (N). Active crop canopy sensors are based on the principle that the spectral reflectance curve of the leaves are modified by N level. Researchers in USA indicated that in-season N stress in corn can be dete... S.G. Castro, O.T. Kolln, H.S. Nakao, H.C. Franco, O. Braunbeck, P.S. Graziano magalhães, G.M. Sanches

15. Nutrient Expert Software For Nutrient Management In Cereal Crops

Many countries in Asia have started replacing blanket fertilizer recommendations for vast areas of rice, maize, or wheat with more site-specific guidelines adapted to local needs. This process has been accompanied with a shift from traditional on-station research to on-farm development and evaluation of novel practices. A key challenge faced by the local extension agencies remains the complex nature of factors influencing nutrient requirements.  To aid in this process, the ... M. Pampolino, K. Majumdar, S. Phillips

16. Precision Nutrient Management Through Use Of LCC And Nutrient Expert In Hybrid Maize Under Laterite Soil Of India

Nutrient management has played a crucial role in achieving self sufficiency in food grain production. Energy crisis resulted in high price index of chemical fertilizers. Coupled with their limited production, fertilizer cost, soil health, sustainability and pollution have gave rise to interest in precision nutrient management tools. Field experiment was conducted to study the effect of variety and nutrient management on the growth and productivity of maize under lateritic belt of West Be... M. Banerjee, S. Dutta, G. Bhuiya, G. Malik, D. Maiti

17. Comparison Of The Variable Potassium Fertilization On The Light And Heavy Soils

Introduction. Determination of the spatial variability of the nutrient levels in soil facilitated adaptation of the fertilizer doses to the soluble forms availability. Nowadays, an increasing use of this method of the fertilizer application is observed, with this being associated with both economical and environmental advantages, as well as, with growing assortment of the purpose-built agricultural instrumentation. An accurate determination of the spatial distri... P. Grocholski, P. Stepien, G. Kulczycki, A. Michalski

18. Beyond The 4-Rs Of Nutrient Management In Conjunction With A Major Reduction In Tillage

Agribusiness and government agencies have embraced the 4-R concept (right form, rate, time, and place) to improve nutrient management and environmental quality. No-ti... J.S. Schepers, B. Mclure, G. Swanson