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Precision Livestock Management
Profitability, Sustainability and Adoption
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Åström, H
Anselmi, A.A
Avanzi, J.C
Bellenguez, R
Bernardi, A.C
Bernardi, A.C
Bernardi, A.C
Betteridge, K
Bishop-Hurley, G.J
Borghi, E
Bortolon, E.S
Bortolon, L
Bredemeier, C
Burges, B
Burnquist, H.L
Cosby, A.M
Costa, C.C
Donald, G.E
Draganova, I
Federizzi, L.C
Fragalle, C.V
Fragalle, E.P
Freeman, M
Griffin, T.W
Guppy, C.N
Hedley, M.J
Hinch, G.N
Hu, Y
Imiolek, A
Imiolek, M
Inamasu, R.Y
Inamasu, R.Y
Inamasu, R.Y
Irvine, L
Jonsson, A
Kyveryga, P.M
Lamb, D.W
Lamb, D.W
Lawrence, P.G
Leithold, T
Levow, G
Lindblom, J
Ljung, M
Luchiari Junior, A
Lundström, C
Mackenzie, C
Mark, T
Maxwell, B.D
McNeill, D
Molin, J.P
Mueller, T.A
Olsson, J
Reeg, P
Rew, L.J
Rydberg, A
Schimmelpfennig, D
Silva, J.C
Stafford, K.J
Sundström, B
Taylor, D
Trotter, M.G
Trotter, M.G
Trotter, M.G
Wagner, P
Wagner, P
Wang, X
Wood, B.A
Yi, Z
Yule, I.J
Yule, I.J
Yule, I.J
Yule, I.J
van Es, H.M
Precision Livestock Management
Profitability, Sustainability and Adoption
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Filter results25 paper(s) found.

1. Pasture Yield Measurement With The C-DAX Pasture Meter

A system of pasture yield measurement was developed for New Zealand’s pasture based, rotationally grazed farming systems. Pasture yield measurement is complex because the pasture biomass has to be measured in-situ,  pre and post grazing so that pasture consumption and utilisation can be calculated. The “Pasture Meter” was initially developed by Massey University and subsequently commercialised b... I.J. Yule

2. Monitoring Dairy Cow Activity With GPS-tracking And Supporting Technologies

  Nutrient loss from dairy farms is an issue of serious concern to most dairy farmers around the world. On grazed systems such as those practiced in New Zealand animal excreta has been identified as a major source of nutrient loss, which for nitrogen (N) relates to cattle urine in particular.  A study was commissioned to examine nutrient transfer around dairy farms associated with the cows with a view to developing improved precision nutrient application... I. Draganova, I.J. Yule, K. Betteridge, M.J. Hedley, K.J. Stafford

3. GNSS Tracking Of Livestock: Towards Variable Fertilizer Strategies For The Grazing Industry

This study reveals the potential for GPS tracking in the grazing industry. By monitoring the locations and movement of livestock, times of peak grazing activity can be identified and these can in turn produce maps of preferred grazing areas, and by examining residency times provide an indication of spatial variability in grazing pressure. A comparison of grazing preference can be made to similarly inferred camping areas to understand the potential redistribution of nutrients within a paddock.... M.G. Trotter, D.W. Lamb, G.N. Hinch, C.N. Guppy

4. Precision Livestock Management: An Example Of Pasture Monitoring In Eastern Australian Pastures Using Proximal And Remote Sensing Tools

  Pasture monitoring Australian rangelands by Remote Sensing   G.E.Donald.  CSIRO Livestock Industries, Locked Bag 1, Armidale NSW, 2350 Australia     A series of spatial models and datasets were jointly developed to estimate pasture biomass as feed on offer (FOO®) and pasture growth rate (PGR®) in the so... G.E. Donald, M.G. Trotter, D.W. Lamb, G. Levow, H.M. Van es

5. Spatial Livestock Research In Australia And New Zealand: Towards A Cooperative Research Model

  A number of researchers in Australia and New Zealand are working in the area of animal tracking as an important technological  step to gaining a deeper  understanding of animal behavior in various farmed and natural environments. The ultimate goals of the research vary from simply trying to understand how animals can be farmed more effectively to how animals could be controlled without fences. There are a number of parallels with the development of c... I.J. Yule

6. A Preliminary Evaluation Of Proximity Loggers To Detect Oestrus Behaviour In Grazing Dairy Cows

... D. Mcneill, G.J. Bishop-hurley, L. Irvine, M. Freeman, R. Bellenguez

7. Gps Tracking Of Sheep To Investigate Shelter And Shade Use In Relation To Climatic Conditions

In Australia inclement weather contributes to losses of new-born lambs and recently-shorn sheep. Provision of forced shelter has been observed to reduce lamb losses by up to 10 percent and when given a choice, ewes preferentially seek shelter on offer for a period of approximately two weeks post shearing (Alexander et al. 1980). Given significant sheep losses can occur during adverse weather conditions a better understanding of sheep use of shelter and/or alternative ways of attracting sheep ... D. Taylor, , , , , ,

8. Adoption Level Of Precision Agriculture For Brazilian Farmers - 2011/12 Crop Year

Although Precision Agriculture (PA) concepts and technologies are widespread in Brazil, its application still little used in some important crop production regions. The purpose of this study was to survey the current adoption level of PA by printed and online questionnaire. We started making a specific questionnaire to farmers and PA service companies using some technology related to PA. The questionnaires were developed based on the methodology of Whipker and Akridge ... E. Borghi, A. Luchiari junior, L. Bortolon, E.S. Bortolon, R.Y. Inamasu, A.C. Bernardi, J.C. Avanzi

9. Strategies For Scientific Communication Of Precision Agriculture In Brazil

Scientific knowledge popularization is the way to the society access technical scientific advances. The challenge is to increase the means, channels and processes of information and relationship with society and decode scientific issues into a format that makes knowledge accessible. The Embrapa Precision Agriculture Network has been used scientific communication strategies at the traditional and new media, as a way of approach with various stakeholders, contributing to the const... C.V. fragalle, J.C. Silva, E.P. fragalle, R.Y. Inamasu, A.C. Bernardi

10. Precision Agriculture Use In Selected Agricultural Regions In Brazil

Investment in technology brought Brazil to the position among the top agricultural producers in the world. Brazilian agricultural production has increased drastically as a result of productivity growth instead expansion in area. In this scenario the use of Precision Agriculture (PA) in the farm management, considering the spatial variability for maximizing economic return and minimizing the risk of damage to the environment can be decisive. However, the adoption of PA by Brazili... R.Y. Inamasu, A.C. Bernardi

11. Optimizing Site-Specific Adaptive Management Using A Probabilistic Framework: Evaluating Model Performance Using Historic Data

     Agricultural producers are tasked with managing crop yield responses to nitrogen (N) within systems that have high levels of spatial (biophysical), climatic, and price uncertainty. To date, the outcome of most variable rate application (VRA) research has focused on the spatial dimension, proposing optimal fertilizer prescription maps that can be applied year after year. However, temporally static prescriptions can result in suboptimal outcomes, particularly if they do... L.J. Rew, B.D. Maxwell, P.G. Lawrence

12. Sustainable Grain Production With Continuous Improvements And Lean Production

Few farmers are dedicated to critically examine their production processes. When something needs to be improved, the focus is on production with a concentration on the biological. But the profitability of a company is created by the production (what I do) and organization (how I do it). Agricultural advisory services are well developed in Sweden with services related to biological production (crop production planning, soil mapping, etc.) but there are no corresponding activities... B. Sundström, H. Åström, A. Rydberg, J. Olsson

13. Evaluating Decision Systems For Using Variable Rates In Planting Soybean

Increased interest in managing seeding rates within soybean fields is being driven by the advances in technologies and the need to increase productivity and economic returns. A wealth of previous research was focused on studying how different seeding rates affect soybean yields at small-plot scales. However, little is known how different site-specific factors influence the responsiveness of soybean to higher or lower plant population densities at field levels, especially across geographi... P. Reeg, P.M. Kyveryga, T.A. Mueller

14. Adoption Of Precision Agriculture In Sweden – The Case Of Soil Maps

Agriculture is facing great challenges in a world of changing climate and increased responsibility to find sustainable solutions to problems on both a local and a global scale, while agriculture at the same time faces higher costs for many inputs. Making decisions under such complex conditions is a delicate task. Precision agriculture is considered by many people as a tool to improve the efficiency of use of inputs and thereby improve resource utilization and reduction... J. Lindblom, C. Lundström, M. Ljung, A. Jonsson

15. Factors Related To Adoption Of Precision Agriculture Technologies In Southern Brazil

The adoption of technologies which allow the increase of food production with improving quality in addition to reduce the foot prints in the environment is important for agribusiness development. Precision Agriculture (PA) stands out as an option to aid the achievement of these goals. Brazil plays an important role to supply agricultural products and to demand technologies. However, research has focused on technical and economic implementation of PA technologies. Therefore, more informat... A.A. Anselmi, L.C. Federizzi , C. Bredemeier, J.P. Molin

16. Sustainable Use Of Irrigation Water

  The water footprint of irrigation systems can be reduced significantly by combining data from Electromagnetic (EM) soil survey with variable rate technology on irrigators. Variable Rate Irrigation (VRI) is providing annual irrigation water savings of between 25 -50% on farms throughout NZ.  Flow-on benefits include reduced pumping costs, improved crop yields and soil health along with reduced nutrients leaching to groundwater. ... C. Mackenzie

17. Economically Optimized Site Specific Nitrogen Application Using Data Mining Tools

Agricultural production in terms of economic and environmental demand requires increasingly efficient utilization of resources. Excessive use of nutrients may cause leaching, whereas deficits could lead to impediments in tapping full yield potential. Due to heterogeneity of fields, small-scale application of fertilizer provides means to encounter challenges that could arise and to improve resource efficiency. As part of an ongoing research project, we have investigated the abilit... P. Wagner, B. Burges

18. Conditioning Factors For Decision-Making Regarding Precision Agriculture Techniques Usage

The eventual goal of using the techniques of precision agriculture (described as inputs applied at varied rates) is to get one of the following results: (a) lowering cost by reducing inputs, (b) decreasing the pollution of water, soil and the atmosphere and (c) increasing agricultural productivity by the more efficient use of inputs. However, studies on these techniques do not reach similar conclusions. This could be expected, since the effectiveness of these techniques would de... H.L. Burnquist, C.C. Costa

19. Economics Of Site Specific Liming - Comparison Of On-The-Go And Grid-Based Soil Sampling To Determine The Soil pH

An important base for adequate liming is the recording of the soil pH. Several studies indicated a large heterogeneity of soil pH within fields. Recently technological improvements facilitate an on-the-go determination of the soil pH in a much higher sampling density compared to the conventional, time consuming and costly laboratory method. The “Veris soil pH sensor” allows georeferenced on-the-go mapping of the soil pH. But the “Veris soil pH sensor” and... T. Leithold, P. Wagner

20. DTE – A Method Which Integrates Statistical Analysis With Economic Evaluation In Large Area Of Type 23 Experiments.

Plant production is governed by certain, well-defined cultivation recommendations, especially important when quality standards imposed by contract agreements are to be met. Due to technical and economic conditions, a farmer is not always able to adhere to such recommendations in practice, but at the same time changes on the farm produce market (progress in plant breeding and mechanization of field work, new agrochemicals, effective microorganisms, etc) enforce producers to eithe... A. Imiolek, M. Imiolek

21. Value Of Connectivity In Rural Areas: Case Of Precision Agriculture Data

The introduction of precision agricultural technologies in the early 1990’s was made possible through the utilization of global positioning system (GPS). However, unlike GPS which has worldwide coverage allowing field-level precision agricultural activities to occur. Collecting spatial and machinery data into a repository efficiently is not currently feasible in real-time due to lack of broadband and wireless connectivity in many rural areas even in developed counties. Lac... T. Griffin, T. Mark

22. World Patent Map Analysis Of Mechanization Technologies Relatitng To Rice Production

Patents comprise a unique source for technological knowledge. They are considered to be a good proxy for invention skills, R&D activities and for the scope of technological innovation of countries, regions, sectors and firms. Rice is one of the main field crops. The research focuses on patent mechanization technologies of soil working, planting and harvesting of rice production. Based on DWPI patent database and TI patent analysis software. The temporal examination by publication yea... X. Wang, Y. Hu, Z. Yi

23. Introducing Precision Agriculture To High School Students In Australia

There is a growing need for tertiary qualified graduates in the Australian agricultural industry with only 7% of those employed in the sector holding a tertiary qualification compared to over 25% for the national workforce. With the need to greatly increase food and fibre production to feed and clothe a growing global population, and the adoption of precision agriculture technologies playing a huge part in this task, it is worrying that the demand for tertiary courses in agriculture in A... M.G. Trotter, A.M. Cosby

24. Precision Agriculture As Bricolage: Understanding The Site Specific Farmer

There is an immediate paradox apparent in precision farming because it applies all of it ‘s precision and recognition of variability to the land, yet operates under the assumption of idealism and normative notions when it comes to considering the farmer.  Precision Agriculture (PA) systems have often considered the farmer as an optimiser of profit, or maximiser of efficiency, and therefore replaceable with mathematical constructs, so that although at the centre of dec... I.J. Yule, B.A. Wood

25. USA Corn Farm Profits And Adoption Of Precision Agriculture

Demand for high-yielding, high-profit agricultural production practices is particularly strong among U.S. corn producers.  Precision agriculture and its suite of information technologies allow farm operators to fine-tune their production practices and could decrease input costs and increase yields by providing a level of detailed within-field information not previously available.  Technologies such as soil and yield mapping using a global positioning system (GPS), GPS tractor g... D. Schimmelpfennig