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Information Management/Web-based Data Management
Farm Animals Health and Welfare Monitoring
Drainage Optimization and Variable Rate Irrigation
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Abban-Baidoo, E
Adedeji, O
Admasu, W.A
Alwaseela, H
Andales, A
Brown, A.J
Dufrasne, I
Ghimire, B
Guo, W
Hansen, N
Henrie, A
Hopkins, B
Ingram, B
Joshi, R
Karn, R
Kerry, R
Khosla, R
Lebeau, F
Mahmoudi, S
Mandal, D
Ortiz, B.V
Parbi, B
Plum, J
Quoitin, B
Sanders, K
Sanz-Saez, A
Swenson, A
Unruh, R
Velasco, J.S
Wieber, E
Xu, Z
Zhou, J
Drainage Optimization and Variable Rate Irrigation
Farm Animals Health and Welfare Monitoring
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Filter results7 paper(s) found.

1. Detect Estrus in Sows Using a Lidar Sensor and Machine Learning

Accurate estrus detection of sows is labor intensive and is crucial to achieve high farrowing rate. This study aims to develop a method to detect accurate estrus time by monitoring the change in vulvar swollenness around estrus using a light detection and ranging (LiDAR) camera. The measurement accuracy of the LiDAR camera was evaluated in laboratory conditions before it was used in monitoring sows in a swine research facility. In this study, twelve multiparous individually housed sows were c... J. Zhou, Z. Xu

2. Use of Watering Hole Data As a Decision Support Tool for the Management of a Grazing Herd of Cattle

Establish grazing practices would improve the welfare of the animals, allowing them to express more natural behaviours. However, free-range reduces the ability to monitor the animals, thus increase the time needed to intervene in the event of a health problem. To ease the adoption of grazing, farmer would benefit from autonomously collected indicators at pasture that identify abnormal behaviours possibly related to a health problem in a bovine. These indicators must be individualised and coll... J. Plum, B. Quoitin, I. Dufrasne, S. Mahmoudi, F. Lebeau

3. Delineating Dynamic Variable Rate Irrigation Management Zones

Agriculture irrigation strategies have traditionally been made without accounting for the natural small-scale variability in the field, leading to uniform applications that often over-irrigate parts of the field that do not need as much water. The future success of irrigated agriculture depends on advancements in the capability to account for and leverage the natural variability in croplands for optimum irrigation management both in space and time. Variable Rate Irrigation (VRI) management of... R. Unruh, W.A. Yilma, D. Mandal, R. Joshi, R. Khosla

4. Spatio-temporal Analysis of Soil Moisture and Turfgrass Health to Investigate the Temporal Stability of Variable Rate Irrigation Zones

The western USA has been experiencing severe drought conditions for at least the last 20 years. The population in many areas of the west, like Utah, has also increased greatly in this time putting greater strain on the limited freshwater supply. While agriculture is generally the sector consuming the largest proportion of freshwater, conversion of agricultural land to urban areas with lawns, parks and playing fields may result in some reduction of water use, but the EPA have estimated that as... R. Kerry, K. Sanders, A. Swenson, A. Henrie, N. Hansen, B. Hopkins, B. Ingram

5. Assessing Precision Water Management in Cotton Using Unmanned Aerial Systems and Satellite Remote Sensing

The goal of this study was to improve agricultural sustainability and water use efficiency by allocating the right amount of water at the right place and time within the field. The objectives were to assess the effect of variable rate irrigation (VRI) on cotton growth and yield and evaluate the application of satellites and Unmanned aerial systems (UAS) in capturing the spatial and temporal patterns of cotton growth response to irrigation. Irrigation treatments with six replications of three ... O. Adedeji, W. Guo, H. Alwaseela, B. Ghimire, E. Wieber, R. Karn

6. Apparent Soil Electrical Conductivity As an Indicator of Failed Subsurface Drains

It is estimated that 2,000 ha of cropland are taken out of production daily worldwide due to salinization and sodification. Salinity is estimated to result in economic losses of $27.3 billion U.S. dollars annually. Our project aimed to develop techniques for quantifying the severity of soil-water salinity and impacts on crop production in the Lower Arkansas River Valley (LARV) in Colorado. The Fairmont Drainage District (FDD) study site in the LARV is a furrow-irrigated, tile-drained area of ... A. Andales, A.J. Brown

7. Evaluation of Peanut Response to Soil Water Levels Using the Crop Water Stress Index Generated from Infrared Thermal Sensors and Imagery

In precision agriculture, precise monitoring of crop water stress is crucial for optimizing water use, increasing crop yield, and promoting environmental sustainability. Achieving high water use efficiency in peanut production is key to producing high-quality crop. This study investigates the efficiency of infrared thermal sensors and thermal imagery from satellites and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for determining peanut crop water stress index (CWSI). Furthermore, this research explores t... B. Parbi, B.V. Ortiz, E. Abban-baidoo , A. Sanz-saez, J.S. Velasco