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Proximal Sensing in Precision Agriculture
Decision Support Systems in Precision Agriculture
Precision Agriculture and Climate Change
Profitability, Sustainability and Adoption
Optimizing Farm-level use of Spatial Technologies
Precision Dairy and Livestock Management
Decision Support Systems
Wireless Sensor Networks
Drivers and Barriers to Adoption of Precision Ag Technologies or Digital Agriculture
Weather and Models for Precision Agriculture
Smart Weather for Precision Agriculture
Drone Spraying
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Amaral, L.R
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Antunes de Almeida, L.F
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Drivers and Barriers to Adoption of Precision Ag Technologies or Digital Agriculture
Proximal Sensing in Precision Agriculture
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Wireless Sensor Networks
Decision Support Systems in Precision Agriculture
Precision Agriculture and Climate Change
Precision Dairy and Livestock Management
Weather and Models for Precision Agriculture
Drone Spraying
Optimizing Farm-level use of Spatial Technologies
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Filter results95 paper(s) found.

1. Economic Potential Of Monitoring Protein Content At Harvest And Blending Wheat Grain

  Precision agriculture has been primarily focused on the management of inputs but recently developed technologies that monitor grain quality at harvest create the opportunity to manage outputs spatially.  Provided specific product qualities achieve higher prices, monitoring, separation and blending may be economically justified. This paper analyzes the potential economic effects of blending different grain qualities at the farm level. We estimated sub-field spec... A. Meyer-aurich, M. Gandorfer, A. Weersink, P. Wagner

2. New Geospatial Technologies For Precision Farming

... K. Charvat, J. Cepicky, P. Gnip

3. Proper Implementation Of Precision Agricultural Technologies For Conducting On-farm Research

Precision agricultural technologies provide farmers, practitioners and researchers the ability to conduct on-farm or field-scale research to refine farm management, improve long term crop production decisions, and implement site-specific management strategies. However, the limitations of these technologies must be understood to draw accurate and meaningful conclusions from such investigations. Therefore, the objective of this paper was to outline the limitations of seve... J.P. Fulton, M.J. Darr, R.K. Taylor, T.P. Mcdonald

4. Optimizing N, P, K, And S Application Across Landscapes In The Northern Great Plains Using The Plant Root Simulator (PRS™ ) Technology.

  Early papers on precision farming focused on variable rate fertilization and variable spraying technology (Roberts, 1996).  The adoption of this 1st round of precision farming was acknowledged to be a “dead horse” (Mangold, 2000).  These authors put forward the notion that farmers needed better tools to decide if the intensive management of fertilizer would result in a significant reduction in input costs, or a significant increase in crop yie... K. Greer

5. Pesticide Drift Control with Wireless Sensor Networks

Precision Agriculture is an agricultural practice that uses technology based on the principle of variability. The geographically referenced data implement the process of agricultural automation so as to dose fertilizers and pesticides. The efficient application of low cost pesticides without contamination the environment is an agricultural production challenge. The main effect to be avoided during application is pesticide drift. To minimize it is important to know the environmental conditions... C.E. Cugnasca, I.M. Santos

6. The Ultimate Soil Survey in One Pass: Soil Texture, Organic Matter, pH, Elevation, Slope, and Curvature

The goal of accurately mapping soil variability preceded GPS-aided agriculture, and has been a challenging aspect of precision agriculture since its inception.  Many studies have found the range of spatial dependence is shorter than the distances used in most grid sampling.  Other studies have examined variability within government soil surveys and concluded that they have limited utility in many precision applications.  Proximal soil sensing has long been envisioned as a metho... E. Lund, C. Maxton, G. Kweon

7. Use of Active Crop Canopy Reflectance Sensor for Nitrogen Sugarcane Fertilization

Researches about the use of ground-based canopy reflectance sensors aiming the nitrogen management fertilization on variable-rate over the sugarcane crop have been conducted in São Paulo, Brazil since 2007. Sugarcane response to nitrogen is variable, making difficult the development of models to estimate its d... L.R. Amaral, G. Portz, H. Rosa, J. Molin

8. Mapping the Leaf Area Index In Vineyard Using a Ground-Based LIDAR Scanner

The leaf area index (LAI) is defined as the one-sided leaf area per unit ground area and is probably the most widely used index to characterize grapevine vigour. However, direct LAI measurement requires the use of destructive leaves sampling methods which are costly and time-consuming and so are other indirect methods. Faced with these techniques, vineyard leaf area can be indirectly estimated using ground-based LIDAR sensors that scan the vines and get information about the geometry and/or s... J. Arno, I. Del moral, A. Escolà, J. Company, J.A. MartÍnez-casasnovas, J. Masip, R. Sanz, J.R. Rosell

9. Improvement of the Quality of “On-The-Go” Recorded Soil pH

An important basis for lime fertilisation is the recording of pH values. Many studies have shown that the pH value can vary greatly within a small area. Only through the development of a sensor by VERIS has it become possible to determine the pH value cheaply in a much higher sampling density than with the time and cost intensive laboratory method. With respect to their measurement principles, both methods differ fundamentally in that in the laboratory method an extraction medium is used. Thi... M. Schneider, T. Leithold, P. Wagner

10. Vegetation Indices from Active Crop Canopy Sensor and Their Potential Interference Factors on Sugarcane

Among the inputs usually used in the sugarcane production the nitrogen (N) is the most significant. With the use of ground-based canopy sensors to obtain vegetation indexes (VI), it is possible to obtain recommendations of nutrient supply i... L.R. Amaral, J.P. Molin, L. Taubinger

11. Nineteen-Soil-Parameter Calibration Models and Mapping for Upland Fields Using the Real-Time Soil Sensor

In precision agriculture, rapid, non-destructive, cost-effective and convenient soil analysis techniques are needed for soil management, crop quality control using fertilizer, manure and compost, and variable-rate input for s... S. Shibusawa, K. Ninomiya, M. Kodaira

12. Impact of Nitrogen (N) Fertilization on the Reflectance of Cotton Plants at Different Spatial Scales

This study was conducted to examine the reflectance of cotton plants measured at three different spatial scales: individual leaf, canopy, and scene, in relation to N treatment effects, and consequently to select the best spatial scale(s) for estimating chlorophyll or N contents. At the leaf scale, N treatments effects were most apparent at 550... S. Maas, F. Muharam

13. Temporal N Status Evaluation Using Hyperspectral Vegetation Indices in a Potato Crop

The amount and timing of nitrogen (N) fertilization represents a leading issue in precision agriculture, especially for potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) crop since N is an essential element for plant growth and tuber yield. Therefore, the ability to assess in-season crop N status from non-destructive methods such as proximal sensing is a promising alternative to optimize N f... A. Cambouris, K. Chokmani, T. Morier

14. Integrated Crop Canopy Sensing System for Spatial Analysis of In-Season Crop Performance

Over the past decade, the relationships between leaf color, chlorophyll content, nitrogen supply, biomass and grain yield of agronomic crops have been studied wi... L. Shiratsuchi, C.C. Lutz, R.B. Ferguson, V.I. Adamchuk

15. Estimating Soil Quality Indicators with Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy

Knowledge of within-field spatial variability in soil quality indicators is important to assess the impact of site-specific management on the soil. Standard methods for measuring these properties require considerable time and expense, so sensor-based approaches would b... R.J. Kremer, N.R. Kitchen, K.A. Sudduth, D.B. Myers

16. Evaluation of the Sensor Suite for Detection of Plant Water Stress in Orchard and Vineyard Crops

A mobile sensor suite was developed and evaluated to predict plant water status by measuring the leaf temperature of nut trees and grapevines. It consists of an infrared thermometer to measure leaf temperature along with relevant ambient condition sensors to measure microclimatic variables in the vicinity of the leaf. Sensor suite was successfully evaluated in three crops (almonds, walnuts and grapevines) for both sunlit and shaded leaves. Stepwise linear regression models developed for ... R. Dhillon, V. Udompetaikul, F. Rojo, S. Upadhyaya, D. Slaughter, B. lampinen, K. Shackel

17. Proximal Sensing Tools to Estimate Pasture Quality Parameters.

To date systems for estimating pasture quality have relied on destructive sampling with measurement completed in a laboratory which was very time consuming and expensive. Results were often not received until after the pasture was grazed which defeated the point of the measurement, as farmers required the information to make decisions about grazing strategies to e... R. Pullanagari, I. Yule, M. Tuohy, M. Hedley, W. King, . Dynes

18. Performance of Two Active Canopy Sensors for Estimating Winter Wheat Nitrogen Status in North China Plain

... Q. Cao, Y. Miao, G. Feng, X. Gao, B. Liu, R. Khosla

19. Different Leaf Sensing Approaches for the Estimation of Winter Wheat Nitrogen Status

Nondestructive real time diagnosis of crop N status is crucial to the development of precision nitrogen (N) management strategies. Chlorophyll meter has been a popular sensor for such purposes and different approaches to use this sensor has been developed using a threshold value, nitrogen sufficiency index (NSI) or ratio ... B. Liu, Y. Miao, G. Feng, S. Yue, F. Li, X. Gao

20. Assessing Water Status in Wheat under Field Conditions Using Laser-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence and Hyperspectral Measurements

Classical measurements for estimating water status in plants using oven drying or pressure chambers are tedious and time-consuming. In the field, changes in radiation conditions may further influence the measurements and thus requir... S. El-sayed, U. Schmidhalter, B. Mistele

21. Spatial Variability Of Soil Properties And Yield Of An Alfalfa Pasture Under Grazing In Brazil

Alfalfa is extremely demanding in fertility, and an adequate supply of nutrients is important for forage production and is essential to maintain high forage quality and profitable yields. Tropical acid soils are naturally poor in plant nutrients, therefore, soil liming and balanced nutrient supply essential to ensure high yields and high alfalfa forage quality. The knowledge of soil properties spatial variability and forage yield is useful for the rational use of inputs, as in the variab... A. Bernardi

22. NIRS Sensor Controlled Total-Mixed-Ration For Nutrient Optimized Feeding Of Dairy Cattle

The exact regulation of dry matter, energy and ingredients in fodder rations provides a large advantage in order to optimize an economical animal nutrition. Feed mixer wagons are used to feed Gras and Maize silage together with other components. It can be used in combination with a transponder system for feed concentrate as well as for feeding of a total mixed ration. The online measurement system based on NIR-spectrometric sensors to measure DM-content and other nutrients shoul... P. Büscher, P. Twickler, D. Marquering, M. Müller, D. Maack

23. The Performance Of Mobile Devices' Inertial Measurement Unit For The Detection Of Cattle's Behaviors On Pasture

Over the past decade, the Precision Livestock Farming (PLF) concept has taken a considerable place in the development of accurate methods for a better management of farm animals. The recent technological improvements allow the raising of numerous motion sensors such as accelerometers and GPS tracking. Several studies have shown the relevancy of these sensors to distinguish the animals’ behavior using various classification techniques such as neuronal networks or ... A. Andriamandroso, B. Dumont, F. Lebeau, J. Bindelle

24. Application Of Infrared Thermography For Assessing Beef Cattle Comfort Using A Fuzzy Logic Classifier

... L.S. Martello, T.F. Canata, R.V. Sousa

25. Capturing, Demonstrating And Delivering Value From Integrating Real-Time On-Farm Sensing With External Information Flows

The requirement for significant productivity gains in the agricultural sector is undeniable. Sustainable, viable industries must be capable of consistently producing a margin above the base costs of production. This is particularly challenging for the extensive grazing enterprises in Australia as the operating environment has become increasingly complex, dynamic and challenging and there is a continual and increasing need to demonstrate improved efficiency to the wider community... G. Bishop-hurley, L. Overs, S. Brosnan, A. Krumpholz, D. Henry

26. Determinants of Ex-ante Adoption of Precision Agriculture Technologies by Cocoa Farmers in Ghana

The study was to identify the best predictors of cocoa Farmers willingness to adopt future Precision Agriculture Technology (PAT) Development in Ghana. Correlational research design was used. The target population was all cocoa farmers who benefited from Cocoa High Technology Programme (an initiative of distributing free fertilizer by government to cocoa farmers) in Ghana. Multistage sampling technique was used to select 422 out of 400,000 cocoa farmers in the six (6) out of the seven (7) coc... M. Bosompem, J.A. Kwarteng, H.D. Acquah

27. Site-specific Scale Efficiency Determined by Data Envelopment Analysis of Precision Agriculture Field Data

Since its inception and acceptance as a benchmarking tool within the economics literature, data envelopment analysis (DEA) has been used primarily as a means of calculating and ranking whole-farm entities marked as decision making units (DMU) against one another.  Within this study, instead of ranking the entire farm operation against similar peers that encompass the study, individual data points from within the field are evaluated to analyze the site-specific technical efficiencies esti... J.L. Maurer, T.W. Griffin, A. Sharda

28. Yield, Residual Nitrogen and Economic Benefit of Precision Seeding and Laser Land Leveling for Winter Wheat

Rapid socio-economic changes in China, such as land conversion and urbanization etc., are creating new scopes for application of precision agriculture (PA). It remains unclear the application effective and economic benefits of precision agriculture technologies in China. In this study, our specific goal was to analyze the impact of precision seeding and laser land leveling on winter wheat yield,... J. Chen , P.L. Chen, J.C. Zhao, S.Y. Wang, J.C. Li, Q. Zhang, T.H. Hu, G.L. Shi

29. Site Specific Costs Concerning Machine Path Orientation

Computer algorithms have been created to simulate in advance the orientation/pattern of a machine operation on a field. Undesired impacts were obtained and quantified for these simulations, like: maneuvering and overlap of inputs in headlands; servicing of secondary units; and soil loss by water erosion. While the efforts could minimize the overall costs, they disregard the fact that these costs aren’t uniformly distributed over irregular fields. The cost of a non-productive machine pro... M. Spekken, J.P. Molin, T.L. Romanelli, M.N. Ferraz

30. Considering Farmers' Situated Expertise in AgriDSS Development to Fostering Sustainable Farming Practices in Precision Agriculture

Agriculture is facing immense challenges and sustainable intensification has been presented as a way forward where precision agriculture (PA) plays an important role. More sustainable agriculture needs farmers who embrace situated expertise and can handle changing farming systems. Many agricultural decision support systems (AgriDSS) have been developed to support farm management, but the traditional approach to AgriDSS development is mostly based on knowledge transfer. This has resulted in te... C. Lundström, J. Lindblom

31. Comparing Adapt-N to Static N Recommendation Approaches for US Maize Production

Large temporal and spatial variability in soil N availability leads many farmers across the US to over apply N fertilizers in maize (Zea Mays L.) production environments, often resulting in large environmental N losses.  Static N recommendation tools are typically promoted in the US, but new dynamic model-based tools allow for more precise and adaptive N recommendations that account for specific production environments and conditions. This study compares two static N recommendation tools... H. Van es, S. Sela, R. Marjerison, B. Moebiu-clune, R. Schindelbeck, D. Moebius-clune

32. Data Normalization Methods for Definition of Management Zones

The use of management zones is considered a viable economic alternative for the management of crops due to low cost of adoption as well as economic and environmental benefits. The decision whether or not to normalize the attributes before the grouping process (independent of use) is a problem of methodology, because the attributes have different metric size units, and may influence the result of the clustering process. Thus, the aim of this study was to use a Fuzzy C-Means algorithm to evalua... K. Schenatto, E.G. De souza, C.L. Bazzi, A. Gavioli, N.M. Betzek, H.M. Beneduzzi

33. EZZone - An Online Tool for Delineating Management Zones

Management zones are a pillar of Precision Agriculture research.  Spatial variability is apparent in all fields, and assessing this variability through measurement devices can lead to better management decisions.  The use of Geographic Information Systems for agricultural management is common, especially with management zones.  Although many algorithms have been produced in research settings, no online software for management zone delineation exists.  This research used a ... G. Vellidis, C. Lowrance, S. Fountas, V. Liakos

34. Maize Seeding Rate Optimization in Iowa Using Soil and Topographic Characteristics.

The ability to collect soil, topography, and productivity information at spatial scales has become more feasible and more reliable with many advancement in precision technologies. This ability, combined with precision services and the accessibility farmers have to equipment capable implementing precision practices, has led to continued interest in making site-specific crop management decisions. The objective of this research was to utilize soil and topographic parameters to optimize seeding r... M.A. Licht, A. Lenssen, R. Elmore

35. Smart Agriculture: A Futuristic Vision of Application of the Internet of Things (IoT) in Brazilian Agriculture

With the economy based on agribusiness, Brazil is an important representative on the world stage in agricultural production, either in terms of quantity or cultivated diversity due to a scenario with vast arable land and favorable climate. There are many crops that are adapteble to soils of the country. Despite the global representation, it is known that the Brazilian agricultural production does not yet have a modern agriculture by restricting the use of new technologies to farmers with bett... C.L. Bazzi, R. Araujo, E.G. Souza, K. Schenatto, A. Gavioli, N.M. Betzek

36. Towards Data-intensive, More Sustainable Farming: Advances in Predicting Crop Growth and Use of Variable Rate Technology in Arable Crops in the Netherlands

Precision farming (PF) will contribute to more sustainable agriculture and the global challenge of producing ‘More with less’. It is based on the farm management concept of observing, measuring and responding to inter- and intra-field variability in crops. Computers enabled the use of Farm Management Information Systems (FMIS) and farm and field specific Decision Support Systems (DSS) since mid-1980s. GIS and GNSS allowed since ca. 2000 geo-referencing of data and controlled traff... C. Kempenaar, F. Van evert, T. Been, C. Kocks, K. Westerdijk, S. Nysten

37. Quo Vadis Precision Farming

The agriculture sector is a unique sector due to its strategic importance for both citizens and economy which, ideally, should make the whole sector a network of interacting organizations. There is an increasing tension, the like of which is not experienced in any other sector, between the requirements to assure full safety and keep costs under control, but also assure the long-term strategic interests of Europe and worldwide. In that sense, agricultural production influences, and is influenc... K. Charvat, T. Reznik, V. Lukas, K. Charvat jr., S. Horakova, M. Splichal, M. Kepka

38. Climate Smart Precision Nitrogen Management

Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) aims at improving farm productivity and profitability in a sustainable way while building resilience to climate change and mitigating the impacts of agriculture on greenhouse gas emissions. The idea behind this concept is that informed management decision can help achieve these goals. In that matter, Precision Agriculture goes hand-in-hand with CSA. The Colorado State University Laboratory of Precision Agriculture (CSU-PA) is conducting research on CSA practice... L. Longchamps, R. Khosla, R. Reich

39. Field Phenotyping Infrastructure in a Future World - Quantifying Information on Plant Structure and Function for Precision Agriculture and Climate Change

Phenotyping in the field is an essential step in the phenotyping chain. Phenotyping begins in the well-defined, controlled conditions in laboratories and greenhouses and extends to heterogeneous, fluctuating environments in the field. Field measurements represent a significant reference point for the relevance of the laboratory and greenhouse approaches and an important source of information on potential mechanisms and constraints for plant performance tested at controlled conditions. In this... O. Muller, M.P. Cendrero mateo, H. Albrecht, F. Pinto, M. Mueller-linow, R. Pieruschka, U. Schurr, U. Rascher, A. Schickling, B. Keller

40. Agronomic Characteristics of Green Corn and Correlations with Productivity for the Establishment of Management Zones in Vale Do Ribeira, SP, Brazil

In Brazil, the progressive development in the cultivation of the corn for consumption in the green stadium stands by the relevant socio-economic role that this related to multiple applications, the attractive market price and continuous demand for the product in nature. Therefore, this study was to analyze the correlations and spatial variability of the productivity of the culture of the green corn in winter, in alluvial soil of the type Cambisols eutrophic in the amount areas and Hydromorphi... W.J. Souza, V.S. Akune, S.H. Benez, L.C. Citon, P.H. Nakazawa, A.J. Santana neto

41. Net Returns and Production Use Efficiency for Optical Sensing and Variable Rate Nitrogen Technologies in Cotton Production

This research evaluated the profitability and N use efficiency of real time on-the-go optical sensing measurements (OPM) and variable-rate technologies (VRT) to manage spatial variability in cotton production in the Mississippi River Basin states of Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, and Tennessee. Two forms of OPM and VRT and the existing farmer practice (FP) were used to determine N fertilizer rates applied to cotton on farm fields in the four states. Changes in yields and N rates due to OPM... J.A. Larson, M. Stefanini, D.M. Lambert, X. Yin, C.N. Boyer, J.J. Varco, P.C. Scharf , B.S. Tubaña, D. Dunn, H.J. Savoy, M.J. Buschermohle, D.D. Tyler

42. On Farm Studies to Determine Seeding Rate in Corn

Seeding rate (SDR) is one of the most critical production practices impacting productivity and economic return for corn (Zea mays L.) By changing SDRs in different zones within a field, herein termed as site-specific management, better economic results can be produced as the outcome of reducing SDRs in low productivity areas and increasing SDRs under high-yielding environments, relative to the uniform SDR management performed by the producer. The aim of this study was to analyze yield respons... G. Balboa, S. Varela, I. Ciampitti, S. Duncan, T. Maxwell, D. Shoups, A. Sharda

43. Within-field Profitability Assessment: Impact of Weather, Field Management and Soils

Profitability in crop production is largely driven by crop yield, production costs and commodity prices. The objective of this study was to quantify the often substantial yet somewhat illusive impact of weather, management, and soil spatial variability on within-field profitability in corn and soybean crop production using profitability indices for profit (net return) and return-on-investment (ROI) to produce estimates. We analyzed yield and cropping system data provided by 42 farmers within ... P.M. Kyveryga, S. Fey, J. Connor, A. Kiel, D. Muth

44. Closing Yield Gaps with GxExM and Precision Agriculture

There are many challenges to be faced by agriculture if the global population of nine billion people projected for 2050 is to be fed and clothed, especially given the effects of changing climate.  A focus on the interactions of genetics x environment x management (GxExM) offers potential for meeting the yield, and environment and economic sustainability goals that are integral to these challenges.  The yield gap –defined as the difference between current farmer yields and pote... C. Walthall, J. Hatfield, S. Schneider, M. Vigil

45. AGTECH CHILE: an Outreach and Technology Transfer Platform for Closing Gaps in Emerging Chilean Precision Agriculture Companies

Precision agriculture (PA) is being developed in Chile since 1997. Today there are approximately 20 companies providing products and services in PA at different levels. Most of them are young entrepreneurships which have important knowledge gaps, particularly on technology basis and data management to transform them into useful information. In order to help closing some of the gaps, and contributing to the development of an innovation ecosystem, an extension proposal was developed, ... R.A. Ortega, P. Trebilcock

46. A Context Changing with Precision Agriculture in Japan

A new context is emerging under introducing of precision agriculture, impacted by top-down ICT policies and bottom-up collaborative activities. Food chain is changing by a holistic technology policy of integration in the fields of breeding, farm production, processing, transportation, and market in consumers. A new ICT strategy was issued by the government for precision agriculture to enhance the interoperability and portability of data/information sets collected from the field. The administr... S. Shibusawa

47. Sensor-based Variable-rate N on Corn Reduced Nitrous Oxide Emissions

More nitrogen fertilizer is applied to corn than to all other U.S. crops combined, contributing to atmospheric heat trapping when nitrous oxide is produced.  Higher nitrogen rate is well known to increase nitrous oxide emissions, and earlier N application time may increase the window during which nitrous oxide can form.  An experiment was initiated in 2012 comparing nitrogen management and drainage effects on corn yield and nitrous oxide emissions.  Two nitrogen treatments... P. Scharf

48. Climate Sensitivity Analysis on Maize Yield on the Basis of Precision Crop Production

In this paper by prediction we have defined maize yield in precision plant production technologies according to five different climate change scenarios (Ensembles Project) until 2100 and in one scenario until 2075 using DSSAT v. 4.5.0. CERES-Maize decision support model. Sensitivity analyses were carried out. The novelty of the method presented here is that precision, variable rate technologies from relatively small areas (in our case 2500 m2) enable a large amount of data to be co... A. Nyeki, G. Milics, A.J. Kovacs, M. Neményi, J. Kalmar

49. A Comparative Study of Field-Wide Estimation of Soil Moisture Using Compressive Sensing

In precision agriculture, monitoring of soil moisture plays an essential role in correct decision making. In practice, regular mesh installation, or large random deployment of moisture sensors over a large field is not possible due to cost and maintenance prohibitions. Consequently, direct measurement of moisture is possible at only a few points in the field. A value for the moisture may then be estimated for the remaining areas using a variety of algorithms. It is shown that althou... H. Pourshamsaei, A. Nobakhti

50. Development of a Wireless Sensor Network for Passive in situ Measurement of Soil CO2 Gas Emissions in the Agriculture Landscape

Quantification of soil Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions from agricultural fields is essential for understanding the environmental impact of intensive crop and livestock production systems. Current methods of analysis include flux calculations derived from the concentration of gases (CO2, N2O, CH4) exchanged between soil and the atmosphere. Samples of these GHG are obtained manually by closed non-steady state non-flow through,or “static”, chambers and analyzed ex situvia ga... V. Adamchuk, M. Debbagh, C. Madramootoo, J. Whalen

51. Micro-climate Prediction System Using IoT Data and AutoML

Microclimate variables like temperature, humidity are sensitive to land surface properties and land-atmosphere connections. They can vary over short distances and even between sections of the farm. Getting the accurate microclimate around the crop canopy allows farmers to effectively manage crop growth. However, most of the weather forecast services available to farmers globally, either by the meteorological department or universities or some weather app,  provide weather forecasts for l... A. Sharma, R.S. Jalem, M. Dash

52. Content Analysis of the Challenges of Using Drones in Paddy Fields in the Haraz Plain Watershed, Iran

Drone technology has gained popularity in recent years as a sustainable solution to changing agricultural conditions. Using drones in agriculture provides many advantages in farm management. However, the use of drones in paddy fields in Iran is a new phenomenon facing numerous challenges. This study aims to explore the challenges for using drones in paddy fields and provide practical guidelines to solve the challenges facing the their application. This research was conducted with a qualitativ... J. Aliloo, E. Abbasi, E. Karamidehkordi , E. Ghanbari parmehr, M. Canavari, G.-. Vitali

53. Treetop Tech: Uplifting German Foresters' Drone Perspectives Through the Technology Acceptance Model

Forests play a key role in nature as they purify water, stabilize soil, cycle nutrients, store carbon and also provide habitats for wildlife. Economically, forest product industries provide jobs and economic wealth. Sustainable forest management and planning requires foresters’ understanding of the forests dynamics for which the collection of field data is necessary, which can be time consuming and expensive. Unmanned aerial vehicles or drones can improve the efficiency of tradition acq... M. Michels, H. Wever, O. Mußhoff

54. Farming for a Greener Future: the Behavioural Drive Behind German Farmers’ Alternative Fuel Machinery Purchase Intentions

Climate change due to greenhouse gas emissions, e.g. anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2), in the atmosphere will lead to damages caused by global warming, increases in heavy rainfall, flooding as well as permafrost melt. One of the main issues for reducing greenhouse gas emissions is the dependence on oil for fueling transportation and other sectors. Accordingly, policy makers aim to reduce dependency on fossil fuels with the accelerated roll-out of renewable energy. Among others, t... M. Michels, V. Bonke, H. Wever, O. Mußhoff

55. Finnish Future Farm Speeding Up the Uptake of Precision Agriculture

The Finnish Future Farm (FFF) is an innovative concept that seamlessly integrates a physical Smart Farm with a Digital Twin, complemented by educational programs and business development opportunities. This holistic approach aims to propel the evolution of Smart Agriculture in Finland. At its core, FFF is a platform for co-creation with a strong emphasis on User-Centered Design. It employs a Multi-Actor Approach, bringing together companies, experts, researchers, and end users to co... H.E. Haapala

56. Global Adoption of Precision Agriculture: an Update on Trends and Emerging Technologies

The adoption of precision agriculture (PA) has been mixed. Some technologies (e.g., Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) guidance) have been adopted rapidly worldwide wherever there is mechanized agriculture. Adoption of some of the original PA technologies introduced in the 1990s has been modest almost everywhere (e.g., variable rate fertilizer). New and more advanced technologies based on robotics, uncrewed aerial vehicles (UAVs), machine vision, co-robotic automation, and artificial i... J. Mcfadden, B. Erickson, J. Lowenberg-deboer, G. Milics

57. Effect of Application Rate and Height on Spray Deposition and Efficacy of Fungicides Applied with a Spray Drone in Corn

Foliar application of fungicides is a key management strategy for corn growers in the United States to protect crop yield from diseases like southern corn rust (SCR), tar spot (TS), and northern corn leaf blight (NLB). Recently, the use of spray drones for fungicide applications have gained an interest among growers and consultants due to their potential as another application tool to ensure the timely application of fungicides. Currently, the information on optimal application parameters to&... C. Byers, S. Virk, R.C. Kemerait

58. A Flexible Software Architecture for General Precision Agriculture Decision Support Systems

Agricultural data management is a complex problem. Both the data and the needs of the users are diverse. Given the complexity of the problem, it's easy to ascertain that a single solution will not be able to meet the needs of all users. This paper presents a software architecture designed to be extensible as well as flexible enough to provide agricultural management tools for a wide variety of users. The solution is based on a microservice architecture, which allows for the creation of ne... W. Neils, D. Mommen

59. R2B2 Project: Design and Construction of a Low-cost and Efficient Autonomous UGV For Row Crop Monitoring

Driving the adoption of agricultural technological advancements like Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGVs) by small-scale farmers (SSFs) is a major concern for researchers and agricultural organizations. They aim for the adoption of precision farming (PF) by SSFs to increase crop yield to meet the increasing demand for food due to population growth. In the United States, the cost of purchasing and maintaining rugged UGVs capable of precision agricultural operations stands as a barrier to the a... J.O. Kemeshi, S. Gummi, Y. Chang

60. Spray Deposition and Efficacy of Pesticide Applications with Spray Drones in Row Crops in the Southeastern US

The use of spray drones for pesticide applications is expanding rapidly in agriculture, with one of the top uses currently being in the row crop production. Several research studies were undertaken in 2022 and 2023 to measure and assess spray deposition and efficacy of pesticides applied with spray drones in the major row crops (corn, cotton and peanuts) grown in the southeastern US. These studies also evaluated and compared the deposition and pesticide efficacy of spray drones with tradition... C. Byers, R. Meena, J. Kichler, R.C. Kemerait, L. Hand, S. Virk

61. Static and In-field Validation of Application Accuracy of Commercial Spray Drones at Varying Rates and Speeds

The emerging application of spray drones in agriculture for pesticide delivery has seen significant interest recently. Currently, various spray drone platforms with advanced capabilities such as variable-rate application and edge-spraying are commercially available; however, limited research and information is available regarding the application accuracy of these systems. Pesticide applications with spray drones in several research studies conducted at the University of Georgia in 2023 indica... S. Virk, R.K. Meena, C. Byers

62. Spray Deposition Characterization of Uniform and Variable-rate Applications with Spray Drones

The use of unmanned aerial application systems (also known as spray drones) has seen rapidly increasing interest in recent years due to their potential to allow for timely application of pesticides and being able to apply in areas inaccessible to ground application sprayers. Newer spray drone models’ have improved application systems such as rotary atomizers for creating spray droplets and capabilities such as variable-rate (VR) application for site-specific pesticide applications. An i... C. Byers, S. Virk, R.K. Meena, G. Rains

63. Barriers and Adoption of Precision Ag Tehcnologies for Nitrogen Management Nebraska

A statewide survey of Nebraska farmers shows that they determine the N rate based on soil lab recommendations (82%),  intuition, traditional rate, and own experience (67%). The adoption of dynamic site-specific models (23%), and sensor-based algorithms (11%) remains low. The survey identified the main barriers to the adoption of these N management technologies.  ... G. Balboa, L. Puntel, L. Thompson, P. Paccioretti

64. Field-level Zoning at Regional Scale Using Remote Sensing and GIS: Lessons Learned from the Desert Agriculture Region of Southern California

A decision support tool, SAMZ-Desert, utilizing GIS and remote sensing techniques, was created to delineate management zones (MZs) for a total of 6852 fields in California's Imperial County. Landsat-8 NDVI data from April 27, 2018, was employed for this purpose. Furthermore, 11 cloud-free images captured between 2018 and 2020 were statistically analyzed to assess within-field NDVI variability and the temporal stability of MZs at the regional level. Approximately 37% of the fields in the r... A.K. Verdi, A. Garg, A. Sapkota

65. Bio-Effectors As a Promising Tool for Precision Agriculture and Integrated Plant Nutrition

Bio-effectors, such as microorganisms and active natural compounds, are of increasing interest as promising alternatives or substitutes to precarious agrochemicals. European and global markets (valued at 14.6 billion US$ in 2023) for agricultural biologicals (bio-pesticides, bio-fertilizers, and bio-stimulants) are predicted to grow at rates of more than 13.5 % per year. Improved availability and use efficiency of mineral nutrients, tolerance to abiotic stresses, yield and quality traits, as ... M. Weinmann, M. Nkebiwe, N. Weber, K. Bradacova, N. Morad-talab, U. Ludewig, T. Müller, G. Neumann, M. Raupp, K. Bradacova

66. Who Are the Data Stewards: Moving Data Driven Agriculture Forward

Nearly a decade ago agricultural equipment manufacturers, service providers, retailers, land grant universities, and grower organizations came together to begin discussing the growing needs for producers to manage their farm data. This discussion was partly fueled by the industry shifting from moving data via physical media to cloud API connections. Several initiatives including the Agricultural Data Coalition (ADC) were subsequently launched focusing on addressing data privacy and security c... B.E. Craker, D. Bierman

67. Comparing Global Shutter and Rolling Shutter Cameras for Image Data Collection in Motion on a UGV

In a bid to drive the adoption of precision farming (PF) technology by reducing the cost of developing an Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV), during the Reduction-To-Below-Two grand (R2B2) project we compared Arducam’s AR0234, a global shutter camera (GSC) to their IMX462, a rolling shutter camera (RSC). Since the cost of the AR0234 is approximately three times the price of the IMX462, the comparison was done to determine the possibility of using the latter for image data collection in place... J.O. Kemeshi, Y. Chang, P.K. Yadav, M. Alahe

68. Are Pulses Really More Variable Than Cereals? a Country-wide Analysis of Within-field Variability

In Australia, pulses are underutilised by growers relative to cereal crops. There is significant global interest in growing pulses to provide more plant protein, and they also provide a string of agronomic and environmental benefits, such as their ability to fix nitrogen, and provide a pest and disease break for cereal crops. Many studies attribute this underutilisation to pulses exhibiting greater within-field yield variability than cereals. However, this has never been comprehensively exami... P. Filippi, T. Bishop, D. Al-shammari, T. Mcpherson

69. Precision Irrigation Strategies for Climate-resilient Crop Production and Water Resource Management

Deficit irrigation management practices that best optimize the use of limited water resources without impacting crop yield are necessary to ensure the sustainability of agricultural production. This is particularly crucial in regions characterized by semi-arid climate, like Western Kansas, where the challenge of depleting water resources is worsened by the occurrence of extreme climate conditions. Therefore, a data-driven irrigation management strategy such as one developed based on crop evap... K.E. Igwe, I. Onyekwelu, V. Sharda

70. Data-driven Agriculture and Sustainable Farming: Friends or Foes?

Sustainability in our food and fiber agriculture systems is inherently knowledge intensive.  It is more likely to be achieved by using all the knowledge, technology, and resources available, including data-driven agricultural technology and precision agriculture methods, than by relying entirely on human powers of observation, analysis, and memory following practical experience.  Data collected by sensors and digested by artificial intelligence (AI) can help farmers learn about syne... O. Rozenstein, Y. Cohen, V. Alchanatis , K. Behrendt, D.J. Bonfil, G. Eshel, A. Harari, W.E. Harris, I. Klapp, Y. Laor, R. Linker, T. Paz-kagan, S. Peets, M.S. Rutter, Y. Salzer, J. Lowenberg-deboer

71. Detailed Derivation of Spatial Soil Attributes Using Soil Sensor Data, Terrain Analysis and Soil Maps with Supervised Classification

Detailed knowledge of the spatial distribution of soils is critical for improved management and modeling in agriculture and forestry. However, information from existing soil maps is often not accurate enough and soil units are too large. In the current study, we used intensively collected information from soil profile analyses at the Scheyern site and used this as training data to map soil relationships on land in Dürnast with long-term fertilization experiments (BonaRes). Both... K. Heil

72. Comparative Analysis of Spray Nozzles on Drones: Volumetric Distribution at Different Heights

Agricultural drones are emerging as a revolutionary tool in modern agriculture, aiming to enhance precision and efficiency in crop management. One of their main advantages is the ability to operate in adverse soil and canopy height conditions, making them a valuable instrument for the application of agrochemicals. In this context, the optimization of spraying systems plays a critical role, with the goal of ensuring the effective application of agrochemicals, aiming to maximize productivity an... A. Felipe dos santos, J.E. Silva, O.P. Costa, F.D. Inácio , R. Oliveira, W. Silva, L. Lacerda, T. Orlando costa barboza

73. Prediction of Field-scale Evapotranspiration Using Process Based Modeling and Geostatistical Time-series Interpolation

Irrigation scheduling depends on the combination of evaporative demand from the atmosphere, spatial and temporal heterogeneity in soil properties and changes in crop canopy during a growing season. This on-farm trial is based on data collected in 72-acre processing tomato field in Central Valley of California. The Multiband Spectrometric Arable Mark 2 sensors at three different locations in the field. Multispectral and thermal imagery provided by Ceres Imaging were collected eight times durin... G. Jha, F. Nazrul, M. Nocco, M. Pagé fortin, B. Whitaker, D. Diaz, A. Gal, R. Schmidt

74. Decision Support Tools for Developing Aflatoxin Risk Maps in Peanut Fields

Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus hereafter referred to jointly as A. flavus, are soil fungi that infect and contaminate preharvest and postharvest peanuts with the carcinogenic secondary metabolite aflatoxin. A. flavus can cause extensive economic losses to peanut growers and shellers by contaminating peanut kernels with aflatoxins. In the southeastern U.S., contamination from aflatoxin continues to be a major threat to the peanut industry and... G. Vellidis, M. Abney, T. Burlai, J. Fountain, R.C. Kemerait, S. Kukal, L. Lacerda, S. Maktabi, A. Peduzzi, C. Pilcon, M. Sysskind

75. A Decision-support Tool to Optimize Mid-season Corn Nitrogen Fertilizer Management from Red, Green, Blue SUAS Images

Corn receives more nitrogen (N) fertilizer per unit area than any other row crop and optimized soil fertility management is needed to help maximize farm profitability. In Arkansas, N fertilizer for corn is delivered in two- or three-split applications. Three-split applications may provide a better match to crop needs and contribute to minimizing yield loss from N deficiency. However, the total amounts are selected based on soil texture and yield goal without accounting for early-season losses... A. Poncet, T. Bui, W. France, T. Roberts, L. Purcell, J. Kelley

76. Assessing Soybean Water Stress Patterns and ENSO Occurrence in Southern Brazil: an in Silico Approach

Water stress (WS) is one of the most important abiotic stresses worldwide, responsible for crop yield penalties and impacting food supply. The frequency and intensity of weather stresses are relevant to delimitating agricultural regions. In addition, El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) has been employed to forecast the occurrence of seasonal WS. Lastly, planting date and cultivar maturity selection are key management strategies for boosting soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) y... A. Carcedo, L.F. Antunes de almeida, T. Horbe, G. Corassa, L.P. Pott, I. Ciampitti, G.D. Hintz, T. Hefley, R.A. Schwalbert, V. Prasad

77. Deposition Characteristics of Different Style Spray Tips at Varying Speeds and Altitudes from an Unmanned Aerial System

The application of pesticides with a UAS has become a popular practice over the past few years within crop production. The ability to carry larger volumes of liquid i onboard, reduced costs, and simple operation has attributed to the increased popularity. Additionally, the increased number of fungicide applications in corn due to the tar spot disease has shown that the demand for aerial applications of all types has increased with UAS pesticide application technology providing the opportunity... A. Leininger, K. Verhoff, K. Lovejoy, A. Thomas, G. Davis, A. Emmons, J.P. Fulton

78. Coupling Macro-scale Variability in Soil and Micro-scale Variability in Crop Canopy for Delineation of Site-specific Management Grid

The efficient application of fertilizers via Site-Specific Management Units (SSMUs) or Management Zones (MZs) can significantly enhance crop productivity and nitrogen use efficiency. Conventional mathematical and data-driven clustering methods for MZ delineation, while prevalent, often lack precision in identifying productivity zones. This research introduces a knowledge-driven productivity zone to mitigate these limitations, offering a more precise and efficacious approach. The hyp... W.A. Admasu, D. Mandal, R. Khosla

79. Using Remote Sensing to Benchmark Crop Coefficient Curves of Sweet Corn Grown in the Southeastern United States

Irrigation is responsible for over 75% of global freshwater use, making it the largest consumer of the world’s freshwater resources. With freshwater scarcity increasing worldwide, increased efficient irrigation water use is necessary. Smart irrigation is described as ‘the linking of technology and fundamental knowledge of crop physiology to significantly increase irrigation water use efficiency'. Irrigation scheduling tools such as smartphone applications have become... E. Bedwell, L. Lacerda, T. Mcavoy, B.V. Ortiz, J. Snider, G. Vellidis, Z. Yu

80. AI Tools in Agri DSS Pipeline - the Case of Irrigated Sugarbeet

A general pipeline that can be associated to a DSS includes several steps. Data Collectionn includes Acquisition, extraction, and aggregation of data from previously identified and selected sources. Data Cleaning and preparation make data available for exploratory analysis that make them usable. Data Analysis is then applied to extract meaningful information e.g. by statistical and/or simulation models. Data are successively synthesized and visualized to make them clear to the decision-maker ... G.-. Vitali, C. Ferraz

81. Onboard Weed Identification and Application Test with Spraying Drone Systems

Commercial spraying drone systems nowadays have the ability to implement variable rate applications according to pre-loaded prescription maps. Efforts are needed to integrate sensing and computing technologies to realize on-the-go decision making such as those on the ground based spraying systems. Besides the understudied subject of drone spraying pattern and efficacy, challenges also exist in the decision making, control, and system integration with the limits on payload and flight endurance... Y. Shi, M. Islam, K. Steele, J.D. Luck, S. Pitla, Y. Ge, A. Jhala, S. Knezevic

82. Field Validation of Airblast Spray Advisor Decision Support Web App for Citrus Applications

Field conditions influencing the effectiveness of pesticide application in orchard and vineyard production systems are complex. As a result, growers and pesticide applicators grapple with how to make the right decisions for setting up the sprayer that will lead to the most efficient and effective outcomes. Airblast Spray Advisor, a decision support web app built on MATLAB was designed to assist with planning and evaluation of such applications when using airblast sprayers. It re... P.A. Larbi

83. Evaluating the Potential of In-season Spatial Prediction of Corn Yield and Responses to Nitrogen by Combining Crop Growth Modeling, Satellite Remote Sensing and Machine Learning

Nitrogen (N) is a critical yield-limiting factor for corn (Zea mays L.). However, over-application of N fertilizers is a common problem in the US Midwest, leading to many environmental problems. It is crucial to develop efficient precision N management (PNM) strategies to improve corn N management. Different PNM strategies have been developed using proximal and remote sensing, crop growth modeling and machine learning. These strategies have both advantages and disadvantages. There is... X. Zhen, Y. Miao, K. Mizuta, S. Folle, J. Lu, R.P. Negrini, G. Feng, Y. Huang

84. Spatio-temporal Variability of Intra-field Productivity Using Remote Sensing

Understanding the spatiotemporal variability in intra-farm productivity is crucial for management in making agronomic decisions. Furthermore, these decision-making processes can be enhanced using spatial data science and remote sensing. This study aims to develop a framework to asses the spatio-temporal variability of intra-farm productivity through historical satellite data and climate data. Historical satellite data and rainfall information from diverse fields across the United States (2016... E. Van versendaal, C. Hernandez, P. Kyveryga, I. Ciampitti

85. Optimizing Vineyard Crop Protection: an In-depth Study of Spraying Drone Operational Parameters

In modern agriculture, the precise and efficient application of agrochemicals is essential to ensure crop health and increase productivity while minimizing adverse environmental impacts. While traditional spraying methods have long been the cornerstone of crop protection, the introduction of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), commonly known as drones), has led to a revolutionary era in agriculture. UAVs offer novel opportunities to improve agricultural practices by providing precision, efficien... V. Psiroukis, S. Fountas, H. Uyar, A. Balafoutis, A. Kasimati

86. Integrated Data-driven Decision Support Systems

Site-specific and data-driven decision support systems in agriculture are evolving fast with the rapid advancements in cutting-edge technologies such as Agricultural Artificial Intelligence (AgAI) and big data integration. Data driven decision support systems have the potential to revolutionize various aspects of farming, from crop monitoring and precision management decisions to the way growers interact with complex technologies. The AgAI decision support-based systems excel at ana... L.A. Puntel, P. Pellegrini, S. Joalland , J. Rattalino, L. Vitantonio

87. Simulating Climate Change Impacts on Cotton Yield in the Texas High Plains

Crop yield prediction enables stakeholders to plan farming practices and marketing. Crop models can predict crop yield based on cropping system and practices, soil, and other environmental factors. These models are being used for decision support in agriculture in a variety of ways. Cultivar selection, water and nutrient input optimization, planting date selection, climate change analysis and yield prediction are some of the promising area of applications of the models in field level farm man... B. Ghimire, R. Karn, O. Adedeji, G. Ritchie, W. Guo

88. Predicting Within-field Cotton Yield Variability Using DSSAT for Decision Support in Precision Agriculture

The quantification of spatial and temporal variability of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)  yield provides critical information for optimizing resources, especially water, in the Southern High Plains (SHP), Texas, with a diminishing water supply. The within-field yield variation is mostly influenced by the properties of soil and their interaction with water and nutrients. The objective of this study was to predict within-field cotton yield variability using a crop growth mode... B. Ghimire, R. Karn, O. Adedeji, W. Guo

89. Single-strip Spatial Evaluation Approach: a Simplified Method for Enhanced Sustainable Farm Management

On-farm experimentation (OFE) plays a pivotal role in evaluating and validating the effectiveness of agricultural practices and products. The results of OFE enable farmers to act and make changes that can enhance the farm’s economic and environmental sustainability. Experimental designs can be a barrier to the adoption of OFE. The conventional approach often involves randomized complete block designs with 3 to 5 replications in the field, which can be space-intensive and disrupt workflo... S. Srinivasagan, Q. Ketterings, M. Marcaida, S. Shajahan, J. Ramos-tanchez, J. Cho, , L. Thompson, J. Guinness, R. Goel

90. From Scientific Literature to the End User: Democratizing Access to Data Products Through Interactive Applications

In recent years, the sustained advance in the creation of powerful programming libraries is allowing not only the creation of complex models with predictive capabilities but also revolutionizing visualization processes and the deployment of interactive applications. Some of these tools, such as Streamlit or Shiny frameworks in languages such as Python or R, allow us to create from simple applications with friendly interfaces to complex tools. These interactive digital decision dashboards allo... C. Hernandez, A. Correndo, J. Lacasa, P. Magalhaes cisdeli, G.N. Nocera santiago, I. Ciampitti

91. Decision Making Factors of Precision Agricultural Practices in South Dakota

A survey among South Dakota Farmers was conducted to document current nutrient management practices. The survey included questions regarding adoption and use of precision ag technologies in addition to information considered to create prescription maps for variable fertilizer and seeding rates. The survey collected demographic information from the producers. The presentation will also highlight how farm size, farm location, farmer/decision maker’s age and/or education level in... P. Kovacs, J. Clark, J. Schad, E. Avemegah

92. Predicting the Spatial Distribution of Aflatoxin Hotspots in Peanut Fields Using DSSAT CSM-CROPGRO-PEANUT-AFLATOXIN

Aflatoxin contamination in peanuts (Arachis hypogaea L.) is a persistent concern due to its detrimental effects on both profitability and public health. Several plant stress-inducing factors, including high soil temperatures and low soil moisture, have been associated with aflatoxin contamination levels. Understanding the correlation between stress-inducing factors and contamination levels is essential for implementing effective management strategies. This study uses the DSSAT CSM-CR... S. Maktabi, G. Vellidis, G. Hoogenboom, K. Boote, C. Pilcon, J. Fountain, M. Sysskind, S. Kukal

93. Machine Learning Algorithms in Detecting Long-term Effect of Climatic Factors for Alfalfa Production in Kansas

The water levels of the Ogallala Aquifer are depleting so much that agricultural land returns in Kansas are expected to drop by $34.1 million by 2050. It is imperative to understand how frequent droughts and the contrasting rates of groundwater withdrawal and recharge are affected by climate shifts in Kansas. Alfalfa, the ‘Queen of Forages’, is a water demanding crop which supplies high nutritional feed for beef industry that offered Kansas producers a $500 million production valu... F. Nazrul, J. Kim, S. Dey, S. Palla, D. Sihi, B. Whitaker, G. Jha

94. Dimensionality Reduction and Similarity Metrics for Predicting Crop Yields in Sparse Data Microclimates

This study explores and develops new methodologies for predicting agricultural outcomes, such as crop yields, in microclimates characterized by sparse meteorological data. Specifically, it focuses on reducing the dimensionality in time series data as a preprocessing step to generate simpler and more explainable forecast models. Dimensionality reduction helps in managing large data sets by simplifying the information into more manageable forms without significant loss of information. We explor... L. Huender, M. Everett

95. Using Simulation Modeling to Evaluate the Corn Response to Deficit Irrigation Imposed During Reproductive Period

In Alabama, as in many regions of the southeastern states, flash droughts and rising temperatures present significant challenges to the sustainability of agricultural systems. Specifically maize, a crop with a high water demand, faces production risks due to these adverse conditions. The study explores the optimum irrigation scheduling strategies on maize (Zea mays L.) in the reproductive growth stages through the evaluation of the impact of three irrigation treatments, defined by Maximum All... J.S. Velasco, B.V. Ortiz, L. Nunes, R. Prasad, G. Hoogenboom