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Edge Computing and Cloud Solutions
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Alahe, M
Allen, M
Bailey, J
Balmos, A
Balmos, A
Basir, M
Bernal Riobo, J.H
Buckmaster, D
Buckmaster, D
Castiblanco Rubio, F.A
Castiblanco Rubio, F.A
Chang, Y
Eberz-Eder, D
Kemeshi, J.O
Krogmeier, J
Krogmeier, J
Love, D
Rubaino Sosa, S.A
Rubiano, Y
Sher, M
Won, K
Yang, X
Zhang, J
Zhang, Y
Edge Computing and Cloud Solutions
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Filter results5 paper(s) found.

1. Securing Agricultural Data with Encryption Algorithms on Embedded GPU Based Edge Computing Devices

Smart Agriculture (SA) has captured the interest of both the agricultural business and the scientific community in recent years. Overall, SA aims to help the agricultural and food industry to avoid crop failures, loss of revenues as well as help farmers use inputs (such as fertilizers and pesticides) more efficiently by utilizing Internet of Things (IoT) devices and computing systems. However, rapid digitization and reliance on data-driven technologies create new security threats that can def... M. Alahe, J.O. Kemeshi, Y. Chang, K. Won, X. Yang, M. Sher

2. Increasing the Resilience and Performance of AI-based Services Through Hybrid Cloud Infrastructures and the Use of Mobile Edge in Agriculture

Agriculture, as an essential part of food production, belongs to the Critical Infrastructures (CRITIS). Accordingly, the systems used must be designed for fail-safe operation. This also applies to the software used in agricultural operations, which must meet security and resilience criteria. However, there is an increase in software that requires a permanent Internet connection, i.e., a stable connection to servers or cloud applications is required for operation. This represents a significant... D. Eberz-eder

3. Semiautomatization in Open Source Software of a Method for Monitoring the Land Cover Change with GEE and Sentinel-2

Land cover change is a dynamic process that unfolds spatially and temporally. As such, it is imperative to develop semi-automatic methods within freely available software to enhance processing efficiency and reduce costs. The amalgamation of open-source applications, platforms, and software for satellite image processing has emerged as a compelling alternative, fostering advancements in land cover change classification and monitoring. This study introduces a semi-automated methodology using t... S.A. Rubaino sosa, Y. Rubiano, J.H. Bernal riobo

4. Avena: an Event-driven Software Framework for Informed Decisions and Actions in Cropping Systems

Interoperability is one of the enabling factors of real-time communications and data exchange between asynchronous data actors. Interoperability can be attained by introducing events to systems that extract data from consumed ground-truth event streams that utilize application-specific structures. Events are specific occurrences happening at a particular time and place. Event-data are observations of phenomena, or actions, as seen by different systems in Internet of Things (IoT) deployments, ... F.A. Castiblanco rubio, M. Basir, A. Balmos, J. Krogmeier, D. Buckmaster

5. Enabling Field-level Connectivity in Rural Digital Agriculture with Cloud-based LoRaWAN

The widespread adoption of next-generation digital agriculture technologies in rural areas faces a critical challenge in the form of inadequate field-level connectivity. Traditional approaches to connecting people fall short in providing cost-effective solutions for many remote agricultural locations, exacerbating the digital divide. Current cellular networks, including 5G with millimeter wave technology, are urban-centric and struggle to meet the evolving digital agricultural needs, presenti... Y. Zhang, J. Bailey, A. Balmos, F.A. Castiblanco rubio, J. Krogmeier, D. Buckmaster, D. Love, J. Zhang, M. Allen