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Sensor Application in Managing In-season Crop Variability
Precision Horticulture
Fluorescence Sensing for Precision Crop Management
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Amaral, L.R
Amaral, L.R
Ampatzidis, Y.G
Balkcom, K
Baresel, P
Bareth, G
Bastos, A.H
Ben Abdallah, F
Chen, M
Choo, Y
Chung, S
Claassen, A
Claire, G
Colaço, A.F
Dokoozlian, N
Ehsani, R
Erdle, K
Franzen, D.W
Fulton, J.P
Garcia, A.H
Gholizadeh, A
Gnyp, M.L
Goffart, J
Gupta, S
Hackl, H
Hamann, H.F
Hertzberg, J
Hinds, N
Huang, S
Huh, Y
Hunsche, M
Jang, S
Jasper, J
Jiang, R
Jung, K
Khosla, R
Kim, Y
Kipp, S
Klein, L.J
Laurent, P
Leiva, J.N
Leufen, G
Lew, D
Li, M
Li, W
Linz, A
Magalhaes, P.S
Makkar, M.S
Manon, M
Marine, L
Mendez-Costabel, M
Miao, Y
Mistele, B
Mistele, B
Mistele, B
Mohd Soom, M
Molin, J.P
Molin, J.P
Molin, J.P
Morgan, A
Mostafa, F
Naima, B
Noga, G
Olivier, G
Ortiz, B.V
Owen, J
Portz, G
Portz, G
Preiner, M
Qian, J
Robbins, J
Rodrigues Júnior, F.H
Ruckelshausen, A
Ruiz, M
Sébastien, D
Saberioon, M
Sams, B
Sanchez, L.A
Schmidhalter, U
Schmidhalter, U
Schmidhalter, U
Sharma, A
Sharma, L
She, Y
Shi, Y
Silva, M.J
Tahir, M
Torino, M.S
Wang, N
Wang, Y
Whiting, M.D
Wunder, E
Yang, X
Yao, Y
Yida, D
Yuncai, H
Zhang, Y
Zoran, C
Sensor Application in Managing In-season Crop Variability
Precision Horticulture
Fluorescence Sensing for Precision Crop Management
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Filter results24 paper(s) found.

1. Use of Corn Height to Improve the Relationship Between Active Optical Sensor Readings and Yield Estimates

Pre-season and early in-season loss of N continues to be a problem in corn. One method to improve nitrogen use efficiency is to fertilize based on in-season crop foliage sensors. The objective of this study was to evaluate two different ground-based, active-optical sensors and explore the use of corn height with sensor readings for improved relationship with corn yield. Two different ground-based active-optical sensors (GreenseekerTM ... L. Sharma, D.W. Franzen

2. Development of Ground Based Multi-source Crop Information Collection System.

Precision agriculture requires reliable technology to acquire accurate information on crop conditions. A ground-based integrated sensor and instrumentation system was developed to measure real-time crop conditions. The integration system included multispectral camera and N-sensor for real time Nitrogen application. The system was interfaced with a DGPS receiver to provide spatial coordinates for sensor readings. Before mounting of the sensors on modified paddy transplanter, different mounting... A. Sharma, M.S. Makkar, S. Gupta

3. Active Sensor Performance – Dependence to Measuring Height, Light Intensity and Device Temperature

For land use management, agriculture, and crop management spectral remote sensing is widely used. Ground-based sensing is particularly advantageous allowing to directly link on-site spectral information with agronomic algorithms. Sensors are nowadays most frequently used in site-specific oriented applications of fertilizers, but similarly site-specific applications of growth regulators, herbicides and pesticides become more often adopted. Generally little is known about the effects ... B. Mistele, U. Schmidhalter, S. Kipp

4. Estimation of Nitrogen of Rice in Different Growth Stages Using Tetracam Agriculture Digital Camera

Many methods are available to monitor nitrogen content of rice during various growth stages. However, this monitoring still requires a quick, simple, accurate and inexpensive technique that needs to be developed. In this study, Tetracam Agriculture Digital Camera (ADC) was used to acquire high spatial and temporal resolution in order to determine the status of nitrogen (N) and predict the grain yield of rice (Oriza sativa L.). In this study, 12 pots of rice with four different N treatments (0, ... A. Gholizadeh , M. Mohd soom , M. Saberioon

5. Comparison of Active and Passive Spectral Sensors in Discriminating Biomass Parameters and Nitrogen Status in Wheat Cultivars

Several sensor systems are available for ground-based remote sensing in crops. Vegetation indices of multiple active and passive sensors have seldom been compared in determining plant health. This study was aimed to compare active and passive sensing systems in terms of their ability to recognize agronomic parameters. One bi-directional passive radiometer (BDR) and three active sensors (Crop Circle, GreenSeeker, and an active flash sensor (AFS)) were tested for their ability to assess six des... B. Mistele, U. Schmidhalter, K. Erdle

6. A Comparison of Plant Temperatures as Measured By Thermal Imaging and Infrared Thermometry

... P. Baresel, B. Mistele, H. Yuncai, U. Schmidhalter, H. Hackl

7. Assembly of an Ultrasound Sensors System for Mapping of Sugar Cane Height

In Precision Agriculture, the use of sensors provides faster data collection on plant, soil, and climate, allowing collecting larger sample sets with better information quality. The objective of this study was the development of a system for plant height measurement in order to mapping of sugar cane crop, so that regions with plant growth variation and grow failures could be id... A.H. Garcia, F.H. Rodrigues júnior, A.H. Bastos, P.S. Magalhaes, M.J. Silva

8. In-Field Corn Stalk Location Using Rapid Line-Scan Technique

... Y. Shi, N. Wang

9. Model for Remote Estimation of Nitrogen Contents of Corn Leaf Using Hyper-Spectral Reflectance under Semi-Arid Condition.

Accuracy and precision of nitrogen estimation can be improved by hyperspectral remote sensing that lead... M. Tahir

10. Using Multiplex® to Manage Nitrogen Variability in Champagne Vineyard

... L. Marine, M. Manon, G. Claire, P. Laurent, F. Mostafa, C. Zoran, B. Naima, D. Sébastien, G. Olivier

11. Potential Indicators Based On Leaf Flavonoids Content for the Evaluation of Potato Crop Nitrogen Status

Nitrogen (N) fertilization strategies aim to limit environmental pollution by improving potato crop N use efficiency. Such strategies may use indicators for the assessment of in season crop N status (CNS). Leaf polyphenolics (flavonoids) content appears as a valuable indicator of CNS. Because of their absorption features ... J. Goffart, F. Ben abdallah

12. Measuring Sugarcane Height in Complement to Biomass Sensor for Nitrogen Management

Although extensive studied, nitrogen management remains a challenger for sugarcane growers, especially the nutrient spatial variability management, which demands the use of variable rate application. Canopy reflectance sensors are being studied, but it seems to saturate the sensor s... J.P. Molin, G. Portz, L.R. amaral

13. Optimum Sugarcane Growth Stage for Canopy Reflectance Sensor to Predict Biomass and Nitrogen Uptake

The recent technology of plant canopy reflectance sensors can provide the status of biomass and nitrogen nutrition of sugarcane spatially and in real time, but it is necessary to know the right moment to use this technology aiming the best predictions of the crop p... L.R. Amaral, J.P. Molin, J. Jasper, G. Portz

14. Evaluation of Differences in Corn Biomass and Nitrogen Uptake at Various Growth Stages Using Spectral Vegetation Indices

Application of canopy sensors for nitrogen (N) fertilizer management for corn grain production in the Southeast US r... M.S. Torino, B.V. Ortiz, J. Fulton, K. Balkcom

15. In-season Diagnosis of Rice Nitrogen Status Using an Active Canopy Sensor

... Y. Yao, Y. Miao, S. Huang, M. Gnyp, R. Khosla, R. Jiang, G. Bareth

16. A New Sensing System for Immediate and Direct Measurements of Soil Nitrate

In-season management of nitrogen is a critical component in the drive to increase the nitrogen use efficiency of commercial crop production. Increasing nitrogen use efficiency itself has become a prominent issue due to both economic and environmental/regulatory drivers over the last decade.   Solum, Inc (Mountain View, CA) has developed a new sensing technology to enable the immediate and direct measurement of soil nitrate. This allows rapid and economical so... M. Preiner

17. Applications Of Small UAV Systems For Tree And Nursery Inventory Management

Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) systems could provide low-cost and high spatial resolution aerial images. These features and ease of operation make it a practical tool for applications in precision agriculture and horticulture. This paper highlights the application of UAV systems in tree counting, which is vital for tree inventory management and yield estimation. In this paper, two types of trees were discussed. One type is with non-uniform canopy area (e.g. container plants and ... Y. She, R. Ehsani, J. Robbins, J. Owen, J.N. Leiva

18. Autonomous Service Robots For Orchards And Vineyards: 3D Simulation Environment Of Multi Sensor-Based Navigation And Applications

In order to fulfill economical as well as ecological boundary conditions information technologies and sensor are increasingly gaining importance in horticulture.  In combination with the reduced availability of human workers automation technologies thus play a key role in the international competition in vinicultures and orchards and have the potential to reduce the costs as well as environmental impacts.   The authors are working in t... J. Hertzberg, A. Ruckelshausen, E. Wunder, A. Linz

19. Study On The Automatic Monitoring Technology For Fuji Fruit Color Based On Machine Vision

  Fruit color is one of the important indicators of quality and commodities. Three kinds of the traditional methods are used to evaluate fruit color, including artificial visual identification, fruit standard color cards and color measurement instrument. These methods are needed to be conducted in the field by persons, which are time-consuming and labored, and also difficult to obtain the dynamic color information of the target fruits in the growth process. This study ... M. Chen, M. Li, J. Qian, W. Li, Y. Wang, Y. Zhang, X. Yang

20. Management Zones Delineation In Brazilian Citrus Orchards

Precision Agriculture (PA) is in its first steps in Brazil citrus production. Variable rate fertilization based on soil grid sampling and yield maps has been tested in São Paulo orchards. In a long term study results showed potential on increasing fertilizer use efficiency and improving soil fertility management. Despite the good results, in some cases it is noticed that systematic methods of investigation (grid sampling and yield data) and prescription (standardized prescription ... M. Ruiz, D. Yida, J.P. Molin, A.F. Colaço

21. Effect Of A Variable Rate Irrigation Strategy On The Variability Of Crop Production In Wine Grapes In California

Pruning and irrigation are the cultural practices with the highest potential impact on yield and quality in wine grapes. In particular, irrigation start date, rates and frequency can be synchronized with crop development stages to control canopy growth and, in turn, positively influence light microclimate, berry size and fruit quality. In addition, canopy management practices can be implemented in vineyards with large canopies to ensure fruit zone microclima... L.A. Sanchez, L.J. Klein, A. Claassen, D. Lew, M. Mendez-costabel, B. Sams, A. Morgan, N. Hinds, H.F. Hamann, N. Dokoozlian

22. Basic Tests Of pH And EC Probes For Automatic Real Time Nutrient Control In Protected Crop Production

Research on greenhouse and plant factory has been actively conducting to provide a stable growth environment. In plant factory, EC concentration (EC) and acidity (pH) of nutrient have a significant impact on physiological and morphological of plant. Therefore, EC and pH are important element for automatic control of nutrient solution. In this study, performance pH and EC sensors was evaluated for the responsiveness, accuracy and displacement. This study includes development of e... Y. Choo, S. Chung, Y. Huh, Y. Kim, S. Jang, K. Jung

23. Suitability Of Fluorescence Sensors To Estimate The Susceptibility Degree Of Spring Barley To Powdery Mildew And Leaf Rust

The overall role of precision agriculture is not restricted to those systems for in-field and in-season sensing of the impact of stresses. Much more, its contribution comprises the prevention of stresses, amongst others by supporting the selection of appropriate and stress-tolerant genotypes in breeding programs. In this context, the development, selection and use of cultivars which are tolerant to pathogens establish an essential tool for a more sustainable and environmental-fr... G. Leufen, G. Noga, M. Hunsche

24. A Novel Portable System For Improving Accuracy Of Reimbursement For Fruit Picking

Various methods for reimbursing pickers have been employed worldwide, with most fruit growers now paying a piece-rate to small picking teams for bins (e.g. for pome fruit) or for buckets (e.g. for sweet cherries, blueberries).  Regardless, paying piece-rate is beset with inaccuracies that cause significant financial losses. Our tests in commercial sweet cherry and apple orchards revealed variability of 25 – 30% of final weight among bins and buckets. For example, in s... Y.G. Ampatzidis, M.D. Whiting