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Aberger, C
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Bao, Y
Baroni, G
Barreto, A.R
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Bastos, L
Bazzi, C
Becker, M
Been, T
Bhansali, S
Billiot, B
Bodson, B
Bradford, J
Bremer, E
Burns, J
Burton, L
C. Lopes, W
Caballero-Rodriguez, A.M
Canavari, M
Caras, T
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Chang, Y.K
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Chen, L
Chen, L
Chen, N
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Cosby, A.M
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Deng, W
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Destain, M
Dimos, N.F
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Dongare, M.L
Dossou-Yovo, E.R
Dota, M.A
Dumont, B
Duncan, E
Elshafie, A
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Emmi, L
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Erickson, B.J
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Esau, T.J
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Kempenaar, C
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Kleinhenz, B
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Kodaira, M
Kodaira, M
Kodaira, M
Kodaira, M
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Lowenberg-DeBoer, J
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Shibusawa, S
Shibusawa, S
Shibusawa, S
Shibusawa, S
Shinde, G.U
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Sugimoto, T
Suokannas, A
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Tinini, R.C
Trotter, M
Trotter, M
Tumenjargal, E
V. de Sousa, R
Vancutsem, F
Vinzio, F
Visala, A
Vitali, G
Volk, T
Wagner, P
Wallace, D
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Wang, X
Wang, X
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Xue, X
Y. Inamasu, R
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Zainal Abidin, M.B
Zainal Abidin, M.B
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Zaman, Q
Zaman, Q
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Zhao, C
cugnasca, C.E
Engineering Technologies and Advances
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Filter results64 paper(s) found.

1. Implementation of ECU For Agricultural Machines Based On IsoAgLib Open Source

In this paper work, we consider implementation of electronic control unit (ECU) for agricultural machineries. Software implementation is based on IsoAgLib library developed by OSB&IT Engineering Company. We modify IsoAgLib and upgrade it for our target system. The IsoAgLib is an object oriented C++ library that has the communication services and management systems according to the ISO 11783 standard. This library allows building ISOBUS compatible equipment without the protocols implementa... E. Tumenjargal, L. Badarch, W. Ham, H. Kwon

2. An RFID-Based Variable Rate Technology Fertilizer Applicator for Plantation Tree Crops

Currently, in the Malaysian tree crop plantation, fertilizer is applied manually or mechanically at uniform rate without due consideration to nutrient variability. Potential wastage and excessive application of this fertilizer contaminates ground water and raises its mineral contents above the World Health Organization (WHO) limit for safe drinking water. However, Variable Rate Technology (VRT) fertilizer application promotes Green Engineering practice by reducing excessive fertilizer ap... A. Yahya

3. Computer Aided Engineering Analysis and Design Optimization for Precision Manufacturing of Tillage Tool: Sweep Cultivator

The process optimization in advance tillage tool system conceptually designed and fabricated by computer aided engineering analysis techniques. The Software testing a field performance is taken in the soil bed preparation as well as in the various crop patterns. It was found most use full in obtaining high weed removal efficiency. The precision geometry, optimum energy utilization, multi-operational design, easy transport and flexible attachments are some of the features which results in achi... G.U. Shinde, D.M. Salokhe, P.D. Badgujar, D.B. Sharma

4. Using Soil Attributes To Model Sugar Cane Quality Parameters

The crop area of sugar cane production in Brazil has increased substantially in the last few years, especially to meet the global bioethanol demand. Such increasing production should take place not only in new sugar cane crop areas but mainly with the goal of improving the quality of raw material like sugar content (Pol). Hence, models that can describe the behaviour of the quality parameters of sugar cane may be important to understand the effects of the soil attributes on those parameters. ... F.A. Rodrigues jr., P.S. Magalhães, H.C. Franco, D.G. Cerri

5. Statistical Procedure to Compare Farming Procedures with the Observation of Spatial Trends and Correlations in On-Farm Research

Modern management and machines have been introduced on a demonstration farm in Ganhe (China). This has led to new methods of cultivation with effects on yields, cost structure and thus also on the economic success of the farm. These effects should be tested with the help of an on-farm trial. The cultivation methods differed in the equipment used, plant protection and fertilisation strategies. In contrast to classical field trials, normal working practice farm machinery and fields are used in ... P. Wagner, M. Langrock

6. Adaptive Sensor Fusion Method for Agricultural and Environmental Monitoring

Environmental and agricultural monitoring involves continuous observation in areas such as grains crop, in order to evaluate changes in the environment. Wireless Sensor Networks may be employed in th... C.E. Cugnasca, M.A. Dota

7. Optimization of Forage Harvesting By Automatic Speed Control and Additive Application

Efficient use of machines is especially important in forage harvesting due to the short harvesting period and expensive machinery. To achieve the best efficiency, a harvesting machine, such as a loader wagon, should be used with optimal loading. Whereas overloading the machine can cause blockages in the cut-and-feed unit, underloading consumes more time and reduces the quality of the resulting silage. In addition, the quality can be improved by optimizing the dosage of the additive. Since the... A. Suokannas, J. Backman, A. Visala, A. Kunnas

8. Assessing the Potential of an Algorithm Based On Mean Climatic Data to Predict Wheat Yield

In crop yield prediction, the unobserved future weather remains the key point of predictions. Since weather forecasts are limited in time, a large amount of information may come from the analysis of past weather data. Mean data over the past years and stochastically generated data are two possible ways to compensate the lack of future data. This research aims to demonstrate that it is possible to p... F. Vancutsem, V. Leemans, S. Ferrandis vallterra, B. Bodson, J. Destain, M. Destain, B. Dumont

9. Study on Water Distribution Measurement in Sand Using Sound Vibration

... T. Sugimoto, T. Shirakawa, M. Sano, M. Ohaba, S. Shibusawa, Y. Nakagawa

10. Measuring Error on Working Depth of Real-time Soil Sensor

This paper described about the measuring error on working depth of the Real-time soil sensor (RTSS). It is necessary for accurately evaluating to observe the variation on the working depth, because the RTSS run in various real field conditions, such as soft or hard and even or uneven, and the RTSS has various using objective. In this paper, the RTSS run on asphalt with steps while the three-point hitch was free and position-controlled. In position-controlled, the measuring depth that is ... R. Kanda, M. Kodaira, S. Shibusawa

11. 3D Acquisition System Applied to Agronomic Scenes

To enable a better decision making by the farmer in order to optimize the crop management, it is essential to provide a set of information on basic parameters of the crops. These information are numerous and the image processing is increasingly used for disease detection, weed detection or yield estimation. We will focus initially on assessing the yield of a wheat crop in automatic way. This yield is directly related to the number of ears per square meter for which the counting is curren... F. Cointault, P. Gouton, B. Billiot

12. Transient Water Flow Model in a Soil-Plant System for Subsurface Precision Irrigation

The spatial variability of plant-water characteristic in the soil is still unclear. This limits the attempt to model the soil-plant-atmosphere system with this factor. Understanding the non-steady water flow along the soil-plant component is essential to understand their spatial variabili... M.B. Zainal abidin, S. Shibusawa, M. Ohaba, Q. Li, M. Kodaira, M.B. Khalid

13. Water Distribution Response in a Soil-Root System for Subsurface Precision Irrigation

A subsurface capillary irrigation system with a water source buried in a soil has been developed for precision irrigation. This system has advantages in the efficient irrigation to save much water and the real time measurement of evapotranspiration of plants. Creating this new subsurface capilla... S. Shibusawa, M. Ohaba, M.B. Zainal abidin, M. Kodaira, Q. Li

14. Probabilistic Relational Model-based Scheduling Approach for Farmland Soil Sensor Network

  Energy efficiency is one of the core issues of farmland soil sensor network (FSSN). For battery powered FSSN, the energy constraint restricts lifetime of WSN, which poses great challenged to its large scale application. Prior work has suggested approaches to optimize the RF module and communication protocols to reduce power consumption of FSSN. Although shown to be ef... L. Chen, R. Zhang, G. Xu

15. Design Of A Data Acquisition System For Weighing Lysimeters

The weighing lysimeter is an important tool for scientists to con... C. Zhang, X. Xue, L. Chen, W. Huang

16. Study on Monitoring System of Wheat Sowing

       In order to real-time monitoring the sowing status of the multi-channel seeder, a distributed monitoring system is developed. The monitoring module of sowing and the monitoring terminal is designed with ... W. Fu, Z. Meng, G. Wu, J. Dong, H. Mei, C. Zhao

17. Spray Pattern and Droplet Spectra Characteristics from an Actively Controlled Variable-Orifice Nozzle

... M.P. Sama, S.A. Shearer, J.D. Luck

18. Evaluation of PRS(TM) Probe Technology and Model for Variable Rate Fertilizer Application in Hummocky Fields in Saskatchewan

... K. Greer, J. Burns, E. Bremer

19. Spot- Application of Pre-Emergence Herbicide Using a Variable Rate Sprayer in Wild Blueberry

Wild blueberry producers apply herbicides uniformly to control grasses and weeds without considering the significant weed density variability and bare spots within fields. The repeated and excessive use of ... Q. Zaman, Y. Chang, A. Farooque, A. Schumann, D. Percival, M. Cheema, T. Esau

20. Development of Sensing System Using Digital Photography Technique for Spot-Application of Herbicide in Wild Blueberry Fields

An automated sensing system, hardware and software, was developed for spot-application of herbicide with 6.1 m boom automated prototype spraye... Q. Zaman, T.J. Esau, A.A. Farooque, A.W. Schumann, D.C. Percival, Y.K. Chang

21. Implementation of a Controller Unit Based on the ISO 11783 Standard for Automatic Measurement of the Electrical Conductivity of the Soil

... L. M. rabello, R. R. d. pereira, W. C. lopes, R. Y. inamasu, R. V. de sousa

22. A High-Reliability Database-Supported Modular Precision Irrigation System

Title of Abstract:          A High-Reliability Database-Supported Modular Precision Irrigation System Authors of Abstract:     N. Kamel1, S. Sharaf1, A. El-Shafei... S. Sharaf, A. Elshafie, N.N. Kamel, D.A. Yousef

23. Adaptive Control of Capillary Water Flow Under Modified Subsurface Irrigation Based on a SPAC Model

Soil moisture in a rhizosphere of a tomato is controlled adaptively based on a simple soil-plant-atmosphere continuum (SPAC) model. The water flow from a soil through a plant to the atmosphere is governed by the analogous rule of the SPAC model. In our experiment, we assume that plant transpiration is only affected by the water-potential of air when the soil m... M. Ohaba, M.B. zainal abidin, Q. Li, S. Shibusawa, M. Kodaira, K. Osato

24. Farmer Uptake of Variable Rate Irrigation Technologies in New Zealand

Cost effective technological advances in recent years have allowed the uptake of variable rate irrigation (VRI) systems in New Zealand. Typically an existing sprinkler irrigator is modified for variable rate irrigation, irrigation management zones are defined using EM (ele... C. Hedley, I. Yule

25. An Approach to Making Non-Smell Composting System : Case Study in Fuchu

The project to form ... R. Fusamura, S. Shibusawa, M. Kodaira

26. I-SALUS: New Web Based Spatial Systems for Simulating Crop Yield and Environmental Impact

  SALUS (System Approach to Land Use Sustainability) model is designed to simulate the impact of agronomic management on yield and environmental impact. SALUS model has new approaches and algorithms for simulating soil carbon, nitrogen, phosphorous, tillage, soil water balance and yield components. In the past, the use of the crop model was not easy for genera... T. Chou, M. Yeh, J. Chen, B. Basso

27. Development of Variable Rate Applicators Using Real-Time Machine Vision Sensing and Control System for Spot-Application of Agrochemicals

The variable rate applicators comprised of a real-time sensing and control system were developed and tested for spot-application of agrochemicals (fertilizer and pesticides). ... Q. Zaman

28. Development Of Variable Rate System For Soil Disinfection Based On Injection Technique

Abstract:  A variable rate system injection of soil pesticide was developed for control of soil pesticide amount by PWM. The paper analyzes the input and output conditions of control system, and designed hardware, algorithm and control of soil pesticide, mainly software flow and a feedback control way. In the paper, the variable-rate control system consisted of time delay, interface module, micro controller, speed sensor, PWM valve, and hyd... W. Ma, X. Wang

29. Perspectives For Site Specific Application Of Soil Herbicides In Arable Farming

Soil herbicides kill plants via root uptake. The use of soil herbicides can be made more sustainable by adjusting the dosage to the local soil condition. This so called Variable Rate Application (VRA) is the core of Precision Farming. Soil herbicides often play an important role in weed control strategies in conventional arable farming. Broad field uniform application is by far the most common application method. However, with increasing advances in sensing and ... S. Heijting, C. Kempenaar

30. Using Airborne Imagery To Monitor Cotton Root Rot Infection Before And After Fungicide Treatment

Cotton root rot, caused by the soilborne fungus Phymatotrichopsis omnivore, is a severe soilborne disease that has affected cotton production for over a century. Recent research has shown that a commercial fungicide, flutriafol, has potential for the control of this disease. To effectively and economically control this disease, it is necessary to identify infected areas within the field so that variable rate technology can be used to apply fungicide only to th... C. Yang, G.N. Odvody, R.R. Minzenmayer, R.L. Nichols, T. Isakeit, A. Thomasson

31. Weed Identification From Seedling Cabbages Using Visible And Near-Infrared Spectrum Analysis

Target identification is one of the main research content and also a key point in precision crop protection. The main purpose of the study is to choose the characteristic wavelengths (CW for short) to classify the cabbages and the weeds at their seedling stage using different data analysis methods. Using a handheld full-spectrum FieldSpec-FR, the canopies of the seedling plants, cabbage ‘8398, cabbage ‘zhonggan’, Barnyard grass, green foxtail, goosegr... W. Deng, X. Wang, C. Zhao, Y. Huang

32. Pesticide Application Manager (PAM) - Decision Support In Crop Protection Based On Terrain-, Machine-, Business- And Public Data

Introduction   Pesticide Application Manager (PAM) is a project, co-financed by the German Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE) that aims to develop solutions for automating important processes in crop protection.   Due to a series of rules and legal requirements for planning, implementation and documentation, crop protection is one of the ... B. Kleinhenz, M. Röhrig, M. Scheiber, J. Feldhaus, B. Hartmann, B. Golla, C. Federle , D. Martini

33. Fungiprecise - A German Project For Precise Real-Time Fungicide Application In Winter Wheat

Regarding to real-time or online technologies in recent years, new technologies has been introduced into practical farming especially in the field of nitrogen application. These technologies are based on sensors mainly detecting the canopy reflectance. In the field of plant protection, although few sensor-based real-time technologies in weed control and growth regulator application are marked available, solutions for fungicide application are mostly missing currently. Amongst ot... P. Leithold, T. Volk, K. Dammer

34. Thermal Sensing Of Roses Affected By Downy Mildew

Downy mildew caused by the oomycete Peronospora sparsa affects roses and is a serious problem in nurseries and cut roses in commercial greenhouses, especially in those without heating systems. The disease, which affects the quality and the yield of roses, develops fast under suitable environmental conditions. Currently it is controlled mainly by the application of foliar fungicides and removal of symptomatic plant material due to the limited availability of resistant cu... E. Oerke , H. Dehne, S. Gómez, U. Steiner

35. Recognition And Classification Of Weeds In Sugarcane Using The Technique Of The Bag Of Words

The production of sugar and ethanol in Brazil is very prominent economically and the reducing costs and improving the production system being necessary. The management crops operations of sugarcane and the control of weed is one of the processes that cause the greatest increase in production costs; because the competition that exists between cane plants and weed, for water, nutrients and sunlight is big, contribute to the loss of up to 20% of the useful cane. The use of image processing ... W.E. Santiago, A.R. Barreto, D.G. Figueredo, R.C. Tinini, B.T. Mederos, N.J. Leite

36. Diagnosis Of Sclerotinia Infected Oilseed Rape (Brassica Napus L) Using Hyperspectral Imaging And Chemomtrics

 Abstract: Brassica napus L leaf diseases could cause seriously reduction in crop yield and quality. Early diagnosis of Brassica napus L leaf diseases plays a vital role in Brassica napus L growth. To explore an effective methodology for diagnosis of Sclerotinia infected Brassica napus L plants, healthy Brassica napus L leaves and Brassica napus L leaves infected by Sclerotinia were prepared in a controlled circumstance. A visible/short-wave near infrared hyperspect... N. Chen, F. Liu, L. Jiang, L. Feng, Y. He, Y. Bao

37. Effect Of Time Of Application On Spray Coverage Using Solid Set Canopy Delivery System

Permanent or solid set canopy delivery system can be used for foliar application in tree fruit orchards. The emitters are placed along the tree rows and are very close to tree canopy. During spray application droplets quickly get deposited on tree canopy and coverage of up to 90% could be achieved. However concerns still exist regarding critical time required to achieve target coverage using SSCD system. This knowledge of selecting an appropriate application time could help grow... M. Karkee, Q. Zhang, A. Sharda

38. A Portable Instrument For Recognition Of Farm Weeds And Management Of Chemical Spray

With the information technology being popularization and application and farmers’ knowledge level being increase in China, smartphone has been accepted by peasants used as terminal of information collection and query. Recently, because of the serious diseases and insect pests, it is impossible to prevent and control these disasters when we only rely on grassroots staffs’ investigation or professors’ instruction. If each of these farmers distributed in all of the country... S. Jian, W. Xiu, Z.D. Yan

39. Biological Soil Mapping - Infesttion By Plasmodiophora Brassicae And Soil Characteristics

Clubroot, caused by Plasmodiophora brassicae, is a soilborne pathogen that causes severe yield losses in many Brassica crops. It is a increasing problem in many Brassica growing countries. The spores survive for 15-20 years and might cause significant yield losses (>10%), already when 20% of plant are infected. An infestation with a couple of thousands spores/g soil is considered to have the potential to give such significant losses... C. Aberger, A. Wallenhammar, A. Jonsson

40. Disease Scouting For Aerial Blight Based On Logical Areas Of Collection In Soybean Fields Rotated With Rice

Rhizoctonia solani AG1-IA causes sheath blight in rice and aerial blight in soybean.  In Arkansas, rice and soybean rotations facilitate a continuous source of R. solani AG1-IA inoculum from one year to the next.    Aerial blight is a two stage disease where colonization of the plant occurs during the early vegetative growth stages and aerial blight symptoms occur during the reproductive growth stages after canopy closure.  At canopy cl... C.S. Rothrock, W.S. Monfort, T.W. Griffin, T.N. Spurlock

41. Use Of Vegetation Indices In Variable Rate Application Of Potato Haulm Killing Herbicides

Variable rate application (VRA) of pesticides based on measured spatial variation in crop biomass is possible with currently available crop reflection sensors (remote and proximity), GNSS technology and modern field sprayers. VRA has the potential to contribute to a more sustainable use of pesticide. Dose rates are optimized based on local requirements at a scale of about 5-50 m2, leading to less adverse side effects, less costs and higher yields. In the longer term, ... C. Kempenaar, T. Been, F.V. Evert

42. Using A Decision Tree To Predict The Population Density Of Redheaded Cockchafer (Adoryphorus Couloni) In Dairy Fields

A native soil dwelling insect pest, the redheaded cockchafer (Adoryphorus couloni) (Burmeister) (RHC) is an important pest in the higher rainfall regions of south-eastern Australia. Due to the majority of its lifecycle spent underground feeding on the roots and soil organic matter the redheaded cockchafer is difficult to detect and control. The ability to predict the level of infestation and location of redheaded cockchafers in a field may give producers the option to use an endophyte co... A. Cosby, G. Falzon, M. Trotter, J. Stanley, K. Powell, D. Schneider, D. Lamb

43. Refractive Index Based Brix Measurement System for Sugar and Allied Industries

An attempt has been made to design optimization of Refractormetric based method for the measurement of Brix.  Optimization of various constructional parameters including selection and location of source, prism and detector, position of source, angular position and height of source from prism plane, divergent angle of source, refractive index of prism, size of prism, the location of detector to pick up the optimum reflected light, refractive index of sample, critical angle, choice of suit... M.L. Dongare, B.T. Jadhav, A.D. Shaligram

44. From Data to Decisions - Ag Technologies Provide New Opportunities and Challenges with On-Farm Research

U.S. farmers are challenged to increase crop production while achieving greater resource use efficiency.  The Nebraska On-Farm Research Network (NOFRN), enables farmers to answer critical production, profitability, and sustainability questions with their own fields and equipment. The NOFRN is sponsored by the University of Nebraska – Lincoln Extension and derives from two separate on-farm research efforts, the earliest originating in 1990.  Over the course of the last 29 years... L. Thompson, K. Glewen, N. Mueller, J. Luck

45. Learn, Share, Connect and Be Inspired: How One Farming Group in Australia is Driving PA Adoption

The use of Precision Agriculture (PA) technologies and techniques continues to expand in Australia. The Society of Precision Agriculture Australia (SPAA) has been instrumental in driving the adoption and development of these techniques to support industry and Australian farming communities. SPAA supports innovation, and innovation includes people. Founded in 2002, SPAA, a not for profit extension body, is Australia’s only dedicated farming group communicating and advocating fo... N.F. Dimos, J.K. Koch

46. Utilizing GPS Technology and Science to Improve Digital Literacy Among Students in Australia and the United States of America

A key issue facing regional, rural and remote communities, in both Australia and the United States of America (USA), is the low level of digital literacy among some cohorts of students. This is particularly the case for students involved in agricultural studies where it is commonly perceived that digital literacy is not relevant to their future occupation. However, this perception is far from the truth, as the reality of farming today means students who intend on entering the agricultural wor... C.W. Knight, A. Cosby, M. Trotter

47. Creating Thematic Maps and Management Zones for Agriculture Fields

Thematic maps (TMs) are maps that represent not only the land but also a topic associated with it, and they aim to inform through graphic symbols where a specific geographical phenomenon occurs. Development of TMs is linked to data collection, analysis, interpretation, and representation of the information on a map, facilitating the identification of similarities, and enabling the visualization of spatial correlations. Important issues associated with the creation of TMs are: selection of the... E. Souza, K. Schenatto, C. Bazzi

48. Data Power: Understanding the Impacts of Precision Agriculture on Social Relations

Precision agriculture has been greatly promoted for the potential of these technologies to sustainably intensify food production through increasing yields and profits, decreasing the environmental impacts of production, and improving food safety and transparency in the food system through the data collected by precision agriculture technologies.  However, little attention has been given to the potential of these technologies to impact social relations within the agricultural industry.&nb... E. Duncan, E. Fraser

49. Harness the Power of the Internet to Improve Yield

It’s rare to find a fertile farm or ranch that has complete cellular coverage across the entirety of its property. Because networking options like Wi-Fi are limited by restricted infrastructure in these areas, maintaining a reliable flow of connectivity is difficult. Yet, even if consistent cellular coverage is available, it’s frequently cost prohibitive for farm monitoring. Similarly, alternate wireless devices that require batteries aren’t practical because of high mainten... M. Finegan, D. Wallace

50. Tracking Two Decades of Precision Agriculture Through the Croplife Purdue Survey

The CropLife/Purdue University precision dealer survey is the longest-running continuous survey of precision farming adoption.  The 2017 survey is the 18th, conducted every year from 1997 to 2009, and then every other year following.  For individuals working in agriculture there is great value in knowing who is doing what and why, to get a better understanding of the utilities and applications, and to guide investments.  A major revision in survey questions was m... B. Erickson, J. Lowenberg-deboer, J. Bradford

51. Exploring Wireless Sensor Network Technology in Sustainable Okra Garden: A Comparative Analysis of Okra Grown in Different Fertilizer Treatments

The goal of this project was to explore commercial agricultural and irrigation sensor kits and to discern if the commercial wireless sensor network (WSN) is a viable tool for providing accurate real-time farm data at the nexus of food energy and water. The smart garden consists of two different varieties of Abelmoschus esculentus (okra) planted in raised beds, each grown under two different fertilizer treatments. Soil watermark sensors were programed to evaluate soil moisture and dictate irri... L. Burton, K. Jayachandran, S. Bhansali, Y. Mekonnen, A. Sarwat

52. Precision Agriculture: A Paradigm Shift for Espousal of Advanced Farming Practices Among Progressive Farmers in Punjab –Pakistan

Precision agriculture provides innovative farm information tools for improved decision making regarding crop growth and yield. Creating awareness for future applications of precision agriculture among progressive farmers in Pakistan was an instrumental force to conduct this study. The purpose was to appraise the awareness level of the respondents for applications of precision agriculture in the field. The objectives such as assessing the awareness level, available information sources, future ... E. Ashraf, H.K. Shurjeel, R. Rasheed

53. Survey Shows Specialty and Commodity Crop Retailers Use Precision Agriculture Differently

The 2021 CropLife-Purdue Survey of precision agricultural practices by US agricultural input dealers serving the American grain and oilseed sector shows that most of them use GPS guidance and related technologies like sprayer boom control, most provide variable rate fertilizer services, and the majority say that fertilizer decisions are influenced by grower data. In contrast, dealers serving horticultural and specialty crop farms indicate comparatively modest adoption of many precision agricu... B.J. Erickson, J. Lowenberg-deboer

54. Farmers’ and Experts’ Perceptions of Precision Farming Impacts on Economic Efficiency, Food Security, Climate and Environmental Sustainability

“Global food security could be in jeopardy, due to mounting pressures on natural resources and to climate change, both of which threaten the sustainability of food systems at large. Excessive fertilizer use can contribute to problems of eutrophication, acidification, climate change and the toxic contamination of soil, water and air. Lack of fertilizer application may cause the degradation of soil fertility. Agricultural production systems need to focus more on the effective co... C.I. Anaba

55. Robot Safety Issues in Field Crops - EU Regulatory Issues and Technical Aspects

The use of robots in Precision Agriculture is becoming of great interest, but they introduce a new kind of risk in the field due to their self-acting and self-driving capability. Safety issues appear with respect to people working in the same field in human-robot collaboration (HRC) framework or to the accidental presence of humans or animals. A robot out of control may also invade other areas causing unpredictable harm and damage. Currently, the safety of highly automated agricultu... M. Canavari, P. Lattanzi, G. Vitali, L. Emmi

56. Mapping Marginal Crop Land on Millions of Acres in the Canadian Prairies

Crop fields cover more than 250,000 km2 of the Canadian Prairies, and many of these contain areas of marginal soil condition that are farmed annually at a loss. Setting aside these unprofitable areas may represent savings for growers as well as reductions in GHG emissions, while restoring them with perennial vegetation could create new natural carbon sinks. There is high potential for these in-field marginal zones to act as a nature-based climate solution in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba... S. Shirtliffe, T. Ha, K. Nketia

57. Enhancing Precision Agriculture with Cosmic-ray Neutron Sensing: Monitoring Soil Moisture Dynamics and Its Impact on Grapevine Physiology

Precision agriculture has emerged as a transformative approach in modern viticulture, seeking to optimize vineyard management. Vineyard operations rely heavily on effective water management, especially in regions where water availability can significantly affect grape quality and yield. The relationship between soil moisture and grapevine physiology is however complex. Therefore, understanding these relationships is crucial for optimizing vineyard operations. Cosmic-ray neutron sensing (CRNS)... R. Mazzoleni, F. Vinzio, S. Emamalizadeh, G. Allegro, I. Filippetti, G. Baroni

58. Monitoring the Effects of Weed Management Strategies on Tree Canopy Structure and Growth Using UAV-LiDAR in a Young Almond Orchard

The primary objective of this study was to assess the potential effect of integrated weed management (IWM) on canopy structure and growth in a young almond orchard using unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) LiDAR point cloud data. The experiment took place in the Neve Ya’ar Model Farm, with four IWM strategies tested: (1) standard herbicide-based management, (2) physical-mechanical approach, (3) cover crops, and (4) integrated weed management combining herbicide and mowing. In 2019 (pre-treatm... T. Paz kagan, R. Lati , T. Caras

59. Eco-friendly LiDAR Drone Surveying for Sugarcane Land Leveling in the Cauca River Valley, Colombia

Land leveling is a crucial process in sugarcane cultivation in the Cauca River Valley. It plays a vital role in ensuring proper water flow within the fields, reducing fuel consumption for water pumping, promoting seed emergence, and facilitating other mechanized tasks that can be carried out more quickly and efficiently. Traditionally, land leveling involves the use of high-powered tractors (typically around 310 horsepower) equipped with high-precision topographic survey systems fro... S. Anderson-guerrero, A.M. Caballero-rodriguez, O. Munar vivas, J.F. Mateus-rodriguez

60. System Development for Application and Testing of Spray-on Biodegradable Mulch

Plastic mulch films have long been a staple in agriculture and plays a critical part in the specialty crop production. Plastic mulch provides benefits such as conserving soil moisture, suppress weed growth and increase soil temperature. However, the widespread use of petroleum based plastic mulch films have raised concerns due to challenges associated with their removal and environmental impact. Plastic mulch has to be removed after every growing season. During the removal process, microplast... N.K. Piya, A. Sharda, D. Flippo

61. Estimating Spatial and Temporal Variability in Soil Respiration Using UAV-based Multispectral and Thermal Images in an Irrigated Pistachio (Pistachia Vera L.) Orchard

Soil respiration (Rs) accounts for the autotrophic and heterotrophic respiration happening in the soil and is a major component of the carbon budget of agricultural ecosystems. Rs is controlled by various interactive factors, including soil moisture, temperature, soil properties, and vegetation productivity. To quantify the carbon budget of climate-smart agriculture systems, it is necessary to understand how irrigation and cover cropping management practices impact... A. Sapkota, M. Roby, C. Chen, I. Kisekka

62. Balancing Water Productivity and Nutrient Use Efficiency: Evaluation of Alternate Wetting and Severe Drying Technology

With emerging water scarcity and rising fertilizer prices, it is crucial to optimize future water use while maintaining yield and nutrient efficiency in irrigated rice. Alternate wetting and moderate drying has proven to be an efficient water-saving irrigation technology for the semi-arid zones of West Africa, reducing water inputs without yield penalty. Alternate wetting and severe drying (AWD30), by re-irrigating fields only when the water table reaches 30 cm below the soil surface, may fur... J. Johnson, M. Becker, J.P. Kaboré, E.R. Dossou-yovo, K. Saito

63. Evaluating the Impact of Irrigation Rate, Timing, and Maturity-based Cotton Cultivars on Yield and Fiber Quality in West Texas

In West Texas, effective irrigation is crucial for sustainable cotton production given the water scarcity from the declining Ogallala aquifer and erratic rainfall patterns. A three-year study (2020-2022) investigated irrigation rate and timing effects on early to mid-season cotton maturity groups. Five treatments, including rainfed (W1 or LLL) and variations in irrigation rates at growth stages (P1 to P4), were applied. Evaluation involved six to seven cotton cultivars from four maturity grou... O. Adedeji, R. Karn, B.P. Ghimire, W. Guo, E.N. Wieber

64. Comparing Proximal and Remote Sensors for Variable Rate Nitrogen Management in Cotton

Sensing and variable rate technology are becoming increasingly important in precision agriculture. These technologies utilize sensors to monitor crop growth and health, enabling informed decisions such as diagnosing nitrogen (N) stress and applying variable rates of N. Sensor-based solutions allow for customized N applications based on plant needs and environmental factors. This approach has led to notable reductions in N application rates, minimized N losses by improving N use efficiency (NU... A. Bhattarai, A. Jakhar, L. Bastos, G.J. Scarpin