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Precision Conservation Management
Sensor Application in Managing In-season CropVariability
Small Holders and Precision Agriculture
Precision Horticulture
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Aboutalebi, M
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Ammar, K
Ashley, R
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Bajwa, S
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Portz, G
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Rodrigues, F
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Sadler, J
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Sanchez, L
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Schenatto, K
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Schepers, J.S
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Teboh, J
Trevisan, R.G
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Van Beers, R
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Veum, K
Vilanova Jr., N.D
Wouters, N
Zarco-Tejada, P.J
chen, D
chen, T
dong, J
jiang, S
Sensor Application in Managing In-season CropVariability
Precision Horticulture
Precision Conservation Management
Small Holders and Precision Agriculture
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Filter results31 paper(s) found.

1. Application based Wireless Sensor Node for Underground Moisture Sensing for Precision Agriculture

In this paper, we are attempting to examine the WUWSN (wireless underground water sensor node*) for precision agriculture. The development and function of this sensor along with its software application is described in this paper. The equipment is under testing and the laboratory results and interpretations are discussed in this paper. This equipment is based on the new concept of sensing underground soil moisture. The sensor is cost effective sensor and has a lon... S.P. Nayse, A.S. Mohammad

2. Rapidscan And CropCircle Radiometers: Opportunities And Limitation In Assessing Wheat Biomass And Nitrogen

Remote sensing is a promising technology that provides information about the crop's physiological and phenological status. This information is based on the spectral absorption and scattering features of the plants. Many different vegetation indices (VI) have been developed, and are in use to estimate quantitatively the relationship between multi and hyper-spectral reflectance and effective crop physiological parameters, i.e. nitrogen (N) content, biomass, leaf area index (LAI). The C... A.A. Gitelson, D.J. Bonfil

3. Active Optical Sensor Algorithms For Corn Yield Prediction And In-Season N Application In North Dakota

A recent series of seventy seven field N rate experiments with corn (Zea mays, L.) in North Dakota was conducted. Multiple regression analysis of the characteristics of the data set indicated that segregating the data into those with high clay soils and those with medium textures increased the relationship between N rate and corn yield. However, the nearly linear positive slope relationship in high clay soils and coarser texture soils with lower yield productivity indic... L. Sharma, H. Bu, R. Ashley, G. Endres, J. Teboh, D.W. Franzen

4. Precision Design Of Vegetative Buffers

Precision agriculture techniques can be applied at field margins to improve performance of water quality protection practices. Effectiveness of vegetative buffers, conventionally designed to have uniform width along field margins, is limited by spatially non-uniform runoff from fields. Effectiveness can be improved by placing relatively wider buffer at locations where loads are greater. A GIS tool was developed that accounts for non-uniform flow and produces more-effective, vari... T. Mueller, S. Neelakantan, M. Helmers, M. Dosskey

5. In-Season Nitrogen Requirement For Maize Using Model And Sensor-Based Recommendation Approaches

Nitrogen (N), an essential element, is often limiting to plant growth.  There is great value in determining the optimum quantity and timing of N application to meet crop needs while minimizing losses.  Low nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) has been attributed to several factors including poor synchrony between N fertilizer and crop demand, unaccounted for spatial variability resulting in varying crop N needs, and temporal variances in crop N needs.  Applying a portion... L.J. Stevens, R.B. Ferguson, D.W. Franzen, N.R. Kitchen

6. Modeling Canopy Light Interception For Estimating Yield In Almond And Walnut Trees

A knowledge of spatio-temporal variability in potential yield is essential for site-specific nutrient management in crop production. The objectives of this project were to develop a model for photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) intercepted by almond and walnut trees based on data obtained from respective tree(s) and estimate potential crop yield in individual trees or in blocks of five trees. This project uses proximally sensed PAR interception data measured using a lightb... R. Dhillon, S. Upadhyaya, J. Roach, K. Crawford, B. lampinen, S. Metcalf, F. Rojo

7. Soil Compaction: Impact Of Tractor And Equipment On Corn Growth, Development And Yield

This project looks at the impact of soil compaction on corn emergence, growth and development, and yield. This is a two-year study, begun in the in the spring of 2013, it will be completed after the 2014 growing season. Corn was produced in the field both years.   The project hypotheses are to: 1) Soil compaction does impact corn growth, development and yield; 2) Soil compacted in the fall season by farm equipment is measurable the followin... S. Sivarajan, S. Bajwa, J. Nowatzki

8. Using Precision Agriculture And Remote Sensing Techniques To Improve Genotype Selection In A Breeding Program

Precision Agriculture (PA) and Remote Sensing (RS) technologies are increasingly being used as tools to assess crop and soil properties by breeders and physiologists.  These technologies are showing potential to improve genotype selections over their traditional field measurements, by providing quick access to crop properties throughout the crop cycle and yield estimation. The objective of this work was to use vegetation indices (VIs) and soil apparent electrical conductivi... F.A. Rodrigues junior, I. Ortiz-monasterio, P.J. Zarco-tejada, K. Ammar, B.G. Gérard

9. Comparison Of Management Zones Generated By The K-Means And Fuzzy C-Means Methods

The generation of Management Zones (MZ) is an economic alternative to make viable the precision agriculture (RODRIGUES & ZIMBACK, 2002) because they work as operation units for the inputs localized application and as soil and culture sample indicators. For the field division in... E. Souza, K. Schenatto, F. Rodrigues, D. Rocha, C. Bazzi

10. The Influence Of The Interpolation Method In The Management Zones Generation

The definition of management zones (MZ) allows the concepts of precision agriculture (PA) to be used even in small producers. Methods for defining these MZ were created and are being used, obtaining satisfactory results with different crops and parameters (FLEMING & WESTFALL, 2000; ORTEGA & SANTIBÁÑEZ, 2007; MILANI et al., 2006). Through methodologies, the attributes that are influencing the productivity are selected and thematic maps are generated with the... K. Schenatto, C. Bazzi, V. Bier, E. Souza

11. Development Of An Index-Based Insurance Product: Validation Of A Forage Production Index Derived From Medium Spatial Resolution fCover Time Series

An index-based insurance solution is developed by Pacifica Crédit Agricole Assurances and Astrium GEO-Information to estimate and monitor the near real-time forage production in France. In this system, payouts are indexed on an indicator, called Forage Production Index (FPI), calculated using a biophysical characterization of the grassland from medium spatial resolution remote sensing time series. We used the Fraction of green Vegetation Cover (fCover) integral ... A. Jacquin, G. Sigel, O. Hagolle, B. Lepoivre, A. Roumiguié, H. Poilvé

12. Production And Conservation Results From A Decade-Long Field-Scale Precision Agriculture System

Research is needed that simultaneously evaluates production and conservation outcomes of precision agriculture practices.  From over a decade (1993-2003) of yield and soil mapping and water quality assessment, a multi-faceted, “precision agriculture system” (PAS) was developed and initiated in 2004 on a 36-ha field in Central Missouri. The PAS assessment was accomplished by comparing it to the previous decade of conventional corn-soyb... C. Baffaut, K. Sudduth, J. Sadler, R. Kremer, R. Lerch, N. Kitchen, K. Veum

13. Detection Of Drainage Failure In Reconstructed Cranberry Soils Using Time Series Analysis

A cranberry farm is often a semi-closed water system, where water is applied by means of irrigation and drained using an artificial drainage system. Cranberry bogs must be drained to the water level inside the surrounding ditches in order to maintain an optimal pore pressure within the root zone, which is important for a number of reasons. First of all, Phytophthara causing root rot are commonly associated with irrigation with contaminated surface water (Oudemans, 1999)... S.J. Gumiere, Y. Périard, J. Caron, D.W. Hallema, J.A. Lafond

14. Comparison Of Calibration Models Developed For A Visible-Near Infrared Real-Time Soil Sensor

The visible-near infrared (Vis-NIR) based real-time soil sensor (RTSS) is found to be a great tool for determining distribution of various soil properties for precision agriculture purposes. However, the developed calibration models applied on the collected spectra for prediction of soil properties were site-specific (local). This is found to be less practical since the RTSS needs to be calibrated separately for every field. General calibration approach is expected to ... S. Shibusawa, M. Kodaira, I. Kana, S.N. Baharom

15. Cotton Field Relations Of Plant Height To Biomass Accumulation And N-Uptake On Conventional And Narrow Row Systems

Although studied for decades, cotton field management remains a challenge for growers, especially due to spatial variability of soil conditions and crop growth, which demands the use of variable rate application technology (VRT) for nitrogen and growth regulators to improve yields and quality and/or save inputs. Canopy optical reflectance sensors are being studied as an option to detect infield variability but may have some limitations due to the known effect of signal saturation when us... N. . Vilanova jr., J.P. Molin, C. Portz, L.V. Posada, G. Portz, R.G. Trevisan

16. GIS Mapping of Soil Compaction and Moisture Distribution for Precision Tillage and Irrigation Management

Soil compaction is one of the forms of physical change of soil structure which has positive and negative effects, in agriculture considered to make soil degradation. The undisciplined use of heavy load traffic or machinery in modern agriculture causes substantial soil compaction, counteracted by soil tillage that loosens the soil. Higher soil bulk densities affect resistance to root penetration, soil pore volume and permeability to air, and thus, finally the pore space habitable... H.P. Jayasuriya, M. Al-wardy, S. Al-adawi, K. Al-hinai

17. X-Ray Computed Tomography For State Of The Art Plant And Root Analysis

During the last years, the formerly in medical applications established technique of X-ray computed tomography (CT) is used for non-destructive material analysis as well. Adapting this technique for the visualization and analysis of growth processes of plants above and underneath the soil enables new possibilities in the so called smart agriculture. Using State-of-the-art CT systems the computed 3D volume datasets allows the visualization and virtual analysis of hidden structures like ro... S. Reisinger, N. Uhlmann, R. Hanke, S. Gerth

18. Evaluation Of In-Field Sensors To Monitor Nitrogen Status In Soybean

In recent years, active optical crop sensors have been gaining importance to determine in-season nitrogen (N) fertilization requirements for on-the-go variable rate application.  Although most of these active in-field crop sensors have been evaluated in corn and wheat crops, they have not yet been evaluated in soybean production systems in North Dakota. Recent research from both South Dakota and North Dakota indicate that in-season N application in soybean can increase soybean yield... J. Nowatzki, S. Bajwa, S. Sivarajan, M. Maharlooei, H. Kandel

19. Spatial Variability Of Soil Compaction In Annual Cycle Of Different Culture Of Cane Sugar Land Clay Sandy

The assessment of soil compaction levels and choosing the best management system are very important in modern agriculture, aiming to prevent or at least restore their physical conditions to a satisfactory level. The renewal of sugar cane plantation happens on average every 5 or 6 years. The current way repeats a sequence compaction and decompaction events during successive cycles of sugarcane, which promotes breakdown of soil structure. During the harvesting and transportation, ... F.C. Masiero, B.B. Fernandes, S.P. Guerra, K.P. Lanças, I. Marasca

20. Crop Circle Sensor-Based Precision Nitrogen Management Strategy For Rice In Northeast China

GreenSeeker (GS) sensor-based precision N management strategy for rice has been developed, significantly improved N fertilizer use efficiency. Crop Circle ACS-470 (CC) active sensor is a new user configurable sensor, with a choice of 6 possible bands. The objectives of this study were to identify important vegetation indices obtained from CC sensor for estimating rice yield potential and rice responsiveness to topdressing N application and evaluate their potential improvements over GS no... Q. Cao, Y. Miao, J. Shen, S. Cheng, R. Khosla, F. Liu

21. Design And Construction Of An Ultrasonic Cutting Width Sensor For Full-Feed Type Mid-Sized Multi-Purpose Combines

Precision agriculture analyzes the spatial variability according to the characteristics of an optimum setting of agricultural materials. To raise the profitability of agriculture and to reduce the environmental impact, technological research and development of precision agriculture has been conducted. In Asian countries such as Ja... Y. Huh, S. Chung, Y. Chae, J. Lee, S. Kim, M. Choi, K. Jung

22. Design And Implementation Of Agricultural Sensor Data Of Multiple And Heterogeneous Access Architecture

For the moment, the Internet of things system oriented to the whole industry chain is gradually established in some fields of agriculture; At the same time, traditional management style of agricultural sensor data lack effective sharing mechanism, that can not meet the demand of agricultural network system for the multiple and heterogeneous sensor data. Especially with the growing the demand of agricultural products quality safety supervision system to the monitoring of agricult... T. Chen, D. Chen, J. Dong, S. Jiang

23. Towards Automated Pneumatic Thinning Of Floral Buds On Pear Trees

Thinning of pome and stone fruit is an important horticultural practice that is used to enhance fruit set and quality by removing excess floral buds. As it is still mostly conducted through manual labor, thinning comprises a large part of a grower’s production costs. Various thinning machines developed in recent years have clearly demonstrated that mechanization of this technique is both feasible and cost effective. Generally, these machines still lack sufficient selectivi... N. Wouters, R. Van beers, B. De ketelaere, T. Deckers, J. De baerdemaeker, W. Saeys

24. Using Imagery As A Proxy Yield Map And Scouting Tool

Combine yield maps represent a post-mortem quantification of the spatial variability in crop vigor that occurred during the growing season. The spatial resolution of yield maps is defined by the width of the combine header but the length of the cell depends on the ground-speed of the implement and how long it takes for the grain t... J.S. Schepers, A.R. Schepers

25. Evaluation of a Single Transect Method for Collecting Grape Samples Based on Sentinel-2 Imagery for the Characterization of Overall Vineyard Performance

Commercial vineyards are streamed into different wine programs based on analysis of grape or juice samples collected from the field, but spatial and temporal variability can lead to sub-optimal tiering of grapes. This is a particularly difficult problem to overcome in the typically large vineyards of California’s Central Valley. Due to economic and laboratory constraints on sample collection, processing, and analysis, a single sample is often expected to represent the overall fruit qual... B. Sams, M. Aboutalebi, L. Sanchez, N. Dokoozlian, R. Bramley

26. Precision Tools for Monitoring Experimental Irrigation Treatments in California Vineyards

Precision farming techniques, such as zonal management and variable rate nutrient delivery, have been used to manage spatial variability in many crops. Wine grapes, and most permanent crops, have been slower than row crops or agronomic crops to take advantage of these techniques, though there are barriers to implementing these methods when compared to agronomic crops. The objective of this project is to show how a suite of monitoring and management tools can be used to evaluate the performanc... B. Sams, P. Previtali, J. Mezger, M. Aboutalebi, L. Sanchez, N. Dokoozlian

27. UAV Multispectral Data As a Suitable Tool for Predicting Sweetness, Size, and Yield of Vidalia Onions

Vidalia onions is a specialty crop cultivated solely within the southeastern region of Georgia. The key distinguishing characteristic of Vidalia onions is its high sugar content, making them highly prized and widely consumed. Ten thousand acres are grown with Vidalia Onions each year approximately, and the market value (~$150Mi/year) makes the crop very important for the State of Georgia. Traditionally, the planting, weeding, spraying, harvesting, and post-harvesting operations are usually do... M. Barbosa, L. Oliveira, C. Tyson, A. Shirley, R. Santos, L. Sales, R. Vargas

28. Cherry Yield Forecast: Harvest Prediction for Individual Sweet Cherry Trees

Digitalization continues to transform the agricultural sector as a whole and also affects specific niches like horticulture. Particularly in fruit and wine production, the focus is on the application of sensor systems and data analysis aiming at automated detection of drought stress or pests in vineyards or orchards.  As part of the  “For5G” project, we are developing an end-to-end methodology for the creation of digital twins of fruit trees, with a strong focu... A. Gilson, L. Meyer, A. Killer, F. Keil, O. Scholz, D. Kittemann, P. Noack, P. Pietrzyk, C. Paglia

29. Spatial Distribution of Dry Matter in Avocado Fruits and Its Relationship with Fruit Load

The quality and post-harvest life of avocado fruits is strongly conditioned by their oil content, accumulated before harvest. Oil content can be estimated through the dry matter content of the fruit. Thus, to start the harvest, a minimum of 22% dry matter (DM) must be reached, with an optimum between 22 and 28%, while with a DM above 28% the fruit loses its storage condition. The spatial variability of the dry matter of avocado fruits was studied in an 8-hectare field. A 20-poi... H.P. Poblete, R.A. Ortega

30. Exploring Crop Suitability in Senegal Across Global Warming Scenarios: an In-silico Approach

Food production systems in Africa are fragile and vulnerable to climate change. In this context, rising temperatures are the primary cause of the anticipated negative climate change impacts on crop yields. Future yield reductions poses a challenging setting for smallholders to attain self-sufficiency, but new opportunities for managing the risk via implementationof decisions towards mitigate these negative effects from an economic, nutritional, and productive standpoint. Therefore, the object... A. Carcedo, I. Ciampitti

31. Potential for Improving African Smallholder Cereal Farming Using Sentinel-2A Spectral Reflectance

Cereal crops are critical for African smallholder farmers seeking to improve regional food availability, yet many struggle with low productivity from non optimal practices. This present study evaluated the possibility of using the satellite Sentinel-2 Multispectral Instrument data to inform management techniques tailored to African small-scale cereal farms’ local conditions. Improved practices maize, wheat, and rice plots were established respectively in Togo, Tunisia, and Tanzania... A. Biaou, S. Phillips