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Machine Vision / Multispectral & Hyperspectral Imaging Applications to Precision Agriculture
Food Security and Precision Agriculture
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Alchanatis, V
Cohen, S
Cohen, Y
Ehsani, R
Fernandez, C.J
Hijazi, B
Hongo, C
Jørgensen, R.N
Jarolimek, J
Krüger, N
Landivar, J.A
Laursen, M.S
Lee, W
Levi, O
Li, H
Midtiby, H.S
Nichols, R.L
Odvody, G.N
Ogasawara, C
Sigit, G
Simek, P
Stoces, M
Tamura, E
Ulman, M
Wang, K
Yang, C
Yang, C
cointault, F
paindavoine, M
pieters, J
vangeyte, J
Machine Vision / Multispectral & Hyperspectral Imaging Applications to Precision Agriculture
Food Security and Precision Agriculture
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Filter results7 paper(s) found.

1. Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM) Based Citrus Greening Disease Detection Using Airborne Hyperspectral Imaging

Over the past two decades, hyperspectral (HS) imaging has provided remarkable performance in ground objects classification and disease identification, due to its high spectral resolution. In this paper, a novel method named ‘extended spectral angle mapping (ESAM)’ is proposed to detect citrus greening disease (Huanglongbing or HLB), which is a destructive disease of citrus. Firstly, Savitzky-Golay smoothing filter was applied to the raw image to remove spectral noise within the da... W. Lee, K. Wang, H. Li, R. Ehsani, C. Yang

2. A 3-D Stereovision Simulator for Centrifugal Fertilizer Granule Spreading

... J. Vangeyte, F. Cointault, M. Paindavoine, J. Pieters, B. Hijazi

3. Validation of Modicovi - Monocot and Dicot Coverage Ratio Vision Based Method for Real Time Estimation Canopy Coverage Ratio between Cereal Crops and Dicotyledon Weeds

... H.S. Midtiby, R.N. Jørgensen, N. Krüger, M.S. Laursen

4. Evaluating Spectral Measures Derived From Airborne Multispectral Imagery for Detecting Cotton Root Rot

Cotton root rot, caused by the soilborne fungus Phymatotrichopsis omnivore, is one of the most destructive plant diseases occurri... C. Yang, G.N. Odvody, C.J. Fernandez, J.A. Landivar, R.L. Nichols

5. A Method for Combining Spatial and Hyperspectral Information for Delineation of Homogenous Management Zones

Hyperspectral (HS) remote sensing is a constantly developing field. New remote sensing applications of different fields constantly appear. The possibility of acquisition information about an object without physical contact is spanning new opportunities in many fields and for precision agricultural in particular. These opportunities demand constant improvement and development of new analysis approaches and algorith... Y. Cohen, V. Alchanatis, O. Levi, S. Cohen

6. Use of Satellite Data to Improve Damage Assessment Process for Agricultural Insurance Scheme in Indonesia

Goal is to develop new method utilizing satellite data for assessment of damage in paddy field which can contribute toward substantial reduction of the damage assessment time and costs in framework of agricultural insurance in Indonesia. For the damage assessment, estimation of yield in each paddy plot is a key, so the research on the estimation of rice yield was carried out using satellite data which was acquired in harvesting season. Multiple linear regression analysis was conducted for the... C. Hongo, C. Ogasawara, E. Tamura, G. Sigit

7. Open Data for Food Quality and Food Security Control: a Case Study of the Czech Republic

Food quality and food security is of a high public interest in the European Union. In the Czech Republic, food quality and food security is under control of three different public authorities: the Czech Trade Inspection Authority (CTIA) that is affiliated with the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic, the Czech Agriculture and Food Inspection Authority (CAFIA) that is affiliated with the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic and the regional network of hygienic station... M. Ulman, M. Stoces, J. Jarolimek, P. Simek