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Unmanned Aerial Systems
Agricultural Education
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Acuna, T
Alderman, P
Arnall, B
Baeck, P
Bajwa, S
Bazakos, M
Blommaert, J
Boonen, M
Bouroubi, M.Y
Boydston, R
Cavayas, F
Chaplin, Y
Chen, L
Clay, D.E
Clay, S.A
Codjia, C
Cosby, A.M
Delalieux, S
Delauré, B
Dunbabin, M
Ellixson, A
Erickson, B
Fasso, W
Fausti, S
Fornale, M
Goeringer, P
Goffart, J
Gregory, S
Guo, Y
Hayhurst, K
Henry, B
Hock, M.W
Huang, Y
Jacquemin, G
Johnson, A
Kaiser, D
Khot, L
Khun, K
Kidd, J
Kitchen, N.R
Livens, S
Lu, J
Luker, E
Lum, C
Mackenzie, M
Miao, Y
Miklas, P.N
Moorhead, R.J
Moorhead, R.J
Morellas, V
Morris, C
Moyle, J
Mulla, D
Nowatzki, J
Nuyttens, D
Ossowski, M
Papanikolopoulos, N
Pauly, K
Porter, L
Prince Czarnecki, J.M
Reynolds, D.B
Roberts, D
Roberts, J
Samiappan, S
Scheve, A
Schumacher, L
Shannon, K
Shaw-Feather, C
Shi, W
Sima, A
Skouby, D
Stanitsas, P
Sutherland, A
Swain, D
Tekin, A
Tremblay, N
Trotter, M
Trotter, T
Verstynen, H
Vigneault, P
Weckler, P
Yi, T
Yost, M
Zermas, D
Zhang, H
Zhang, R
Zhou, J
Zikan, A
maddalon, J
neogi, N
Agricultural Education
Unmanned Aerial Systems
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Filter results19 paper(s) found.

1. Development of a PWM Precision Spraying System for Unmanned Helicopter

Application of protection materials is a crucial component in the high productivity of agriculture. Motivated by the needs of aerial precision application, in this paper we present a pulse width modulation (PWM) based precision spraying system for unmanned helicopter. The system is composed of the tank, pipelines, pump, nozzles and the automatic control unit. The system can spray with a constant rate automatically when the speed of the UAV fluctuates between 1 m/s to 8 m/s. The application ra... R. Zhang, L. Chen, T. Yi, Y. Guo, H. Zhang

2. Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles to Inform Herbicide Drift Analysis

A primary advantage of unmanned aerial vehicle-based imaging systems is responsiveness.  Herbicide drift events require prompt attention from a flexible collection system, making unmanned aerial vehicles a good option for drift analysis.  In April 2015, a drift event was documented on a Mississippi farm.  A combination of corn and rice fields exhibited symptomology consist with non-target injury from a tank mix of glyphosate and clethodim.  An interesting observation was t... J.M. Prince czarnecki, D.B. Reynolds, R.J. Moorhead

3. Plant Stand Count and Corn Crop Density Assessment Using Texture Analysis on Visible Imagery Collected Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

Ensuring successful corn farming requires an effective monitoring program to collect information about stand counts at an early stage of growth and plant damages due to natural calamities, farming equipment, hogs, deer and other animals. These monitoring programs not only provide a yield estimate but also help farmers and insurance companies in assessing the causes of damages. Current field-based assessment methods are labor intensive, costly, and provide very limited information. Manual asse... S. Samiappan, B. Henry, R.J. Moorhead, M.W. Hock

4. Privacy Issues and the Use of UASs/Drones in Maryland

 According to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the lawful use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), also known as Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), or more commonly as drones, are currently limited to military, research, and recreational applications. Under the FAA’s view, commercial uses of drones are illegal unless approved by the Federal government.  This will change in the future.  Congress authorized the FAA to develop regulations for the use of drones by priva... P. Goeringer, A. Ellixson, J. Moyle

5. Multispectral Imaging and Elevation Mapping from an Unmanned Aerial System for Precision Agriculture Applications

As the world population continues to grow, the need for efficient agricultural production becomes more pressing.  The majority of farmers still use manual techniques (e.g. visual inspection) to assess the status of their crops, which is tedious and subjective.  This paper examines an operational and analytical workflow to incorporate unmanned aerial systems (UAS) into the process of surveying and assessing crop health.  The proposed system has the potential to significantly red... C. Lum, M. Dunbabin, C. Shaw-feather, M. Mackenzie, E. Luker

6. Weather Impacts on UAV Flight Availability for Agricultural Purposes in Oklahoma

This research project analyzed 21 years of historical weather data from the Oklahoma Mesonet system.  The data examined the practicality of flying unmanned aircraft for various agricultural purposes in Oklahoma.  Fixed-wing and rotary wing (quad copter, octocopter) flight parameters were determined and their performance envelope was verified as a function of weather conditions.  The project explored Oklahoma’s Mesonet data in order to find days that are acceptable for fly... P. Weckler, C. Morris, B. Arnall, P. Alderman, J. Kidd, A. Sutherland

7. Safety and Certification Considerations for Expanding the Use of UAS in Precision Agriculture

The agricultural community is actively engaged in adopting new technologies such as unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) to help assess the condition of crops and develop appropriate treatment plans.  In the United States, agricultural use of UAS has largely been limited to small UAS, generally weighing less than 55 lb and operating within the line of sight of a remote pilot.  A variety of small UAS are being used to monitor and map crops, while only a few are being used to apply agricul... H. Verstynen, K. Hayhurst, J. Maddalon, N. Neogi

8. Early Detection of Nitrogen Deficiency in Corn Using High Resolution Remote Sensing and Computer Vision

The continuously growing need for increasing the production of food and reducing the degradation of water supplies, has led to the development of several precision agriculture systems over the past decade so as to meet the needs of modern societies. The present study describes a methodology for the detection and characterization of Nitrogen (N) deficiencies in corn fields. Current methods of field surveillance are either completed manually or with the assistance of satellite imaging, which of... D. Mulla, D. Zermas, D. Kaiser, M. Bazakos, N. Papanikolopoulos, P. Stanitsas, V. Morellas

9. SMARTfarm Learning Hub: Next Generation Precision Agriculture Technologies for Agricultural Education

The industry demands on higher education agricultural students are rapidly changing. New precision agriculture technologies are revolutionizing the farming industry but the education sector is failing to keep pace. This paper reports on the development of a key resource, the SMARTfarm Learning Hub (www.smartfarmhub.com) that will increase the skill base of higher education students using a range of new agricultural technologies and innovations. The Hub is a world first; it links real industry... M. Trotter, S. Gregory, T. Trotter, T. Acuna, D. Swain, W. Fasso, J. Roberts, A. Zikan, A. Cosby

10. In-season Diagnosis of Rice Nitrogen Status Using Crop Circle Active Canopy Sensor and UAV Remote Sensing

Active crop canopy sensors have been used to non-destructively estimate nitrogen (N) nutrition index (NNI) for in-season site-specific N management. However, it is time-consuming and challenging to carry the hand-held active crop sensors and walk across large paddy fields. Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-based remote sensing is a promising approach to overcoming the limitations of proximal sensing. The objective of this study was to combine unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-based remote sensing sys... J. Lu, Y. Miao, Y. Huang, W. Shi

11. Developing UAV Image Acquisition System and Processing Steps for Quantitative Use of the Data in Precision Agriculture

Mapping natural variability of crops and land is first step of the management cycle in terms of crop production. Several methods have been developed and engaged for data recording and analyzing that generate prescription maps such as yield monitoring, soil mapping, remote sensing etc. Although conventional remote sensing by capturing images via satellites has been very popular tool to monitor the earth surface, it has several drawbacks such as orbital period, unattended capture, investment co... A. Tekin, M. Fornale

12. Towards Calibrated Vegetation Indices from UAS-derived Orthomosaics

Crop advisors and farmers increasingly use drone data as part of their decision making. However, the vast majority of UAS-based vegetation mapping services support only the calculation of a relative NDVI derived from compressed JPEG pixel values and do not include the possibility to include more complex aspects like soil correction. In our ICPA12 contribution, we demonstrated the effects and consequences of the above shortcomings. Here, we present the stepwise development of a solution to ens... K. Pauly

13. Large-scale UAS Data Collection, Processing and Management for Field Crop Management

North Dakota State University research and Extension personnel are collaborating with Elbit Systems of America to compare the usefulness and economics of imagery collected from a large unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), small UAS and satellite imagery. Project personnel are using a large UAS powered with an internal combustion engine to collect high-resolution imagery over 100,000 acres twice each month during the crop growing season. Four-band multispectral Imagery is also being collected twic... J. Nowatzki, S. Bajwa, D. Roberts, M. Ossowski, A. Scheve, A. Johnson, Y. Chaplin

14. Small UAS Integrated Sensing Tools for Abiotic Stress Monitoring in Irrigated Pinto Beans

Precision agriculture is a practical approach to maximize crop yield with optimal use of rapidly depleting natural resources. Availability of specific and high resolution crop data at critical growth stages is a key for real-time data driven decision support for precision agriculture management during the production season. The goal of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of using small unmanned aerial system (UAS) integrated remote sensing tools to monitor the abiotic stress of eight i... L. Khot, J. Zhou, R. Boydston, P.N. Miklas, L. Porter

15. High Resolution Vegetation Mapping with a Novel Compact Hyperspectral Camera System

The COSI-system is a novel compact hyperspectral imaging solution designed for small remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPAS). It is designed to supply accurate action and information maps related to the crop status and health for precision agricultural applications. The COSI-Cam makes use of a thin film hyperspectral filter technology which is deposited onto an image sensor chip resulting in a compact and lightweight instrument design. This paper reports on the agricultural monitor... B. Delauré, P. Baeck, J. Blommaert, S. Delalieux, S. Livens, A. Sima, M. Boonen, J. Goffart, G. Jacquemin, D. Nuyttens

16. Comparative Benefits of Drone Imagery for Nitrogen Status Determination in Corn

Remotely sensed vegetation data provide an effective means of measuring the spatial variability of nitrogen and therefore of managing applications by taking intrafield variations into account. Satellites, drones and sensors mounted on agricultural machinery are all technologies that can be used for this purpose. Although a drone (or unmanned aerial vehicle [UAV]) can produce very high-resolution images, the comparative advantages of this type of imagery have not been demonstrated. The goal of... N. Tremblay, K. Khun, P. Vigneault, M.Y. Bouroubi, F. Cavayas, C. Codjia

17. Precision Farming Basics Manual - a Comprehensive Updated Textbook for Teaching and Extension Efforts

Today precision agricultural technologies are limited by the lack of a workforce that is technology literate, creative, innovative, fully trained in their discipline, able to utilize and interpret information gained from information-age technologies to make smart management decisions, and have the capacity to convert locally collected information into practical solutions. As part of a grant entitled Precision Farming Workforce Development:  Standards, Working Groups, and Experimental Lea... K. Shannon

18. A Content Review of Precision Agriculture Courses Across the US

Knowledge of what precision agriculture (PA) content is currently taught across the United States will help build a better understanding for what PA instructors should incorporate into their classes in the future. The University of Missouri partnered with several universities throughout the nation on a USDA challenge grant. Precision Agriculture faculty from 24 colleges/universities from across the U.S. shared their PA content by sharing their syllabi from 43 different courses. The syllabi we... D. Skouby, L. Schumacher, M. Yost, N.R. Kitchen

19. Knowledge, Skills and Abilities Needed in the Precision Ag Workforce: an Industry Survey

Precision agriculture encompasses a set of related technologies aimed at better utilization of crop inputs, increasing yield and quality, reducing risks, and enabling information flow throughout the crop supply and end-use chains.  The most widely adopted precision practices have been automated systems related to equipment steering and precise input application, such as autoguidance and section controllers.  Once installed, these systems are relatively easy for farmers and their sup... B. Erickson, D.E. Clay, S.A. Clay, S. Fausti