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Özyurtlu, M
Øvergaard, S
Abban-Baidoo, E
Abbas, A
Abbas, F
Abbas, H
Abdala, M
Abdalla, K
Abdelaty, E.F
Abderaouf, E.A
Abdinoor, J.A
Abdollahi, J.M
Abenina, M
Abon, J.O
Abonyi, J
Aboutalebi, M
Abu Kassim, F
Acconcia Dias, M
Acharya, I
Acosta, L.E
Adamchuk, V
Adamchuk, V.I
Adamowski, J
Adedeji, O
Adesope, M.O
Adhikari, K
Adil, M
Adkins, J
Admasu, W.A
Adrian, A.M
Adu-Gyamfi, Y
Aduramigba-Modupe, V
Agampodi, G.S
Ahlborn, G
Ahmad, H.N
Ahmad, W
Ahrends, H.E
Aijima, K
Aijun, Z
Aikes Junior, J
Akhter, T
Akin, S
Akumu, C
Akune, V.S
Al Darwish, F.H
Al-Gaadi, K.A
Al-Mulla, Y.A
Al-Rahbi, S
Alabi, T
Alarcon, V.J
Albarenque, S
Albrigo, G
Alchanatis, V
Alderman, P.D
Alfonso, F
Ali, A
Ali, K
Ali, M
Ali, U
Aliabadi Farahani, H
Alizadeh, E
Alkhateeb, O
Allam, D.G
Allphin, E
Almarshadi, M.H
Alomran, A.M
Alsheri, S.A
Alshihabi, O
Altobelli, F
Alves, F
Alves, G
Alwabel, M.I
Amado, T.J
Amakor, X
Amaral, L.R
Ampatzidis, Y
An, X
Anderson Guerrero, S
Anderson, W
Anderson-Guerrero, S
Andrade, J
Andrade, P
Andretta, I
Andvaag, E
Angar, H
Angrino Chiran, D.F
Antunes, J.F
Antuniassi, U
Araque, J
Araujo, R
Archila-Diaz, J
Archila-Diaz, J.F
Argote-Pedraza, I.L
Arif, M
Armstrong, P
Armstrong, P.R
Armstrong, S
Arnall, B
Arno, J
Aryal, B
Arzani, H
Arzani, H.P
Asante, E.A
Ascough II, J.C
Asenso, E
Asgedom, H
Ashley, R
Asiabaka, C.C
Attanayake, A
Auer, W
Avanzi, J.C
Avila, E.N
Ayral, J
Azam, S
Azimi, M.S
B K, A
Bøgild, A
B.G, M
Babar, I
Backman, J
Badarch, L
Badenhorst, P
Badgujar, P.D
Bae, I
Bae, K
Bae, Y
Baghernejad, M
Bai, G
Bai, X
Baig, A
Bailey, M.J
Baio, F
Bajwa, S
Bajwa, S.G
Balakrishnan, P
Balasundram, S.K
Balboa, G
Balkcom, K
Balmos, A
Banerjee, M
Banzragch, B.M
Bao, H
Barai, K
Barbosa da Silva, L.P
Barbosa, M
Baresel, P
Bareth, G
Barnes, E
Barnes, W
Barracu, F
Barros, M.F
Barroso, L
Basir, M.S
Basso, B
Bassoi, L.H
Bastos, A.H
Bastos, L
Bates, T.R
Bathke, K.J
Batuman, O
Batzorig, E.M
Bauer, P.J
Bautista, F
Bazzi, C
Bazzi, C.L
Bdolach, E
Beasley, D
Beaudoin, N
Becker, M
Bede, L
Bedwell, E
Beeri, O
Beitz, T
Belec, C
Belhamra, M
Bell, G.E
Belmont, K
Belsky, C
Ben Abdallah, F
Ben-Halevi, I
Benavente, J.C
Beneduzzi, H.M
Benez, S.H
Benites, V.D
Benjamin, D
Benjamin, M
Benny, H
Benő, A
Berdugo, C
Berdugo, C.A
Berenstein, R
Bereuter, A
Berg, A
Berger, A
Berger, A.G
Berger-Wolf, T
Bergheim, R
Bergmann, N
Bernal Riobo, J.H
Bernardi, A.C
Bertani, T.D
Berti, M
Berzins, R
Bettiol, G.M
Betz, A
Betzek, N
Betzek, N.M
Bhandari, M
Bhansali, S
Bhardwaj, M
Bhattarai, A
Bhattarai, B
Bhuiya, G
Biaou, A
Bier, V
Billiot, B
Biradar, D.P
Bisognin, M.B
Bisson, G
Biswas, A
Biswas, W
Blacker, C
Blackmer, T.M
Blanche, D
Blanke, M.M
Bodnár, K.B
Bodson, B
Boiko, I
Boisgontier, D
Bolton, C
Bonfil, D.J
Bonnardel, B
Borbás, Z
Borchert, A
Borghi, E
Borhani, M.M
Bortolon, E.S
Bortolon, L
Bouhlel, N
Boukhalfa, H
Bourouah, M
Bouroubi, M.Y
Bowley, S
Boyko, Y.I
Bradacova, K
Bragachini, M.A
Brand, H
Brasco, T
Braunbeck, O
Bredemeier, C
Bremer, E
Brikman, R
Brockgreitens, J
Brodbeck, C.J
Brokesh, E
Bronson, K
Brooks, J.P
Brown, A.J
Buchleiter, G.W
Buckmaster, D
Buelvas, R
Buelvas, R.M
Bui, M
Buri, M.M
Burke, C.R
Burke, J
Burns, D
Burns, J
Burton, L
Busscher, W.J
Butts, C
Byers, C
Büchele, D
C. Lopes, W
Caballero-Novella, J.J
Caballero-Rodriguez, A.M
Cai, S
Caicedo, J.H
Caihong, H
Caixia, S
Calderon, S
Callegari, D
Camargo Neto, J
Cambouris, A
Camergo Neto, J
Cammarano, D
Campana, M
Campos, A
Campos, S
Campoy, J
Canal Filho, R
Canata, T
Canata, T.F
Cano, P.B
Cao, Q
Cao, W
Carcedo, A
Cardon, G.E
Carneiro Amado, T.J
Carneiro, F.M
Carroll, S
Carvalho, R
Carver, S.M
Casanova, J.L
Castrignanò, A
Castro, S.G
Castro, T
Celades, J.A
Cerri, D.G
Chae, Y
Chamara, N
Chang, Q
Chang, Y
Chang, Y.K
Channangi, S.M
Chantuma, D
Charvat Jr., K
Charvat, K
Cheema, M
Cheema, S.J
Chen, C
Chen, J
Chen, L
Chen, M
Chen, S
Chen, X
Chen, Y
Cheng, T
Chikaire, J
Chim, B
Cho, B
Cho, J
Cho, Y
Choi, J
Chokmani, K
Chou, T
Choudhari, D.D
Christiaens, R
Chudy, T
Chung, S
Ciampitti, I
Citon, L.C
Civeira, G
Claire, G
Clark, N
Clarke, A
Clay, D.E
Coelho, A
Cogan, N
Cohen, A
Cohen, S
Cohen, Y
Cointault, F
Colaço, A.F
Coll, L
Colley, T
Company, J
Cong, Y
Conley, S
Corá, J
Corassa, G.M
Correndo, A
Corrêa, L.N
Cosby, A.M
Coulibali, Z
Cox, D
Craig, V
Cranfield, G
Cristancho Rojas, O.Y
Cross, T
Csatári, N
Cugnasca, C.E
Cui, B
Cullop, J
Cunha, T.F
Cutulle, M
Czarnecki, J
D'Errico, A
Da Silva, E.R
Dabbelt, D
Dainese, R
Dall'Agnol, R.W
Dalla Nora, D
Dallago, G.M
Damdinpurev, N.M
Damerow, L.M
Dao, T.H
Dar, Z
Daroub, S.H
Dash, M
Davis, J
De Michele, C
De Oliveira Moreira, F
De Poorter, E
De Waele, T
Debbagh, M
Dehne, H
Dela Rue, B.T
Deleon, E
Delgado, J.A
Demattê, J.M
Dempsey, D
Deng, L
Deng, W
Dennis, S
Denton, A.M
Derdall, E
Deri Setiyono, T
Derrick, J
Desai, B.L
Desai, V
Destain, J
Destain, M
Devine, J
Dey, S
Dhillon, R
Dhiman, V
Diago, M
Diaz, D
Diaz, O.A
Diaz-Zorita, M
Dillon, C
Dilmurat, K
Ding, C
Ding, W
Dobers, S.E
Doering, D
Dokoozlian, N
Domingues, G
Dong, J
Dong, Y
Dongare, M.L
Dorais, M
Dorissant, L
Dos Reis, A.A
Dos Santos, R.S
Dosskey, M.G
Dota, M.A
Doubledee, M
Douche, H
Draganova, I
Drew, P
Drewry, D
Drillich, M
Drum, M.A
Drury, C
Drzazga, T
Du, K
Du, X
Du, Z
Duary, B
Duchemin, M
Duddu, H
Duft, D.G
Dumont, B
Duncan, M
Duncan, S
Dutra, R
Dutta, S
Dutta, W
Duval, C
Dworak, V
Dynes, R
Earl, H
Eastwood, C
Edan, Y
Ehsani, R
Eitelwein, M.T
Eivazi, F
El-Sayed, S
Eldefrawy, M
Elshafie, A
Elvir Flores, A
Emadi, M.M
Endres, G
Engelbrecht, D
English, B.C
Ennadifi, E
Erbe, A
Erdle, K
Esau, K
Esau, T
Esau, T.J
Escolà, A
Evans, D.E
Everett, M
Evers, B
Ewanik, C
Fadul-Pacheco, L
Falzon, G
Fan, M
Farahpour, M.D
Farooque, A
Farooque, A.A
Fassana, N
Feng, A
Feng, G
Fergugson, R.B
Ferguson, A
Ferguson, R.B
Fernandes, B.B
Fernandez, C.J
Fernandez, O
Ferrandis Vallterra, S
Ferraz, C
Ferraz, M.N
Figueiredo, D
Figueiredo, D.M
Figueiredo, G.K
Filippini A., J
Finegan, M
Fiorentino, C
Fiorese, D.A
Fisher, D.K
Flippo, D
Flores, C
Flores, P
Floyd, W
Fontenelli, J.V
Fraile, S
Francis, D
Franco, H.C
Franz, F
Franzen, D.W
Frazier, R
Freire de Oliveira, M.F
Freitas, A.A
Freitas, R.G
Friell, J
Fritz, A
Fritz, B.K
Fu, W
Fu, Z
Fuentes, C.L
Fulton, J.P
Furlani, C.A
Furukawa, T
Fusamura, R
G V, S
Gómez, S
Gómez-Candón, D
G, S
Gacek, E.S
Gadhwal, M
Gahler, A
Gaidai, O
Gailums, A
Gal, A
Gallios, I
Ganascini, D
Gangwar, B
Gao, L
Gao, N
Gao, X
Garcia, A.H
Garcia-Torres, L
García, C.E
Gardezi, M
Garza, C
Gavioli, A
Gaviraghi, R
Ge, X
Ge, Y
Gebbers, R
Gebert, F.H
Gebler, L
Gerken, A.R
Gerth, S
Ghanbahadur, D
Ghimire, B
Ghimire, B.P
Ghimire, D
Ghinassi, G.P
Gholizadeh, A
Gianello, E
Gianquinto, G.P
Gilbert, L
Gill, N
Gilson, A
Gimenez, L.M
Gimenez, V
Giordano, C.P
Girio, L.A
Giselsson, T.M
Glewen, K
Gnyp, M.L
Godinho, R
Goffart, J
Gombos, B
Gomez, F
Gomez, L
Goorahoo, D
Gore, A.K
Gornushkin, I
Gosselin, B
Goswami, S
Gouton, P
Gowda, H.H
Gozdowski, D
Gramaglia, A
Graziano Magalhães, P.S
Greer, K
Grenon, L
Grewal, K
Griffin, T
Griffin, T.W
Grijalva Teran, I.A
Grisham, M.P
Groulx, D
Gu, H
Gu, X
Guan, H
Guangwei, W
Guerra, S.P
Guerra, S.S
Guimarães, L
Guimarães, M
Guo, D
Guo, J
Guo, S
Guo, W
Guo, Y
Guohua, W
Gupta, M
Gupta, S
Gutierrez, S
Gutiérrez, V
Gírio, L.D
H, V
Ha, S
Ha, T
Haak, D
Hachisuca, A
Hachisuca, A.M
Hackl, H
Hadagali, C.M
Hagymássy, Z
Hajda, C
Haley, S
Ham, W
Han, K
Han, M
Han-ya, I
Hanke, R
Hansen, J
Hao, L
Happich, G
Harris, G
Harsányi, E
Hartschuh, J.M
Hashim, Z.K
Hassan, M
Hauschild, L
Hauser, J.S
Hawks, A
He, Y
Hedley, C
Hedley, M
Hegedűs, G
Heggemann, T
Heggemann, T.W
Hehar, G
Heil, K
Hejl, R
Hendrickson, L
Henry, B
Henties, T
Hernandez, C
Herppich, W.B
Herrmann, I
Hettiarachchi, G
Heuer, B
Hijazi, B
Hill, C
Hirakawa, A
Hirakawa, A.R
Hock, M.W
Hodeghatta, U.R
Hoffman, E
Hoffmann, C
Hoffmann, W.C
Holland, K.H
Holmes, G
Hong, S
Hongo, C
Honma, K
Hoogenboom, G
Horakova, S
Horbe, T
Horbe, T.D
Horváth, B
Hossain, B
Hostert, P
Hovio, H
Hu, H
Hu, J
Hu, X
Hu, Y
Huang, D
Huang, M
Huang, S
Huang, W
Huang, W.M
Huang, Y
Huender, L
Huh, Y
Hunhoff, L
Hunsche, M
Hunt, L
Hur, S
Hutchinson, A
Hyrien, M
Ibendahl, G
Ifeanyi- Obi, C.C
Ikpi, A.E
Imiolek, A
Imiolek, M
Inamassu, R.Y
Inamasu, R
Inamasu, R.Y
Ingram, B
Irby, J.T
Irmak, S
Isaksson, T
Ishii, K
Ismail, S.M
Isono, S
Issaka, F
Iwasaki, Y
Iwersen, M
J�??�?�¸rgensen, R.N
Jørgensen, O.J
Jørgensen, R.N
Jackson, C
Jacobsen, N.J
Jacobson, A.R
Jadhav, B.T
Jaeger-Hansen, C.L
Jago, J
Jago, J.G
Jakhar, A
Jakimow, B
Jamei, M
James, P
Jang, G
Jang, S
Jangra, A
Janjua, U.U
Jansky, T
Janz, A
Jara, L.A
Jarolimek, J
Jasper, J
Jayachandran, K
Jayasuriya, H.P
Jego, G
Jens, M
Jensen, K
Jensen, R
Jha, G
Ji, X
Ji, Z
Jia, H
Jian, S
Jiang, H
Jiang, R
Jianjun, D
Jianli, S
Jimenez, A
Jin, V
Jiuhao, L
John, W
Johnson, D.M
Johnson, E
Johnson, R.M
Johnston, A
Jones, D.L
Jonsson, A
Joosse, P
Joseph, K
Joshi, D
Joshi, N
Joshi, R
Jun, D
Junfang, X
Junior, C.S
Junior, P.C
Jurado-Expósito, M
Kabir, M.S
Kaboli, S.D
Kagami Taira, F
Kaho, T
Kalra, A
Kamel, N.N
Kamerer, C
Kamphuis, C
Kanannavar, P
Kanannnavar, P.S
Kanda, R
Kang, S
Karam, A
Karn, R
Karnieli, A
Karppinen, E
Kaur, G
Kaur, R
Kavanagh, R
Kawagoe, Y
Kemerait, R.C
Kemerer, A
Kepka, M
Kerry, R
Kersebaum, C
Khakbazan, M
Khalid, M.B
Khan, A
Khan, A.H
Khan, F
Khan, F.S
Khan, H
Khanal, S
Kholikulov, S
Khosla, R
Khosro Anjom, F
Khot, L.R
Kickinger, F
Kieffer, D
Kim, D
Kim, H
Kim, J
Kim, K
Kim, S
Kim, Y
Kinast, S
King, B.A
King, W
Kipp, S
Kipper, M
Kirkpatrick, T
Kisekka, I
Kitchen, N
Kitchen, N.R
Klein, R.N
Kocsis, M
Kodaira, M
Kolln, O.T
Kong, J
Koparan, C
Koppelman, G
Kormann, G
Korsaeth, A
Koszinski, S
Kotlyarov, D
Kotlyarov, V
Kovacs, A
Kovacs, P
Krüger, N
Kremer, R.J
Krieger, S
Krienke, B
Krishna, D
Krishnaswamy, K
Kristensen, A.R
Krogmeier, J
Krol, C
Kross, A
Krueger Shvetsova, E
Krueger, E
Kruger, G
Kruse, D
Krys, K
Kubickova, H
Kukal, S
Kukorelli, G
Kulesza, S.E
Kulmany, I.M
Kumar R, M
Kumar, S
Kumari, S
Kumke, M
Kunnas, A
Kunwar, S
Kurtener, D
Kweon, G
Kwon, H
Kyveryga, P.M
Käthner, J
Kósa, A
López-Granados, F
L, M
L, R.N
Laamrani, A
Lacasa, J
Lacerda, L
Lacey, R
Lacroix, R
Lafond, J
Lagarrigue, M
Lai, C
Lajili, A
Lajunen, A
Lamb, D
Lamb, D.W
Lambert, D.M
Lamichhane, R
Lamker, D
Lamparelli, R.A
Lampinen, B
Lanças, K.P
Lan, Y
Lancas, K.P
Landivar, J
Landivar, J.A
Landivar-Scoot, J.L
Langovskis, D
Langrock, M
Lanza, P
Lapen, D
Larbi, P.A
Larson, J.A
Laurent, P
Laursen, M.S
Lavado, R
Lavagnino, M
Leandro, K.R
Lebeau, F
Leblanc, M
Lee, D
Lee, E.A
Lee, J
Lee, W
Leemans, V
Leenen, M
Leese, S
Lefebvre, D
Lefsrud, M
Leithold, T
Lejealle, S
Leksono, E
Lemcoff, H
Lemes Bosche, L
Lemke, R
Leon Rueda, W.A
Leonard, B.J
Leroux, G.D
Leszczyńska, E
Leufen, G
Levi, A
Levi, O
Lexow, T
Li, C
Li, C.M
Li, D
Li, F
Li, H
Li, M
Li, Q
Li, S
Li, T
Li, W
Li, Y
Liaghat, S
Liang, D
Lidauer, L
Lie, D.M
Lin, Z
Lindblom, J
Lingua, L.N
Link, A
Liping, C
Liu, B
Liu, C
Liu, H
Liu, J
Liu, K
Liu, W
Liu, X
Liu, Z
Lizarazo Salcedo, I.A
Ljung, M
Llorens, J
Lobo Júnior, A
Long, D.S
Long, J
Longchamps, L
Longlong, L
Longo, D
Lopes, M.C
Lopes, W
Lopes, W.C
Lu, Y
Lucero, M.F
Luchiari Junior, A
Luck, J
Luck, J.D
Lukach, J
Lund, E
Lundström, C
Luo, B
Luo, C
Luo, X
Lupia, F
Lutz, C.C
M. Rabello, L
Ma, B
Ma, J
Ma, W
Ma, Y
MacDonald, L
MacEachern, C
Macas Amaya, E.N
Machado, P.L
Maciel, L
Mackenzie, C
Mackin, S
Macura, J
Macy, T
Madani, A
Maddonni, G
Madramootoo, C
Madugundu, R
Magalhães, P.S
Magalhaes Cisdeli, P
Magalhaes, P.S
Magalhães, P.G
Magalhães, P.S
Magen, H
Maggi, M.F
Maharjan, B
Maharlooei, M
Mahjoub, O.A
Mahlein, A
Mahmood, A
Mahns, B
Maia, C.M
Mailwald, M
Maimaitijiang, M
Maiti, D
Maiwald, M
Maja, J
Maja, J.J
Maja, J.M
Majdi, M
Makarov, J
Maki, M
Makkar, M.S
Maktabi, S
Malard, J
Maldaner, L
Maldonado Júnior, W
Malik, G
Mancas, M
Mandal, D
Mandel, R
Mann, L
Manon, M
Mansor, S
Maréchal, P
Marasca, I
March, M
Marie-France, D
Marine, L
Mark, T
Markovits, T
Marra, M.C
Marshall, J
Martello, L.S
Martin, D
Martin, D.L
Martin, R
Martinez Martinez, L.J
Martins, M.R
Masiero, F.C
Masnello, J.C
Masner, J
Massinon, M
Mateus-Rodriguez, J.F
Mathier, D.F
Matocha, C
Matthews- Njoku, E.C
Maxton, C
Maxwell, T
May-tal, S
Mayer, J
Mayer, W
Mbakwe, I
McClintick-Chess, J
McCornack, B
McDonald, T.P
McIntyre, J
McKay, K
McLaren, A
McMaster, G.S
McNairn, H
Meena, R.K
Mei, H
Meitalovs, J
Mekonnen, Y
Melchiori, R
Melgar, J
Melnitchouck, A
Mendes, I
Menegasso, A.E
Meng, Z
Meon, S
Mercante, E
Mercatoris, B
Mercuri, P
Mey-tal, S
Meyer, T
Mezger, J
Mhlongo, N
Miao, Y
Midtiby, H.S
Miele, A
Mijatovic, B
Milics, G
Millen, J.A
Millett, B
Minyo, R
MirEbrahim, S
Mirdavodi, H.M
Mireei, S.A
Mirzakhaninafchi, H
Mishra, A.K
Mishra, A.R
Mistele, B
Mitra, S
Mizgirev, A
Mochizuki, R
Modaihsh, A.S
Modi, R.U
Moghadham, A
Mohammad, A.S
Mohd Hanif, A
Mohd Soom, M
Mokhtari, M
Molin, J
Molin, J.P
Molina Cyrineu, I
Monfort, S
Monfort, W.S
Montekyo, Y
Montero Pinilla, O.G
Mooleki, P
Moon, J
Moorhead, R.J
Mora, H
Moragues, M
Morata, G.T
Moreda, E.A
Moreira, W
Morier, T
Moro, E
Morris, D
Morris, E
Morwal, B
Moshia, M.E
Mosmen, E.W
Moss, J.Q
Mostafa, F
Moulay, H
Moulin, A
Moulton, H
Moulton, P
Mueller, S
Mueller, T
Muharam, F
Mukherjee, J
Mulla, D
Mullen, R.W
Mullenix, D
Muller, I
Munar Vivas, O
Munar-Vivas, O.J
Muramatsu, K
Murrell, S
Muschietti, P
Musil, M
Muvva, V
Mwunguzi, H
Myers, D.B
Mzuku, M
Müller, T
N.L., R
Nabizadeh, E
Nadagouda, D
Nadiradze, K
Nagata, O
Nagy, J
Naima, B
Naime, J.D
Najvirt, D
Nakagawa, Y
Nakao, H.S
Nakazawa, P.H
Nambi, E
Namdarian, I
Narayana, C
Nargund, V.B
Nascimento-Silva, K
Naser, M.A
Nassiri Mahallati, M
Nayse, S.P
Nazrul, F
Negreiros, M
Negrini, R.P
Neto, J.C
Neumann, G
Neupane, D
Neupane, J
Nguyen, A
Nguyen, A.T
Ni, J
Nichols, R.L
Nielsen, S.H
Nigon, T
Nigon, T.J
Nino, P
Ninomiya, K
Nisa, M.U
Niwa, K
Nnadi, F
Nobrega, L.H
Nocco, M
Nocera Santiago, G.N
Noga, G
Noguchi, N
Noh, N
Norquest, S
Norwood, S.H
Nouiri, I
Nowatzki, J
Nunes, L
Nwakwasi, R.N
Nze Memiaghe, J
Nze Memiaghe, J.D
Nándor, C
Oczak, M
Odvody, G.N
Oerke, E
Ogasawara, C
Oh, S
Ohaba, M
Okamoto Jr., J
Oki, K
Okoro Shekwaga, C.K
Okoruwa, V.O
Oksanen, T
Olayide, O.E
Olfs, H
Oliveira, D.T
Oliveira, L
Oliveira, M.F
Oliveira, P.P
Oliveira, S.R
Oliveira, W.K
Olivier, G
Omodele, T
Oppong, J
Orensanz, J
Ortega, R
Ortega, R.A
Ortiz, B
Ortiz, B.V
Osato, K
Oster, Z
Ostermann, M
Otoni, L
Overstreet, D
Owens, P.R
Owusu Ansah, E
Pacheco, G.B
Paes, G.P
Pagni, P
Pagé Fortin, M
Palacios, F
Palla, S
Pan, L
Pan, R
Pan, X
Pandey, A
Pandit, M
Panneton, B
Pantoja, J.L
Parajulee, M
Parashuramegowda, C.C
Parbi, B
Pardaev, S
Parent, S
Park, S
Parraga, A
Parrish, J
Passalaqua, B
Pate, G
Patel, M
Patil, M
Patil, M.B
Patil, P
Patil, V.C
Pattey, E
Patto Pacheco, E
Paudel, K.P
Pautasso, J
Pavuluri, K
Pawar, S.N
Payton, M.E
Peña-Barragán, J.M
Pearson, R
Pecze, R
Pelta, R
Pembleton, L
Pendke, M.S
Pennington, D
Pentjuðs, A
Peralta, D
Percival, D
Percival, D.C
Pereira de Souza, F
Pereira, F.R
Pereira, N.D
Pereira, R.R
Perez, N.B
Perret, J.S
Perron, I
Persson, K
Pessl, G
Peña, J
Pflanz, M
Phelan, A
Phillips, S
Phillips, S.B
Pidaparti, R
Pilcon, C
Pilger, N
Pilz, C
Pinke, G
Pinkston, P
Pires, J.L
Pires, P.S
Pitla, S
Pitla, S.K
Pitrat, T
Piya, N.K
Poblete, H.P
Pokharel, P
Poland, J
Pomar, C
Poncet, A
Poncet, A.M
Pordesimo, L.O
Porto, A
Porto, A.J
Portz, G
Potrpin, J
Powell, K
Prasad, R
Prasad, V
Praveen, B
Preiner, M
Previtali, P
Price, R.R
Prince Czarnecki, J.M
Probyn-Smith, K
Prostko, E.P
Pujari, B
Pullanagari, R
Puntel, L
Pätzold, S
Qi, J
Qian, J
Qiao, S
Qiaohua, W
Qingchun, F
Qiu, Z
Qu, L
Queiros, L.R
Quinn, D.J
Quirós, J.J
R, P
R. D. Pereira, R
Rabe, N
Rabello, L.M
Rabia, A.H
Rachmilevitch, S
Rachow-Autrum, T
Ragán, P
Rahimian Mashhadi, H
Rahman, M.M
Rains, G
Rakhonde, O
Ramachandran, B
Randhawa, R
Ransom, C.J
Rao, K
Rasooli Sharabian, V
Rathore, J
Rauber, L.A
Ravindran, P
Ravisankar, N
Raz, J
Recke, G
Reddy, K
Reddy, K.A
Reddy, K.N
Reeg, P.R
Reeks, M.C
Reetz, H
Reich, R
Reich, R.M
Reimche, G.B
Reisinger, S
Rejesus, R.M
Rekhi, M
Remus, A
Rennó, L.N
Resende, A.V
Reusch, S
Rial-Lovera, K
Riebe, D
Rienzi, E
Rigney, J.D
Roa Acosta, G
Roa Bello, J.C
Roberts, D.F
Roberts, R.K
Roby, M
Rocha, D
Rocha, D.M
Rodekohr, D
Rodrigues Alves Franchi, M
Rodrigues Júnior, F.H
Rodrigues Jr., F.A
Rodrigues, F
Rodrigues, M
Rodriguez, M
Rodriguez, N
Roger, T
Rojo, F
Romagnoli, F
Romier, C
Romo, A
Rosa, H
Rosa, H.J
Rosen, C
Rossant, F
Rothrock, C.S
Rousseau, J
Rovira-Más, F
Roy, R
Rubaino Sosa, S.A
Rubiano, Y
Rud, R
Rudnick, D
Rudy, H
Ruiz Diaz, D
Rund, I
Rund, L
Rund, Q
Runge, M
Rupe, J.C
Ryu, D
Ryu, M
Rátonyi, T
Rühlmann, J
Rühlmann, M
Sébastien, D
Söderström, M
S, S
Saberioon, M
Sade, Z
Sadler, E
Saha, S
Saiz-Rubio, V
Salazar, J
Saleem, S.R
Salem, M.A
Sales, L
Salihin, F
Salokhe, D.M
Salyani, M
Sama, M.P
Samborski, S.M
Samiappan, S
Sampson, T
Sams, B
Sanches, G
Sanches, G.M
Sanchez, L
Sanders, K
Sanderson, R
Sani, B
Sankaran, S
Sano, M
Sansoulet, J
Santana Neto, A.J
Santi, A.L
Santos, A
Santos, A.F
Santos, C
Santos, D
Santos, H.P
Santos, I.M
Santos, R
Santos, R.A
Santos, R.T
Sanz, J
Sanz-Saez, A
Saoji, B
Sapkota, A
Sapkota, T.B
Saraiva, A.M
Sarwar, M
Sarwat, A
Sassenrath, G.F
Saxena, A
Scaramuzza, F.M
Scarpin, G
Scarpin, G.J
Schaefer, M.T
Scharf, P
Scheele, M
Scheithauer, H
Schelling, K
Schenatto, K
Schepers, J
Schepers, J.S
Schimmelpfennig, D
Schischmanow, A
Schmer, M
Schmid, T
Schmidhalter, U
Schmidt, K
Schmidt, R
Schneider, D
Schneider, D.A
Schneider, M
Schoenau, J
Scholtes, A.B
Scholz, O
Schrenk, J
Schrenk, L
Schulte-Ostermann, S
Schulthess, R
Schulthess, U
Schumann, A
Schumann, A.W
Schwalbert, R
Schwalbert, R.A
Schwiesow, D
Sedinina, N
Seepersad, G
Seepersad, S
Segarra, E
Sekhon, B.S
Selbeck, J
Seo, Y
Seonwoo, H
Serfa Juan, R.O
Shackel, K
Shafian, S
Shafri, H
Shahar, Y
Shahid, A
Shahzad, M.A
Shaligram, A.D
Shanahan, J.F
Shang, J
Shang, Y
Shannon, K
Shanwad, U
Shanwad, U.K
Shapira, U
Sharaf, S
Sharda, A
Sharma, A
Sharma, D.B
Sharma, L
Sharma, V
Sharry, R
Shaver, T
Shaver, T.M
Shaw, J.N
Shearer, S.A
Sheka Kanu, A
Sheridan, A
Shi, Y
Shibusawa, S
Shilo, T
Shinde, G.U
Shirakawa, H
Shirakawa, T
Shiratsuchi, L
Shirley, A
Shirtliffe, S
Shirzadi, A
Shockley, J
Shoup, D
Shoups, D
Shovic, J
Shrestha, R
Shrestha, S
Siegfried, J
Sigit, G
Sihi, D
Sikora, F
Siliveru, K
Silva, C.A
Silva, F.V
Silva, J.A
Silva, M.J
Silva, R.P
Silveira, R.R
Simard, M
Simek, P
Singh, A
Singh, M
Sisák, I
Sivarajan, S
Slaeem, S
Slaughter, D
Sleichter, R
Smith, A
Smith, A.P
Smith, B.K
Smith, D.R
Smith, F
Snevajs, H
Soaud, A.A
Sobjak, R
Soderstrom, M
Solie, J.B
Song, M
Song, X
Soni, R
Sosa, N
Soufizadeh, S
Sousa, R
Sousa, R.V
Souza, E
Souza, E.G
Souza, J.B
Souza, W.J
Spanu, A
Spekken, M
Spiesman, B
Spina, A.N
Sprintsin, M
Spurlock, T.N
Srinivasa Rao, C
Stahl, K
Stalidzans, E
Stanley, J
Stanley, J.N
Staricka, J
Stauffer, T
Stavness, I
Steiner, U
Stelford, M
Stencinger, D
Stenger, J
Stephens, P
Stevenson, M
Stiehl, D
Stoces, M
Stone, H
Stone, K
Stone, M.L
Stočes, M
Straw, C
Strickland, E.E
Stępień, M
Su, B
Subba Rao, A
Suddeth, K.A
Sudduth, K
Sudduth, K.A
Sugihara, T
Sugimoto, T
Suh, C
Sulastri, N
Sulik, J
Sulyok, D
Sumpf, B
Sun, C
Sun, X
Sun, Z
Sung, N
Sunley, S
Sunohara, M
Suokannas, A
Susin, A
Swamy, S
Swen, W
Swoboda, K
Sysskind, M
Szabó, K
Séguin, M
Ta, S
Tabaldi, F.M
Taberna, Jr., J.P
Tagoe, A
Tahir, M
Tamura, E
Tanaka, E.M
Tang, Q
Tangerino, G.T
Tardaguila, J
Tariq, M
Tatge, J
Taubinger, L
Tauqir, N.A
Taylor, D
Taylor, G
Taylor, J
Taylor, R
Tempesta, M
Theriault, R
Thind, S.K
Thippareddi, H
Thomas, L
Thompson, A
Thompson, A.L
Thompson, C
Thompson, L
Thompson, L.J
Thompson, N.M
Thomson, S.J
Tian'en, C
Tian, Y
Tikasz, P
Tobaldo, B
Tobin, M
Tola, E
Torbert, H
Torino, M.S
Townsend, P
Trautz, D
Tremblay, N
Trentin, C
Trevisan, R.G
Troesch, A.M
Tronco, M
Tronco, M.L
Trotter, M
Tulasigeri, V
Tumenjargal, E
Tuohy, M
Turayev, O.T
Turra, M.A
Tyson, C
Udompetaikul, V
Uhlmann, N
Uhrmann, F
Ulman, M
Umeda, H
Unruh, R
Upadhyaya, S
Uribe-Opazo, M.A
Urricariet, S
Usui, K
Utoyo, B
V. de Sousa, R
Vadamalai, G
Vail, B
Vale, H.M
Valencia Ramirez, P
Van Donk, S
Van Langevelde, F
Vancutsem, F
VanderPlas, S
Vanino, S
Vaněk, J
Varela, S
Varga, Z
Vargas, F
Vargas, M.R
Vargas, R
Varner, D.L
Vasseur, E
Velandia, M
Velasco, J.S
Vellidis, G
Venkateswarlu, B
Verma, A.P
Vetch, J.M
Veum, K.S
Vian, A.L
Viator, B.J
Viator, R.P
Vieira, J
Vieira, J.A
Vieri, M.P
Vigneault, P
Vilela, M.D
Villalobos, J.E
Villarroel, D.D
Vinod, S
Virgawati, S
Virk, S
Virk, S.S
Visala, A
Vitali, G.-
Vollmar, J
Vona, V
Vong, C
Vories, E.D
Voroney, P
Vosberg, S
Vuolo, F
Vántus, A
Vélez, J.P
Wade, T
Wadhai, V.M
Wagner, P
Wakabayashi, K
Wallace, D
Wallor, E
Walsh, M
Walsh, O
Walsh, O.S
Wang, C
Wang, D
Wang, G
Wang, J
Wang, J.M
Wang, K
Wang, N
Wang, P
Wang, S
Wang, W
Wang, X
Wang, Y
Wang, Z
Wangyuan, Z
Ward, N
Wardle, E
Wasson, L.L
Watcharaanantapong, P
Watkins, E
Watkins, K
Weckler, P
Weersink, A
Wehrle, R
Wei, X
Weinhold, B
Weiqiang, F
Weist, D
Welch, S
Wellington, C
Welp, G
Weltzien, C
Werner, R
Weschter, E.O
Westbrook, J
Westfall, D
Westfall, D.G
Weule, M
Whalen, J
Whaley, C
Whitaker, B
White, S
Wieber, E.N
Wienhold, B
Williams, D
Williams, E
Williams, J.D
Williams, R
Willness, C
Wilson, R
Winstead, A.T
Witt, T.D
Woods, S.A
Worthington, M
Wrona, E
Wu, G
Wu, T
Wuest, S.B
Wyatt, B
Xia, L
Xiaonan, W
Xie, J
Xingqiao, L
Xiongkui, H
Xiu, W
Xu, B
Xu, G
Xu, J
Xu, J.X
Xu, K
Xu, M
Xu, S
Xu, X
Xu, X.M
Xue, X
Y. Inamasu, R
Yahya, A
Yajia, L
Yamagishi, K
Yan, Z.D
Yang, C
Yang, G
Yang, H.M
Yang, Q
Yang, W
Yang, X
Yang, X.M
Yao, X
Yao, Y
Yari, A
Ye, H
Yegul, U
Yeh, M
Yi, T
Yi, Z
Yilma, W.A
Yin, Y
Yiridoe, E
Yiridoe, E.K
Yongtao, L
Yoo, H
Yore, A
Yoshida, K
Youchun, D
Young, J
Yousef, D.A
Yu, K
Yu, X
Yue, S
Yule, I
Yuncai, H
Zacepins, A
Zach, D
Zadrazil, F
Zainal Abidin, M.B
Zajdband, A
Zaller, M
Zaman, Q
Zaman, Q.U
Zamzow, M
Zand, E
Zebarth, B
Zebrath, B
Zerbato, C
Zhai, C
Zhang, A
Zhang, C
Zhang, D
Zhang, F
Zhang, H
Zhang, J
Zhang, L
Zhang, N
Zhang, R
Zhang, X
Zhang, Y
Zhang, Z
Zhao, C
Zhao, G
Zhao, L
Zhao, Z
Zheng, F
Zheng, Y
Zhihui, Z
Zhijun, M
Zhoa, L
Zhou, C
Zhou, J
Zhou, R.R
Zhou, X
Zhou, Z
Zhu, H
Zhu, Q
Zhu, Y
Ziadi, N
Znoj, E
Zoran, C
Zsebő, S
Zude, M
Zude-Sasse, M
arzani, H
chang, Q
chen, D
chen, T
cointault, F
cugnasca, C.E
da Costa, W.A
da Silva, L.D
da Silva, R.P
de Azevedo, K.K
de Boer, W.F
de Castro, A
de Figueiredo, D.M
de Menezes, P.C
de Oliveira Costa Neto, A
de Oliveira, R.P
de Sousa, M.G
de Souza, E.G
de Souza, M.R
de knegt, H
deCastro, A.I
dong, J
han, K
http://icons.paqinteractive.com/16x16/ac, G
jiang, S
kaboodi, S
kulkarni, S.S
li, F
liu, X
maas, S
nabizadeh, E
paindavoine, M
pieters, J
rahimi dehcheraghi, M
saud, S
shilai, Y.M
song, S
tao, H
van Donk, S
van Vliet, L
vanSanten, E
vangeyte, J
zhang, S
Ágnes, T
Öhlschuster, M
Šusliková, B
Remote Sensing Applications in Precision Agriculture
Spatial Variability in Crop, Soil and Natural Resources
Precision Nutrient Management
Precision Horticulture
Precision A to Z for Practitioners
Sensor Application in Managing In-season Crop Variability
Engineering Technologies and Advances
Emerging Issues in Precision Agriculture (Energy, Biofuels, Climate Change)
Guidance, Robotics, Automation, and GPS Systems
Profitability, Sustainability and Adoption
Precision Crop Protection
Proximal Sensing in Precision Agriculture
Global Proliferation of Precision Agriculture and its Applications
Precision Dairy and Livestock Management
Food Security and Precision Agriculture
Modeling and Geo-statistics
Machine Vision / Multispectral & Hyperspectral Imaging Applications to Precision Agriculture
No Group
Precision Aerial Application
Information Management and Traceability
Precision Conservation and Carbon Management
Education and Training in Precision Agriculture
Spatial Variability in Crop, Soil and Natural Resources
Precision A-Z for Practitioners
Precision Conservation
Engineering Technologies and Advances
Precision Nutrient Management
Remote Sensing Applications in Precision Agriculture
Precision Carbon Management
Modeling and Geo-statistics
Sensor Application in Managing In-season Crop Variability
Profitability, Sustainability, and Adoption
Precision Weed Management
Precision Horticulture
Education and Training in Precision Agriculture
Precision Livestock Management
Emerging Issues in Precision Agriculture (Energy, Biofuels, Climate Change, Standards)
Engineering Technologies and Advances
Sensor Application in Managing In-season CropVariability
Precision Nutrient Management
Profitability, Sustainability and Adoption
Spatial Variability in Crop, Soil and Natural Resources
Proximal Sensing in Precision Agriculture
Remote Sensing Applications in Precision Agriculture
Precision Conservation Management
Precision Dairy and Livestock Management
Precision Crop Protection
Fluorescence Sensing for Precision Crop Management
Precision Fertilization of Horticultural Crops
Precision Crop Protection
Unmanned Aerial Systems
Proximal Sensing in Precision Agriculture
Food Security and Precision Agriculture
Engineering Technologies and Advances
Precision Nutrient Management
Spatial Variability in Crop, Soil and Natural Resources
Remote Sensing Applications in Precision Agriculture
Precision Horticulture
Sensor Application in Managing In-season Crop Variability
Decision Support Systems in Precision Agriculture
Big Data Mining & Statistical Issues in Precision Agriculture
Precision Agriculture and Global Food Security
Education and Outreach in Precision Agriculture
Site-Specific Pasture Management
In-Season Nitrogen Management
Genomics and Precision Agriculture
Applications of Unmanned Aerial Systems
Robotics, Guidance and Automation
Proximal and Remote Sensing of Soil and Crop (including Phenotyping)
Decision Support Systems
Farm Animals Health and Welfare Monitoring
Small Holders and Precision Agriculture
Wireless Sensor Networks
Precision Dairy and Livestock Management
Smart Weather for Precision Agriculture
Big Data, Data Mining and Deep Learning
Precision Crop Protection
On Farm Experimentation with Site-Specific Technologies
Precision Horticulture
Profitability and Success Stories in Precision Agriculture
Site-Specific Nutrient, Lime and Seed Management
Geospatial Data
Land Improvement and Conservation Practices
Drainage Optimization and Variable Rate Irrigation
Geospatial Data
Drainage Optimization and Variable Rate Irrigation
Decision Support Systems
Proximal and Remote Sensing of Soil and Crop (including Phenotyping)
Education and Outreach in Precision Agriculture
Applications of Unmanned Aerial Systems
Precision Horticulture
Precision Crop Protection
Site-Specific Pasture Management
Big Data, Data Mining and Deep Learning
Precision Agriculture and Global Food Security
Small Holders and Precision Agriculture
In-Season Nitrogen Management
Proximal and Remote Sensing of Soils and Crops (including Phenotyping)
Wireless Sensor Networks and Farm Connectivity
Big Data, Data Mining and Deep Learning
In-Season Nitrogen Management
Drone Spraying
Precision Crop Protection
Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Agriculture
Precision Horticulture
Land Improvement and Conservation Practices
Robotics and Automation with Row and Horticultural Crops
Site-Specific Nutrient, Lime and Seed Management
Scouting and Field Data collection with Unmanned Aerial Systems
On Farm Experimentation with Site-Specific Technologies
Precision Agriculture for Sustainability and Environmental Protection
Decision Support Systems
Digital Agriculture Solutions for Soil Health and Water Quality
Drainage Optimization and Variable Rate Irrigation
Weather and Models for Precision Agriculture
Data Analytics for Production Ag
Edge Computing and Cloud Solutions
Geospatial Data
Precision Agriculture and Global Food Security
Small Holders and Precision Agriculture
Precision Dairy and Livestock Management
Country Representative Report
Farm Animals Health and Welfare Monitoring
International Symposium on Robotics and Automation
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Filter results766 paper(s) found.

1. Spectral Discrimination Of Early Dchinochloa Crasgalli And Echinochloa Crusgalli In Corn And Soybean By Using Support Vector Machines

    The key to realize precise chemical application is weed identification. This paper introduces a kind of multi-classification mode based on Support Vector Machines (SVM) and one-against-one-algorithm for weed seedlings (Dchinochloa crasgalli, and Echinochloa crusgalli) in corn and soybean fields. A handheld FieldSpec® 3 Spectroradiometer manufactured by ASD Inc., in USA was used to measure the spectroscopic data of the canopies of the seedlings of corn, soy... W. Deng, G. Wu

2. Networking Advances Emerging Agricultural Technologies

  Innovative Nebraska farmers and agribusinesses partnered with University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) extension in 2001 to form the Nebraska Agricultural Technologies Association (NeATA). UNL Extension faculty and NeATA members have collaborated for nearly a decade to further agriculturists' understanding and adoption of emerging agricultural technologies via machinery/technology field days, hands-on GIS/GPS computer workshops, aerial imagery experiential learning... D.L. Varner

3. Minimizing On-farm Point Source Contamination Of Pesticides Using The “Biobed” Method

  Microorganisms play a vital role in maintaining the environmental quality through their metabolic activities. The highly versatile metabolic capabilities of fungi and bacteria can be used to reclaim polluted ecosystems. A variety of biological, chemical, and physical methods have been used for degradation and detoxification of pesticides. However, conventional clean- up methods are costly and not always effective. Agrochemical storage and handling practices have been targeted... F. Eivazi

4. Development Of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles For Site-specific Crop Production Management

... Y. Huang, W.C. Hoffmann, Y. Lan, S.J. Thomson, B.K. Fritz

5. A Crop And Soil Strategy For Sensor-based Variable-rate Nitrogen Management

Crop-based active canopy sensors and soil-based management zones (MZ) are currently being studied as tools to direct in-season variable-rate N application. Some have suggested the integration of these tools as a more robust decision tool for guiding spatially variable N rates. The objectives of this study were to identify (1) soil variables useful for MZ delineation and (2) determine if MZ could be useful in identifying field areas wi... D.F. Roberts, J.F. Shanahan, R.B. Fergugson, V.I. Adamchuk, N.R. Kitchen

6. Revising Nitrogen Recommendations For Wheat In Response To The Need For Support Of Variable-rate Nitrogen Application

Sampling studies in North Dakota conducted from 1994 to 2003 showed that variable-rate N application could be practically directed with zone soil sampling. Results from variable-rate N studies using zone soil sampling were often less than rewarding due in part to the use of a whole-field predicted yield-based formula for developing the N recommendation in each zone. Nitrogen rate studies on spring wheat and durum were established in 2005 through 2009 to reexamine N recommendations. The result... D. Franzen, G. Endres, R. Ashley, J. Staricka, J. Lukach, K. Mckay

7. Estimation Of Sugar Beet Yield Brfore Harvesting Using Meteorological Data And Spot Satellite Data

    In Japan, sugar beet is only cultivated in Hokkaido, the northernmost island. The area of sugar beet cultivation in Tokachi District is 30,000ha, which is equal to about 45% of the total national production area. Because sugar beet is suited to cool weather conditions, it is an important rotation crop in Hokkaido. The production of beet sugar in Hokkaido is about 640,000 tons, which is 75... C. Hongo, K. Niwa

8. Oenoview : Bringing Remote Sensing To Wine Quality

  Oenoview is born in 2006 from the partnership between Infoterra, an EADS Astrium company specialised in earth observation and the Institut Cooperatif de Vin, a French company of services for the wine industry. Oenoview is an operating precision viticulture service, dedicated to vine monitoring, harvest optimisation and input management. In France, this service implemented in 2009 on a commercial scale is now used by clients as different as larg... H. Douche, J. Rousseau

9. Variable Rate Application Of Potassium Fertilizer For Soybean Crop Growth In A No-till System

Variable rate application of fertilizer has the potential to improve nutrient use efficiency, improve economic returns, and reduce negative environmental impacts. The objective of this study was to evaluate the variable rate application of potassium fertilizer to soybean crop in a no-till system. The study was conducted on a 13-ha soybean grain field in Carambeí, State of Paraná, Brazil in a Typic Hapludox. The area has been under no-tillage for more than 10 years growing grains... A.C. Bernardi, L.M. Gimenez, C.A. Silva, P.L. Machado

10. Application Of Precision Agriculture In Carbon Farming Practices Using The Real-time Soil Sensor

... Y. Li

11. Precision Manure Management: It Matters Where You Put Your Manure

“Precision fertilizer management” has been around for more than a decade and is practiced widely in Colorado and elsewhere. By precision, we mean application of fertilizer at the right time, in the right place, and in the right amount. However, “Precision Manure Management” is a relatively new concept that converge the best manure management practices with precision nutrient management practices, such as variable rate nutrient application across site-specific managemen... M.E. Moshia, R. Khosla, J. Davis, D. Westfall

12. Smoothness Index Of Thematic Maps

A thematic map shows the spatial distribution of one or more specific data themes for standard geographic areas. The thematic maps are generated to represent the studied variables, so interpolators are used to determine their values in places not sampled. It is usuall... C.L. Bazzi, E.G. Souza, D. Stiehl

13. On The Go Soil Sensor For Soil Ec Mapping

This paper describes spatial variation maps of soil electrical conductivity (EC) obtained by both spectroscopic and capacitance methods using on the go soil sensor ( a real-time soil sensor -RTSS) SAS 1000, commercialized by Shibuya Kogyo Co. The experiments were conducted over a 2 year period on an experimental Hokkaido farm with an alluvial soil type. The comparison in soil EC records between the spectroscopy and the capacitance were also discussed. The spectroscopic approach used the soi... N. Sulastri, S. Shibusawa, M. Kodaira

14. Study On Application Of Wireless Sensor Networks For Precision Agriculture

  Abstract: The use of sensor network to achieve soil moisture real-time detection can provide the decision-making basis for precision agriculture. In this... G. Xu, L. Chen, R. Zhang, J. Guo, Y. Wang

15. Effect Of Sub-surface Drip Irrigation And Shade On Soil Moisture Uniformity In Residential Turf

Sub-surface irrigation in turf has advantages over traditional sprinkler systems. Evapotranspiration is reduced and water applied below the root zone promotes deeper root growth. Auditing such applications requires measurement of root-zone soil moisture. Data was taken in 2008 and 2009 on a private lawn in northern California that had just been rebuilt to include both sub-surface drip and overhead spray irrigation systems. A portable wave reflectometer was used to take geo-referenced soil moi... D. Kieffer

16. A New GIS Approach To Assess Nitrogen Management Across The USA

Nitrogen is one of the elements that are essential to maximizing agricultural productivity and economic returns for farmers. Its management is difficult because this element is very dynamic and mobile, characteristics that can contribute to significant losses via atmospheric, surface and/or leaching pathways. The magnitude of these losses can be affected by site-specific physical and chemical factors. These physical and chemical factors can vary significantly across the landscape, adding to t... J. Delgado

17. Site-specific Nematode Management For Potatoes In Idaho Using 1,3-dichloropropene; Experiences And Economics

Fumigation for nematode management in irrigated potato production systems of Idaho is widely practiced. Spatially uniform fumigation with large scale soil injection equipment is the traditional application method for Telone II. Plant-parasitic nematode species exhibit spatially variable population densities that provide an opportunity to practice site-specific fumigation to reduce chemical usage and production costs. Over the past 3 years 1200 ha of potato production has been site-specific fu... B.A. King, J.P. Taberna, jr.

18. Using Late-season Uncalibrated Digital Aerial Imagery For Predicting Corn Nitrogen Status Within Fields

Using uncalibrated digital aerial imagery (DAI) for diagnosing in-season nitrogen (N) deficiencies of corn (Zea mays L.) is challenging because of the dynamic nature of corn growth and the difficulty of obtaining timely imagery. Digital aerial imagery taken later during the growing season is more accurate in identifying areas deficient in N. Even so, the quantitative use of late-season DAI across many fields is still limited because the imagery is not truly calibrated. This study... P.M. Kyveryga, T.M. Blackmer, R. Pearson

19. A Systematic Approach For Using Precision Agriculture Tools For On-farm Evaluations In Iowa

 The competitive nature of modern agriculture requires constant refinements of many crop production management decisions. Precision agriculture tools (PAT) can allow growers to rapidly evaluate different management practices across large areas at a relatively low cost. But a systematic approach and a decision-making process describing how to utilize different PAT for on-farm evaluations have not been yet developed and adopted. This presentation will focus on how  approximately... T.M. Blackmer, P.M. Kyveryga

20. The Application Of Fertilizer Using Management Zone (MZ) In Pampas Soils With Texture Variability Affects Residual Nitrate After Harvest

          The maize yields are usually associated with soil texture heterogeneity in western Argentinean Pampas.  In this area, the uniform fertilizer management (UM) increased the risk of nitrate leaching due to over-fertilizing but it could be minimized by using different management zones criteria (MZ). In a field experiment, the nitrates distribution in soil depth (0-1.80 m) at sowing and harvest times (residual Nitrate) and the maize... M. Rodriguez, G. Civeira, S. Urricariet, P. Muschietti, R. Lavado

21. Artificial Neural Network Techniques To Predict Orange Spotting Disease In Oil Palm

       Large-Scale oil palm plantations require timely detection of disease symptoms to enable effective intervention. Orange spotting is an emerging disease that significantly reduces oil palm productivity. Remote sensing technology offers the means to detect crop biophysical properties, including crop stress, in a cost effective and non destructive manner. In this study, different portable sensors were used to measure spectral reflectance and chlorop... S. Liaghat, S.K. Balasundram

22. Canopy Reflectance Sensing As Impacted By Corn Hybrid Growth

  Detection of physical and chemical properties within the growing season could help predict the overall health and yield of a corn crop. Little research has been done to show differences of corn hybrids on canopy reflectance sensing. This study was conducted to examine these potential differences during the early- to mid-vegetative growth stages of corn on three different soil types in Missouri. Canopy sensing (Crop Circle) and SPAD chlorophyll met... A. Sheridan, K.A. Sudduth, N.R. Kitchen

23. Variability In Wheat Crop Production Based On Management Zones In Humid Pampas Region, Argentina

Crop productivity within fields is heterogeneous and it responds to the variation in crop management patterns, and in previous, random, and natural crop management factors. The methodologies for the delimitation of management zones (MZ) within production fields differ based on their application objectives. The ... M. L, M. Diaz-zorita, P. Mercuri

24. Soybean Canopy Response To Charcoal Rot In Arkansas: Observations Using Crop Circletm (ACS-470).

Charcoal Rot caused by Macrophomina phaseolina is a problem to soybean production, especially in hot and dry areas of southern US. As an approach to develop a fast assessment method of this soil-borne disease, soybean canopy reflectance was recorded with an active optical sensor, the Crop CircleTM ACS-470 in 2009 from a microplot field in Fayetteville, Arkansas. The microplot experiment was designed as a completely randomized factorial experiment with four cultivars, two ino... S.S. Kulkarni, M. Doubledee, S.G. Bajwa, J.C. Rupe

25. Timeliness In Agricultural Credit Delivery: A Precision Tool For Improved Farm Output And Income For Cocoa Farmers In Nigeria

The agricultural sector in Nigeria is still dominated by peasant farmers’ characterized by low level of income and saving capacity. One way to improve their farm capital investment is by providing them with timely and targeted accessible credit to enhance their production outputs and income because of the clear knowledge of the time specific nature of some farm operations. Then, how timely is the agricultural credit in Nigeria? This study determined the time-lag of credit facility disbu... J. Lawal

26. Nitrogen Loss In Corn Production Varies As A Function Of Topsoil Depth

  Understanding availability and loss potential of nitrogen for varying topsoil depths of poorly-drained claypan soil landscapes could help producers make improve decisions when managing crops for feed grain or bio-fuels.  While it has been well documented that topsoil depth on these soils plays an important role in storing water for crop growth, it is not well known how this same soil... E. Allphin, N.R. Kitchen, K.A. Suddeth, A. Thompson

27. Sensing The Inter-row For Real-time Weed Spot Spraying In Conventionally Tilled Corn Fields

The spatial distribution of weeds is aggregated most of the time in crop fields. Site-specific management of weeds could result in economical and environmental benefits due to he... L. Longchamps, B. Panneton, M. Simard, R. Theriault, T. Roger

28. Partial Weed Scouting For Exhaustive Real-time Spot Spraying Of Herbicides In Corn

Real-time spot spraying of weeds implies the use of plant detectors ahead of a sprayer. The range of weed spatial autocorrelation perpendicularly to crop rows is often greater than the space between the corn rows. To assess the possibility of using less than one plant detector scouting each inter-row, a one hectare field was entirely sampled with ground pictures at the appropriate timing for weed spraying. Different ways of disposing the detectors ahead of the sprayer were virtually tested. S... L. Longchamps, B. Panneton, G.D. Leroux, M. Simard, R. Theriault

29. Evaluation Of Different N Management Strategies Using A Tool For Fuzzy Multi Attributive Comparison Of Alternatives

Application of precision agriculture is related with choosing of optimal agrotechnilogy and, in particular, with definition of the best alternative of N management strategy. A potential satisfactory solution of this decision analysis problem could be the uses of multi attribute decision-making analysis based on fuzzy set theory and fuzzy logic (FMADA). This technique provides a means to achieve an optimal decision for real world problems which involve multiple alternatives and criteri... E. Krueger, D. Kurtener, D. Kurtener, R. Khosla

30. Evaluation Of Yield Maps Using Fuzzy Indicators

  The ultimate goal of application of yield maps is profitable crop output in many farming systems. Yield maps are the starting point in the precision farming system, and provide the final record indicating the effectiveness of any management changes. Researches on yield mapping shown, that positions and boundaries of zones with different levels ... E. Krueger shvetsova, D. Kurtener, D. Kurtener, H. Torbert

31. Investigation Of Crop Varieties At Different Growth Stages Using Optical Sensor Data

Cotton, soybean and sorghum are economically important crops in Texas. Knowing the growing status of crops at different stages of growth is crucial to apply site-specific management and increase crop yield for farmers. Field experiments were initiated to measure cotton, soybean and sorghum plants growth status and spatial variability through the whole growing cycle. A ground-based active optical sensor, Greenseeker®, was used to collect the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) da... H. Zhang, Y. Lan, J. Westbrook, C. Suh, C. Hoffmann, R. Lacey

32. Precision Farm Labour Supply For Effective Cocoa Production In Nigeria

In Nigeria, labour is an essential factor in farming. In view of the importance of labour in agriculture, this study was carried out to investigate the sources of labour used in cocoa production. Multi-stage sampling technique was used to select 100 cocoa farming households. The first stage was a random selection of two Local Government Areas (LGAs), the second stage was the selection of two communities from each of the LGAs while the third stage involved the random selection of twenty five c... J. Lawal

33. The Soil P2O5 Mapping Using The Real Time Soil Sensor

    Many researches related to P­2O5 measurement using Vis-NIR spectroscopy have been performed in laboratory. There are not so many researches to perform on-the-go measurement of P­2O5. One of the researches which performe... M. Kodaira, Y. Nagami, S. Shibusawa, R. Kanda

34. Prediction Of Soil Moisture Content And Penetration Resistance Using Real-time Soil Meter

A real-time soil compaction meter that refers to the air injection subsoiler, is developed.  The final goal is to predict standarized soil compaction that is converted from soil moisture content, working resistance and working speed.  This experiment confirmed performance of predicting the soil moisture content and of measuring the working resistance was conducted.  The equipments of the meter are a working resistance measurement device received from the soil and a spectroscope... T. Kaho, M. Kodaira, S. Shibusawa

35. The Use Of A Ground Based Remote Sensor For Winter Wheat Grain Yield Prediction In Northern Poland

  The aim of the research was to investigate if algorithms developed for winter wheat, cv. Trend, yield predictions, based on ground measured GNDVI, differ significantly between 2 sequent years. The research was conducted in Pomerania, northern Poland (54° 31' N 17° 18' E) on sandy loam soils. The strip-trial design was used to compare the effect of 6 N treatments: 0, 50, 100, 150, 200 and 250 kg ha-1, applied as one dose at the b... S.M. Samborski, D. Gozdowski, S.E. Dobers

36. Multiplex : A New Diagnostic Tool For Management Of Nitrogen Fertilization Of Turfgrass

Multiplex is a fluorescence-based optical sensor that measures in real time and in vivo the leaf content of compounds such as chlorophyll and several families of polyphenols (anthocyanins, flavonoïds, hydroxycinnamic acids). We propose here to show that the measurement of leaf chlorophyll and flavonoïd content permits us to evaluate nitrogen status of turfgrass. Actually, experiments have shown that chlorophyll content increases whereas flavonoïd content decreases with increase... S. Lejealle

37. Precision Agricultural Branding Using Near-infrared Spectroscopy System

... Y. Kojima, S. Shibusawa, R. Fusamura, M. Sonoda

38. Mapping The Effect Of Food Prices, Productivity And Poverty In The Development Domains Of Nigeria

  Poverty remains the major obstacle to economic emancipation and achievement of development agenda in Nigeria. Worse still, rising food prices pose a major threat to feeding the teeming population in Nigeria. Declining food production, high population growth, and negative food trade balance combine to worsen the food and poverty situations in Nigeria. We stand on the premise that surging and volatile food prices could have a hardest hit on those who could not afford it –... O.E. Olayide, A.E. Ikpi, V.O. Okoruwa, , T. Alabi, T. Omodele

39. Variable-rate Irrigation Management For Peanut Using Irrigator Pro

  Variable-rate irrigation has the potential to save substantial water. These water savings will become more important as urban, industrial, and environmental sectors compete with agriculture for available water. However, methodologies to precision-apply water for maximum agronomic and economic utility are needed.  Information is needed to optimally management variable-rate irrigation systems. In this study, we conducted irrigation experiments on peanut to c... K. Stone, P.J. Bauer, W.J. Busscher, J.A. Millen, D.E. Evans, E.E. Strickland

40. Spatial Variability Of Measured Soil Properties Across Site- Specific Management Zones

The spatial variation of productivity across farm fields can be classified by delineating site-specific management zones. Since productivity is influenced by soil characteristics, the spatial pattern of productivity could be caused by a corresponding variation in certain soil properties. Determining the source of variation in productivity can help achieve more effective site-specific management, the objectives of this study were (i) to characterize the spatial variability of soil physical pro... M. Mzuku, R. Khosla, R. Reich, G. Http://icons.paqinteractive.com/16x16/ac, F. Smith, L. Macdonald

41. Economic Analysis Of Auto-swath Control For Alabama Crop Production

With the rising costs of fertilizer and pesticides and a push towards increasing environmental stewardship, farmers are seeking means to save money while preserving the environment and wildlife habitat. One technology that aids in remedying these concerns is auto-swath control. This investigation evaluates overlap savings using this technology on different application equipment and resulting in economic savings for those adopting it. Several field boundaries were obtained from across the stat... D. Mullenix, A.M. Troesch, J.P. Fulton, A.T. Winstead, S.H. Norwood

42. A Model For Wheat Yield Prediction Based On Real-time Monitoring Of Environmental Factors

... B. Dumont, F. Vancutsem, J. Destain, B. Bodson, F. Lebeau, M. Destain

43. Adoption And Use Of Precision Agriculture Technologies By Practitioners

A survey of farmers and farm service providers were initiated to ascertain the adoption and use of precision agriculture technologies as well as the barriers to and incentives for adoption. Farm-level data were collected via audience response system at the 2009 Alabama Precision Ag and Field Crops Conference and local winter production meetings across the six crop reporting districts in Alabama. Service provider data were collected using an online survey. Questions common to farmers and servi... A.T. Winstead, S.H. Norwood, T. Griffin, A.M. Adrian, M. Runge, J.P. Fulton

44. Real-time Calibration Of Active Crop Sensor System For Making In-season N Applications

... K.H. Holland, J.S. Schepers

45. PA Education: Using Social Media

Social media and web-based applications are gaining in popularity for disseminating information and communicating with others. The traditional method of transferring information through print and face-to-face meetings is now often supplemented and/or replaced by web-based outlets. The Alabama Precision Agriculture Program initiated a social media and web campaign as a method of distributing educational information while gaining recognition as a source for precision... A.T. Winstead, S.H. Norwood, J.P. Fulton, A.M. Adrian

46. Changes Of Data Sampling Procedure To Avoid Energy And Data Losses During Microclimates Monitoring With Wireless Sensor Networks

... J.C. Benavente, C.E. Cugnasca, M.F. Barros, H.P. Santos, G. Http://icons.paqinteractive.com/16x16/ac

47. Site-specific Fertilization Management: Influence Of The Past History Of The Addition Of Fertilizers On The Intra Field Variability Of The Rate Of P And K In The Soil.

 Site specific crop management adapts the fertilizer amount applied in relation to the intra field crop needs. In this context, tries were carried out under field conditions. The aim of the trials was to develop technico-economic baseline data and methodology of soil sampling for precision agriculture in Upper-Normandy. ... C. Duval, J. Llorens, C. Duval, C. Duval, S. Ta

48. Development Of A Nitrogen Requirement Algorithm Using Ground-based Active Remote Sensors In Irrigated Maize

Studies have shown that normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) from ground-based active remote sensors is highly related with leaf N content in maize (Zea mays). Remotely sensed NDVI imagery can provide valuable information about in-field N variability in maize and significant linear relationships between sensor NDVI and maize grain yield have been found suggesting that an N recommendation algorithm based on NDVI could optimize N application. Therefore, a study was conducted using the ... T. Shaver, R. Khosla, D. Westfall

49. Cotton NDVIResponse To Applied N At Different Soil EC Levels

  Spatial variability for crop productivity in the southeastern US Coastal Plain is often due to differences in soil water holding capacity. An experiment was conducted to investigate the use of soil EC as an aid in the site-specific application of sidedress N to cotton. Treatments in the study consisted of three N rates (0, 34, and 112 kg N ha-1). Each treatment was replicated four times in plots that were 4 m wide (four cotton rows) and 350 m long. Soil EC was meas... P.J. Bauer

50. Evaluation And Contrast Of An Auto Guidance System Operating On A Sugar Cane Harvester In Brazil

The change on the harvesting sugar cane operation from the manual to mechanized cut  increased the amount of sugar cane cut by the mill per day, but the operation increased the cane loss, which is left behind on the field. The purpose of this work was to contrast the accuracy achiev... F. Baio

51. Interaction Between Air Spray Drift And Climatic Conditions Creating Drift Map Related To The Aerial Application Of Pesticides Using Low Volumes In Brazil

Between 30 to 50% of the pesticides total applied over agricultural areas can be lost by the air, depending of the applying conditions, by the spray drift action. This spray drift problem is increased when the field is too close to the urban locations, bringing environmental contamination, and when the application is made with oil on the tank mixture. The society demands ... F. Baio, U. Antuniassi

52. Active Sensor For Real-time Determination Of Soil Organic Matter

  Soil organic matter influences chemical and physical properties in the root zone as well as soil biological activity and plant vigor. As such, it is reasonable to assume that there are probably opportunities for producers to incorporate soil organic matter concentration information into their management decisions. However, soil organic matter is usually notoriously variable within fields. An active sensor based on in-soil reflectance was developed to provide apparent real-tim... J. Schepers, K.H. Holland

53. Computer Model By A Linear Program And Via Internet To Select Agricultural Mechanized Systems Based On The Smallest Operational Cost

Computer programs have been used to help the farmers on the fleet selection. However, these computing models are based on the previous choice of the mechanized system made by the user. On this context, the purpose of this work was to develop a free computer model by a linear program and via internet to select agricultural mechanized systems ... F. Baio, ,

54. A Case Study For Variable-rate Seeding Of Corn And Cotton In The Tennessee Valley Of Alabama

      Farmers have recently become more interested in implementing variable-rate seeding of corn and cotton in Alabama due to increasing seed costs and the potential to maximize yields site-specifically due to inherent field variability.  Therefore, an on-farm case study was conducted to evaluate the feasibility of variable-rate seeding for a corn and cotton rotation.... S.H. Norwood, J.P. Fulton, A.T. Winstead, J.N. Shaw, D. Rodekohr, C.J. Brodbeck, T. Macy

55. Embedded Sensing System To Control Variable Rate Agricultural Inputs

 This paper presents an embedded sensing system for agricultural machines to collect information about plants and also to control the application of fertilizer with variable rate in corn crop. The Crop Circle reflectance sensor was used with the aim to explore the spe... G.T. Tangerino, R.V. Sousa, A.J. Porto, R. . Inamasu, P. Pinkston

56. Estimating Soil Moisture And Organic Matter Content Variabality Using Electromagnatic Induction Metod

  Abstract: Electromagnetic induction (EMI) methods are gaining popularity due to their non-destructive nature, rapid response and ease of integration into mobile platforms for assessment of the soil moisture content, water table depth, and salinity etc. The objective of this study was to estimate and map soil moisture content and organic matter content using Dua... A. Farooque, Q. Zaman, A.W. Schumann, D.C. Percival, T.J. Esau, T. Stauffer

57. Normalized Difference Vegetative Index For Evaluating Turfgrass Color: A Comparison Of Two Handheld Devices

The normalized difference vegetative index (NDVI) is a commonly used light reflectance index in agriculture. For turfgrass research, color and herbicide phytotoxicity have historically been subjectively rated by human evaluators. Prior research has related NDVI to creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera L.) (R2 = 0.50) and tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb) (R2 = 0.80) color, and bermudagrass [Cynodon ... J.Q. Moss, X. Pan, Y. Tian, A. Hutchinson

58. Economics Of Precision Agriculture For Wheat And Barley Cultivation In Hamedan, Western Iran

    Precision agriculture can influence agricultural operation economics. In this study, minimum economical farm sizes for producing irrigated/dry wheat and barley in... M. Lak, F. Khosro anjom, J. Tatge

59. From Rapideye's Spad In The Sky To N Application Maps

... R. Schulthess, K. Schelling, D. Weist

60. Contour Planting: A Strategy To Reduce Soil Erosion On Steep Slopes

  Practices that combine GPS-based guidance for terrain contouring and tillage for runoff detention have potential to increase water infiltration and reduce runoff.  The objective of this study was to investigate contour planting as a means to reduce soil erosion on steep slopes of the Columbia Plateau dryland wheat region.  An exploratory field study was conducted on a ... D.S. Long, S.B. Wuest, J.D. Williams, M.J. Bailey,

61. Design And Experiment On Target Spraying Robot For Greenhouse

In greenhouse, the robot sprayers give rise to concern as they  reduce the labor intensity and improve the accuracy of  the spraying. This paper details the progress to date in the development of a precision robot sprayer. The precision robot sprayer is able to adjust both liquid and air volume to match, the branches contour and location of the greenhouse crops with two ultrasonic sensors  which ensures the position of the plants in the greenhouse. The spraying robot with ... W. Ma, C. Zhao, Q.U. Zaman, D. Zach

62. Validation Of On-the-go Soil Ph-measurements – Primary Results From Germany

Until recently in-field variability for soil pH could not be considered for agronomic decisions (e.g. liming rates) because reliable spatial information was hardly available. The required density of soil pH-measurements could not be achieved by manual soil sampling due to time constraints and analysis costs for the vast number of samples. A compreh... H. Olfs, D. Trautz, A. Borchert

63. Carbohydrate Reserves On Tapping Systems And Production Of Hevea Brasiliensis

CARBOHYDRATE RESERVES ON TAPPING SYSTEMS AND PRODUCTION OF Hevea brasiliensis Chantuma P1., Lacointe A2., Kasempsap P3., Thanysawanyangkura S4., Gohet E5., Clément A6., Guilliot A7., Améglio T2., Thaler P8. and Chantuma A1. 1 Agriculture Scientist Senior, Chachoengsao Rubber Research Center, RRIT-DOA, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperative, Sanam Chai Ket, Thailand. 2 INRA, UMR 547 PIAF, F-60100 Clermont-Ferrand, France. 3 Departmen... D. Chantuma, M. Zaller

64. Multisensor Data Fusion Of Remotely Sensed Imagery For Crop Field Mapping

  A wide variety of remote sensing data from airborne hyperspectral and multispectral images is available for site-specific management in agricultural application and production. Aerial imaging system may offer less expensive and high spatial resolution imagery with Near Infra-Red, Red, Green and Blue spectral wavebands. Hyperspectral sensor provides hundreds of spectral bands. Multisensor data fusion provides an effective paradigm for remote sensing applications by sy... Y. Lan, H. Zhang, C. Yang, D. Martin, R. Lacey, Y. Huang, W.C. Hoffmann, P. Moulton

65. Development Of A Decision Support System For Precision Areawide Pest Management In Cotton Production

  Crop models simulate growth and development, and provide relevant information for the routine management of the crop.  The use of crop models on large areas for diagnosing crop growing conditions or predicting crop production is hampered by the lack of sufficient spatial information about model inputs. Integrating crop models with other information technologies such as geographic information systems (GIS), variable rate technology, remote sensing, and global p... Y. Lan, W.C. Hoffmann, J. Westbrook, M. Zaller

66. Apparent Electrical Conductivity Calibration In Semiarid Soils: Ion-pair Correction

The electromagnetic induction sensor (EM38DD) is a field proven portable sensor for rapid measurement of the apparent electrical conductivity (ECa) of soils. Calibration with the electrical conductivity of saturation paste extracts is the most widely used method to correlate ECa with the effective electrical conductivity (ECe). A drawback of this method is the formation of ion pairs in the high ionic strength saturated paste extracts, which effectively decreases the measured ECe, leading to t... X. Amakor, A.R. Jacobson, G.E. Cardon, A. Hawks, W. Barnes

67. Mapping Soil Salinity Using Cokriging Method In Arsanjan Plain, Southern Iran

  Salt-affected landscapes are highly sensitive to changes in climatic, edaphic and hydrological conditions in time and space in semi-arid regions such as Arsanjan plain, southern Iran. The objective of this study was to combine digital satellite data with ground based measurements of ECe by cokriging method to possibility improve the soil salinity maps of study area. Soil samples in the 85 sampling site (10187 ha)were collected from 0-30 cm depths, georefrenced using GPS recei... M.P. Baghernejad, M.M. Emadi

68. Estimating Crop Biomass And Nitrogen Uptake Using Cropspectm, A Newly Developed Active Crop-canopy Reflectance Sensor

  In-season variable rate nitrogen fertilizer application needs efficient determination of the nitrogen nutrition status of crops with high spatial and temporal resolution. A suitable approach to get this information fast and at low cost is proximal sensing of the light that is reflected from the crop canopy. CropSpecTM is an active vehicle mounted crop canopy sensor. Using pulsed laser diodes as light source, the sensor is designed to look at the crop at an ob... S. Reusch, J. Jasper, A. Link, J. Vollmar

69. Design And Construction Of A Computer Aided Control And Monitoring System For Greenhouses

ABSTRACT High expenditure is one the major disadvantages of using human or labor work force in agriculture division. Lack of accurate and precise processing, low working speed and the effect of physical tiredness on their efficiency are same other disadvantages. Using modern technology and replacing human work force with the automated mechanisms and instruments or intelligent machinery leads to the reduction of these expenses, enhancement of precision, accuracy and work speed ... A. Sanaei

70. Assessment Of Physiological Effects Of Fungicides In Wheat

The use of fungicides is one of the most widespread methods implemented in intensive crop production focused in solving phytosanitary problems. The use of fungicides belonging to groups such as strobilurins has been associated with positive physiological effects such as increased tolerance against abiotic stresses, changes in plant growth regulator activities and delayed leaf senescence. The use of thermography is a non- destructive method which permits to distinguish physiological changes ca... C. Berdugo, U. Steiner, E. Oerke, H. Dehne

71. Spatial Variability Of Important Soil Characteristics In Semiarid Ecosystems, A Case Study In Arsanjan Plain, Southern Iran

Timely information on the content and distribution of key soil nutrients in highly calcareous ecosystems is vital to support precision agriculture. Efficient tools to measure within-field spatial variation in soil are important when establishing agricultural field trials and in precision farming. Therefore, soil samples were collected at 0-30 cm depth in highly calcareous soils (Arsanjan plain) and chemically analyzed for nitrate (NO3-), e... M.P. Baghernejad, M.M. Emadi

72. Indirect Measurement Of Creeping Bentgrass N, Chlorophyll, And Color For Precision Golf Green Management

Indirect measurement of turfgrass tissue through optical sensing may provide golf course managers with non-destructive and relatively simple real-time measurements of golf green N requirements. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of N rate on ‘Crenshaw’ creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera L.) tissue N, chlorophyll concentration, and color using the GreenSeeker (NTech Industries, Ukiah, CA) handheld sensor... J.Q. Moss, G.E. Bell

73. Development Of A Precision Sensing Sprayer For The Application Of Nitrogen Fertilizer To Turfgrass

  Normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) may be very useful for turfgrass managers to measure turf quality and obtain an indirect measurement of turf N status. The objective of this research was to develop a Nitrogen Fertilization Optimization Algorithm (NFOA) for use in a turfgrass variable rate N applicator on bermudagrass [Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers] fairways and creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera L.) greens in Oklahoma. Plots (0.9 X 1.5 ... J.Q. Moss, G.E. Bell, J.B. Solie, M.L. Stone, D.L. Martin, M.E. Payton

74. Precision Irrigation To Improve Water Use Efficiency

  Efficient water use is the key to sustainable management of water resources.  Over irrigating is wasteful and can lead to leaching of fertilizers and other potential pollutants into both underground and surface water supplies, whereas under irrigation leads to reduced yields.  The spatial and temporal characterization of crop water consumption is important for efficient management of water resources and allows water delivery to match agricultural demands. ... S. White, J. Adkins, C. Whaley

75. Optical Sensor Advancements In Latin America

Placeholder... S.B. Phillips

76. Cognitive Radio In Precision Agriculture

 This is an attempt to design a precision agriculture (PA) model, to control the required parameters in greenhouse with wireless sensor network (WSN). This proto type model of wireless sensor and actuators network is designed as per required parameters of available crops in a greenhouse. The design of the sensor node consists of sensors, a micro-controller and a low-powered radio module. Real-time data, enable the operators to characterise the operating parameters of the greenhouse and a... S.P. Nayse, D.D. Choudhari, V.M. Wadhai

77. Study Of Nitrogen Fixation And Nodulation In Annual Medic(medicago Rigidula) In Inoculation With Foreign And Inside Root Symbiotic Bacteria

  Annual species of Medicago are important pasture legumes in western parts of iran. Their productions are affected by suitable soil Rhizobium meliloti strains and environmental conditions. The principle objective of this study was to find a suitable Rhizobium meliloti strain(s) for Medicago rigidula. Two experiments: one in the greenhouse and the other one on the field were conducted in 2006 to determine nodulation, and ni... E. Nabizadeh

78. Site Specific Management Of An Oxisol Cultivated With Corn For Application Of Lime And Gypsum

Due to the necessity to improve soil fertility diagnostic, the researchers have been searched for more efficient technologies on agronomic, economic and environmental aspects. One of these technologies is the use of the concept of site-specific for soil fertility management. This research was conducted in a farm field (100 ha) located in Corinto, Minas Gerais state. The soil is classified as clayey Oxisol, cropped with corn (Zea mays L.) and irrigated with a center-pivot sprinkler irrigation ... A. Coelho, T.F. Cunha, T.F. Cunha

79. Laboratory Evaluation Of Ion-selective Electrodes For Simultaneous Analysis Of Macronutrients In Hydroponic Solution

... H. Kim, , , , K.A. Sudduth

80. Optimizing Vineyard Irrigation Through The Automatic Resistivity Profiling (arp) Technology. The Proposal Of A Methodological Approach

 In Tuscany, central Italy, grape cultivation and wine production (i.e., Chianti DOCG, Brunello di Montalcino) are farming activities appreciated worldwide. Differently from the past, irrigation is allowed to meet the intense physiological stress that may occur during seasons affected by the increasing climate variability, in order to guarantee quality product and hence high market profitability in many vines areas. Most ... P. Pagni, G.P. Ghinassi, M.P. Vieri

81. Pa Adoption By A Korean Rice Farming Group: Case Study Of Pyeongtaek City

Research on precision agriculture (PA) has been conducted in Korea for about 10 years since 1999. Most of the research was focused on rice paddy fields that were flooded, flat, and small sized (e.g., 30 m x 100 m). Accomplishment during the period includes investigation on spatial variability in soil, crop growth, and yield properties, application of imported sensors and variable rate applicators, and development of Korean version of these ... S. Chung, H. Yoo, S. Hong

82. Effect Of Nitrogen Application Rate On Soil Residual N And Cotton Yield

A long-term study was conducted on nitrogen application rate and its impact on soil residual nitrogen and cotton (FM960B2RF) lint yield under a drip irrigation production system near Plainview, Texas. The experiment was a randomized complete block design with five nitrogen application rates (0, 56, 112, 168 and 224 kg per ha) and five replications. The soil nitrogen treatment was applied as side dressing. Cotton yield, leaf N, seed N, soil residual nitrate, amount of irrigation, and rainfall ... M. Parajulee, D. Neupane, C. Wang, S. Carroll, R. Shrestha

83. Farmer Perspectives Of Precision Agriculture In Western Australia

Many farmers in the Western Australian wheatbelt have successfully adopted guidance and yield mapping technologies. However they have so far avoided adopting variable rate technology (VRT).  While agronomists and farmers can determine the limiting factors to production, whether it is soil fertility, pH, plant available water capacity (PAWC) or others, they have less confidence in managing spatial variability. Although WA farmers understand the need to adopt these techniques they h... R. Mandel

84. Precision Placement Of P And K


85. Gps Tracking Of Sheep To Investigate Shelter And Shade Use In Relation To Climatic Conditions

In Australia inclement weather contributes to losses of new-born lambs and recently-shorn sheep. Provision of forced shelter has been observed to reduce lamb losses by up to 10 percent and when given a choice, ewes preferentially seek shelter on offer for a period of approximately two weeks post shearing (Alexander et al. 1980). Given significant sheep losses can occur during adverse weather conditions a better understanding of sheep use of shelter and/or alternative ways of attracting sheep ... D. Taylor, , , , , ,

86. Measuring Multi-depth Soil Moisture Content In A Vertisol Soils With EM38

Over the years, electromagnetic induction sensors, such as EM38, have been used to monitor soil salinity or local electrical conductivity (ECa) and their output has been instrumented in establishing models for depth profiling of ECa. In the previous work both the forward propagation and inverse matrix approaches offered potential to produce depth profiles of soil ECa. However, it remains a question whether EM38 is able to measure v in different depths. This present study concerns itse... B. Hossain

87. Canopy Reflectance-based Nitrogen Management Strategies For Subsurface Drip Irrigated Cotton

Nitrogen (N) fertilizer management in subsurface drip irrigation (SDI) systems for cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) can be very efficient when N is fertigated on a near daily time step.  Determining the amounts and timing of the N fertigation, however are questions that weekly canopy reflectance measurements may answer.   The main objective of this 3-yr. study was to test two canopy reflectance strategies for adjusting urea ammonium nitrate (UAN) fertilizer in-season injections... K. Bronson

88. Tip Flow Uniformity When Using Different Automatic Section Control Technologies During Field Operations

Automatic section control (ASC) technology provides a means to reduce double-coverage and application in unwanted areas thereby leading to input savings and improved environmental stewardship.  However, the impact of ASC on spray boom dynamics and tip flow uniformity are unknown. Therefore, a study was conducted to evaluate tip flow rate uniformity and control system response in maintaining target application rates during field operation. Field experiments were conducted using two self-p... A. Sharda, J.D. Luck, J.P. Fulton, S.A. Shearer, T.P. Mcdonald, D. Mullenix

89. Generating Herbicide Effective Application Rate Maps Based On GPS Position, Nozzle Pressure, And Boom Section Actuation Data Collected From Sprayer Control Systems

The application of pre- and post- emergence burn-down herbicides (i.e., glyphosate) continues to increase as producers attempt to reduce both negative environmental impacts from tillage and input costs from labor, machinery and materials.  The use of precision agriculture technologies such as automatic boom section control allows producers to reduce off-target application when applying herbicides.  While automatic boom section control has provided benefits, pressure differences acro... J.D. Luck, A. Sharda, S.K. Pitla, J.P. Fulton, S.A. Shearer

90. Spatial Variation Patterns Of Soil Properties And Winter Wheat Growth Parameters In China National Experiment Station For Precison Agriculture

Understanding of spatial patterns of soil properties and crop growth and their relationship is neccesary for variable-rate management of farmland in precision agriculture. This paper presents spatial variation patterns of soil properties such as depth of soil diagnostic horizons, cation exchange capacity, organic matter content, soil solution nutrients concentration, and winter wheat growth and yield parameters in China National Experiment Station for Precison A... X. Xue, L. Chen

91. Precision Agriculture Development In Canada

This poster provides an overview of precision agriculture development in Canada.  It focuses on the specific practices of auto steer tracking and variable rate nutrient application in the prairie region.  The development of these practices has been largely driven by technology innovation and private sector crop consultants and equipment providers.  Nevertheless, academia and government have supported this development through research since the 1990’s and funding incentive... D. Haak

92. Soil Quality Improvement Through Proper Combination Of Tillage, Nitrogen Fertilization And Cover Cropping Systems

No-tillage, N fertilization and cover cropping affect physical, chemical and biological qualities of soil. We investigated the effect of 15-yr of tillage systems, N fertilization and cover crops on soil organic matter, aggregation, bulk density and on microbial community in the sandy loam soil of central Italy. The soil in no-tillage (NT) system had 50% more organic matter and 3 folds higher aggregate stability than the soil in conventional tillage (CT) system. The NT system significantly inc... T.B. Sapkota

93. Research On Nutrition Detection Technology Of Soil And Leaf Of Citrus Based On Spectroscopic Techniques

The diagnosis technique of real-time lossless crop nutrition is the foundation and conditions for the precise and effective fertilization. Currently, the diagnosis of crop nutrition mainly relies on the routine chemical analysis of laboratory. Due to the complicated procedure, time-consuming, high cost and high professional technique requirement, it can hardly meet the need of precise variable fertilization technology. Spectrum technology is the technology of real-time and non-destructive tes... S. Yi, L. Deng

94. Attaching Multiple Conductivity Meters To An Atv To Speed Up Precision Agriculture Soil Surveys

Ground conductivity meters are used in a number of precision agriculture applications, including the estimation of water content, nutrient levels, salinity and depth of topsoil. Typically the Geonics EM38 conductivity meter, and to a lesser extent the EM31, are used for soil surveys. Most conductivity surveys involve towing a ground conductivity meter behind an all-terrain vehicle (ATV). In some situations, such as rutted or sloping fields, it is preferable to mount the conductivity meter dir... E. Morris, A. Clarke, S. Sunley, C. Hill, G. Cranfield

95. Extending “Precision AG” Technologies In Oklahoma

This is a placeholder for Brian Arnall's talk for A to Z...

96. Effect Of Precision Guided Cultivation On Weed Control In Wide Row Cropping Systems

Wide row cropping has been traditionally followed in summer crops but it is also becoming popular in winter crops such as chickpeas and lupins.  High precision guidance systems with 2 cm accuracy offer unique opportunities to cultivate closer to the row and increase weed control efficiency in wide row cropping systems. Two field experiments were conducted in chickpeas with a Real Time Kinematic Differential Global Positioning System (RTK-DGPS) controlled mechanical cultivation. Cultivati... M. Gupta, ,

97. Precision Ag In New Zealand

  To date New Zealand farmers do not realize how involved they are in Precision Agriculture (PA). As arable farmers we know how many kilograms of nitrogen (N) it takes to grow a tonne of wheat, how many kilograms of seed we can produce for every millimetre of water that is applied (through irrigation and/or rainfall) and yet we don’t believe we are involved in PA. As dairy farmers we are matching feed requirements to the specific production level of individual cows....

98. Edxrfs-based Sensing Of Phosphorus And Other Mineral Macronutrient Distribution In Field Soils

Phosphorus (P) requirements for major agronomic crops have been currently based on a pre-plant mass balance method.  Fertilizer needs are estimated from crop needs, available soil P and other external nutrient inputs that include animal manure, crop residues, etc...  Thus, this approach uses f... T.H. Dao

99. Temporal Variability In Crop Requirements – Going Beyond Spatial In Ohio

placeholder... R.W. Mullen

100. Real World (on-farm) Implementation Of Sensor Based VRN In Mid-atlantic Corn Production


101. RapidEye Satellite Imaging Services -- Ground Cover, Chlorophyll, and The Red Edge


102. Variable Seeding Rates: Optimizing Yield Opportunity And Minimizing Seed Costs


103. 20/20 Vision On Precision---What The Last 20 Years Has Shown Us / What The Next 20 Promises To Give Us

placeholder... H. Reetz

104. Connected Farm – Collecting And Collating Information From The Field


105. Satellite Based Energy Balance For Mapping Riparian Evapotranspiration


106. Maturity Grape Indicators Obtained By Means Of Earth Observation Techniques

Wine producers often need to buy grapes from growers. A good selection of grapes allows obtaining the desired wine quality. This paper presents a procedure to obtain by means of earth observation techniques indices and parameters used in the Spanish vineyards to monitor the state of the grapes. In this way is possible to monitor the ripeness of the grapes or the best time to harvest in such a way that growers can get the highest quality grapes, while producers of wine can select the most appr... J. Sanz, A. Romo, J.L. Casanova, S. Fraile

107. Local And Regional Soil Clay Mapping Using Gamma Ray Spectrometry

... M. Söderström

108. Precision Nitrogen Management and Global Nitrogen Use Efficiency

Traditionally, nitrogen (N) fertilizers have been applied uniformly across entire field while ignoring inherent spatial variation in crop N needs across crop fields. This results in either too little or too much application of N in various parts of the ... M. Gupta, R. Khosla

109. Research on Nutrition and Quality Detection Technology of Soil, Leaf and Fruit of Citrus Based on and Digital Image Spectroscopic Techniques

The diagnosis technique of real-time lossless crop nutrition is the foundation and conditions for the precise, effective fertilization, cultivation and management, and so on. Currently, the diagnosis of crop nutrition mainly relies on the routine chemical analysis of laboratory. Due to the complicated procedure, time-consuming,... D.M. Lie, Y.M. Shilai

110. Beyond NDVI - Additional Benefits of RapidEye Image Products

... U. Schulthess, K. Schelling

111. Use of Corn Height to Improve the Relationship Between Active Optical Sensor Readings and Yield Estimates

Pre-season and early in-season loss of N continues to be a problem in corn. One method to improve nitrogen use efficiency is to fertilize based on in-season crop foliage sensors. The objective of this study was to evaluate two different ground-based, active-optical sensors and explore the use of corn height with sensor readings for improved relationship with corn yield. Two different ground-based active-optical sensors (GreenseekerTM ... L. Sharma, D.W. Franzen

112. Implementation of ECU For Agricultural Machines Based On IsoAgLib Open Source

In this paper work, we consider implementation of electronic control unit (ECU) for agricultural machineries. Software implementation is based on IsoAgLib library developed by OSB&IT Engineering Company. We modify IsoAgLib and upgrade it for our target system. The IsoAgLib is an object oriented C++ library that has the communication services and management systems according to the ISO 11783 standard. This library allows building ISOBUS compatible equipment without the protocols implementa... E. Tumenjargal, L. Badarch, W. Ham, H. Kwon

113. Spectral Models for Estimation of Chlorophyll Content, Nitrogen, Moisture Stress and Growth of Wheat Crop

  Field  experiments  were  conducted  during  2009-10  and  2010-11 at  research  farm  of the department of Farm Machinery and Power Engineering, Punjab Agricultural university, Ludhiana.  Three w... B.S. Sekhon, J. Mukherjee, A. Sharma, S.K. Thind, R. Kaur, M.S. Makkar

114. Application of Information Technologies in Precision Apiculture

Apiculture, widely known as beekeeping, is one of the agriculture’s sub directions, where Precision Agriculture (PA) methods can be successfully applied. Adaptation of PA methods and technics into Apiculture, as well as integrating information technologies into beekeeping process can change and improve the beekeepers understanding of bee... E. Stalidzans, A. Zacepins, J. Meitalovs

115. Design and Implementation of Virtual Terminal Based On ISO11783 Standard for Agricultural Tractors

The modern agricultural machinery most common use of the embedded electronic and remote sensing technology demands adoption of the Precision Agriculture (PA). One of the common devices is the Virtual Terminal (VT) for tractor. The VT’s functions and terminology are described in the ISO11783 standard. This work presents the control system design and implementation of the VT and some Electronic Control Units (ECU) for agricultural vehicles based on the ISO 11783 standard. The VT developme... E. Tumenjargal, L. Badarch, W. Ham, H. Kwon

116. Path Generation Method with Steering Rate Constraint

The practical way to generate a reference path in path tracking is to follow an adjacent swath. However, if the adjacent swath contains sharp turnings, the reference path will eventually contain sharper turn than the tractor is able to follow. This occurs especially in the corner of a field plot when the field is driven around. In the headland, the objective is to minimize the time to reach the next swath. The commonly known method to generate the shortest path between two arbitrary... J. Backman, T. Oksanen, A. Visala

117. Using Crop Budgeting Spreadsheets Can Assist Producers In Evaluating The Cost Effectiveness Of Adoption Of The Various Precision Agriculture Technologies

Producers asked the question which Precision Agriculture Technologies can be economical in my farming operation?  The use of easily modified crop budgets can help the producer evaluate the technologies and how they affect the profitability of one’s agricultural enterp... R.N. Klein, R. Wilson

118. Research on Straight-Line Path Tracking Control Methods in an Agricultural Vehicle Navigation System

In the precision agriculture (PA), an agricultural vehicle navigation system is essential and precision of the vehicle path tracking is of great importance in such a system. As straight line operation is the main way of agricultural vehicles on large fields, this paper focuses on the discussion of straight-line path tracking control methods and proposes an agricultural vehicle path tracking algorithm based on the optimal control theory. First, the paper deduces a relative kinematics model of ... T. Li, J. Hu, L. Gao, H. Hu, X. Bai, X. Liu

119. Use of Non-Invasive Sensors to Detect Beneficial Effects of Fungicides on Wheat Physiology

Delay of leaf senescence is a beneficial side effect of fungicides several times studied on cereal crops. Strobilurins have been shown to extend the green leaf area duration (GLAD) for more than one week compared to untreated plants. The use of non-invasive sensors which allow to detect early changes in canopy pigmentation is an excellent method to assess the effect of fungicides on plant senescence. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of fungicides on wheat physiology by u... C.A. Berdugo, U. Steiner, E. Oerke, H. Dehne, A. Mahlein

120. Categorization of Districts Based on Nonexchangeable Potassium: Generation GIS Maps and Implications in Efficient K Fertility Management in Indian Agriculture

Recommendations of K fertilizer are made based on available (exchangeable + water soluble) K status only  in India and other despite of  substantial contribution of nonexchangeable fraction of soil K to crop K uptake. Present paper examines the information generated in the last 30 years on the status of nonexchangeable K in Indian soils, categorization of Indian soils based on exchangeable and nonexchangeable K fractions and making K recommendations. Data for both K fractions of dif... C. Srinivasa rao, K. Rao, H. Magen, B. Venkateswarlu, A. Subba rao

121. Estimating the Plant Stem Emerging Points (PSEPS) of Sugar Beets at Early Growth Stages

Successful intra-row mechanical weed control of sugar beet (beta vulgaris) in early growth stages requires precise knowledge about location of crop plants. A computer vision system for locating Plant Stem Emerging Point (PSEP) of sugar beet in early growth stages was developed and tested. The system is based on detection of individual leaves; each leaf location is described by center of mass and petiole location. After leaf detection the true PSEP locations were annotated manually an... T.M. Giselsson, R.N. Jørgensen, H.S. Midtiby

122. The Map - Supported by New NPK-Sensors - is Intelligent, Not the Tractor

DI Walter H. Mayer   PROGIS Software GmbH   Postgasse 6, A-9500 Villach www.progis.com office@progis.com +43 4242 26332 WinGIS®-AGROffice® and BING®-maps: Since years PROGIS has been developing an object oriented GIS (WinGIS®), agriculture and forestry applications for single enterprises, for advisors, for the chain management including logistics and communication implementation with mobile GIS (mobG... W. Mayer

123. Pesticide Drift Control with Wireless Sensor Networks

Precision Agriculture is an agricultural practice that uses technology based on the principle of variability. The geographically referenced data implement the process of agricultural automation so as to dose fertilizers and pesticides. The efficient application of low cost pesticides without contamination the environment is an agricultural production challenge. The main effect to be avoided during application is pesticide drift. To minimize it is important to know the environmental conditions... C.E. Cugnasca, I.M. Santos

124. Factors Influencing the Timing of Precision Agriculture Technology Adoption in Southern U.S. Cotton Production

Technology innovators in cotton production adopted precision agriculture (PA) technologies soon after they became commercially available, while others adopted these technologies in later years after evaluating the success of the innovators. The timing ... D.M. Lambert, J.A. Larson, B.C. English, R.M. Rejesus, M.C. Marra, A.K. Mishra, C. Wang, P. Watcharaanantapong, R.K. Roberts, M. Velandia

125. An RFID-Based Variable Rate Technology Fertilizer Applicator for Plantation Tree Crops

Currently, in the Malaysian tree crop plantation, fertilizer is applied manually or mechanically at uniform rate without due consideration to nutrient variability. Potential wastage and excessive application of this fertilizer contaminates ground water and raises its mineral contents above the World Health Organization (WHO) limit for safe drinking water. However, Variable Rate Technology (VRT) fertilizer application promotes Green Engineering practice by reducing excessive fertilizer ap... A. Yahya

126. Development of Ground Based Multi-source Crop Information Collection System.

Precision agriculture requires reliable technology to acquire accurate information on crop conditions. A ground-based integrated sensor and instrumentation system was developed to measure real-time crop conditions. The integration system included multispectral camera and N-sensor for real time Nitrogen application. The system was interfaced with a DGPS receiver to provide spatial coordinates for sensor readings. Before mounting of the sensors on modified paddy transplanter, different mounting... A. Sharma, M.S. Makkar, S. Gupta

127. Computer Aided Engineering Analysis and Design Optimization for Precision Manufacturing of Tillage Tool: Sweep Cultivator

The process optimization in advance tillage tool system conceptually designed and fabricated by computer aided engineering analysis techniques. The Software testing a field performance is taken in the soil bed preparation as well as in the various crop patterns. It was found most use full in obtaining high weed removal efficiency. The precision geometry, optimum energy utilization, multi-operational design, easy transport and flexible attachments are some of the features which results in achi... G.U. Shinde, D.M. Salokhe, P.D. Badgujar, D.B. Sharma

128. The Ultimate Soil Survey in One Pass: Soil Texture, Organic Matter, pH, Elevation, Slope, and Curvature

The goal of accurately mapping soil variability preceded GPS-aided agriculture, and has been a challenging aspect of precision agriculture since its inception.  Many studies have found the range of spatial dependence is shorter than the distances used in most grid sampling.  Other studies have examined variability within government soil surveys and concluded that they have limited utility in many precision applications.  Proximal soil sensing has long been envisioned as a metho... E. Lund, C. Maxton, G. Kweon

129. Exploiting the Dmc Satellite Constellation for Applications in Precision Agriculture

This paper presents the unique capabilities of the DMC constellation of optical sensors, and examples of how a number of organisations around the world are exploiting this powerful data source for applications in precision farming. The DMC consists of five satellites built in the UK by Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd, each carrying a wide swath (650km) optical sensor. It is an international programme of satellite ownership and groundstations, with joint campaigns being coordinated c... P. Stephens, S. Mackin, G. Holmes

130. A Statistical and an Agronomic Approach for Definition of Management Zones in Corn and Soybean

The use of productivity level management zones (MZ) has demonstrated good potential for the site-specific management of crop inputs in traditional row crops. The objectives of this research were to analyze the process of defining MZs and develop methods to evaluate the quality of MZ maps. Two approaches were used to select the layers to be used in the MZ definition: 1) Statistical Approach (SA_MZ) and 2) Agronomic Approach (AA_MZ). The difference is that in the AA_MZ approach all non stable v... C.L. Bazzi, E.G. Souza, R. Khosla, R.M. Reich

131. Use of Chemical and Physical Attributes Of the Soil in Management Units Definition

Several equipments and methodologies have been developed to make available precision agriculture, especially the high cost of its implantation and sampling. An interesting ... C.L. Bazzi, E.G. Souza, L.H. Nobrega, M.A. Uribe-opazo, D.M. Rocha

132. Spatial Variability of Soil Properties in Intensively Managed Tropical Grassland in Brazil

For the intensification of tropical grass pastures systems the soil fertility building up by liming and balanced fertilization is necessary. The knowledge of spatial variability soil properties is useful in the rational use of inputs, as in the variable rate application of lime and fertilizers. PA requires methods to indicate the spatial variability of soil and plant parameters. The objective of this work was to map and evaluate the soil properties and maps the site specific liming and fertil... G.M. Bettiol, R.Y. Inamasu, L.M. Rabello, A.C. Bernardi, M. Campana, P.P. Oliveira

133. Active Sensor Performance – Dependence to Measuring Height, Light Intensity and Device Temperature

For land use management, agriculture, and crop management spectral remote sensing is widely used. Ground-based sensing is particularly advantageous allowing to directly link on-site spectral information with agronomic algorithms. Sensors are nowadays most frequently used in site-specific oriented applications of fertilizers, but similarly site-specific applications of growth regulators, herbicides and pesticides become more often adopted. Generally little is known about the effects ... B. Mistele, U. Schmidhalter, S. Kipp

134. Microbial Contaminants in Cocoa Powder Samples in South – West Nigeria

Cocoa powder (CP), which is the major ingredient of cocoa-based beverages, is obtained from cocoa cake in a process involving hydraulic pressing of cocoa butter from fermented and roasted cocoa beans. Cocoa powder is presently being consumed as a health drink because of the presence of flavonoids in it. Evidences have shown that cocoa flavonoids exert powerful antioxidant properties by boosting immune responses and also the presence of procyanidins in cocoa protects the body against free-radi... A.A. Oluwadun, O.0. Olubamiwa, O.C. Jayeola

135. On-Farm Trials Using Precision Ag in Northeast Louisiana

The availability of yield monitors and precision application equipment on producers’ farms have made it much easier for researchers to take the results from experiment station trials and apply them to producers’ fields.  Treatments/methods are applied in strips, by prescription, embedded plots or in combination.  Fields are divided into zones for analyzing the harvest yield data.  These can include soil type, soil Ec, or other criteria.  Treatments are analyzed... D. Burns, D. Overstreet, D. Kruse, R. Frazier, D. Blanche

136. Estimation of Nitrogen of Rice in Different Growth Stages Using Tetracam Agriculture Digital Camera

Many methods are available to monitor nitrogen content of rice during various growth stages. However, this monitoring still requires a quick, simple, accurate and inexpensive technique that needs to be developed. In this study, Tetracam Agriculture Digital Camera (ADC) was used to acquire high spatial and temporal resolution in order to determine the status of nitrogen (N) and predict the grain yield of rice (Oriza sativa L.). In this study, 12 pots of rice with four different N treatments (0, ... A. Gholizadeh , M. Mohd soom , M. Saberioon

137. Potential of Visible and Near Infrared Spectroscopy for Prediction of Paddy Soil Physical Properties

A fast and convenient soil analytical technique is needed for soil quality assessment and precision soil management. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the ability of Visible (Vis) and Near-infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy (NIRS) to predict paddy soil physical properties in a typical Malaysian paddy field. To assess the utility of spectroscopy for soil physical characteristics prediction, we used 118 soil samples for laboratory analysis and optical measurement in the Vis-NIR re... A. Gholizadeh, M. Saberioon, M. Mohd soom

138. Path Tracking Control of Tractors and Steerable Towed Implements Based On Kinematic and Dynamic Modeling

recise path tracking control of tractors became the enabling technology for automation of field work in recent years. More and more sophisticated control systems for tractors however revealed that exact positioning of the actual implement is equally or even more important. Especially sloped and curved terrain, strip till fields, buried drip irrigation tapes and high-value crop... G. Kormann, S. Mueller, R. Werner

139. Early Detection of Oil Palm Fungal Disease Infestation Using A Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy Technique

Basal stem rot (BSR) caused by Ganoderma boninense is known as the most destructive disease of oil palm plantations in Southeast Asia. Ganoderma could potentially reduce the market share of palm oil for Malaysia. Currently Malaysia produces about 50% of the world’s supply of palm oil. Early, accurate, and non-destructive diagnosis of Ganoderma fungal infection is critical for management of this disease. Early disease management of Ganoderma could also prevent great losses in production ... S. Liaghat, S. Mansor, H. Shafri, S. Meon, R. Ehsani, S. Azam, N. Noh

140. Can Active Sensor Based NDVI Consistently Classify Wheat Genotypes?

ABSTRACT ... M.A. Naser, R. khosla, S. Haley, R. Reich, L. Longchamps, M. Moragues, G.W. buchleiter, G.S. Mcmaster

141. Variation in Nitrogen Use Efficiency for Multiple Wheat Genotypes across Dryland and Irrigated Cropping Systems

ABSTRACT ... M.A. Naser, R. Khosla, R. Reich, S. Haley, L. longchamps, M. Moragues, G.W. buchleiter, G.S. Mcmaster

142. Using Soil Attributes To Model Sugar Cane Quality Parameters

The crop area of sugar cane production in Brazil has increased substantially in the last few years, especially to meet the global bioethanol demand. Such increasing production should take place not only in new sugar cane crop areas but mainly with the goal of improving the quality of raw material like sugar content (Pol). Hence, models that can describe the behaviour of the quality parameters of sugar cane may be important to understand the effects of the soil attributes on those parameters. ... F.A. Rodrigues jr., P.S. Magalhães, H.C. Franco, D.G. Cerri

143. Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM) Based Citrus Greening Disease Detection Using Airborne Hyperspectral Imaging

Over the past two decades, hyperspectral (HS) imaging has provided remarkable performance in ground objects classification and disease identification, due to its high spectral resolution. In this paper, a novel method named ‘extended spectral angle mapping (ESAM)’ is proposed to detect citrus greening disease (Huanglongbing or HLB), which is a destructive disease of citrus. Firstly, Savitzky-Golay smoothing filter was applied to the raw image to remove spectral noise within the da... W. Lee, K. Wang, H. Li, R. Ehsani, C. Yang

144. Automatic Remote Image Processing For Agriculture Uses Through Specific Software

Abstract ... D. Gómez-candón, J.J. Caballero-novella, J.M. Peña-barragán, M. Jurado-expósito, F. López-granados, L. Garcia-torres, A.I. Decastro

145. Position Error of Input Prescription Map Delineated From Remote Images

     The spatial variability of biotic fact... D. Gómez-candón, J.J. Caballero-novella, J.M. Peña-barragán, M. Jurado-expósito, L. Garcia-torres, F. López-granados, A.I. Decastro

146. Use of Active Crop Canopy Reflectance Sensor for Nitrogen Sugarcane Fertilization

Researches about the use of ground-based canopy reflectance sensors aiming the nitrogen management fertilization on variable-rate over the sugarcane crop have been conducted in São Paulo, Brazil since 2007. Sugarcane response to nitrogen is variable, making difficult the development of models to estimate its d... L.R. Amaral, G. Portz, H. Rosa, J. Molin

147. Affordable Multi-Rotor Remote Sensing Platform for Applications In Precision Horticulture.

Satellite and aerial imaging technologies have been explored for a long time as an extremely useful source of collecting cost-effective data for agricultural applications. In spite of the availability of such technologies, very few growers are using the tech... R. Ehsani, S. Sankaran, J.M. Maja, J.C. Neto

148. An Integrated Spatial Technology Approach for Australian Agriculture – using Life Cycle Assessment, Geographical Information Systems and Remote Sensing Tools

On an international front, agriculture has been found to contribute to environmental impacts such as land use change... W. Biswas, W. Ahmad, D. Engelbrecht

149. Response and Positioning Accuracy of a Variable-Rate Aerial Application System and Use of Enhanced Imagery for Creation of Prescription Maps

Experiments were conducted to evaluate a variable rate aerial application system in the field, and experiences with iterative system improvement are outlined. Spray cards placed in the field determined application accuracy, and system... Y. Huang, S.J. Thomson

150. The Use of Artificial Neuronal Networks to Generate Decision Rules for Site-Specific Nitrogen Fertilization

The basis for successful and sustainable agriculture is the utilization of adequate decision rules. When it comes to precision farming, these rules have to be applied to each sub-field, where they determine the actions to be taken. There are many possibilities for achieving site-specific information for a field (e.g. measuring the electrical conductivity of soil or yield mapping). But which rules should be used to link this information with profit maximization treatment recommendati... P. Wagner

151. Mapping the Leaf Area Index In Vineyard Using a Ground-Based LIDAR Scanner

The leaf area index (LAI) is defined as the one-sided leaf area per unit ground area and is probably the most widely used index to characterize grapevine vigour. However, direct LAI measurement requires the use of destructive leaves sampling methods which are costly and time-consuming and so are other indirect methods. Faced with these techniques, vineyard leaf area can be indirectly estimated using ground-based LIDAR sensors that scan the vines and get information about the geometry and/or s... J. Arno, I. Del moral, A. Escolà, J. Company, J.A. MartÍnez-casasnovas, J. Masip, R. Sanz, J.R. Rosell

152. Statistical Procedure to Compare Farming Procedures with the Observation of Spatial Trends and Correlations in On-Farm Research

Modern management and machines have been introduced on a demonstration farm in Ganhe (China). This has led to new methods of cultivation with effects on yields, cost structure and thus also on the economic success of the farm. These effects should be tested with the help of an on-farm trial. The cultivation methods differed in the equipment used, plant protection and fertilisation strategies. In contrast to classical field trials, normal working practice farm machinery and fields are used in ... P. Wagner, M. Langrock

153. Using Electronic Technology to Remotely Monitor Conditions, Transfer the Data, and Display Data Real-time on the Internet

This session describes the use of electronic equipment to monitor soil temperature and moisture, air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, solar radiation, leaf wetness, and rainfall. Presenter will explain how to use the equipment to monitor conditions, transfer the data, and display the information in real-time on the I... R. Ashley, J. Nowatzki

154. Adaptive Sensor Fusion Method for Agricultural and Environmental Monitoring

Environmental and agricultural monitoring involves continuous observation in areas such as grains crop, in order to evaluate changes in the environment. Wireless Sensor Networks may be employed in th... C.E. Cugnasca, M.A. Dota

155. Comparison of Active and Passive Spectral Sensors in Discriminating Biomass Parameters and Nitrogen Status in Wheat Cultivars

Several sensor systems are available for ground-based remote sensing in crops. Vegetation indices of multiple active and passive sensors have seldom been compared in determining plant health. This study was aimed to compare active and passive sensing systems in terms of their ability to recognize agronomic parameters. One bi-directional passive radiometer (BDR) and three active sensors (Crop Circle, GreenSeeker, and an active flash sensor (AFS)) were tested for their ability to assess six des... B. Mistele, U. Schmidhalter, K. Erdle

156. Influence Of Phosphorus Application With Or Without Nitrogen On Oat (Avena Sativa) Grass Nutritive Value And In Situ Digestion Kinetics In Buffalo Bulls

Fodder is the mainstay of ruminant production in majority of developing countries. However, its low yield and poor quality are considered considerable constrains which impede ruminant productivity. Fodder production and its nutritive value can be enhanced by ensuring adequate supply and utilization of nutrien... M.U. Nisa, I. Babar, M. Sarwar, N.A. Tauqir, M.A. Shahzad

157. Early Detection of Corn N-Deficiency by Active Fluorescence Sensing in Maize

Globally, the agricultural nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) is no more than 40 %. This low efficiency comes with an agronomic, economic and environmental cost. By better management of spatial and temporal variability of crop nitrogen need, NUE can be improved. Currently available crop canopy sensors based on reflectance are cap... R. Khosla, D.G. Westfall, L. Longchamps

158. Comparing Sensing Platforms for Crop Remote Sensing

Remote sensing offers the possibility to obtain a rapid and non-destructive diagnosis of crop health status. This gives the opportunity to apply variable rates of fertilizers to meet the actual crop needs at every locations of the field. However, the commonly used normalized difference vegetation index (ND... R. Khosla, L. Longchamps

159. Development of a Quick Diagnosis Method to Target Fields with Better Potential for Site-Specific Weed Management

Site-specific weed management appears as an innovative way of saving herbicides in crop while maintaining yield. This can potentially lead economic and ecological benefits. However, it was reported in the literature that savings range from 1 % to 94 % from one field to the other. This implies that certain ... B. Panneton, M. Simard, G.D. Leroux, L. Longchamps

160. Testing The Author Sequence - Finalize

This is just a test to verify the bug with the authors sequence. ... L. Longchamps, B. Panneton, D.G. Westfall, R. Khosla

161. Comparison and Evaluation of Spray Characteristics of Three Types of Variable-Rate Spray

For the present developing direction of "low-input sustainable agriculture", variable-rate technology is increasingly concerned in agricultural engineering field. The technology of variable-rate precision chemical application is the typical of variable-rate technology. In China, agro-chemical production technology has reached the international advanced level, but the chemical applic... C. Zhao, J. Zhou, W. Deng

162. Estimation of Soil Moisture from RADARSAT-2 Multi-Polarized SAR Data over Wheat Fields

Guijun Yanga... G. Yang

163. Optimization of Forage Harvesting By Automatic Speed Control and Additive Application

Efficient use of machines is especially important in forage harvesting due to the short harvesting period and expensive machinery. To achieve the best efficiency, a harvesting machine, such as a loader wagon, should be used with optimal loading. Whereas overloading the machine can cause blockages in the cut-and-feed unit, underloading consumes more time and reduces the quality of the resulting silage. In addition, the quality can be improved by optimizing the dosage of the additive. Since the... A. Suokannas, J. Backman, A. Visala, A. Kunnas

164. Improvement of the Quality of “On-The-Go” Recorded Soil pH

An important basis for lime fertilisation is the recording of pH values. Many studies have shown that the pH value can vary greatly within a small area. Only through the development of a sensor by VERIS has it become possible to determine the pH value cheaply in a much higher sampling density than with the time and cost intensive laboratory method. With respect to their measurement principles, both methods differ fundamentally in that in the laboratory method an extraction medium is used. Thi... M. Schneider, T. Leithold, P. Wagner

165. Variable Rate Fertilization for Citrus

To improve economic and environmental sustainability new management strategies has been considered to citrus production. Especially on grain crops, Precision Agriculture (PA) has proved to be a successful tool to manage crop fields according to their variability, mainly through variable rate (VRT) fertilization practice. Although VRT technology is already being used on commercial citrus orchards, few academic researches have app... J.P. Molin, A.F. Colaço

166. A Model to Analyze “As-Applied” Reports of Variable Rate Applications

Variable rate technology enables users to access crop inputs such as fertilizers and pesticides, based on site specific information. This technology combines a variable rate control system, positioning system and GIS software to enable variable rate application. During operation some of these systems report information (“as-applied” files) about target rates and actual applied rates on georeferenced points along the ... A.F. Colaço, H.J. Rosa, J.P. Molin

167. Optimizing Path Planning By Avoiding Short Corner Tracks

... J.P. Molin, M. Spekken

168. Assessing the Potential of an Algorithm Based On Mean Climatic Data to Predict Wheat Yield

In crop yield prediction, the unobserved future weather remains the key point of predictions. Since weather forecasts are limited in time, a large amount of information may come from the analysis of past weather data. Mean data over the past years and stochastically generated data are two possible ways to compensate the lack of future data. This research aims to demonstrate that it is possible to p... F. Vancutsem, V. Leemans, S. Ferrandis vallterra, B. Bodson, J. Destain, M. Destain, B. Dumont

169. Stable Isotope N-15 as Precision Technique to Investigate Elemental Sulfur Effects on Fertilizer Nitrogen Use Efficiency of Corn Grown in Calcareous Sandy Soils

... A.A. Soaud, .M. Rahman, F.H. Al darwish

170. Vegetation Indices from Active Crop Canopy Sensor and Their Potential Interference Factors on Sugarcane

Among the inputs usually used in the sugarcane production the nitrogen (N) is the most significant. With the use of ground-based canopy sensors to obtain vegetation indexes (VI), it is possible to obtain recommendations of nutrient supply i... L.R. Amaral, J.P. Molin, L. Taubinger

171. Impact Of Precision Leveling On Spatial Variability Of Moisture Conservation In Arid Zones Of Karnataka

... S. Upadhyaya, P. Balakrishnan, B. Pujari, M. Patil, P. Kanannavar

172. Laser Leveling Holds a Lot Of Promise in Water Conservation and Saving in Dry Zones (Drought Prone Areas) of Karnataka

... S. Upadhyaya, P. Balakrishnan, B. Pujari, M. Patil, P. Kanannavar

173. Precision Agriculture Initiative for Karnataka – A New Direction for Strengthening Farming Community

Strengthening agriculture is crucial to meet the myriad challenges of rural poverty, food security, unemployment, and sustainability of natural resources and it also needs strengthening at technical, financial and management levels. In this c... U.K. Shanwad, M.B. Patil, V. H, M. B.g , P. R, R. N.l. , S. S, R. Khosla, V.C. Patil

174. Bayesian Methods for Predicting LAI and Soil Moisture

Crop models describe the growth and development of a crop interacting with soil, climate, and managemen... M. Majdi, D. Benjamin, D. Marie-france

175. A Scheme of Precision Carbon Farming for Paddy

Paddy soil used to have a low level of organic matters, generally below 3 %, because of its concerns of producing harmful materials to the crop gro... Y. li, M. kodaira, T. oomori, B. siti noor aliah, S. Shibusawa

176. Estimation of Rice Yield from MODIS Data in West Java, Indonesia

Chiharu Hongo1*, Takaaki Furukawa1, Gunardi Sigit2, Masayasu Maki3, Koki Honma3,... C. Hongo, T. Furukawa, G. Sigit, M. Maki, K. Honma, K. Yoshida, K. Oki, H. Shirakawa

177. Long Term Effects of Irrigation with Sewage Effluent on Some Soil Properties

In the arid and semiarid regions, the use of treated sewage water increases as an alternative for non-renewable resources in irrigation. The objective of this research is to identify the effect of irrigation with sewage effluent and well water for lo... M.I. Alwabel, S.A. Alsheri, A.M. Alomran

178. Cloud Computing and Web 2.0 Mapping Technologies for Disseminating Land Use Planning Information

Open source software and cloud computing techniques could substantially improve the performance and reduce the cost of disseminating land-use planning information for the USDA-NRCS and other organizations. This is a major upgrade of our previously work (Hamilton,2009; Neelakantan et al., 2011). The purpose of this study is to develop a prototype cloud-based Web 2.0 mapping system for MLRA-121 which is primarily in Kentuck... T. Mueller

179. Ontology for Data Representation in the Production of Cotton Fiber in Brazil

... C.S. Junior, A.R. Hirakawa

180. The Effect of Scheduling Irrigation on Yield, Concentration and Uptake of Nutrient in Zero Tilled Wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.)

Abstract: The rice–wheat rotati... D. Krishna

181. Remote Control System for Greenhouse Environment Using Mobile Devices

Protected crop production facilities such as greenhouse and plant factory have drawn interest and the area is increasing in Korea as well as in other countries in the world. Remot... S. Chung, K. Kim, H. Kim, J. Choi, Y. Zhang, S. Kang, K. han, S. Hur

182. Ground Level Hyperspectral Imagery For Weeds Detection In Wheat Fields

Weeds are a severe pest in agriculture resulting in extensive yield loss. Applying precise weed control has economical as well as environmental benefits. Combining remote sensing tools and techniques with the concept of precision agriculture has the potential to automatically locate and identify weeds in order to allow precise control. The objective of the current work is to detect ... D.J. Bonfil, U. Shapira, A. Karnieli, I. Herrmann, S. Kinast

183. Estimation of Leaf Nitrogen Concentration in Barley with In Situ Hyperspectral Measurements

Leaf nitrogen concentration (LNC), a good indicator of nitrogen status in crop, is of special significance to diagnose nutrient stress and guide nitrogen fertilization in fields. Due to its non-destructive and quick advantages, hyperspectral remote sensing plays a unique r... J.M. Wang, C.M. Li, X.M. Yang, W.M. Huang, H.M. Yang, X.M. Xu

184. Study on Water Distribution Measurement in Sand Using Sound Vibration

... T. Sugimoto, T. Shirakawa, M. Sano, M. Ohaba, S. Shibusawa, Y. Nakagawa

185. A Comparison of Plant Temperatures as Measured By Thermal Imaging and Infrared Thermometry

... P. Baresel, B. Mistele, H. Yuncai, U. Schmidhalter, H. Hackl

186. Assembly of an Ultrasound Sensors System for Mapping of Sugar Cane Height

In Precision Agriculture, the use of sensors provides faster data collection on plant, soil, and climate, allowing collecting larger sample sets with better information quality. The objective of this study was the development of a system for plant height measurement in order to mapping of sugar cane crop, so that regions with plant growth variation and grow failures could be id... A.H. Garcia, F.H. Rodrigues júnior, A.H. Bastos, P.S. Magalhaes, M.J. Silva

187. Application of RS, GPS & GIS in a National Monitoring System for Accurate Range Assessment

Sustainable use of rangelands requires information on vegetation cover and its changes through time, condition trend and the effect of climate as well as management practices. The main objective of this research was showing variation of vegetation para... H.P. Arzani, M.S. Azimi, S.D. kaboli, H.M. mirdavodi, M.M. Borhani, J.M. Abdollahi, M.D. farahpour

188. Precision Fertigation in Wheat for Sustainable Agriculture in Saudi Arabia

Wheat is an important cereal crop of Saudi Arabia grown on an area of 250,000 ha with an annual production of 1,260,000 metric tons. The crop is cultivated on sandy soils using sprinkler irrigation under center pivots. The crop is sown in Nove... V.C. Patil, K.A. Al-gaadi

189. The Adoption of Information Technologies and Subsequent Changes in Input Use in Cotton Production

The use of precision farming has become increasingly important in cotton production. It allows farmers to take advantage of knowledge about infield variability by applying expensive inputs at levels appropriate to crop needs. Essential to the success of the p... N.M. Thompson, J.A. Larson, B.C. English, D.M. Lambert, R.K. Roberts, M. Velandia, C. Wang

190. Applications for Precision Agriculture: the Italian Experience of SIRIUS Project

    This paper reports the results of the project SIRIUS (Sustainable Irrigation water management and River-ba... P. Nino, S. Vanino, F. Lupia, F. Altobelli, F. Vuolo, I. Namdarian, C. De michele

191. Indexes for Targeting Buffer Placement to Improve Water Quality

Targeting the placement of vegetative buffers may increase their effectiveness to improve watershed water quality. Several GIS-based indexes have been developed to help planners identify relatively better locations for placing buffers. Conservation planners require consistent and clear recommendations on which index should be used in a given pla... Z. Qiu, M.G. Dosskey

192. Soil pH maps Derived from On-the-Go pH-Measurements as Basis for Variable Lime Application under German Conditions: Concept Development and Evaluation in Field Trials

... A. Borchert, D. Trautz, H. Olfs

193. Economic Evaluation of a Variable Lime Application Strategy Based on Soil pH Maps Derived from On-The-Go pH-Measurements under German Conditions

... A. Borchert, G. Recke, D. Dabbelt, D. Trautz, H. Olfs

194. In-Field Corn Stalk Location Using Rapid Line-Scan Technique

... Y. Shi, N. Wang

195. Remote Collection of Behavioral and Physiological Data to Detect Lame Cows

Authors of abstract: C. Kamphuis, J. Burke, J. Jago ... J. Jago, J. Burke, C. Kamphuis, B. Dela rue

196. Model for Remote Estimation of Nitrogen Contents of Corn Leaf Using Hyper-Spectral Reflectance under Semi-Arid Condition.

Accuracy and precision of nitrogen estimation can be improved by hyperspectral remote sensing that lead... M. Tahir

197. Two On-Farm Tests to Evaluate In-Line Sensors for Mastitis Detection

To date, there is no independent and uniformly presented information available regarding detection performance of automated in-line mastitis detection systems. This lack of information makes it hard for farmers ... B. Dela rue, J. Jago, C. Kamphuis

198. Using Multiplex® to Manage Nitrogen Variability in Champagne Vineyard

... L. Marine, M. Manon, G. Claire, P. Laurent, F. Mostafa, C. Zoran, B. Naima, D. Sébastien, G. Olivier

199. Appropriate Wavelengths for Winter Wheat Growth Status Based On Multi-Spectral Crop Reflectance Data

One of the applications of remote sensing in agriculture is to obtain crop status for estimation and management of variable rate of inputs in the crop production. In order to select the appropriate wavelengths relat... I. Han-ya, K. Ishii, N. Noguchi, V. Rasooli sharabian

200. A Non-Destructive Method of Estimating Red Tip Disease in Pineapple

Red Tip disease typically reduces pineapple yields by up to 50%. At present, the causal agent of Red Tip disease is still unconfirmed. B... F. Abu kassim, G. Vadamalai, A. Mohd hanif, S.K. Balasundram

201. Measuring Error on Working Depth of Real-time Soil Sensor

This paper described about the measuring error on working depth of the Real-time soil sensor (RTSS). It is necessary for accurately evaluating to observe the variation on the working depth, because the RTSS run in various real field conditions, such as soft or hard and even or uneven, and the RTSS has various using objective. In this paper, the RTSS run on asphalt with steps while the three-point hitch was free and position-controlled. In position-controlled, the measuring depth that is ... R. Kanda, M. Kodaira, S. Shibusawa

202. Nineteen-Soil-Parameter Calibration Models and Mapping for Upland Fields Using the Real-Time Soil Sensor

In precision agriculture, rapid, non-destructive, cost-effective and convenient soil analysis techniques are needed for soil management, crop quality control using fertilizer, manure and compost, and variable-rate input for s... S. Shibusawa, K. Ninomiya, M. Kodaira

203. Towards a Multi-Source Record Keeping System for Agricultural Product Traceability

Agricultural production record keeping is the basis of traceability system. To resolve the problem including single method of information acquisition, weak ability of real-time monitoring and low credibility of history information in agricultural production process, t... C. Sun, Z. Ji, J. Qian, M. Li, L. Zhao, W. Li, C. Zhou, X. Du, J. Xie, T. Wu, L. Qu, L. Hao, X. Yang

204. Assessment of Land Use Changes in Dirab Region of Saudi Arabia Using Remotely Sensed Imageries

A thorough knowledge of land use changes is important for planning and management activities of land resources.  Moreover, it is considered ... K.A. Al-gaadi

205. Modeling and Decision Support System for Precision Cucumber Protection in Greenhouses

The plant disease... X. Yang, C. Sun, J. Qian, Z. Ji, S. Qiao, M. Chen, C. Zhao, M. Li

206. Remote NIR-Sensor Fusion with Weather Data for Improved Prediction of Wheat Yield Models

Prediction models for grain yield based on remote sensing data are commonly shown to perform reasonably well for one single cropping season. The model performances often drop, however, when data from more years is included. This may be caused by biased data, resulting from diverging growth conditions from year to year, which a... T. Isaksson, A. Korsaeth, S. Øvergaard

207. OptiThin - Precision Fruiticulture by Tree-Specific Mechanical Thinning

Apple cultivars show biennial fluctuations in yields (alternate bearing). The phenomenon is induced by reduced yields in one year due to freeze damage, low pollination rate or other reasons. Consequently, trees develop many flower buds that blossom in the following year. The many flowers lead to a high number of small fruits that won’t be accepted on the market. Endogenous factors (phytohormones and carbohydrate allocation) subsequently establish the biennial cycle. The alternate b... A. Betz, H. Benny, M. Jens, M. Özyurtlu, M. Pflanz, T. Rachow-autrum, A. Schischmanow, M. Scheele, J. Schrenk, L. Schrenk, M. Zude, R. Gebbers

208. Soil Resource Appraisal towards Land use Planning Using Satellite Remote Sensing and GIS – A Case Study in Medak Nala Watershed in Northern Karnataka, India

In precision farming, knowledge of spatial variability in soil properties is important. The soil map shows soil series and phases like stoniness, gravelliness, salinity, sodicity... V.C. Patil, H.H. Gowda, K.A. Reddy, U.K. Shanwad

209. Natural Resources Management through Frontier Technologies - A Case Study from India

The social and economic development of the state is interlaced with our natural resources, and the manner in which they are managed and exploited.  The unplanned development and overexploitation of resources are exerting various... H.H. Gowda, K.A. Reddy, M.B. Patil, R.N. L, U. Shanwad

210. Potential Indicators Based On Leaf Flavonoids Content for the Evaluation of Potato Crop Nitrogen Status

Nitrogen (N) fertilization strategies aim to limit environmental pollution by improving potato crop N use efficiency. Such strategies may use indicators for the assessment of in season crop N status (CNS). Leaf polyphenolics (flavonoids) content appears as a valuable indicator of CNS. Because of their absorption features ... J. Goffart, F. Ben abdallah

211. Multi-objective Optimization Analysis Model for County Range Soil Nutrients Sampling Point Layout Based on Improved Genetic Algorithm

The layout of soil nutrients sampling points directly influence on the representative of soil samples and the precision of fertilization, also on sampling efficiency and sampling costs. By analyzing the various factors of county range farmland soil nutrients sampling, and setting the boundary conditions and objective function, the paper  established multi-objective opti... C. Tian'en

212. 3D Acquisition System Applied to Agronomic Scenes

To enable a better decision making by the farmer in order to optimize the crop management, it is essential to provide a set of information on basic parameters of the crops. These information are numerous and the image processing is increasingly used for disease detection, weed detection or yield estimation. We will focus initially on assessing the yield of a wheat crop in automatic way. This yield is directly related to the number of ears per square meter for which the counting is curren... F. Cointault, P. Gouton, B. Billiot

213. Impact of Nitrogen (N) Fertilization on the Reflectance of Cotton Plants at Different Spatial Scales

This study was conducted to examine the reflectance of cotton plants measured at three different spatial scales: individual leaf, canopy, and scene, in relation to N treatment effects, and consequently to select the best spatial scale(s) for estimating chlorophyll or N contents. At the leaf scale, N treatments effects were most apparent at 550... S. Maas, F. Muharam

214. Thermography as Sensor for Downy Mildew on Roses

Downy mildew caused by Peronospora sparsa is considered one of the most important diseases affecting cut roses under glass in the tropic. Under f... E. Oerke, H. Dehne, U. Steiner, S. Gómez

215. Field Evaluation of Automated Estrus Detection Systems - Meeting Farmers' Expectation

Automated systems for oestrus detection are commonly marketed as a suitable, or in some cases, a higher performing alternative to visual observation. Farmers, particularly those with larger herds relying on less experienced staff, view the perceived benefits of automated systems as both economic and physical, with expectations of improved oestrus detection efficiency with lower labour input. There is little evidence-based information available on the field performance of these systems to... B.T. Dela rue, C. Kamphuis, J.G. Jago, C.R. Burke

216. Current Status and Future Directions of Precision Aerial Application For Site-Specific Crop Management In The USA

Precision agriculture includes different technologies that allow agricultural professional to use information management tools to optimize agriculture production. The new technologies allow aerial application applicators to improve application accuracy and efficiency, which saves time and money for the farmer and the pilot. The USDA-ARS-Aerial Application Technology group has an active research component in precisi... W.C. Hoffmann, Y. Lan

217. Ultra-low Altitude and Low Spraying Technology Research in Paddy

  Aerial application has characteristics of low-volume, small droplet, and possibility of drift. To control rice planthopper, leaf roller and blast, the research aimed at screening agrichemicals and determining the feasibility of using high concentration of conventional dosage for aerial application. The results showed that... Y. Lan, X. Xue

218. Spatial Variability Index Based On Soil Properties for Notill and Pasture Site-Specific Management in Brazil.

 Quantitative characterization of soil properties spatial variation has first been appl... R.P. De oliveira, A.C. Bernardi, V.D. Benites, L.M. Rabello, R.Y. Inamassu

219. Transient Water Flow Model in a Soil-Plant System for Subsurface Precision Irrigation

The spatial variability of plant-water characteristic in the soil is still unclear. This limits the attempt to model the soil-plant-atmosphere system with this factor. Understanding the non-steady water flow along the soil-plant component is essential to understand their spatial variabili... M.B. Zainal abidin, S. Shibusawa, M. Ohaba, Q. Li, M. Kodaira, M.B. Khalid

220. Remote Sensing Imagery Based Agricultural Land Pattern Extraction around Miyajimanuma Wetland

This research aimed to extract agricultural land use pattern around the Miyajimanuma wetland, Hokkaido, Japan. By combining the image segmentation technology - watershed transform and image classification technology- particle swarm optimization (PSO)-k-means based minimum distance classifier, a new method for extracting the agricultural land use information ... R. Mochizuki, I. Han-ya, N. Noguchi, B. Su, K. Ishii

221. Evaluation of Application Effect of the Laser Land Leveling Technology in Typical Areas of China

The technology of laser land leveling can improve the accuracy of land leveling and it is the important measure of improving irrigation efficiency and facilitating more uniform distribution of irrigation water. The technology is more widely used in China ... W. Guangwei, M. Zhijun, C. Liping, F. Weiqiang, D. Jianjun

222. A Remote Interface for a Human-Robot Cooperative Vineyard Sprayer

... Y. Edan, R. Berenstein, I. Ben-halevi

223. Water Distribution Response in a Soil-Root System for Subsurface Precision Irrigation

A subsurface capillary irrigation system with a water source buried in a soil has been developed for precision irrigation. This system has advantages in the efficient irrigation to save much water and the real time measurement of evapotranspiration of plants. Creating this new subsurface capilla... S. Shibusawa, M. Ohaba, M.B. Zainal abidin, M. Kodaira, Q. Li

224. Estimating Crop Leaf Area Index from Remotely Sensed Data: Scale Effects and Scaling Methods

Leaf area index (LAI) of crop canopies is significant for growth condition monitoring and crop yield estimation, and estimating LAI based on remote sensing observations is the normal way to assess regional crop growth. However, the scale effects of LAI make multi-scale observations harder to be fully and effectively utilized for LAI estimation. A systematical statistical str... Y. Dong , J. Wang , C. Li , G. Yang, X. Song, W. Huang

225. A 3-D Stereovision Simulator for Centrifugal Fertilizer Granule Spreading

... J. Vangeyte, F. Cointault, M. Paindavoine, J. Pieters, B. Hijazi

226. Developing an Integrated Rice Management System for Improved Yield and Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Northeast China

... G. Zhao, Y. Miao, F. Zhang, M. Fan

227. Probabilistic Relational Model-based Scheduling Approach for Farmland Soil Sensor Network

  Energy efficiency is one of the core issues of farmland soil sensor network (FSSN). For battery powered FSSN, the energy constraint restricts lifetime of WSN, which poses great challenged to its large scale application. Prior work has suggested approaches to optimize the RF module and communication protocols to reduce power consumption of FSSN. Although shown to be ef... L. Chen, R. Zhang, G. Xu

228. Design Of A Data Acquisition System For Weighing Lysimeters

The weighing lysimeter is an important tool for scientists to con... C. Zhang, X. Xue, L. Chen, W. Huang

229. Study on Monitoring System of Wheat Sowing

       In order to real-time monitoring the sowing status of the multi-channel seeder, a distributed monitoring system is developed. The monitoring module of sowing and the monitoring terminal is designed with ... W. Fu, Z. Meng, G. Wu, J. Dong, H. Mei, C. Zhao

230. Enhancing Farmers' Indigenous Knowledge Management in Cassava Varietal Trial Using Agro Ecosystem Analysis, Farmers' Drama Group and Animations in Eastern part of Nigeria.

Researchers continue to come up with new varieties but farmer perspectives and preferences are very important factors for new varieties to spread in farmers’ communities. Researcher priorities alone are not enough. A variety may be ‘scientifically pe... C.C. Asiabaka, M.O. Adesope, C.C. Ifeanyi- obi, R.N. Nwakwasi, F. Nnadi, E.C. Matthews- njoku, J. Chikaire

231. Spatial Variability of Inceptisol and Entisol Soils and Their Effect on Merlot Grape Must Composition

Technologies associated to precision agriculture are being used in some crops in Brazil, mainly soybean, wheat, corn and sugarcane. However, information on its use in viticulture is scarce. Thus, a research was carried out during the vegetative cycle of 2010/2011 in a clone 347 Merl... C. Flores, J. Filippini a., A. Miele

232. Winter Wheat Growth Uniformity Monitoring Through Remote Sensed Images

  ... X. Song, C. Zhao, L. Chen, W. Huang, B. Cui

233. Monitoring Drought Stress Index in Wheat Field of Mongolia Using Remote Sensing

Water stress during crop growth, even during short periods of a couple of weeks, is a major cause of yield reduction. The complexity in defining the magnitude of such water stress is due to diversity of crops grown in a given location, variability in soil type and conditions, spatial variability of rainfall, delay in timely of agriculture, and diversity in crop management practices. The problem associated with drought ... B.M. Banzragch, N.M. Damdinpurev, E.M. Batzorig

234. Deriving Nitrogen Indicators of Maize Using the Canopy Chlorophyll Content Index

Many spectral indices have been proposed to derive aerial nitrogen (N) status parameters of crops in recent decades. However, most of red light based spectral indices easily loss sensitivity at moderate-high aboveground biomass. The objective of present study is to assess the performance of red edge bas... Y. Miao, F. Li

235. Determination of Sensor Locations for Monitoring of Soil Water Content in Greenhouse

 Monitoring and control of environmental condition is highly important for optimum control of the conditions, especially in greenhouse and plant factor, and the conditio... S. Chung, Y. Huh, J. Choi, D. Ryu, K. Kim, H. Kim, H. Kim

236. Precision Tools to Evaluate Alternative Weed Management Systems in Soybean

... T.M. Blackmer, P.M. Kyveryga

237. Evaluation of Photovoltaic Modules at Different Installation Angles and Times of the Day

Several electricity-consuming components for cooling and heating, illumination, ventilation, and irrigation are used to maintain proper environments of protected crop cultivation facilities. Photovoltaic system is considered as one of the most promising alternative power source for protected cultivation. Effects of environm... S. Chung, J. Kong, Y. Huh, K. Bae, S. Hur, D. Lee, Y. Chae

238. Determination of Sensor Locations for Monitoring of Greenhouse Ambient Environment

In protected crop production facilities such as greenhouse and plant factory, f... S. Chung, K. Kim, Y. Huh, S. Hur, S. Ha, M. Ryu, H. kim, K. han

239. Precision Nutrient Management in Cotton- A Case Study from India

Cotton is being one of the important commercial crops in India, farmers have adopted cultivating hybrid cotton to achieve higher yield. In this context, cotton is becoming input intensive crop... U. Shanwad, V. H, R. N.l., P.S. Kanannnavar, S. Swamy, M.B. Patil

240. Validation of Modicovi - Monocot and Dicot Coverage Ratio Vision Based Method for Real Time Estimation Canopy Coverage Ratio between Cereal Crops and Dicotyledon Weeds

... H.S. Midtiby, R.N. Jørgensen, N. Krüger, M.S. Laursen

241. Soil Spatial Variability in the Everglades Agricultural Area in South Florida

The Everglades agricultural area is composed by histosols laying on hard limestone bedrock in south Florida. Despite the common assumption of homogeneity of these soils, agricultural practices could result in the increase of soil variability. Therefore, soil spatial variability was studied on three fields (5.5 ha each) at the Everglades Research and Education Center to compare the c... J.L. Pantoja, S.H. Daroub, O.A. Diaz

242. Adoption and Non-Adoption of Precision Farming Technologies by Cotton Farmers

  We used the 2009 Southern Cotton Precision Farming Survey data collected from farmers in twelve U.S. states (Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Missouri, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia) to identify reasons on why some adopt and others do not adopt precision farming techniques. Those farmers who provided the cost as the reason for non-adoption are farmers characterized by lower educatio... A.K. Mishra, M. Pandit, K.P. Paudel, E. Segarra

243. The Effect of Leaf Orientation on Spray Retention on Blackgrass

Spray application efficiency depends on the pesticide application method as well as target properties. A wide range of drop impact angles exists during the spray application process because of drop trajectory and the variability of the leaf orientation. As the effect of impact angle on retention is still poorly documented, laboratory studies were conducted... F. Lebeau, M. Massinon, P. Maréchal, H. Boukhalfa

244. Improvement Precision Agricultural Communication Schema agroXML Based on Multi-Agents System's Deliberation and Decision Making Processes

... A. Pentjuðs, A. Gailums

245. Hyperspectral Imagery for the Detection of Nitrogen Stress in Potato for In-season Management

... T.J. Nigon, C. Rosen, D. Mulla, Y. Cohen, V. Alchanatis, R. Rud

246. Temporal N Status Evaluation Using Hyperspectral Vegetation Indices in a Potato Crop

The amount and timing of nitrogen (N) fertilization represents a leading issue in precision agriculture, especially for potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) crop since N is an essential element for plant growth and tuber yield. Therefore, the ability to assess in-season crop N status from non-destructive methods such as proximal sensing is a promising alternative to optimize N f... A. Cambouris, K. Chokmani, T. Morier

247. Evaluating Water Status in Potato Fields Using Combined Information from RGB and Thermal Aerial Images

Potato yield and quality are highly dependent on an adequate supply of water. In this study the combined information from RGB and thermal aerial images to ev... Y. Cohen, V. Alchanatis, B. Heuer, H. Lemcoff, M. Sprintsin, C. Rosen, D. Mulla, T. Nigon, Z. Dar, A. Cohen, A. Levi, R. Brikman, T. Markovits, R. Rud

248. Comparison of Algorithms for Delineating Management Zones

... A.M. Saraiva, R.T. Santos, J.P. Molin

249. BrainWeed - Teach-In System for Adaptive High Speed Crop / Weed Classification and Targeting

Conducting inter row mechanical weeding requires the precise location of each individual crop plant is known. One technique is to record the global position of each seed when sown using  RTK-GPS systems. An... R.N. JÃ???Ã??Ã?¸rgensen, H.S. Midtiby, T.M. Giselsson

250. Spatial Econometric Approaches to Develop Site-Specific Nematode Management Strategies in Cotton Production

Root-knot nematode infestations tend to be spatially clustered within agricultural... Z. Liu, T. Griffin, T. Kirkpatrick, S. Monfort

251. Spray Pattern and Droplet Spectra Characteristics from an Actively Controlled Variable-Orifice Nozzle

... M.P. Sama, S.A. Shearer, J.D. Luck

252. A New Approach to Yield Map Creation

    One of the barriers to using yield maps as a data layer in precision agriculture activities is that the maps being generated to day are not very accurate in representing what really happened in field.  Numerous data errors in the way the data is collected, poor calibration habits on the part of opera... C. Romier, M. Hyrien, D. Lamker

253. Young Leaf Detection for Spot Spray Treatment of Citrus Canopies to Control Psyllids

Huanglongbing (HLB) is an important disease of citrus that is spread mainly through a vector, psyllid (Diaphorina citri), that feeds predominantly on young leaves.  Given the selective feeding of the insect, treating only the young flush, instead of spraying the ent... R. Ehsani, M. Salyani, J.M. Maja, A.R. Mishra, P.A. Larbi, J. Camargo neto

254. Issues in Analysis of Soil-Landscape Effects in a Large Regional Yield Map Collection

     Yield maps are commonly collected by producers and precision-agriculture service providers and are accumulating in warehouse scale data-stores. A key goal in analysis of yield maps is to understand how climate interacts with soil landscapes to cause spatial and temporal variability in grain yield. However, there are many issues that limit utilization of yield map data for this purpose including: i) yield-landscape inversion between climate yea... N.R. Kitchen, K.A. Sudduth, D.B. Myers

255. Evaluation of PRS(TM) Probe Technology and Model for Variable Rate Fertilizer Application in Hummocky Fields in Saskatchewan

... K. Greer, J. Burns, E. Bremer

256. Site-Specific Evaluations of Nitrification Inhibitor with Fall Applications of Liquid Swine Manure

... P.M. Kyveryga, T.M. Blackmer

257. Digital Aerial Imagery Guides a Statewide Nutrient Management Benchmarking Survey

... P.M. Kyveryga, T.M. Blackmer

258. Precision Tools to Evaluate Benefits of Tile Drainage in a Corn and Soybean Rotation in Iowa

... P.R. Reeg, T.M. Blackmer, P.M. Kyveryga

259. Brazilian Precision Agriculture Research Network

The adoption of adequate technologies for food, biomass and fiber production can increase yield and quality and also reduce environmental impact through an efficient input application. Precision agriculture is the way to decisively contribute with efficient production with environment protection in Brazil. Based on this, recently Embrapa established the Brazilian P... J.D. Naime, L.R. Queiros, A.V. Resende, M.D. Vilela, L.H. Bassoi, N.B. Perez, A.C. Bernardi, R.Y. Inamasu

260. Adoption and Tendencies of Precision Agriculture Technologies in the Tocantins State, Brazil

Although precision agriculture is widely used throughout Brazilian crop production, it has not been used to increase the efficiency use of agricultural inputs. Besides, technologies available have not bee... L. Bortolon, E. Borghi, A. Luchiari junior, E.S. Bortolon, A.A. Freitas, R.Y. Inamasu, J.C. Avanzi

261. A Low Cost, Modular Robotics Tool Carrier for Precision Agriculture Research

Current research within agricultural crop production focus on using autonomous robot technology to optimize the production efficiency, enhance sustainability and minimize tedious, monotonous and wearing tasks. But progress is slow pa... A. Bøgild, S.H. Nielsen, N.J. Jacobsen, C.L. Jaeger-hansen, R.N. Jørgensen, K. Jensen, O.J. Jørgensen

262. Spot- Application of Pre-Emergence Herbicide Using a Variable Rate Sprayer in Wild Blueberry

Wild blueberry producers apply herbicides uniformly to control grasses and weeds without considering the significant weed density variability and bare spots within fields. The repeated and excessive use of ... Q. Zaman, Y. Chang, A. Farooque, A. Schumann, D. Percival, M. Cheema, T. Esau

263. Ground-Based Spectral Reflectance Measurements for Evaluating the Efficacy of Aerially-Applied Glyphosate Treatments

Aerial application of herbicides is a common tool in agricultural field management. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of glyphosate herbicide applied aerially with both conventional and emerging aerial nozzle technologies. A Texas A&M University Plantation weed field wa... Y. Lan, H. Zhang

264. Differentiation of Cotton from Other Crops at Different Growth Stages Using Spectral Properties and Discriminant Analysis

Timely detection and remediation of volunteer cotton plants in both cultivated and non-cultivated habitats is critical for completing boll weevil eradication in Central and South Texas.  However, timely detection of cotton p... H. Zhang, Y. Lan

265. Development of Sensing System Using Digital Photography Technique for Spot-Application of Herbicide in Wild Blueberry Fields

An automated sensing system, hardware and software, was developed for spot-application of herbicide with 6.1 m boom automated prototype spraye... Q. Zaman, T.J. Esau, A.A. Farooque, A.W. Schumann, D.C. Percival, Y.K. Chang

266. Development of a PWM Precision Spraying Controller

This paper presents a new p... Y. Lan, H. Zhu

267. Integrated Crop Canopy Sensing System for Spatial Analysis of In-Season Crop Performance

Over the past decade, the relationships between leaf color, chlorophyll content, nitrogen supply, biomass and grain yield of agronomic crops have been studied wi... L. Shiratsuchi, C.C. Lutz, R.B. Ferguson, V.I. Adamchuk

268. Architecture and Model of Data Integration between Management Systems and Agricultural Machines for Precision Agriculture

 The development of robotic systems has challenges as the high degree of interdisciplinarity, the difficulty of integration between the various robotic contro... R. Dutra, R. Sousa, A. Porto, R. Inamasu, W. Lopes, M. Tronco

269. Analysis of Spatial Variability of Key Soil Attributes In North-Central Ukraine

As Ukrainian agricultural production undergoes major changes, a better understanding of the diversity of land resources is needed to optimize management.  Dealing with large fields (over 100 ha in size) with non-uniform growing conditions presents an opportunity for site-specific management of agricultural inputs. This publication describes our 2010 pilot study on the implementation of integrated mapping of apparent soil electrical conductivity and field topography to guide soil sampling... Y.I. Boyko, V.I. Adamchuk

270. Relationship of Soil Properties to Apparent Ground Conductivity in Wild Blueberry Fields

  One of the fundamental deficiencies in high value crops is the lack of detailed, up-to-date and pertinent geo-referenced soil information for site-specific crop management to improve productivity. This experiment was designed to estimate and map soil properties rapidly and reliably using an electromagnetic induction (EMI) method. Two wild bl... F.S. Khan, Q.U. Zaman, A.W. Schumann, A. Madani, D.C. Percival, A.A. Farooque, S.R. Saleem, F.S. Khan

271. Measuring Sugarcane Height in Complement to Biomass Sensor for Nitrogen Management

Although extensive studied, nitrogen management remains a challenger for sugarcane growers, especially the nutrient spatial variability management, which demands the use of variable rate application. Canopy reflectance sensors are being studied, but it seems to saturate the sensor s... J.P. Molin, G. Portz, L.R. amaral

272. An Approach to Selection of Soil Water Content Monitoring Locations within Fields

Increased input efficiency is one of the main challenges for a modern agricultural enterprise. One way to optimize production cycles is to rationalize crop residue utilization. In conditions where there is limited use of mineral fertilizers and without applying manure, plant residues may be used as an organic fertilizer ... V.I. Adamchuk, L. Pan, R.B. Ferguson

273. Implementation of a Controller Unit Based on the ISO 11783 Standard for Automatic Measurement of the Electrical Conductivity of the Soil

... L. M. rabello, R. R. d. pereira, W. C. lopes, R. Y. inamasu, R. V. de sousa

274. Optimum Sugarcane Growth Stage for Canopy Reflectance Sensor to Predict Biomass and Nitrogen Uptake

The recent technology of plant canopy reflectance sensors can provide the status of biomass and nitrogen nutrition of sugarcane spatially and in real time, but it is necessary to know the right moment to use this technology aiming the best predictions of the crop p... L.R. Amaral, J.P. Molin, J. Jasper, G. Portz

275. Performance Evaluation of STICS Crop Model to Simulate Corn Growth Attributes in Response to N Rate and Climate Variations

Improving nitrogen use efficiency in crop plants contributes to increase the sustainability of agriculture. Crop models could be used as a tool to test the impact of climatic conditions on crop growth under several N management practices and to refine N application recommendation and strategy. STICS, a crop growth simulator developed by INRA (France), has the capability to assimilate leaf area index (LAI) from remote sensing to re-initialize input parameters, such as seeding date and see... E. Pattey, G. Jego, N. Tremblay, C. Drury, B. Ma, J. Sansoulet, N. Beaudoin

276. A High-Reliability Database-Supported Modular Precision Irrigation System

Title of Abstract:          A High-Reliability Database-Supported Modular Precision Irrigation System Authors of Abstract:     N. Kamel1, S. Sharaf1, A. El-Shafei... S. Sharaf, A. Elshafie, N.N. Kamel, D.A. Yousef

277. Evaluation of The Advantages of Using GPS-Based Auto-Guidance on Rolling Terrain Peanut Fields

  ... B.V. Ortiz, G. Vellidis, K. Balkcom, H. Stone, J. Fulton, E. Vansanten

278. Evaluating Spectral Measures Derived From Airborne Multispectral Imagery for Detecting Cotton Root Rot

Cotton root rot, caused by the soilborne fungus Phymatotrichopsis omnivore, is one of the most destructive plant diseases occurri... C. Yang, G.N. Odvody, C.J. Fernandez, J.A. Landivar, R.L. Nichols

279. Monitoring Soybean Root Development under Till-System Management (TSM) at Dry-Farming Conditions

Root system development is very importance for highest soybean (Glycine max L.) grain yield, especially under arid and semiarid conditions. In order to tillage system management (TSM) for achieved to the optimum yield of soybean in dry-farming cond... H. Aliabadi farahani, B. Sani

280. Spatial Variability of Sugarcane Yields in Relation to Soil Salinity in Louisiana

High soil salinity levels have been documented to negatively impact sugarcane yields.  Tests were conducted in commercial sugarcane fields in South Louisiana in 2009-2010 to determine if elevated soil salinity ... R.P. Viator, R.M. Johnson

281. Evaluation of Differences in Corn Biomass and Nitrogen Uptake at Various Growth Stages Using Spectral Vegetation Indices

Application of canopy sensors for nitrogen (N) fertilizer management for corn grain production in the Southeast US r... M.S. Torino, B.V. Ortiz, J. Fulton, K. Balkcom

282. Estimating Soil Quality Indicators with Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy

Knowledge of within-field spatial variability in soil quality indicators is important to assess the impact of site-specific management on the soil. Standard methods for measuring these properties require considerable time and expense, so sensor-based approaches would b... R.J. Kremer, N.R. Kitchen, K.A. Sudduth, D.B. Myers

283. Compatible ISOBUS Applications Using a Computational Tool for Support the Phases of the Precision Agriculture Cycle

... W.C. Lopes, G. Domingues, R.V. Sousa, A.J. Porto, R.Y. Inamasu, R.R. Pereira

284. Landscape Influences on Soil Nitrogen Supply and Water Holding Capacity for Irrigated Corn

... T. Shaver, M. Schmer, S. Irmak, S. Van donk, B. Wienhold, V. Jin, A. Bereuter, D. Francis, D. Rudnick, N. Ward, L. Hendrickson, R. Ferguson, V.I. Adamchuk

285. Evaluation of the Sensor Suite for Detection of Plant Water Stress in Orchard and Vineyard Crops

A mobile sensor suite was developed and evaluated to predict plant water status by measuring the leaf temperature of nut trees and grapevines. It consists of an infrared thermometer to measure leaf temperature along with relevant ambient condition sensors to measure microclimatic variables in the vicinity of the leaf. Sensor suite was successfully evaluated in three crops (almonds, walnuts and grapevines) for both sunlit and shaded leaves. Stepwise linear regression models developed for ... R. Dhillon, V. Udompetaikul, F. Rojo, S. Upadhyaya, D. Slaughter, B. lampinen, K. Shackel

286. Use of Cluster Regression for Yield Prediction in Wine Grape

@font-face { font-family: "Cambria"; }p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal { margin: 0cm 0cm 0.0001pt; font-size: 12pt; font-family: "Times New Roman"; }div.Section1 { page: ... L.E. Acosta, L.A. Jara, R.A. Ortega

287. Adaptive Control of Capillary Water Flow Under Modified Subsurface Irrigation Based on a SPAC Model

Soil moisture in a rhizosphere of a tomato is controlled adaptively based on a simple soil-plant-atmosphere continuum (SPAC) model. The water flow from a soil through a plant to the atmosphere is governed by the analogous rule of the SPAC model. In our experiment, we assume that plant transpiration is only affected by the water-potential of air when the soil m... M. Ohaba, M.B. zainal abidin, Q. Li, S. Shibusawa, M. Kodaira, K. Osato

288. Determination of Optimal Number of Management Zones

... A. Melnitchouck

289. Challenges and Opportunities for Precision Dairy Farming in New Zealand.

A study was commissioned by DairyNZ, a dairy industry good organisation in New Zealand, to identify some of the key challenges and opportunities in the precision dairy space. In New Zealand there has been an increasing research focus on the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) ... I. Yule , C. Eastwood

290. Variability in Soil Water Content and Sensor-Based Irrigation Scheduling for Protected Ginseng Production

Ginseng is one of important medicinal plants, especially in Asian countries including Korea. Korean ginseng is mostly grown in sun-block facility on ridges, and irrigation would be critical for better production. Conventionally no irrigation or timer-controlled irrigation based on experience was practiced, and variability ... J. Cho, B. Cho, S. Chung

291. Aggregating Precision Agriculture Data Across Regions

The analysis of precision agricultural data has largely focused on one field at a time and to a lesser extent to one individual farm. Recent developments have allowed those with access to data from across large regions to realize additional value by pooled community analysis of precision agriculture data.  Pool data analysis has provided greater value to individual farms than they would have gained by only using their own farm-level data. Statistical, economic, and risk methodologie... T. Griffin

292. Proximal Sensing Tools to Estimate Pasture Quality Parameters.

To date systems for estimating pasture quality have relied on destructive sampling with measurement completed in a laboratory which was very time consuming and expensive. Results were often not received until after the pasture was grazed which defeated the point of the measurement, as farmers required the information to make decisions about grazing strategies to e... R. Pullanagari, I. Yule, M. Tuohy, M. Hedley, W. King, . Dynes

293. Farmer Uptake of Variable Rate Irrigation Technologies in New Zealand

Cost effective technological advances in recent years have allowed the uptake of variable rate irrigation (VRI) systems in New Zealand. Typically an existing sprinkler irrigator is modified for variable rate irrigation, irrigation management zones are defined using EM (ele... C. Hedley, I. Yule

294. The Use of Sensing Technologies to Monitor and Track the Behavior of Cows on a Commercial Dairy Farm

New Zealand farmers are facing rapidly increasing pressure to reduce nutrient losses from their farming enterprises to the environment caused by grazing ruminants. ... I. Draganova, I. Yule, M. Stevenson

295. In-season Diagnosis of Rice Nitrogen Status Using an Active Canopy Sensor

... Y. Yao, Y. Miao, S. Huang, M. Gnyp, R. Khosla, R. Jiang, G. Bareth

296. Performance of Two Active Canopy Sensors for Estimating Winter Wheat Nitrogen Status in North China Plain

... Q. Cao, Y. Miao, G. Feng, X. Gao, B. Liu, R. Khosla

297. Different Leaf Sensing Approaches for the Estimation of Winter Wheat Nitrogen Status

Nondestructive real time diagnosis of crop N status is crucial to the development of precision nitrogen (N) management strategies. Chlorophyll meter has been a popular sensor for such purposes and different approaches to use this sensor has been developed using a threshold value, nitrogen sufficiency index (NSI) or ratio ... B. Liu, Y. Miao, G. Feng, S. Yue, F. Li, X. Gao

298. Maximizing Agriculture Equipment Capacity Using Precision Agriculture Technologies

Guidance systems are one of the primary Precision Agriculture technologies adopted by US farmers. While most practitioners establish their initial AB lines for fields based on previous management patterns, a potential exists in conducting analyses to establish AB lines or traffic patterns which maximize field capacity. The objective of this study was t... A.M. Poncet, T.P. Mcdonald, G. Pate, B. Tisseyre, J.P. Fulton

299. Remote Sensing of Nitrogen and Water Status on Boston Lettuce Transplants in a Greenhouse Environment

Remote sensing is the stand-off collection through the use of a variety of devices for gathering information on a given object or area. Applied as a warning tool in plant stock production, it is expected to help in the achievement of better, more uniform and more productive organic cropping systems. Remote sensing of vegetation targets can be achieved from the... N. Tremblay, P. Vigneault, M.Y. Bouroubi, M. Dorais, G.P. Gianquinto, M. Tempesta

300. Assessing Water Status in Wheat under Field Conditions Using Laser-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence and Hyperspectral Measurements

Classical measurements for estimating water status in plants using oven drying or pressure chambers are tedious and time-consuming. In the field, changes in radiation conditions may further influence the measurements and thus requir... S. El-sayed, U. Schmidhalter, B. Mistele

301. A Method for Combining Spatial and Hyperspectral Information for Delineation of Homogenous Management Zones

Hyperspectral (HS) remote sensing is a constantly developing field. New remote sensing applications of different fields constantly appear. The possibility of acquisition information about an object without physical contact is spanning new opportunities in many fields and for precision agricultural in particular. These opportunities demand constant improvement and development of new analysis approaches and algorith... Y. Cohen, V. Alchanatis, O. Levi, S. Cohen

302. An Approach to Making Non-Smell Composting System : Case Study in Fuchu

The project to form ... R. Fusamura, S. Shibusawa, M. Kodaira

303. Understanding Spatial and Temporal Variability of Wheat Yield: An Integrated System Approach

Spatial variation in soil water and nitrogen are often the causes of crop yield spatial variability due to their influence on the uniformity of plant stand at emergence and for in-season stresses. Natural and acquired variability in production capacity or potential within a field causes uniform agronomic management practices for the field to be correct in some parts and inappropriate in others. To ... B. Basso, C. Fiorentino, D. Cammarano, A. D'errico

304. I-SALUS: New Web Based Spatial Systems for Simulating Crop Yield and Environmental Impact

  SALUS (System Approach to Land Use Sustainability) model is designed to simulate the impact of agronomic management on yield and environmental impact. SALUS model has new approaches and algorithms for simulating soil carbon, nitrogen, phosphorous, tillage, soil water balance and yield components. In the past, the use of the crop model was not easy for genera... T. Chou, M. Yeh, J. Chen, B. Basso

305. A New Version of the Nitrogen Trading Tool (NTT) To Assess Nitrogen Management across the USA

A recent study from the USDA Economic Research Service (September 2011) reported that about one-third of U.S. cropland was found to meet the requirements for ... J.A. Delgado, J.C. Ascough ii

306. Impact of Variable Rate Fertilization on Nutrients Losses in Surface Runoff for Wild Blueberry Fields

Wild blueberry producers apply agrochemicals uniformly without considering substantial variation in soil properties, topographic features that may affect fruit yield within field. A wild blueberry field was selected to evaluate the impact of variable rate (VR) fertilization on nutrient losses in surface runoff from steep slope to low lying areas to improve cr... S. Slaeem, Q.U. Zaman, A. Madani, A. Schumann, D. Percival, H.N. Ahmad, A.A. Farooque, F. Khan

307. Sensor Fusion on a Wild Blueberry Harvester for Fruit Yield, Plant Height and Topographic Features Mapping to Improve Crop Productivity

  Site-specific crop management can improve profitability and environmental risks of wild blueberry crop having large spatial variation in soil/plant characteristics, topographic features which may affect fruit yield. An integrated automated sensor fusion system including an ultrasonic sensor, a digital color camera, a slope sens... A.A. Farooque, Q.U. Zaman, D. Groulx, A.W. Schumann, T.J. Esau, Y.K. Chang

308. Development of Variable Rate Applicators Using Real-Time Machine Vision Sensing and Control System for Spot-Application of Agrochemicals

The variable rate applicators comprised of a real-time sensing and control system were developed and tested for spot-application of agrochemicals (fertilizer and pesticides). ... Q. Zaman

309. The Use of Crop Sensors Beyond Nitrogen and Improving the Right to Farm

... C. Mackenzie

310. Spectral Characterization to Discriminate Grass Weeds from Wheat Crop Using Remote Sensing and GIS for Precision Agriculture and Environmental Sustainability

Kaur, Ramanjit, Mahey RK, Mahal JS, Kingra PK and Kaur Pukhraj ... R. Randhawa

311. Farmers Cooperatives in Georgia as Key Factor for Food Security

... K. Nadiradze

312. Spatial Apparent Electrical Conductivity (ECa), Soil Moisture and Water Use Efficiency in Vertosol Soils

Producing high resolution maps of water use efficiency (crop yield per unit of water consumption; WUE) for precision crop management is limited by our ability to readily produce maps of soil moi... J.N. Stanley, D.A. Schneider, D.W. Lamb

313. Effect of Urea Application through Drip Irrigation on Yield, Water and Nitrogen Use Efficiency of Summer Bitter Gourd

Bitter gourd (Momordica charantia L.) is one of the important vegetable crops grown during summer months in high lands of Lower Gangetic Plains.  Crop is very much responsive to water and nutrient but water is limiting in dry summer months.  Farmers generally adopt furrow irrigation and hand watering with pitcher for growing this crop.  Drip irrigation ... S. Goswami, S. Saha

314. A New Sensing System for Immediate and Direct Measurements of Soil Nitrate

In-season management of nitrogen is a critical component in the drive to increase the nitrogen use efficiency of commercial crop production. Increasing nitrogen use efficiency itself has become a prominent issue due to both economic and environmental/regulatory drivers over the last decade.   Solum, Inc (Mountain View, CA) has developed a new sensing technology to enable the immediate and direct measurement of soil nitrate. This allows rapid and economical so... M. Preiner

315. Field Moist Processing for Soil Analysis: Precision Measurement is Required for Precision Management

It has been well established over the last 50 years that many of the typical processes used by conventional soil analysis (such as drying and grinding the soil during preparation) can affect measured soil nutrient values. However, these processes have become conventional practice due to a lack of commercially viable methods of processing soil in its native field moist state. Solum, Inc (Mountain View, CA) has developed a process that allows routine, high throughput mea... M. Preiner

316. Spatial and Temporal Variability of Corn Grain Yield as a Function of Soil Parameters, and Climate Factors

Effective site-specific management requires an understanding the influence of soil and weather on yield variability. Our objective was to examine the influence of soil, precipitation, and temperature on spatial and temporal corn grain yield variability.  The study site (10 by 250 -m in size) was located in Jaboticabal, São Paulo State, on a Rhodic Hapludox. Corn yield (planted with 0.9-m spacing) was measure... T. Mueller, J. Corá, A. Castrignanò, M. Rodrigues, E. Rienzi

317. On-The-Go pH Sensor: An Evaluation in a Kentucky Field

A commercially available on-the-go soil pH sensor measures and maps subsurface soil pH at high spatial intensities across managed landscapes.  The overall purpose of this project was to evaluate the potential for this sensor to be used in agricultural fields. The specific goals were to determine and evaluate 1) the accuracy with which this instrument can be calibrated, 2) the geospatial structure of soil pH measure... T. Mueller, E. Gianello, B. Mijatovic, E. Rienzi, M. Rodrigues

318. Soil Organic Carbon Multivariate Predictions Based on Diffuse Spectral Reflectance: Impact of Soil Moisture

Spatial predictions of soil organic carbon (OC) developed with proximal and remotely sensed diffuse reflectance spectra are complicated by field soil moisture variation. Our objective was to determine how moisture impacted spectral reflectance and Walkley-Black OC predictions. Soil reflectance from the North American Proficiency Testing... T. Mueller, C. Matocha, F. Sikora, B. Mijatovic, E. Rienzi

319. Recognition Algorithms for Detection of Apple Fruit in an Orchard for Early Yield Prediction

... L.M. Damerow, M.M. Blanke, R.R. Zhou

320. Climatological Diagnostic Analysis: A Case Study for Parbhani District in Marathwada Region of India

... S.N. Pawar, A.K. Gore, G.U. Shinde, M.S. Pendke

321. Soil Salinity, Sand Encroachment and Erosion as Indicators of Land Degradation in Harad Center, Saudi Arabia

This study presents the main results of a thorough evaluation of land degradation in Saudi Arabia (Harad Centre). The study was carried out in 2006-2007 as part of a project aimed to study features and causes of land degradation in Saudi Arabia. The study area o... O.A. Mahjoub, A.S. Modaihsh

322. Validation of Variable Rate Spray Decision Rules in Intricate Micro-Metrological Conditions

This study evaluated validity of modified spray decision rules formed to operate axial fan airblast sprayer retrofitted for use in citrus production. The sprayer was field tested in a spr... L.R. Khot, R. Ehsani, G. Albrigo, J. campoy, C. Wellington, W. Swen, J. Camergo neto

323. Measurement of Systematic Errors in Crop Prediction

Precision agriculture typically attempts to answer grower questions using an increasingly more fine-grained analysis.  However, some entities, such as cooperatives, can have an interest in answers that are spatially course-grained, such as obtaining an estimate of the overall crop production within a season.  Errors in factors that most influence fine-grained predictions, such as soil quality, may have a smaller impact on overall yield forecasts since their effect is likely to ... A.M. Denton, E.W. Mosmen, J.X. Xu

324. The Opportunities to Implement Precision Agriculture Technology in Indonesia: A Review

... S. Virgawati

325. Sampling Size Study for Canopy Spectral Reflectance Measurements

... K. Pavuluri, T. Wade

326. Potential Applications of Low-Altitude Remote Sensing (LARS) with Radio-Controlled Helicopter Platforms: Case Studies on Nutrient and Pest Management under Agricultural Systems in Developing Countries

... H.P. Jayasuriya

327. John Deere FarmSight™

Agriculture has had several revolutions in the past century, and it currently faces what may be its greatest challenge to date – population growth and the increased need for food, fiber, and fuel in the future.  To meet this challenge the agricultural industry will have to drive efficiencies to a level never seen before, within a context of several macro trends (e.g., farm sizes increasing, environmental sustainability requirements evolving).  John Deere FarmSightTM... M. Stelford

328. AMMO Ag: Agricultural Marketing & Merchandising Optimizer

EHedger provides an integrated risk management solution for farm operations utilizing our proprietary AMMO platform combined with proven hedging strategies, first-hand market insight, effective trade execution and farming expertise. AMMO software enables real-time analysis of crop/livestock production. Farmers can set profit margins, evaluate variable profit scenarios, understand production costs and risks, and create sustainable marketing programs to maximize their... C. Krol, D. Dempsey

329. Real-Time Fluorescence Sensors for Precision Agriculture

... J. Ayral

330. Raven Sponsor Presentation: Slingshot Overview

Slingshot, a suite of products and services centered around high-speed wireless connectivity in the cab ... D. Schwiesow

331. Precision Agriculture and Springer

Maryse Walsh will be presenting Precision Agriculture, the Springer journal, but also the discipline and its place in the Springer publications overall. The community attending the ICPA has a major role in ensuring the positive development of these publications and the affiliation of the journal to the ISPA will only help. ... M. Walsh

332. Raising Awareness of the Potential of Crop Sensing Technologies to Improve Environmental Stewardship

Extensive research and on-farm work using active crop sensors for input management have been conducted in the Midwest and Great Plain USA with favorable results. Contrasting is the situation in the Southeast where the adoption by farmers is still limited and current on-going research is focused on the main southeastern crops. This presentation will provide an overview of the multiple extension activities related to crop sensing involving farmers, extension agents and crop consultants in ... B. Ortiz

333. Making the Most of Precision Ag Data: Big Data in Farm Management

na ... T. Griffin

334. Davco's Journey Into Precision Sugarcane Farming

Davco's Journey Into Precision Sugarcane Farming ... D. Cox

335. Sensor Algorithms 101

This presentation will break down the algorithms used for Optical Sensor Based Nitrogen rate recommendations. The group will walk through the mechanics and agronomics behind the most commonly used equations, in order to turn the black boxes into slightly muddied waters. ... B. Arnall

336. Use of Zone or Grid Soil Nutrient Management as Part of an Integrated Site-specific Nutrient Strategy

Zone and grid sampling are used as a basis for fertilizing with nutrients site-specifically. Use of sensors to assist in-season management of nitrogen is also gaining momentum. The presentation will suggest when grid or zone sampling for preplant nutrients might be utilized and how these recommendations would be used in an integrated approach of preplant plus in-season nutrient management. ... D. Franzen

337. Cloud Computing, Web-Based GIS, Terrain Analysis, Data Fusion, and Multivariate Statistics for Precision Conservation in the 21st Century

... T. Mueller

338. System Approach to Implementing Precision Agriculture in Ukraine

As Ukrainian agricultural production undergoes major changes, a better understanding of the diversity of land resources is needed to optimize management.  Dealing with large fields (over 100 ha in size) with non-uniform growing conditions presents an opportunity for site-specific management of agricultural inputs. This presentation highlights the most satisfactory practices implemented during the past three years and provides an outlook for the continued on adoption of precision agr... I. Boiko

339. Radio Frequency Identification For Implementing Traceability In The Cotton Production In The Brazilian Midwest

According to the International Cotton Advisory Committee - ICAC projection for the fiber in cotton production for the crop year 2012/2013 is expected to reach an amount of 15.19 million tons , according to a forecast released in August 2012 . In the Brazilian context , according to the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply of Brazil cotton cultivation in Brazil has grown especially in the Midwest . In particular , exports of cotton fiber increased twice in one season in 2003/2004... C. Santos, E.O. Weschter, M.A. Dota, C.E. Cugnasca

340. Specification Of Data Dimension To Measure The Data Quality On Cotton Production

The management of cotton cultivation and agriculture in general, depend on quality data enabling the retrieving of useful information as an aid in decision making related to management techniques and farm management . Part of this task depends intelligible data generated through the processes that make up this segment . Creating means for enabling the classification data is the starting point for making decisions regarding any corrections or adjustments in the mass data . The heterogenei... C. Santos, A. Hirakawa

341. Application based Wireless Sensor Node for Underground Moisture Sensing for Precision Agriculture

In this paper, we are attempting to examine the WUWSN (wireless underground water sensor node*) for precision agriculture. The development and function of this sensor along with its software application is described in this paper. The equipment is under testing and the laboratory results and interpretations are discussed in this paper. This equipment is based on the new concept of sensing underground soil moisture. The sensor is cost effective sensor and has a lon... S.P. Nayse, A.S. Mohammad

342. Precision Sensors For Improved Nitrogen Recommendations In Wheat

Crop sensor-based systems with developed algorithms for making mid-season fertilizer nitrogen (N) recommendations are commercially available to producers in some parts of the world. Although there is growing interest in these technologies by grain producers in Montana, use is limited by the lack of local research under Montana’s semiarid conditions. A field study was carried out at two locations in 2011, three locations in 2012, and two locations in 2013 in North West Mont... O.S. Walsh, A. Pandey, R. Christiaens

343. Analyzing Organic Farming Training In The Curriculum Of The University Of Kwazulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg

  ANALYZING ORGANIC FARMING TRAINING IN THE CURRICULUM OF THE UNIVERSITY OF KWAZULU-NATAL, PIETERMARITZBURG      SJ, Polepole * and SH, Worth        Agricultural Extension and Rural Resource Management Program;      University of KwaZulu-Natal; Scho... S.H. Worth, S.J. Polepole

344. Adoption Level Of Precision Agriculture For Brazilian Farmers - 2011/12 Crop Year

Although Precision Agriculture (PA) concepts and technologies are widespread in Brazil, its application still little used in some important crop production regions. The purpose of this study was to survey the current adoption level of PA by printed and online questionnaire. We started making a specific questionnaire to farmers and PA service companies using some technology related to PA. The questionnaires were developed based on the methodology of Whipker and Akridge ... E. Borghi, A. Luchiari junior, L. Bortolon, E.S. Bortolon, R.Y. Inamasu, A.C. Bernardi, J.C. Avanzi

345. The Spatial And Temporal Variability Analysis Of Wheat Yield in suburban of Beijing

  Abstract: The yield map is the basis of the fertilization maps and plant maps. In order to diagnose the cause of variation accurately, not only the spatial variation of annual yield data, but also the successive annual yield data of temporal variability should be understood.The introduction of yield monitor system, global positioning system (GPS), and geographic information system have provided new methods to obtain wheat yield in precision agriculture.... Z. Meng, Z. Wang, G. Wu, W. Fu, X. An

346. Integrated Sensor System for Rice Conditions Monitoring Based UGV

Ground-based platform systems have been widely used for monitoring crop conditions. In this study, a UGV-based multi sensors system (UGVS) was developed to real-time collect rice condition information including NDVI values, reflectance measurements and crop canopy temperature. Major components of the integrated system are GreenSeeker R100 system, hyper-spectroradiometer and infrared temperature sensor. The leaf area index (LAI) i... Y. Lan, X. Luo, Z. Zhou, P. Wang, S. Zhang

347. Soil Mapping And Modeling On Twenty-Five Ingredients Using A Real-Time Soil Sensor

Visible and near-infrared spectroscopy is an effective measurement method for estimating many soil ingredients at once. In precision agriculture, rapid, non-destructive, cost-effective and convenient soil analysis techniques are needed for soil management, crop quality control using fertilizer, manure and compost, and variable-rate input for soil variability in a field. We obtained Twenty-five calibration models based on Vis-NIR (305 - 1700 nm) underground soil ... M. Kodaira, S. Shibusawa

348. Suitability Of Crop Canopy Sensors For Determining Irrigation Differences In Maize

Water is the most limiting factor for agricultural production in the semiarid environment of the western Great Plains of the United States.  Dry climate conditions combined with a large availability of ground water has led to crop systems that are dependent on irrigation for maximum yields.  An increased emphasis on water is forcing users to find new ways to increase the efficiency of water used for agriculture.  Crop canopy sensors may have the potential to deter... G. Kruger, S. Van donk, T.M. Shaver

349. A Comprehensive Model for Farmland Quality Evaluation with Multi-source Spatial Information

Farmland quality represents various properties, including two parts of natural influencing factors and social influencing factors. The natural factors and social factors are interrelated and interaction, which determine the developing direction of farmland system. In order to overcome the limitation of subjective factors and fuzzy incompatible information, a more scientific evaluation method of farmland quality should be developed to reflect the essential characteristic of farml... Y. Dong, Y. Wang, X. Song, X. Gu

350. NOAA's National Geodetic Survey?s National Spatial Reference System And The National Height Modernizatio

The National Geodetic Survey (NGS) is responsible for the establishment and maintenance of the National Spatial Reference System (NSRS). NGS manages a network of Continuously Operating Reference Stations (CORS) that provides Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) data and serves as the backbone of the NSRS.  Our goal is to maintain a network of stations to serve as control for any project undertaken by local surveyors.  In addition, numerous other applications benefit from a... J.D. Rigney

351. Physiological Repsonses Of Corn To Variable Seeding Rates In Landscape-Scale Strip Trials

Many producers now have the capability to vary seeding rates on-the-go. Methods are needed to develop variable rate seeding approaches in corn but require an understanding of the physiological response of corn to soil-landscape and weather conditions. Interplant competition fundamentally differs at varied seeding rate and may affect corn leaf area, transpiration, plant morphology, and assimilate partitioning. Optimizing these physiological effects with optimal seeding rates in a site-spe... D.B. Myers, N.R. Kitchen, K.A. Sudduth, B.J. Leonard

352. Building Proactive Predictive Models With Big Data Technology For Precision Agriculture

In a world with ever increasing shortages of food production due to increasing populations and depletion of resources, the need for new technologies and techniques for sustainable and efficient agriculture with long term financial, environmental and cultural benefits are critical.  An area of scientific study concerning crop-production management called Precision Agriculture (PA) is a concept based on integrating modern information technologies such as Big Data Analytics, G... C. Lai, C. Belsky

353. Creation Of Prescription For Optimal Nitrogen Fertilization Through Evaluation Of Soil Carbon Amount Using Remotely Sensed Data

    In these years, drastic increase of agricultural production costs has been induced, which was triggered by the sharp rise of costs relating to agricultural production materials such as fertilizers and oil. In Japan, the substantial negative influence is anticipated to spread over to management of the farmers particularly  in Hokkaido, the northern part of Japan. As one of the measures against this influence, a plan of effective fertilizer application and ... E. Tamura, K. Aijima, K. Niwa, O. Nagata, K. Wakabayashi, C. Hongo

354. Adoption Of Precision Agriculture In Sweden – The Case Of Soil Maps

Agriculture is facing great challenges in a world of changing climate and increased responsibility to find sustainable solutions to problems on both a local and a global scale, while agriculture at the same time faces higher costs for many inputs. Making decisions under such complex conditions is a delicate task. Precision agriculture is considered by many people as a tool to improve the efficiency of use of inputs and thereby improve resource utilization and reduction... J. Lindblom, C. Lundström, M. Ljung, A. Jonsson

355. Study On Plant Health Condition Monitoring Using Acoustic Radiation Force

In recent years, irrigation method using the negative pressure difference attracts attention from the point of view of water saving. In addition, it is proved that this technique is effective in upbringing of the plant as well as saving of water. By measuring water distribution of soil, active irrigation control will be performed In our previous study, we confirmed that the resonance frequency of a leaf is influenced by the water stress to the plant. Thus the vibration measureme... Y. Nakagawa, M. Sano, T. Shirakawa, K. Yamagishi, T. Sugihara, M. Ohaba, S. Shibusawa, T. Sugimoto

356. Comparison Of Management Zones Generated By The K-Means And Fuzzy C-Means Methods

The generation of Management Zones (MZ) is an economic alternative to make viable the precision agriculture (RODRIGUES & ZIMBACK, 2002) because they work as operation units for the inputs localized application and as soil and culture sample indicators. For the field division in... E. Souza, K. Schenatto, F. Rodrigues, D. Rocha, C. Bazzi

357. The Influence Of The Interpolation Method In The Management Zones Generation

The definition of management zones (MZ) allows the concepts of precision agriculture (PA) to be used even in small producers. Methods for defining these MZ were created and are being used, obtaining satisfactory results with different crops and parameters (FLEMING & WESTFALL, 2000; ORTEGA & SANTIBÁÑEZ, 2007; MILANI et al., 2006). Through methodologies, the attributes that are influencing the productivity are selected and thematic maps are generated with the... K. Schenatto, C. Bazzi, V. Bier, E. Souza

358. Sound Based Detection Of Moths In Open Fields

Introduction   Open field farming of tomatoes suffers from the presence of harmful moths whose larvas are devastating. Detecting automatically the presence of moths allows regulating the use of pesticides, according to the actual population present in the field. Up to now, sex pheromone traps have been used, the number of captured insects giving some indication about the population. However, proper inspection of the traps i... F. Rossant, J. Orensanz, D. Boisgontier, N. Bouhlel, M. Lagarrigue

359. A Study On Diagnostic System Based On ISOAgLIB For Agricultural Vehicles

  Nowadays the growth of the embedded electronics and communications has demanded the development of applications in agricultural machinery in Korean agroindustry. The root reason is that most of agricultural machineries produced in Korea does not apply international standard. Therefore, the incompatibility problem between hardware, software and data formats has become a major obstacle for exporting agricultural products made by Korea to the world. I... J. Moon, S. Kim, J. Lee, W. Yang, D. Kim

360. Design Of ECU Monitoring System For Agricultural Vehicle Based On ISO 11783

International standard for implementation of electronic control unit (ECU) in agricultural tractors has been requirement for inter-operation compatibility of various agricultural vehicles. The ISO 11783 standard is basically based on  communication technology designated using the controller area network (CAN), it is typical standard technology for implementation of ECU in agricultural vehicle. CAN bus Communication system was developed to the distribution control of ECUs to... W. Yang , S. Kim, J. Moon, D. Kim

361. Soil And Crop Spatial Variability In Cotton Grown On Deep Black Cotton Soils

Soil spatial variation is observed under similar management situation in cotton growing soils of Northern Karnataka. In view of this an experiment was conducted to study the spatial variability in soil with respect soil reaction (pH), Electrical conductivity (Ec), Organic carbon (OC%), all major (N,P,K), secondary (Ca, Mg and S) and micronutrients (Fe, Zn, Cu and Mn) by assessing soil nutrients in deep black cotton soils of the experimental station ... C.C. Parashuramegowda

362. Development of a Portable Plant Growth Monitoring and Diagnostic Instrument

In order to access the growth information of crop fast, non-destructively and in real-time, a portable crop growth monitoring diagnostic instrument was developed based on spectral monitoring mechanism of crop growth indicators. The instrument included a multi-spectral sensor, the processor and affiliated institutions, which can access the growth indexes of crop, such as leaf nitrogen content, leaf nitrogen accumulation, leaf area index and leaf dry weight. The multi- spectral se... J. Zhang, X. Yao, W. Cao, Y. Zhu, J. Ni

363. Advanced Remote Sensing from Agricultural Aircraft and New Unmanned Aerial Platforms in Plant Health Assessment

Remote sensing technology is critical for plant health assessment to aid in precision application and management programs. For solving different problems, various scales and bands of sensors are needed. We developed color-infrared (CIR) and thermal infrared (TIR) imaging systems for both airborne piloted and unmanned aircraft, and visible near-infrared (VNIR) hyperspectral imaging systems for ground-based and laboratory-scale operations. Using Color-Infrared... S.J. Thomson, Y. Huang, K.N. Reddy, D.K. Fisher

364. Application Of Infrared Thermography For Assessing Beef Cattle Comfort Using A Fuzzy Logic Classifier

... L.S. Martello, T.F. Canata, R.V. Sousa

365. 3D Map in the Depth Direction of Field for Precision Agriculture

 By a change in eating habits with economic development and the global population growth, we have been faced with the need for increased food production again. In order to solve the food problem in the future, the introduction of agriculture organization is progressing in emerging countries as well as developed countries. However, the occurrence of natural disasters and abnormal weather, which is becoming a worldwide problem at present, is further weakening the crops of far... H. Umeda, S. Shibusawa, Q. Li, K. Usui, M. Kodaira

366. X-Ray Computed Tomography For State Of The Art Plant And Root Analysis

During the last years, the formerly in medical applications established technique of X-ray computed tomography (CT) is used for non-destructive material analysis as well. Adapting this technique for the visualization and analysis of growth processes of plants above and underneath the soil enables new possibilities in the so called smart agriculture. Using State-of-the-art CT systems the computed 3D volume datasets allows the visualization and virtual analysis of hidden structures like ro... S. Reisinger, N. Uhlmann, R. Hanke, S. Gerth

367. Monitoring Ratio Of Leaf Carbon To Nitrogen In Winter Wheat Based On Hyperspectral Measurements

The metabolic status of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) as two essential elements of crop plants has significant influence on the ultimate formation of yield and quality in crop production. Leaf is the major organ of plant photosynthesis and physiological activity, and in leaf tissues the ratio of carbon to nitrogen (C/N), defined as the ratio of LCC (leaf carbon concentration) to LNC (leaf nitrogen concentration), can... X. Xu

368. DTE – A Method Which Integrates Statistical Analysis With Economic Evaluation In Large Area Of Type 23 Experiments.

Plant production is governed by certain, well-defined cultivation recommendations, especially important when quality standards imposed by contract agreements are to be met. Due to technical and economic conditions, a farmer is not always able to adhere to such recommendations in practice, but at the same time changes on the farm produce market (progress in plant breeding and mechanization of field work, new agrochemicals, effective microorganisms, etc) enforce producers to eithe... A. Imiolek, M. Imiolek

369. Angular Velocity Meter Application Study In The Agricultural Vehicle Navigation System

In the agricultural vehicle navigation system, most frequently used steering feedback sensors are rotary potentiometer and rotary encoder to measure the wheel angle, and linear potentiometer to measure the stretching length of steering cylinder. In practice, these sensors are usually installed a little troublesomely, and often have relatively low reliability because of the more installation fittings. With the progress of MEMS technical, angular velocity meter achieves higher accuracy whi... J. Hu, L. Gao

370. Variable-Rate Application Of Nitrogen And Potassium Fertilizers In Louisiana Sugarcane Production Systems.

If sugar and cane yields are to be optimized and profitability improved, it is critical that a sugarcane crop receive the proper levels of plant nutrients.  Under-fertilization can result in reduced cane yields, while over-fertilization can reduce sugar recovery.  In addition, improper fertilization may increase crop susceptibility to environmental stresses and disease and insect pests. Nitrogen (N) continues to be one of the most important and co... B.J. Viator, R.M. Johnson

371. Spatial Dependence Of Soil Compaction In Annual Cycle Of Different Culture Of Cane Sugar For Sandy Soil

The Currently practiced mechanization for the production of sugar cane involves a heavy traffic of machinery and equipment. Studying the culture in its development environment generates a huge amount of information to fit the top managements and varieties for specific environments. The sugar cane cultivation has a heavy traffic of machinery and equipment, having more than 20 operations per cycle, and being more intense during harvest, providing incre... I. Marasca, F.C. Masiero, D.A. Fiorese, S.S. Guerra, K.P. Lancas

372. Spatial Variability Of Soil Compaction In Annual Cycle Of Different Culture Of Cane Sugar Land Clay Sandy

The assessment of soil compaction levels and choosing the best management system are very important in modern agriculture, aiming to prevent or at least restore their physical conditions to a satisfactory level. The renewal of sugar cane plantation happens on average every 5 or 6 years. The current way repeats a sequence compaction and decompaction events during successive cycles of sugarcane, which promotes breakdown of soil structure. During the harvesting and transportation, ... F.C. Masiero, B.B. Fernandes, S.P. Guerra, K.P. Lanças, I. Marasca

373. Performance Evaluation Of Single And Multi-GNSS Receivers In Agricultural Field Conditions

Selection of appropriate receivers and utilization methods of positioning systems are important for better positioning in different applications of precision agriculture. Objective of this research was to evaluate the performance of single and multi-GNSS receivers at stationary and moving conditions in typical Korean agricultural sites such as open field, orchard area, and mountainous area A single-GNSS receiver (Model: R100; Hemisphere GNSS, Scottsdale, AZ, USA) and a multi-GNS... Y. Kim, M. Song, S. Chung , M.S. Kabir, Y. Huh

374. World Patent Map Analysis Of Mechanization Technologies Relatitng To Rice Production

Patents comprise a unique source for technological knowledge. They are considered to be a good proxy for invention skills, R&D activities and for the scope of technological innovation of countries, regions, sectors and firms. Rice is one of the main field crops. The research focuses on patent mechanization technologies of soil working, planting and harvesting of rice production. Based on DWPI patent database and TI patent analysis software. The temporal examination by publication yea... X. Wang, Y. Hu, Z. Yi

375. A Portable Instrument For Recognition Of Farm Weeds And Management Of Chemical Spray

With the information technology being popularization and application and farmers’ knowledge level being increase in China, smartphone has been accepted by peasants used as terminal of information collection and query. Recently, because of the serious diseases and insect pests, it is impossible to prevent and control these disasters when we only rely on grassroots staffs’ investigation or professors’ instruction. If each of these farmers distributed in all of the country... S. Jian, W. Xiu, Z.D. Yan

376. Effect Of Land Use Over Spatial Variability Of Nitrogen Mineralization And Some Of Chemical Soil Properties In Mirabad Area Of Iran

Abstract Any changes in ecosystem conditions and land management impact on ecology of soil inorganic nitrogen. Understanding of the biology soil is increasingly important for sustainable ecosystem. The aim of this study was to investigate the spatial variability and zoning of nitrogen mineralization, organic carbon and calcium carbonate influenced by the user of apple orchards, crop production and pasture, and compare the two interpola... E. Nabizadeh, S. Kaboodi

377. Research On Measurement Device For NO3- Ion Concentration Of Nutrient Solution

The management of water and ion concentration in nutrient solution is crucial in precision agriculture. Poor management may leads to the increasing of energy consumption and cost as well as low efficiency. The measurement of ion concentration in nutrient solution is prerequisite for optimal control and management of nutrient solution. Real-time detection of NO3-, as an important component of nitrogenous fertilizer, is always a big problem over the world. Th... X. Zhang, Y. Li, K. Xu, X. Sun

378. Suitability Of Fluorescence Sensors To Estimate The Susceptibility Degree Of Spring Barley To Powdery Mildew And Leaf Rust

The overall role of precision agriculture is not restricted to those systems for in-field and in-season sensing of the impact of stresses. Much more, its contribution comprises the prevention of stresses, amongst others by supporting the selection of appropriate and stress-tolerant genotypes in breeding programs. In this context, the development, selection and use of cultivars which are tolerant to pathogens establish an essential tool for a more sustainable and environmental-fr... G. Leufen, G. Noga, M. Hunsche

379. Effect of Soil Amendments on Barley Growth and Productivity Under Fully and Minimum Irrigation Conditions In Saudi Arabia

A field experiment was carried out during the two consecutive seasons of 2012-2013 at the Agricultural  experimental station  of King Abdulaziz University located at Hada-Al Sham, 110 km north east of Jeddah (21° 48′ 3′′ N, 39° 43′ 25′′ E). The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of different soil amendments on growth traits and yield of barley crop grown under dry land conditions. Two irrigation treatments using sprinkler ... M.H. Almarshadi, S.M. Ismail

380. Design and implementation of agriculture sensor data platform's architecture based on private cloud

    With the explosive development of the Internet of things technology in recent years, the Internet of things technology is also used more and more widely in modern agricultural production.     For mass sensor data which was produced by the Internet of things in agricultural production, as well as bring many benefits to users while has brought unprecedented challenges. the Internet ... S. Jiang, T. Chen

381. The Most Sensitive Growth Stage To Quantify Nitrogen Stress In Sugarcane Using Active Crop Canopy Sensor

The use of sensors that allow the application of nitrogen fertilizer at variable rate has been widely used by researchers in many agricultural crops, but without success in sugarcane, probably due to the difficulty of diagnosing the nutritional status of the crop for nitrogen (N). Active crop canopy sensors are based on the principle that the spectral reflectance curve of the leaves are modified by N level. Researchers in USA indicated that in-season N stress in corn can be dete... S.G. Castro, O.T. Kolln, H.S. Nakao, H.C. Franco, O. Braunbeck, P.S. Graziano magalhães, G.M. Sanches

382. Design And Implementation Of Agricultural Sensor Data Of Multiple And Heterogeneous Access Architecture

For the moment, the Internet of things system oriented to the whole industry chain is gradually established in some fields of agriculture; At the same time, traditional management style of agricultural sensor data lack effective sharing mechanism, that can not meet the demand of agricultural network system for the multiple and heterogeneous sensor data. Especially with the growing the demand of agricultural products quality safety supervision system to the monitoring of agricult... T. Chen, D. Chen, J. Dong, S. Jiang

383. Disease Scouting For Aerial Blight Based On Logical Areas Of Collection In Soybean Fields Rotated With Rice

Rhizoctonia solani AG1-IA causes sheath blight in rice and aerial blight in soybean.  In Arkansas, rice and soybean rotations facilitate a continuous source of R. solani AG1-IA inoculum from one year to the next.    Aerial blight is a two stage disease where colonization of the plant occurs during the early vegetative growth stages and aerial blight symptoms occur during the reproductive growth stages after canopy closure.  At canopy cl... C.S. Rothrock, W.S. Monfort, T.W. Griffin, T.N. Spurlock

384. Soil characterization and mapping according to shallow and deep apparent electrical conductivity

In precision agriculture, knowledge of soil variability is essential to the optimal management of on-farm nitrogen applications to grain corn. Measuring the apparent electrical conductivity (ECa) of soils makes it possible to characterize and map specific soil properties such as soil texture and drainage. Our research into post-emergence application of nitrogenous (N) fertilizers to grain corn crops revealed that N dosages modulated by surface ECa classes t... L. Grenon, P. Vigneault, N. Tremblay, M.Y. Bouroubi, C. Bélec

385. Precision Nutrient Management Through Use Of LCC And Nutrient Expert In Hybrid Maize Under Laterite Soil Of India

Nutrient management has played a crucial role in achieving self sufficiency in food grain production. Energy crisis resulted in high price index of chemical fertilizers. Coupled with their limited production, fertilizer cost, soil health, sustainability and pollution have gave rise to interest in precision nutrient management tools. Field experiment was conducted to study the effect of variety and nutrient management on the growth and productivity of maize under lateritic belt of West Be... M. Banerjee, S. Dutta, G. Bhuiya, G. Malik, D. Maiti

386. Understanding spatial variability of rice yield in Italy using remote sensing

Measuring plant bio-physiological parameters in a field can be expensive and time consuming. Vegetation indices from proximal and remote sensing can be used to estimate variables as well as to overcome the problem of entering in rice paddies. This study aims to explore the potential of vegetation indices (i) to identify presence of of weed and plant stand (ii) to assess Leaf Area Index (LAI) in rice paddies in Italy. The study field was located in south Sardinia (Italy). &n... C. Fiorentino, F. Barracu, A. Spanu, B. Basso

387. Generic ISOBUS Compliant Precision Agriculture Functionality In A Proprietary Terminal Concept

Due to increasing investment costs for agricultural resources crop input management precise application technologies are exceedingly gaining interests for customers. One approach for increasing efficiency is using common GPS-devices for reducing over- and underlaps during application processes, and to adjust application rate based on predefined application maps. Driven by this, implement manufacturers are heading towards machinery, which is able to control application rate and ac... G. Happich

388. Probability Distributions And Alternative Transformations Of Soil Test NO3-N And PO4-P, Implications For Precision Agriculture

Recommendations for fertilizer N in crop production and precision agriculture depend on statistical analyses of data which represent soil NO3-N and PO4-P fertility typical of management zones and fields.  Non-normal distributions of soil test N are commonly log transformed prior to statistical analysis for interpolation with methods such as kriging, regression, or principle component analysis.  These data are transformed to ensure that analysis meet the assumptions of normality... A. Moulin

389. Water Management for Cucumber: Greenhouse Experiment in Saudi Arabia and Modeling Study Using SALTMED Model

The increasing demand for irrigation water when water resources are limited requires proper water resource management and the use of unconventional water resources (e.g. saline/brackish water and treated waste water). The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, like some other countries located in arid regions, suffers from the imbalance between the increasing water demand and the limited water supply. To cope with water scarcity, water use efficiency must be maximized (more crops per drop). A successf... A.M. Alomran

390. USA Corn Farm Profits And Adoption Of Precision Agriculture

Demand for high-yielding, high-profit agricultural production practices is particularly strong among U.S. corn producers.  Precision agriculture and its suite of information technologies allow farm operators to fine-tune their production practices and could decrease input costs and increase yields by providing a level of detailed within-field information not previously available.  Technologies such as soil and yield mapping using a global positioning system (GPS), GPS tractor g... D. Schimmelpfennig

391. Does Nitrogen Balance Surplus Done At Field Level Help To Assess Environmental Effects Of Variable Nitrogen Application In Winter Wheat?

Increased nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) is important as a specific consideration to decrease negative impacts of nitrogen (N) on the environment and provide better crop quality. Therefore, in many European countries N is used with restrictions due to UE regulations, set to increase NUE. This is particularly important in wheat production because this crop in EU accounts for 48% of cereal production and uses about 25% of total N-fertilizer applied. One of the methods applied to increase NU... S.M. Samborski

392. Using A Decision Tree To Predict The Population Density Of Redheaded Cockchafer (Adoryphorus Couloni) In Dairy Fields

A native soil dwelling insect pest, the redheaded cockchafer (Adoryphorus couloni) (Burmeister) (RHC) is an important pest in the higher rainfall regions of south-eastern Australia. Due to the majority of its lifecycle spent underground feeding on the roots and soil organic matter the redheaded cockchafer is difficult to detect and control. The ability to predict the level of infestation and location of redheaded cockchafers in a field may give producers the option to use an endophyte co... A. Cosby, G. Falzon, M. Trotter, J. Stanley, K. Powell, D. Schneider, D. Lamb

393. In-Season Decision Support Tools For Estimating Nitrogen Side-Dress Rates For Maize (Zea Mays L.)

Nitrogen fertilizer has been synthetically produced to nourish plants, increase yield and improve harvest quality. One of the way to increase NUE is called split application which is apply portion of N fertilizer from the beginning and apply another portion during vegetative stage (V4-V6). Improving accuracy of corn side dress N rate recommendations can improve profitability and reduce potential negative environmental impacts of over fertilization. The objective of this experime... B. Chim

394. Airspeed and Pressure Affect Spray Droplet Spectrum from an Aerial Nozzle for Fixed-wing Applications

The atomization of the droplets generated by a flat fan nozzle has been studied in the IEA-I high speed wind tunnel at NERCIEA with Marvern Spraytec Laser Diffraction system. The measurement point is set at 0.15m, 0.25m and 0.35m away from the orifice of the nozzle. The wind speed range is from 150km/h to 305km/h, and the tube pressure is set about 0.3MPa, 0.4MPa and 0.5MPa. The measuring distance from the orifice of the nozzle is found important to the diameter and relative span of the dropl... Q. Tang, L. Chen, R. Zhang, M. Xu, G. Xu, T. Yi

395. Development of a PWM Precision Spraying System for Unmanned Helicopter

Application of protection materials is a crucial component in the high productivity of agriculture. Motivated by the needs of aerial precision application, in this paper we present a pulse width modulation (PWM) based precision spraying system for unmanned helicopter. The system is composed of the tank, pipelines, pump, nozzles and the automatic control unit. The system can spray with a constant rate automatically when the speed of the UAV fluctuates between 1 m/s to 8 m/s. The application ra... R. Zhang, L. Chen, T. Yi, Y. Guo, H. Zhang

396. Plant Stand Count and Corn Crop Density Assessment Using Texture Analysis on Visible Imagery Collected Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

Ensuring successful corn farming requires an effective monitoring program to collect information about stand counts at an early stage of growth and plant damages due to natural calamities, farming equipment, hogs, deer and other animals. These monitoring programs not only provide a yield estimate but also help farmers and insurance companies in assessing the causes of damages. Current field-based assessment methods are labor intensive, costly, and provide very limited information. Manual asse... S. Samiappan, B. Henry, R.J. Moorhead, M.W. Hock

397. Assessment of Water Use Efficiency of Alfalfa Using Eddy Covariance CO2 and H2O Fluxes Under Hyper Arid Conditions of Saudi Arabia

A field study was carried out to investigate the seasonal variations in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) water use efficiency (WUE) using Eddy Covariance (EC) measured CO2 and H2O fluxes, aiming at optimizing the use of irrigation water under hyper arid conditions of Saudi Arabia. The EC system used for this study was installed on a center pivot irrigated 50 ha alfalfa field in a farm located in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. Results of the study... K.A. Al-gaadi, R. Madugundu, E. Tola

398. Use of Satellite Data to Improve Damage Assessment Process for Agricultural Insurance Scheme in Indonesia

Goal is to develop new method utilizing satellite data for assessment of damage in paddy field which can contribute toward substantial reduction of the damage assessment time and costs in framework of agricultural insurance in Indonesia. For the damage assessment, estimation of yield in each paddy plot is a key, so the research on the estimation of rice yield was carried out using satellite data which was acquired in harvesting season. Multiple linear regression analysis was conducted for the... C. Hongo, C. Ogasawara, E. Tamura, G. Sigit

399. A Harvesting Robot System for Fresh Cherry Tomato in Greenhouse

In order to improve the , a new harvesting robot system for cherry tomato was designed and tested, which mainly consisted of a railed-type vehicle, a visual servo unit, a manipulator, a picking end-effector, and other accessories. According to the greenhouse environment and the standard planting mode, the robot configuration was determined, whose operating space could be adjusted horizontally and vertically in order to enlarge the harvesting range. Besides, a harvested fruits automatic transp... F. Qingchun, W. Xiu, W. Xiaonan, W. Guohua

400. Studies on Soil Spatial Variability and Its Impact on Cane Yield Under Precision Nutrient Management System

In present investigation an attempt was made to quantify the soil variability of 30 grids of 10 m x 10 m dimension at research farm of Nandi Sahakari Sakkare Karkhane (NSSK), Krishna Nagar, District. Bijapur. Each grid (10 m x 10 m) showed variation with available nitrogen as low as 140 kg ha-1 to as high as 245 kg/ha with a range of 105 kg/ha, phosphorus as low as 53 kg P2O5 ha-1 and as high as 89.3 kg P2O5 ha-1 wit... M. Kumar r, M. Kumar r, D. Nadagouda

401. Rectification of Management Zones Considering Moda and Median As a Criterion for Reclassification of Pixels

Management zones (MZ) make economically viable the application of precision agriculture techniques by dividing the production areas according to the homogeneity of its productive characteristics. The divisions are conducted through empirical techniques or cluster analysis, and, in some cases, the MZ are difficult to be delimited due to isolated cells or patches within sub-regions. The objective of this study was to apply computational techniques that provide smoothing of MZ, so as to become v... N.M. Betzek, E.G. Souza, C.L. Bazzi, K. Schenatto, A. Gavioli, M.F. Maggi

402. NIR Spectroscopy to Map Quality Parameters of Sugarcane

Precision Agriculture aims to explore the potential of each crop considering the differences within the field. One information that is considered the most important is the yield or the obtained income in the field. However, in the case of sugarcane, quality will also directly influence farmer’s income. Several studies suggest harvester automation aiming to monitor yield, but few consider the quality analysis in the process. Among the existing methods for measuring sugar content the one ... M.N. Ferraz, J.P. Molin

403. Spatial-temporal Evaluation of Plant Phenotypic Traits Via Imagery Collected by Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)

Unmanned aerial systems (UAS) and a stereovision approach were implemented to generate a 3D reconstruction of the top of the canopy. The 3D reconstruction or CSM (crop surface model) was utilized to evaluate biophysical parameters for both spatial- and temporal-scales. The main goal of the project was to evaluate sUAVs technology to assist plant height and biomass estimation. The main outcome of this process was to utilize CSMs to gain insights in the spatial-temporal dynamic of plants within... S. Varela, G. Balboa, V. Prasad, T. Griffin, I. Ciampitti, A. Ferguson

404. Detecting Nitrogen Variability at Early Growth Stages of Wheat by Active Fluorescence and NDVI

Low efficiency in the use of nitrogen fertilizer, has been reported around the world which often times result in high production costs and environmental damage. Today, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) cameras are being used to obtain conditions of crops, and can cover large areas in a short time. The objectives of this study were (i) to investigate N-variability in wheat at early growth stages using induced fluorescence indices, NDVI measured by active sensor and NDVI obtained by digital i... E. Patto pacheco, J. Liu, L. Longchamps, R. Khosla

405. Winter Wheat Genotype Effect on Canopy Reflectance: Implications for Using NDVI for In-season Nitrogen Topdressing Recommendations

Active optical sensors (AOSs) measure crop reflectance at specific wavelengths and calculate vegetation indices (VIs) that are used to prescribe variable N fertilization. Visual observations of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) plant greenness and density suggest that VI values may be genotype specific. Some sensor systems use correction coefficients to eliminate the effect of genotype on VI values. This study was conducted to assess the effects of winter wheat cultivars and growing conditi... O.S. Walsh, S.M. Samborski, M. Stępień, D. Gozdowski, D.W. Lamb, E.S. gacek, T. Drzazga

406. On-Farm Evaluation of an Active Optical Sensor Performance for Variable Nitrogen Application in Winter Wheat

Winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) represents almost 50% of total cereal production in the European Union, accounting for approximately 25% of total mineral nitrogen (N) fertilizer applied to all crops. Currently, several active optical sensor (AOS) based systems for optimizing variable N fertilization are commercially available for a variety of crops, including wheat. To ensure successful adoption of these systems, definitive measurable benefits must be demonstrated. Nitrogen management str... O.S. Walsh, S.M. Samborski, D. Gozdowski, M. Stępień, E. Leszczyńska

407. Comparison of Plant and Soil Mapping in Prunus Domestica L. Orchard

In the present study, the soil apparent electrical conductivity, ECa, and the plant water status were analyzed in plum production (Prunus domestica L 'Tophit plus'/Wavit) targeting (i) the spatial characterization of soil ECa and fruit yield, (ii) instantaneous water status, and (iii) cumulative pattern of water status and yield. The plum orchard is located in semi-humid, temperate climate (Potsdam, Germany), capturing 0.37 ha with 156 trees. Measurements were carried out on... M. Zude-sasse, J. Käthner, W.B. Herppich, J. Selbeck

408. UAV-based Crop Scouting for Precision Nutrient Management

Precision agriculture – is one of the most substantial markets for the Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). Mounted on the UAVs, sensors and cameras enable rapid screening of large numbers of experimental plots to identify crop growth habits that contribute to final yield and quality in a variety of environments. Wheat is one of the Idaho’s most important cereal crops grown in 42 of 44 Idaho counties. We are working on establishing a UAV-based methodology for in-season prediction of w... O.S. Walsh, K. Belmont, J. Mcclintick-chess, J. Marshall, C. Jackson, C. Thompson, K. Swoboda

409. Sensor-based Technologies for Improving Water and Nitrogen Use Efficiency

 Limited reports exist on identifying the empirical relationships between plant nitrogen and water status with hyperspectral reflectance. This project is aiming to develop effective system for nitrogen and water management in wheat. Specifically: 1) To evaluate the effects of nitrogen rates and irrigation treatments on wheat plant growth and yield; 2) To develop methods to predict yield and grain protein content in varying nitrogen and water environments, and to determine the minimum nit... O.S. Walsh, K. Belmont, J. Mcclintick-chess

410. Development of a Multispectral Sensor for Crop Canopy Temperature Measurement

Quantifying spatial and temporal variability in plant stress has precision agriculture applications in controlling variable rate irrigation and variable rate nutrient application. One approach to plant stress detection is crop canopy temperature measurement by the use of thermographic or radiometric methods, generally in the long wave infrared (LWIR) wavelength range. A confounding factor in LWIR canopy temperature estimation is eliminating the effect of the soil background in the image. One ... P. Drew, K.A. Sudduth, E. Sadler

411. Data Normalization Methods for Definition of Management Zones

The use of management zones is considered a viable economic alternative for the management of crops due to low cost of adoption as well as economic and environmental benefits. The decision whether or not to normalize the attributes before the grouping process (independent of use) is a problem of methodology, because the attributes have different metric size units, and may influence the result of the clustering process. Thus, the aim of this study was to use a Fuzzy C-Means algorithm to evalua... K. Schenatto, E.G. De souza, C.L. Bazzi, A. Gavioli, N.M. Betzek, H.M. Beneduzzi

412. Evaluation of a Seed-fertilizer Application System Using a Laser Scanner

The system evaluated is a design that combines planter and sprayer technologies to allow clients to plant crops while simultaneously spraying initial fertilizer on or in close proximity to the seed.  The system is an idea Capstan Ag Systems has been pursuing for around 15 years, and has recently been revived in a partnership with Great Plains Manufacturing Company.  Great Plains Manufacturing released the final product under the name AccushotTM at the 201... P. Weckler, N. Wang, C. Zhai, L. Zhang, B. Luo, J. Long, R. Taylor

413. Development of Land Leveling Equipment Based on GNSS

An attitude adjustable land leveling equipment was designed. The reference elevation of the land to be leveled was generated based on the topographic data which was acquired by the RTK-GNSS technology. The blade lifting mechanism was controlled by comparing the reference elevation and the real-time blade’s elevation and attitude data which was obtained by the dual antenna GNSS receiver and as a result the land leveling operation was implemented. A new algorithm using the electro-hydraul... W. Fu, G. Wu, H. Bao, X. Wei, Z. Meng

414. Smart Agriculture: A Futuristic Vision of Application of the Internet of Things (IoT) in Brazilian Agriculture

With the economy based on agribusiness, Brazil is an important representative on the world stage in agricultural production, either in terms of quantity or cultivated diversity due to a scenario with vast arable land and favorable climate. There are many crops that are adapteble to soils of the country. Despite the global representation, it is known that the Brazilian agricultural production does not yet have a modern agriculture by restricting the use of new technologies to farmers with bett... C.L. Bazzi, R. Araujo, E.G. Souza, K. Schenatto, A. Gavioli, N.M. Betzek

415. Static and Kinematic Tests for Determining Spreaders Effective Width

Spinner box spreaders are intensively used in Brazil for variable rate applications of lime in agriculture. The control of that operation is a challenging issue because of the complexity involved on the interactions between product and machine. Quantification of transverse distribution of solids thrown from the spinner box spreaders involves dynamic conditions tests where the material deposited on trays is evaluated along the pass of the machinery. There is a need of alternative testing metho... L. Maldaner, T. Canata, J. Molin, B. Passalaqua, J.J. Quirós

416. Simulation of Curiosity and Exo Mars Rovers on Agriculture Terrain

Improving agricultural productivity is one of the biggest challenges Agriculture and Engineering face. A possible solution is the creation of soil databases and/or maps to apply precision agriculture techniques, aiming to produce more in the same land, using less agricultural supplies. This practice may be developed with the help of rovers applied to e.g. agricultural data collect, mapping, scouting and supply tasks. However, the rover needs to move and adapt to the terrain to obtain a real a... J.F. Archila-diaz, M. Becker

417. Development of Sensor Reflection Indices To Predict Yield And Protein Content Based On In-Season N Status

Environmental and economic demands make it necessary for farmers to adopt   management systems that improve Nitrogen Use Efficiency. The premium paid to producers has made farmers striving for maximum grain protein levels because protein is a very important quality component of grains and an important attribute in the market place. The protein content of wheat grains approximately ranges from 8 to 20%. The optimization of nitrogen (N) fertilization is the object of intense research ... U. Yegul, B. Talebpour, U. TÜrker, B.M. EmİnoĞlu, G.T. Seyhan, A. Çolak

418. The Methods and Applications of Artificial Intelligence Used in the Technologies of Precision Agriculture

The methods and applications of artificial intelligence more and more are linking with technologies of precision agriculture. The classical and modern approaches to artificial intelligence used for problem solving in the technologies of precision agriculture. Searching methods include uninformed and informed search methods which is better way to achieve optimality. Expert systems are typical classical approaches to artificial intelligence and they can be applied for problem solutions. Decisio... A. Gailums

419. Assessing Temporal Heterogeneity of Pigeon Pea Sterility Mosaic Through GIS Mapping and Its Impact on Crop Health

Sterility mosaic of pigeon pea, considered to be viral in etiology, is one of the most serious diseases of the crop. The agent of sterility mosaic, a disease that is a major constraint on pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) production in the Indian subcontinent. The pigeon pea sterility mosaic virus (PSMV) is transmitted and perpetuated through a mite, Aceria cajani. Sterility mosaic disease (SMD) is one of the most destructive diseases which causes severe reduction in yield. The ana... M.B. Patil, C.M. Hadagali

420. Technology Support for Game Monitoring As a Tool for Damages Reduction of Field Crops

Wild boars (Sus scrofa) are increasingly becoming the main cause of field crops damage in Czech Republic and central Europe area. There are many reasons why wild boars population is growing. The major reason is most likely change in the composition of field crops. In some areas in particular there is focus on oilseed rape and maize, for which there are also recorded the biggest losses. One of the key discussion topics is the issue of estimation of animal quantities and its traceabil... J. Jarolimek, M. Stočes, M. Ulman, J. Vaněk

421. Open Data for Food Quality and Food Security Control: a Case Study of the Czech Republic

Food quality and food security is of a high public interest in the European Union. In the Czech Republic, food quality and food security is under control of three different public authorities: the Czech Trade Inspection Authority (CTIA) that is affiliated with the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic, the Czech Agriculture and Food Inspection Authority (CAFIA) that is affiliated with the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic and the regional network of hygienic station... M. Ulman, M. Stoces, J. Jarolimek, P. Simek

422. New Technologies in Biological Plant Protection and Its Localization

The sharp increase in the use of pesticides in agrobiocenosis in the background of no-till and minimum tillage called: the growth of costs, the decline of soil fertility, the occurrence of resistance in harmful organisms and change in species composition, a number of other pressing environmental problems. In this regard, the most preferred and safe bipolarization of plant protection. The use of microorganisms in plant protection can reduce the number of harmful organisms in anthropogenic ecos... N. Sedinina, D. Kotlyarov , V. kotlyarov

423. Agronomic Characteristics of Green Corn and Correlations with Productivity for the Establishment of Management Zones in Vale Do Ribeira, SP, Brazil

In Brazil, the progressive development in the cultivation of the corn for consumption in the green stadium stands by the relevant socio-economic role that this related to multiple applications, the attractive market price and continuous demand for the product in nature. Therefore, this study was to analyze the correlations and spatial variability of the productivity of the culture of the green corn in winter, in alluvial soil of the type Cambisols eutrophic in the amount areas and Hydromorphi... W.J. Souza, V.S. Akune, S.H. Benez, L.C. Citon, P.H. Nakazawa, A.J. Santana neto

424. Assessing Soybean Injury from Dicamba Using RGB and CIR Images Acquired on Small UAVs

Dicamba is an herbicide used for postemegence control of several broadleaf weeds in corn, grain sorghum, small grains, and non-cropland. Currently, dicamba-tolerant (DT) soybean and cotton are under development, which provide new options to combat weeds resistant to glyphosate, the most widely used herbicide.  With the use of DT-trait cotton and soybean, off-target dicamba drift onto susceptible crops will become a concern. To relate soybean injury to different rates of dicamba applicati... Y. Huang, H. Brand, D. Pennington, K. Reddy, S.J. Thomson

425. North American Soil Test Summary

With the assistance and cooperation of numerous private and public soil testing laboratories, the International Plant Nutrition Institute (IPNI) periodically summarizes soil test levels in North America (NA). Soil tests indicate the relative capacity of soil to provide nutrients to plants. Therefore, this summary can be viewed as an indicator of the nutrient supplying capacity or fertility of soils in NA. This is the eleventh summary completed by IPNI or its predecessor, the Potash ... Q. Rund, S. Murrell, A. Erbe, R. Williams, E. Williams

426. Response of Soybean Cultivars According to Management Zones in Southern Brazil

The positioning of soybean cultivars on fields according your environmental response is new strategy to obtain high soybean yields. The aim of this study was to investigate the agronomic response of six soybean cultivars according management zones in Southern Brazil. The study was conducted in 2013/2014 and in two fields located in Boa Vista das Missões, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The experimental design was a randomized complete block in a factorial arrangement (3x6), with three manag... T.J. Amado, A.L. Santi, G.M. Corassa, M.B. Bisognin, R. Gaviraghi, J.L. Pires

427. High-resolution Mapping with On-the-go Soil Sensor and Its Relation with Corn Yield and Soil Acidity in a Dystrophic Red Oxisol

Spatial representations of soil attributes with low resolution can lead to gross errors of recommendation and compromise the efficiency of soil corrections and consequently the grain yield. However, obtaining the spatial variability of soil attributes with high resolution by soil sampling is not recommended because of its large time spent and high cost of laboratory analysis what makes difficult their large-scale application. This way, the on-the-go soil sensing has been used in precision agr... G.M. Corassa, T.J. Amado, R.A. Schwalbert, G.B. reimche, D. Dalla nora, T. . horbe, F.M. tabaldi

428. Integrated Approach to Site-specific Soil Fertility Management

In precision agriculture the lack of affordable methods for mapping relevant soil attributes is a funda­mental problem. It restricts the development and application of advanced models and algorithms for decision making. The project “I4S - Integrated System for Site-Specific Soil Fertility Management” combines new sensing technologies with dynamic soil-crop models and decision support systems. Using sensors with different measurement principles improves the estimation of soil f... R. Gebbers, V. Dworak, B. Mahns, C. Weltzien, D. Büchele, I. Gornushkin, M. Mailwald, M. Ostermann, M. Rühlmann, T. Schmid, M. Maiwald, B. Sumpf, J. Rühlmann, M. Bourouah, H. Scheithauer, K. Heil, T. Heggemann, M. Leenen, S. Pätzold, G. Welp, T. Chudy, A. Mizgirev, P. Wagner, T. Beitz, M. Kumke, D. Riebe, C. Kersebaum, E. Wallor

429. Field Sampling and Electrochemical Detection of Nitrate in Agricultural Soils

Nitrate is an essential plant nutrient and is added to farm fields to increase crop yields. While the addition of nitrate is important for production, over-fertilization with nitrate can lead to leaching and contamination of water bodies. Increased nitrate loading in water sources then leads to eutrophication and hypoxia in downstream regions. Many efforts are being made to accurately control nitrate fertilizer additions to fields. Here, we present a soil sampling device that directly samples... J. Brockgreitens, M. Bui, A. Abbas, D. Mulla

430. Spatial Variability and Correlations Between Soil Attributes and Productivity of Green Corn Crop

In Brazil, the progressive development in the cultivation of the corn for consumption in the green stadium stands by the relevant socio-economic role that this related to multiple applications, the attractive market price and continuous demand for the product in nature. Therefore, this study was to analyze the correlations and spatial variability of the productivity of the culture of the green corn in winter, in alluvial soil of the type Cambisols eutrophic in the amount areas and Hydromorphi... W.J. Souza, S.H. Benez, P.H. Nakazawa, A.J. Santana neto, L.C. Citon, V.S. Akune

431. Adjustment of Corn Population and Nitrogen Fertilization Based on Management Zones

The main objective of this study was to adjust the corn population and nitrogen fertilization according to management zones, based on past grain yield maps (seven of soybean and three of corn) and soil electrical conductivity. The study was carried out in Não-Me-Toque, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, and it was conducted in a factorial strip blocks with 3 repetitions in each management zone, being the treatments: corn populations (56000, 64000, 72000, 80000 and 88000 plants ha-1)... R. Schwalbert, T.J. Carneiro amado, T. Horbe, G.M. Corassa, F.H. Gebert

432. On Farm Studies to Determine Seeding Rate in Corn

Seeding rate (SDR) is one of the most critical production practices impacting productivity and economic return for corn (Zea mays L.) By changing SDRs in different zones within a field, herein termed as site-specific management, better economic results can be produced as the outcome of reducing SDRs in low productivity areas and increasing SDRs under high-yielding environments, relative to the uniform SDR management performed by the producer. The aim of this study was to analyze yield respons... G. Balboa, S. Varela, I. Ciampitti, S. Duncan, T. Maxwell, D. Shoups, A. Sharda

433. Soil Attributes Estimation Based on Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy and Topographic Variability

The local management of crop areas, which is the basic concept of precision agriculture, is essential for increasing crop yield. In this context, diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS) and digital elevation modelling (DEM) appears as an important technique for determining soil properties, on an adequate scale to agricultural management, enabling faster and less costly evaluations in soil studies. The objective of this work was to evaluate the use of DRS together with topographic parameters fo... J.V. fontenelli, L.R. Amaral, J.M. Demattê, P.G. Magalhães, G. Sanches

434. Using an Industrial PLC to Control Implements

Agricultural implements, such as variable rate input applicator, have to receive and transmit messages to other existing systems inside the vehicle. These messages must follow a rigid protocol to assure reliability regarding the delay times among messages and their responses and outcomes. The ISO 11783 protocol, or just ISOBUS, is a protocol that specifies the communication of agriculture tractors and its implements. Applications that deals with the ISOBUS protocol may reduce redundant equipm... H.M. Vale, R.Y. Inamasu, G.P. Paes, C.M. Maia, R.V. Sousa

435. The Effect of Leaf Surface on Spray Retention Variability

The effectiveness of a phytosanitary treatment depends on the amount of product actually retained by the plant leaves relative to the volume per hectare applied. Parameters affecting spray retention include application variables such as nozzle type, operating pressure and formulation, and target properties such as species and growth stage. These variables condition more specific parameters such as the number of droplet impacts by unit area of leaf, the droplet size and velocity distributions ... H. Boukhalfa, M. Massinon, F. Lebeau, M. Belhamra

436. In-field Variability of Terrain and Soils in Southeast Kansas: Challenges for Effective Conservation

A particular challenge for crop production in southeast Kansas is the shallow topsoil, underlain with a dense, unproductive clay layer. Concerns for topsoil loss have shifted production systems to reduced tillage or conservation management practices. However, historical erosion events and continued nutrient and sediment loss still limit the productive capacity of fields. To improve crop production and further adoption of conservation practices, identification of vulnerable areas of fields was... G.F. Sassenrath, T. Mueller, V.J. Alarcon, S.E. Kulesza, D. Shoup

437. Time Series Analysis of Vegetation Dynamics and Burn Scar Mapping at Smoky Hill Air National Guard Range, Kansas Using Moderate Resolution Satellite Imagery

Military installments are import assets for the proper training of armed forces. To ensure the continued viability of the training grounds, management practices need to be implemented to sustain the necessary environmental conditions for safe and effective training. This analysis uses satellite imagery over time to gain insight into vegetation conditions over a large military installment. MODIS imagery was collected multiple times a year for 11 years at Smoky Hill Air National Guard Range (Sm... E. Williams

438. Assessing the Variability of Red Stripe Disease in Louisiana Sugarcane Using Precision Agriculture Methods

Symptoms of red stripe disease caused by Acidovorax avenae subsp. avenae in Louisiana between 1985 and 2010 were limited to the leaf stripe form which caused no apparent yield loss.  During 2010, the more severe top rot form was observed, and a study was initiated to investigate the distribution of red stripe in the field and determine its effects on cane and sugar yields. Two fields of cultivar HoCP 00-950, one plant-cane (PC) crop and one first-ratoon (FR) crop, affected by top rot wer... R.M. Johnson, M.P. Grisham

439. Apparent Electrical Conductivity Sensors and Their Relationship with Soil Properties in Sugarcane Fields

One important tool within the technological precision agriculture (PA) package are the apparent electrical conductivity (ECa) sensors. This kind of sensor shows the ability in mapping soil physicochemical variability quickly, with high resolution and at low cost. However, the adoption of this technology in Brazil is not usual, particularly on sugarcane fields. A major issue for farmers is the applicability of ECa, how to convert ECa data in knowledge that may assist the producer in decision-m... G.M. Sanches, L.R. Amaral, T. Pitrat, T. Brasco, P.S. Magalhaes, D.G. Duft, H.C. Franco

440. Temporal and Spatial Variability of Soil Nutrients in Arable Lands of Wugong County in Loess Plateau in China

Soil organic matter (SOM), soil total nitrogen (STN) and soil available phosphorus (SAP) are key indices of evaluating soil fertility and quality, and also play an essential role on the crop growth. The spatial and temporal variability of SOM, STN and SAP in the arable lands in Wugong County in Loess Plateau in China base on the second national soil survey with 335 soil samples data in 1981, evaluation of potential productivity of arable lands with 187 soil samples in 2006 and soil carbon sur... J. Liu, Q. Chang, R. Khosla

441. Evaluation of a Sensor and Control Interface Module for Monitoring of Greenhouse Environment

Protected horticulture in greenhouses and plant factories has been increased in many countries due to the advantages of year-round production in controlled environment for improved productivity and quality. For protected horticulture, environmental conditions are monitored and controlled through wired and wireless devices. Various devices are used for monitoring and control of spatial and temporal variability in crop growth environmental conditions. Recently, various sensors and control devic... N. Sung, S. Chung, Y. Kim, K. Han, J. Choi, J. Kim, Y. Cho, S. Jang

442. On-the-go Measurements of pH in Tropical Soil

The objective of this study was to assess the performance of a mobile sensor platform with ion-selective antimony electrodes (ISE) to determine pH on-the-go in a Brazilian tropical soil. The field experiments were carried out in a Cambisol in Piracicaba-SP, Brazil. To create pH variability, increasing doses (0, 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 Mg ha-1) of lime were added on the experimental plots (25 x 10 m) one year before the data acquisitions. To estimate soil pH levels we used a Mobile Sensor ... M.T. Eitelwein, R.G. Trevisan, A.F. Colaço, M.R. Vargas, J.P. Molin

443. Sensor-based Nitrogen Applications Out-performed Producer-chosen Rates for Corn in On-farm Demonstrations

Optimal nitrogen fertilizer rate for corn can vary substantially within and among fields.  Current N management practices do not address this variability.  Crop reflectance sensors offer the potential to diagnose crop N need and control N application rates at a fine spatial scale.  Our objective was to evaluate the performance of sensor-based variable-rate N applications to corn, relative to constant N rates chosen by the producer.  Fifty-five replicated on-farm demonstrat... P. Scharf, K. Shannon, K. Sudduth, N. Kitchen

444. Design of VAV System of Air Assisted Sprayer in Orchard and Experimental Study in China

One type of new automatic target detecting based on size of canopy with variable chemical dosage and air-flow of fan orchard sprayer was designed and developed to meet the demand of chemical pest control in orchards. Canopy parameter data scanned by infrared sensors and LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) were used to detect the target and to design spraying algorithm and PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) control system. Four integrated five-finger atomizers were equipped on each side of sprayer, ... H. Xiongkui, L. Longlong, S. Jianli, Z. Aijun, L. Yajia

445. Automated Support Tool for Variable Rate Irrigation Prescriptions

Variable rate irrigation (VRI) enables center pivot management to better meet non-uniform water and fertility needs. This is accomplished through correctly matching system water application with spatial and temporal variability within the field. A computer program was modified to accommodate GIS data layers of grid-based field soil texture properties and fertility needs in making management decisions. The program can automatically develop a variable rate application prescription along the lat... A.T. Nguyen, A.L. Thompson, K.A. Sudduth, E.D. Vories, A.T. Nguyen

446. Vis/NIR Spectroscopy to Estimate Crude Protein (CP) in Alfalfa Crop: Feasibility Study

The fast and reliable quality determination of alfalfa crop is of interest for producers to make management decisions, the dealers to determine the price, and the dairy producers for livestock management. In this study, the crude protein (CP), one of the main quality indices of alfalfa, was estimated using the visible and near-infrared (Vis/NIR) spectroscopy. A total of 68 samples from various variety trials of alfalfa crop were collected under the irrigated and rainfed conditions. The diffus... M. Maharlooei, S. Bajwa, S.A. Mireei, A. Shirzadi, S. Sivarajan, M. Berti, J. Nowatzki

447. Real-Time Protein Paddock Maps collected from the Australian Wheat and Barley Harvest

Variable Rate Fertilization of Nitrogen (VRN) offers grain growers the potential of increasing yield and evening out the protein production across a field of paddock. Real-time protein maps are a critical piece of information required for VRN and, until recently, have not been readily available on combines. Next Instruments, an Australian manufacturer of Near Infrared analyzers, has developed a rugged and reliable on-combine analyzer that provides real-time protein maps on a touch screen PC m... J. Salazar

448. Liquid Flow Control Requirements for Crop Canopy Sensor-Based N Management in Corn: A Project SENSE Case Study

While on-farm adoption of crop canopy sensors for directing in-season nitrogen (N) application has been slow, research focused on these systems has been significant for decades. Much emphasis has been placed on developing and testing algorithms based on sensor output to predict N needs, but little information has been published regarding liquid flow control requirements on equipment used in conjunction with these sensing systems. Addition of a sensor-based system to a standard spray rate cont... J. Luck, J. Parrish, L. Thompson, B. Krienke, K. Glewen, R.B. Ferguson

449. AGOC: Agriculture Operations Center

After another long day, the farmer sits down in front of a computer (wishing this time was instead spent on the front porch catching a last glimpse of the sunset), and reflects once again ...     What if   ...  I actually knew the health of 100% of my crops rather than what I know today. a mere 20%. What if   ...  there was an effective, simple way to synchronize crop scouting and crop imagery efforts. ... M. Zamzow, H. Moulton

450. Towards Precision Microbiology

In the recent years, the use of organic matter (OM) and microorganisms is increasing beyond organic agriculture, into conventional horticultural systems, in order to achieve high yields and quality through a more sustainable soil management. Thus, Integrated Nutrient Management (INM), that includes the use of diagnostic tools, high quality OM, microbial inoculants, highly-efficient fertilizer, and site-specific management in gaining space in intensive production systems. Precision m... V. Gutiérrez, R. Ortega

451. Precision Agriculture Techniques for Crop Management in Trinidad and Tobago: Methodology & Field Layout

Agriculture in Trinidad and Tobago has not advanced at the same rate at which new agricultural technology has been released. This has led to large-scale abandonment of crop lands as challenges posed by labor availability and their agronomic capability could not meet the technological demands for agricultural production, competitiveness and sustainability. There is an urgent need to develop technology-based agriculture models to meet the demands of a modern agricultural sector and to maintain ... G. Seepersad, T. Sampson, S. Seepersad, D. Goorahoo

452. Fortified Fertilizer Application in Wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.) Grown Under Water Stress Condition

Water stress is a major threat against wheat growth. The effects of induced stress can be reduced by fortified fertilizer treated by Plant Growth Promoting Bacteria (PGPB). With the objective to combat the water stress, two different experiments under net house and field condition were conducted. In experiment-I (Pot study), three different states of fertilizer [F0: Control (no fertilizer application); F1: PGPB-coated fertilizer (urea and phosphorous) &F2:... A. Ali, M. Tariq

453. Study on a Method of observing Spectrum for Aquaculture Water

There are many applications using ground remote sensing technology in agriculture area. The spectral characteristics of agriculture water can reflect the water quality indirectly. It is of great significance for guiding the production of agriculture. How to observe the spectrum quickly and accurately is basis of evaluating aquaculture water quality by remote sensing technology. Many investigations indicate that the spectrum of several specific bands can reflect some water quality conditions....

454. The impact of genetic improvement in competitive ability of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) against wild oat (Avena ludoviciana Durieu) in terms of biomass, yield and nitrogen attributes

In order to evaluate the competitive effects of wild oat on wheat yield and nitrogen attributes, a field experiment was conducted in Arak province of Iran during 2001-2002 growing season as a randomized complete block design with factorial arrangement of treatments and with three replications. Factor A was six wheat cultivars (Omid, Bezostaya, Azadi, Ghods, Alamout and Alvand) released during the second half of the twentieth century, and factor B was absence or presence of weed at 80 plants/m...

455. Refractive Index Based Brix Measurement System for Sugar and Allied Industries

An attempt has been made to design optimization of Refractormetric based method for the measurement of Brix.  Optimization of various constructional parameters including selection and location of source, prism and detector, position of source, angular position and height of source from prism plane, divergent angle of source, refractive index of prism, size of prism, the location of detector to pick up the optimum reflected light, refractive index of sample, critical angle, choice of suit... M.L. Dongare, B.T. Jadhav, A.D. Shaligram

456. Photosynthetic Responses of Kentucky bluegrass to Silicon Application under Drought Stress

Drought stress is the most pervasive threat to plant growth, which disrupts the photosynthesis and its associated metabolic activities, while silicon (Si) application may have the potential to alleviate the damaging effects of drought on plant growth. In the present study, the role of Si in regulating the photosynthesis and its associated metabolic events in Kentucky bluegrass (cv. Midnight) was investigated under drought stress. Drought stress and four levels (0, 200, 400, 800 mg L-1... S. Saud

457. Using Drone Based Sensors to Direct Variable-Rate, In-Season, Aerial Nitrogen Application on Corn

Improving nutrient management on farms is a critical issue nationwide. Applying a portion of N fertilizer during the growing season, alongside the growing corn crop is one way to improve nitrogen management. Sidedress N applications allow the availability of N fertilizer to more closely match the time when the crop is rapidly uptaking N. Additionally, waiting to apply a portion of the N during the growing season allows for management which is responsive to current growing season conditions.... L.J. Thompson

458. Applications of Unmanned Aircraft System for Genomic Selection of Drought Tolerance in Forages

Drought is a serious challenge to global agriculture and food security. Genomic selection in in forage plant species have been proposed as a molecular breeding tool for increasing genetic gain efficiently in particular for quantitative traits such as yield and drought tolerance (Hayes et al. 2013). Current assessment of non-destructive yield in forage breeding programs relies largely on the visual assessment by experts, who would categorize biomass to a discrete scale. Visual assessment of bi... P. Badenhorst, J. Wang, A. Phelan, L. Pembleton, N. Cogan

459. Grazing System and Solar Fences, Innovation and Opportunity in Rangeland of Developing Countries

The future of the development and management of pasture resources depends on increasing the use of scientific innovations. In some countries rangeland livestock production majority relies on natural ecological processes of plant and animal production, despite the progress in all of the infrastructure, rangeland management have a little growth and base on traditional ranching management, grazing livestock is based on a free grazing system. In this study grazing system was applied and electric ... H. Arzani, E. Alizadeh

460. Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle and Active-Optical Sensor to Monitor Growth Indices and Nitrogen Nutrition of Winter Wheat

Using unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) remote sensing monitoring system can rapidly and cost-effectively provide crop canopy information for growth diagnosis and precision fertilizer regulation. RapidScan CS-45 (Holland, Lincoln, NE, USA) is a portable active-optical sensor designed for timely, non-destructive obtaining plant canopy information without being affected by weather condition. UAV equipped with RapidScan, is of great significant for rapidly monitoring crop growth and nitrogen (N) sta... X. Liu, Q. Cao, Y. Tian, Y. Zhu, Z. Zhang, W. Cao

461. Canopy Temperature Mapping with a Vineyard Robot

The wine industry is a strategic sector in many countries worldwide. High revenues in the wine market typically result in higher investments in specialized equipment, so that producers can introduce disruptive technology for increasing grape production and quality. However, many European producers are approaching retirement age, and therefore the agricultural sector needs a way for attracting young farmers who can assure the smooth transition between generations; digital technology offers an ... V. Saiz-rubio, M. Diago, J. Tardaguila, S. Gutierrez, F. Rovira-más, F. Alves

462. Use of Proximal Soil Sensing to Delineate Management Zones in a Commercial Potato Field in Prince Edward Island, Canada

Management zones (MZs) are delineated areas within an agricultural field with relatively homogenous soil properties. Such MZs can often be used for site-specific management of crop production inputs. The purpose of this study was to determine the efficiency of two proximal soil sensors for delineating MZs in an 8.1-ha commercial potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) field in Prince Edward Island (PEI), Canada. A galvanic contact resistivity sensor (Veris-3100 [Veris]) and electromagnetic induction se... A. Cambouris, A. Lajili, K. Chokmani , I. Perron, V. Adamchuk, A. Biswas , B. Zebrath


The largest yield of a crop is directly related to the efficiency in the mechanized operations during the productive cycle of the crop. One of the goals of the farmers is to achieve high productivity with less investment, obtaining higher profits. The harvesting process is the last step of the field production process, and the conditions for harvesting a crop are one of the most difficult factors of an earlier large-scale spatial visualization, being also the cause that leads t... D.T. Oliveira, R.P. Silva, W. Maldonado júnior, E.M. Tanaka, C. Zerbato

464. The Animal Welfare of Dairy Cows Housed in Free-Stall Barn According to the Welfare Quality® Protocol: Good Feeding and Good Housing Principles

The objective of the present study was to evaluate the animal welfare of dairy cows according to good feeding and good housing principles of the Welfare Quality® protocol. The protocol was applied to animals kept confined in a free-stall barn during their lactation. The farm was located in São João Batista do Glória, Minas Gerais state - Brazil. One hundred and one animals were evaluated (47 primiparous and 54 multiparous). The welfare measures were collected mostly t... G.M. Dallago, M. Guimarães, R. Godinho, R. Carvalho, A. Lobo júnior

465. Estimation of soil nutrient content using mosaic of satellite imagery for small farms

Precision Agriculture has long being benefited from aerial imagery of crop fields. This important tool has allowed identifying patterns in crop fields, generating useful information to the production management. Reflectance intensity data in different ranges from the electromagnetic spectrum may indicate presence or absence of nutrients in the soil of an area. Different relations between the different light bands may generate even more detailed information. The knowledge of the nutrients cont... J. Okamoto jr., L.P. Barbosa da silva

466. Practical and Affordable Technologies for Precision Agriculture in Small Fields: Present Status and Scope in India

The objective of this review paper is to find out practical and affordable precision agriculture(PA) technologies present status and scope in India that are suitable for small fields. The judicious use of inputs like water, fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides and better management of farm equipments will increase the net profit for farmers. The important components of PA in India which are being used for small lands are Geographic Information System(GIS), laser land leveler, leaf color chart,... S. Kumar, M. Singh, H. Mirzakhaninafchi, R.U. Modi, M. Ali, M. Bhardwaj, R. Soni

467. Economic and Management Tool for Assessing Wild Blueberry Production Costs and Financial Feasibility

The wild blueberry industry is facing record low berry prices that has resulted in major concerns for growers, especially in Atlantic Canada and the US. Farm input and other costs to produce wild blueberries continue to increase, while farmers face record low blueberry prices (in 2016 and 2017). The cost-price squeeze has prompted growers to look for innovative methods to remain financially viable and sustainable. Ideally, farmers should keep detailed production, management and financial reco... T. Esau, Q. Zaman, E. Yiridoe, A. Farooque

468. Effective Use of a Debris Cleaning Brush for Mechanical Wild Blueberry Harvesting

Wild blueberries are an important horticultural crop native to northeastern North America. Management of wild blueberry fields has improved over the past decade causing increased plant density and leaf foliage. The majority of wild blueberry fields are picked mechanically using tractor mounted harvesters with 16 rotating rakes that gently comb through the plants. The extra foliage has made it more difficult for the cleaning brush to remove unwanted debris (leaf, stems, weeds, etc.) from the p... K. Esau, Q. Zaman, A. Farooque, A. Schumann

469. Remote Measurement and Control System of Piggery Environment Based on LoRa

Abstract:A remote monitoring system of pig shed environment based on LoRa is proposed in view of the shortcomings of the short distance, the complex network and the weak anti-interference ability of the wireless monitoring network in piggery environment. According to the requirements of data transmission distance and low power consumption, a wireless network based on LoRa technology is proposed.     The hardware structure of LoRa terminal node shown i... L. Xingqiao, . Caihong

470. Data Fusion of Imagery from Different Satellites for Global and Daily Crop Monitoring

Satellite-based Crop Monitoring is an important tool for decision making of irrigation, fertilization, crop protection, damage assessment and more. To allow crop monitoring worldwide, on a daily basis, data fusion of images taken by different satellites is required. So far, most researches on data fusion focus on retrospective analysis, while advanced crop monitoring capabilities mandate the use of data in real time mode. Therefore, our project goals were: (1) to build a data-fusion online sy... O. Beeri, R. Pelta, S. Mey-tal, J. Raz

471. The Correlation Between Criteria from Welfare Quality® Protocol Applied to Dairy Cows Housed in Free-Stall Barn

The objective of this study was to evaluate correlations between animal welfare criteria from the Welfare Quality® protocol applied to dairy cows. The protocol was applied on 47 primiparous and 54 multiparous dairy cows housed in a free-stall barn located in São João Batista do Glória, Minas Gerais - Brazil. Twelve welfare criteria were obtained from mostly animal-based welfare measures as proposed by the protocol. Pearson correlation coefficients (r) were calculated ... G.M. Dallago, M. Guimarães, R. Godinho, R. Carvalho, A. Lobo júnior

472. Agricultural Robots: Drivers, Barriers and Opportunities for Adoption

In the next decades, agriculture is to feed a rapidly growing population, while tackling changes in climate, overexploited resources, changes in markets and competition with other sectors. Agriculture is, therefore, expected to move towards a more sustainable intensification. In this context, robotic technologies are aimed to reduce labor, using fewer resources and improving agricultural productivity. There is growing demand and awareness of the potential use of such technologies in the farmi... K. Rial-lovera

473. High-throughput phenotype acquisition method of Maize Seedling Stage Mono-RGB images based on threshold optimized Ostu segmentation algorithm and EPM-SDST skeleton extraction method

As a key node of crop growth, more and more attention has been paid to the phenotypic data of maize seedling stage. To obtain an accurate phenotypic information of maize seedlings, which is crucial for estimating yield, this paper proposes a new algorithm that uses computer vision to accurately observe the maize seedlings in an image. Firstly, the Red-Green-Blue (RGB) images collected from the Ground-based High-throughput data acquisition system and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) image data ac... C. Zhou, G. Yang, D. Liang, B. Xu, X. Yang

474. An Automatic Control Method Research for 9YG-1.2 Large Round Baler

When manual or semi-automatic round baler working, the tractor driver have to frequently manual the machine according to the bale process at the same time of driving. The driver easily feel fatigue in this operating mode for a long time, so the consistency of the bale’s density can not be guaranteed. And there may be wrong operation. In this article, we use the model 9YG-1.2 large round baler as a research prototype. We study the information collection and processing of the baler’... J. Dong, Z. Meng, Y. Cong, A. Zhang, W. Fu, R. Pan, Q. Yang, Y. Shang

475. Designated Value for a Field Polygon Based on Imagery Data: A Case Study of Crop Vigor in Agricultural Application for Irrigation

Any irrigation action for a field management zone, which is based on images, requires a transformation into single value. Since data distribution is ab-normal in an image, using a mean value to estimate the crop coefficient (Kc), an overlaid polygon may not represent properly its water demand. Therefore, this project’s aim was to examine to which extent different statistics of potential designated values will affect an estimated Kc, and consequently affect irrigation practices. ... R. Rud, O. Beeri, S. Mey-tal

476. Ear-Attached Accelerometer as an On-Farm Device to Predict the Onset of Calving in Dairy Cows

The objective of this study on an ear-attached accelerometer in dairy cows was (1) to determine activity, rumination and lying time of the dams prior to calving, and include group level of measured variables (2) use the data to develop an algorithm to predict calving and (3) to test the performance of this algorithm. Video observations (24h/d) were used as reference for these events. Four weeks before expected calving, an ear-tag integrated tri-axial accelerometer (SMARTBOW system) was attach... S. Krieger, M. Oczak, L. Lidauer, F. Kickinger, M. Öhlschuster, W. Auer, M. Drillich, M. Iwersen, A. Berger

477. Correlations Between Meteorological Parameters and the Water Loss of Maize from Silking to Harvesting

The University of Debrecen provides outstanding conditions for the development of “Smart Weather for Precision Agriculture” programs. The reliability of research is provided by the Polyfactoral Long-term Field Experiments of Debrecen (hybrid x fertilisation x plant density x tillage x irrigation) established in 1983. Within this research program, it is possible to examine various crop cultures, cultivars and hybrids under changing natural, environmental and weather circu... K.B. Bodnár, J. Nagy, B. Gombos

478. Nutrient Expert and Soil Test Crop Response Assisted Site Specific Nutrient Management : An Alternative Precision Fertilization Technology for Direct Seeded Rice Under Irrigation Command

A field experiment was conducted to study the Nutrient Expert (NE) and Soil Test Crop Response (STCR) assisted site specific nutrient management for precision fertilization in direct seeded rice (DSR) under Tunga Bhadra Irrigation command at Agricultural Research Station, Dhadesugur, University of agricultural Sciences, Raichur, Karnataka, India, during 2016 summer season. Nutrient Expert has been developed to provide simpler and faster crop advisory to use SSNM using existing site informatio...

479. From Hyperspectral Signatures to Machine Learning Modeling to Predict Nutrient Content in Costa Rican Soils

Standard soil sampling and conventional laboratory methods used to analyze soil nutrient content are generally time-consuming and expensive. Often, these methods need significant amounts of sample preparation which are prone to contamination and errors during manipulation.  On the other hand, visible and infrared spectroradioscopy has been used effectively characterize soil. The spectral signatures encode information on the inherent composition of soil, which comprises mineral compositio... J.S. Perret, J. . Villalobos, S. Calderon, C.L. Fuentes, K. Abdalla, E.N. Macas amaya

480. Effect of oyster’s shells soil amendment on Theobroma cacao seedling ]growth and resistance against Phytophthora megakarya in nurseries

  Theobroma cacao, is a tropical cash crop that is of significant economic importance to developing countries like Cameroon. Despite this, cacao production is limited by many fungal diseases leading to great losses. Principal among these diseases is black pod disease caused by Phytophthora megakarya. Research in plant pathology has developed a number of ways to improve the crop’s resistance against this pathogen such as development of resistant clones and the use... M.P. Tene tayo

481. Active Canopy Sensors for the Detection of Non-Responsive Areas to Nitrogen Application in Wheat

Active canopy sensors offer accurate measurements of crop growth status that have been used in real time to estimate nitrogen (N) requirements. NDVI can be used to determine the absolute amount of fertilizer requirement, or simply to distribute within the field an average rate defined by decision models using other diagnostics. The objective of this work was to evaluate the capacity of active canopy sensors to determine yield and N application requirements within a site at jointing stage (Fee... A.G. Berger, E. Hoffman, N. Fassana, F. Alfonso

482. Seed and Ear Maize Yield Assessment by Drone-Mounted Camera Simulating VENµS Bands

Maize (Zea mays L.) is grown in most countries of the world. Developing climate resilient crop genotypes is imperative to ensure global food security and increases in maize productivity due to breeding generally start with phenotyping and trait assessment to identify drought-tolerance in field-grown plants. Yield is a desirable trait to assess by growers as well as breeders. Here we demonstrate the capacity of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) spectral measurements to assess maize perfor... I. Herrmann, E. Bdolach, Y. Montekyo, S. Rachmilevitch, P. Townsend, A. Karnieli

483. Exploring Tractor Mounted Hyperspectral System Ability to Detect Sudden Death Syndrome Infection and Assess Yield in Soybean

Pre-visual detection of crop disease is critical for both food and economic security. The sudden death syndrome (SDS) in soybeans, caused by Fusarium virguliforme (Fv), induces 100 million US$ crop loss, per year, in the US alone. Field-based spectroscopic remote sensing offers a method to enable timely detection, but still requires appropriate instrumentation and testing. Soybean plants were measured at canopy level over a course of a growing season to assess the capacity of spectral measure... I. Herrmann, S. Vosberg, P. Ravindran, A. Singh, P. Townsend, S. Conley

484. Assessment of Red-Edge Based Vegetation Indices Derived from Unmanned Arial Vehicle for Plant Nitrogen Content Estimation

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have become increasingly popular in recent years for agricultural research. High spatial and temporal resolution images obtained with UAVs are ideal for many applications in agriculture. The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of red edge based vegetation indices (VIs) derived from UAV images for quantification of plant nitrogen (N) content of spring wheat, a major cereal crop worldwide. This study was conducted at three locations in Idaho, ... O.S. Walsh, S. Shafian

485. Semantic Segmentation of Roadside Survey Imagery for Post-Harvest Tillage Assessment

In excess of 12,000 oblique geo-referenced images of agricultural fields were captured over three counties in southern Ontario on two dates in May and one in November of 2016. Data collection for this project was performed using a single, continuously moving, multi-camera mobile imaging survey vehicle designed for the sole purpose of reducing both environmental and financial costs related to the standardized sampling practices. These oblique images were evaluated against a sample of 155 stati... N. Pilger, L. Mann, A. Berg, G. Taylor, P. Joosse

486. UAV Based Remote Sensing of Viticulture Growth Dynamics

The proliferation of UAV’s over the past 10 years or so has shown incredible potential in precision mapping based on the incredibly high spatial resolution, and low relative costs afforded by these aircraft. Of particular interest to this research are the benefits that can be attained in the utilization of UAV remote sensing for the identification of crop vigour for viticulture management based on varietal dynamics, and topographically induced microclimate variation. This ongo... N. Pilger, A. Berg

487. Two-Layer Multiple Soil-Property Mapping Measured with a Real-Time Soil Sensor

We obtained calibration models for 32 soil properties based on Vis-NIR (350 - 1700 nm) underground soil diffuse reflectance spectra collected using a real-time soil sensor (SAS3000) with a DGPS system, in order to generate soil property maps. We have previously demonstrated one-layer soil maps for soil management decision making by growers; however, for effective crop management, growers often wish to obtain complex layer information for their fields. Thus, in the present study, we measured t... M. Kodaira, S. Shibusawa

488. Development of Farmland-Terrain Simulation System for Consistency of Seeding Depth

A farmland-terrain simulation system suitable for rugged topography was designed to study the irregularities of farmland surface morphology led by both topographic fluctuation and terrain tilt. The system consists of terrain simulation mechanism, hydraulic system, control system, etc. The terrain simulation mechanism is connected to the rack through hydraulic cylinder to simulate farmland surface fluctuation. The hydraulic system controls the hydraulic cylinder to drive the terrain simulation... W. Fu, J. Dong, Y. Cong, N. Gao, Y. Li, Z. Meng

489. Development of Four elements Variable Rate Application of Fertilization Based on Maps

In order to solve the fertilizer layered problem caused by the different density of mixed pellet fertilizer in Heilongjiang province, a four elements variable rate fertilization control system was developed based on 2BJM fertilizer machinery. According to the four different speeds of fertilizer feed shafts,the control system could work on either setting value or fertilizer maps condition by electro-hydraulic proportional control technology. The total factor device of variable rate fertiliza... X. An, W. Fu, P. Wang, X. Wei

490. Drone-based orchard forecasting with image deep learning

One of the most topics in recent agriculture is climate change with global warming, and it is major cause of increment crop damage occurrence by insect pests and disease. The current solutions to reduce these damages demand the massive use of pesticide and periodic forecasting by human. But the pesticide is harmful to both crops and user and the human forecasting is inefficient due to large scale area for workforce and it is hard to detect the disease accurately with human eyes. In this paper... D. Lee, K. Han, H. Lee, G. Kim, M. Lee, J. Kim, Y. Lee, S. Hong, K. Lee, J. Song

491. Exploring Relationships Between Dairy Herd Improvement Metrics in Minas Gerais – Brazil Dairy Herds

The objective of the present study was to apply principal component analysis (PCA) on Brazilian Dairy Herd Improvement (DHI) data to discover the subset of most meaningful variables to describe complete lactations. The Holstein Livestock Breeders Association of Minas Gerais provided data collected between 2005 and 2016 from 122 dairy farms located in the State of Minas Gerais – Brazil. Twelve numerical variables were selected from the original dataset and four additional variables were ... G.M. Dallago, D. Figueiredo, R. Santos, P. Andrade, D. Santos


For peanut production is essential that the harvest follow the same alignment of the sowing, which avoids probable positioning errors during the operation, which can lead to high levels of losses. This problem can be avoided when using automatic orientation, however, little is known of the effectiveness of satellite signals (RTX) in directing the machines in the field. The goal this paper was to quantify and analyze the probability of positioning errors in peanut sowing us... A.F. Santos, R.P. Silva, M.C. Lopes, L.N. Corrêa, L.A. Girio, C. Zerbato

493. Hyperspectral data mining to identify canopy spectral features for estimating litchi nitrogen content

Hyperspectral remote sensing serves as an effective tool for estimating foliar nitrogen status. While they also suffer from issues with data redundancy and spectral autocorrelation. Data mining techniques that extract relevant spectral features from hyperspectral data will aid the development of novel sensors for plant trait estimation. The objectives of this research were to (1) compare narrow band reflectance, narrow band spectral indices, the shape parameters calculated by the spectral der...

494. Reverse Modelling of Yield-Influencing Soil Variables in Case of Few Soil Data

Our hypothesis was that simple models can be applied to predict yield by using only those yield data which spatially coincide with the soil data and the remaining yield data and the models can be used to test different sampling and interpolation approaches commonly applied in precision agriculture and to better predict soil variables at not observed locations. Three strategies for composite sample collection were compared in our study. Point samples were taken 1.) along lines within homogenou... I. Sisák, A. Benő, K. Szabó, M. Kocsis, J. Abonyi

495. Use of Farmer’s Experience for Management Zones Delineation

In the management of spatial variability of the fields, the management zone approach (MZs) divides the area into sub-regions of minimal soil and plant variability, which have maximum homogeneity of topography and soil conditions, so that these MZs must lead to the same potential yield. Farmers have experience of which areas of a field have high and low yields, and the use of this knowledge base can allow the identification of MZs in a field based on production history. The objective of this s... K. Schenatto, E.G. Souza, C.L. Bazzi, A. Gavioli, N.M. Betzek, P.S. Magalhães

496. Time Series Analysis of Somatic Cell Count from Dairy Herds in Minas Gerais - Brazil

The objective of this study was to analyze the temporal variation of somatic cell count (SCC) in milk of dairy cows from the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The Holstein Livestock Breeders Association of Minas Gerais provided data collected from 128 dairy farms located in the state of Minas Gerais between the years of 2000 and 2016. The database contains the SCC average of a total of 91,851 305-day lactations of Holstein animals. The annual SCC average was calculated as well as the percentage ... G.M. Dallago, D. Figueiredo, R. Santos, D. Santos, L. Guimarães, C. Santos, T. Castro, A. Santos, L. Otoni, J. Andrade

497. The Influence of Calf’s Sex on Total Milk Yield and Its Constituents of Dairy Cows

The objective of the present work was to evaluate the influence of the sex of the calf on total milk yield and its constituents of Holstein-Friesian dairy cows. The Holstein Livestock Breeders Association of Minas Gerais provided data collected over the years from 2000 to 2016 from 127 dairy farms located in the state of Minas Gerais – Brazil. The data set analyzed contained 61747 observations of Holstein-Friesian animals that calved female (n = 28903) or male (n = 32844) calf. Fat, pro... G.M. Dallago, D. Figueiredo, R. Santos, D. Santos, L. Barroso, G. Alves, J. Vieira, L. Guimarães, C. Santos , L. Maciel

498. Invasive and Non-Invasive Technology for Measuring Water Content of Crop Leaves in Greenhouse Horticulture

Moisture status in the crop is closely related to various physiological activities of the crop. If we can measure the moisture status in the crop in real time, we can understand the photosynthetic activity, which is an important physiological activity for growing crops, and the movement of the product from photosynthesis. Therefore, we verified it is possible to measure water content of crop leaves nondestructively using invasive method and non-invasive method. As a non-invasive measurement m... H. Umeda, K. Muramatsu, Y. Kawagoe, T. Sugihara, S. Shibusawa, Y. Iwasaki

499. Measurement and Modeling of Vortex induced by Aircraft Thrush 510G Flying Near Ground

Aerial spraying operation of agricultural is an important pest and disease chemical control technology, and plays an important role in agricultural production. Compared to artificial, tractors and other methods, the method of agricultural fixed-wing aircraft spraying has the advantages of high efficiency, strong assault, low cost, and crops friendly etc. The drift of spraying droplets in the operation of fixed-wing aircraft would pollute the environment and even harmful for human health. Ther... R. Zhang, L. Chen, Q. Tang, L. Xia, T. Yi

500. Evaluation of Strip Tillage Systems in Maize Production in Hungary

Strip tillage is a form of conservation tillage system. It combines the benefits of conventional tillage systems with the soil-protecting advantages of no-tillage. The tillage zone is typically 0.25 to 0.3 m wide and 0.25 to 0.30 m deep. The soil surface between these strips is left undisturbed and the residue from the previous crop remain on the soil surface. The residue-covered area reaches 60-70%. Keeping residue on the surface helps prevent soil structure and reduce water loss from the so... T. Rátonyi, P. Ragán, D. Sulyok, J. Nagy, E. Harsányi, A. Vántus, N. Csatári

501. Evaluation of Precision Agriculture Technologies

User-Technological Index of Precision Agriculture (UTIPA) is a comprehensive system based on mutual sharing of opinions and experience within community of people related to precision agriculture - farmers, technology suppliers and researchers. The main benefit of UTIPA is the possibility to use the calculated index value for particular precision agriculture technology (method) and compare it to other technologies with regards to different users, crops, regions etc. The index has significance ... M. Stoces, J. Jarolimek, P. Simek, J. Masner, J. Vaněk, M. Ulman

502. Comparison of vegetative indices for calibrating and mapping production attributes in vineyards

Multi-spectral optical sensors are now widely available and used to a limited extend within viticulture to improve management. In these studies, the most common VI used is the Normalised Differences Vegetation Index (NDVI). The NDVI was one of the first VIs reported in the agricultural domain when data from satellite-based (Landsat series) optical sensors became available in the 1970s. Nowadays, there are many more optical satellite systems available for agricultural applications as well as n... J. Taylor, T.R. Bates

503. Innovative Assessment of Cluster Compactness in Wine Grapes from Automated On-the-Go Proximal Sensing Application

Grape cluster compactness affects berry ripening homogeneity, fungal disease incidence, grape composition and wine quality. Therefore, assessing cluster compactness is crucial for sorting wine grapes for the wine industry. Nowadays, cluster compactness assessing methodology is based either on visual inspection performed by trained evaluators (OIV method) or on morphological features of clusters. The goal of this work was to develop an innovative and automated, non-destructive method to assess... J. Tardaguila, F. Palacios, M. Diago, E.A. Moreda

504. Examining the Relationship Between SPAD, LAI and NDVI Values in a Maize Long-Term Experiment

In Hungary, the preconditions for the use of precision crop production have undergone enormous development over the last five years. RTK coverage is complete in crop production areas. Consultants are increasingly using the vegetation index maps from Landsat and Sentinel satellite data, but measurements with on-site proximal plant sensors are also needed to exclude the influence of the atmosphere. The aim of our studies was to compare the values measured by proximal plant sensors in ... P. Ragán, E. Harsányi, J. Nagy, T. Ágnes, T. Rátonyi, A. Vántus, N. Csatári

505. Using a UAV-Based Active Canopy Sensor to Estimate Rice Nitrogen Status

Active canopy sensors have been widely used in the studies of crop nitrogen (N) estimation as its suitability for different environmental conditions. Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) is a low-cost remote sensing platform for its great flexibility compared to traditional ways of remote sensing. UAV-based active canopy sensor is expected to take the advantages of both sides. The objective of this study is to determine whether UAV-based active canopy sensor has potential for monitoring rice N statu... S. Li, Q. Cao, X. Liu, Y. Tian, Y. Zhu

506. Variability Analysis of Temperature and Humidity for Control Optimization of a Hybrid Dehumidifier with a Heating Module for Greenhouses

Protected horticulture using greenhouses and also recently plant factories is becoming more popular, especially for high-value crops such as paprika, tomato, strawberry, due to year-round production of high yield and better quality crops under controlled environment. Temperature and humidity are most important ambient environmental factors for not only optimum crop growth but also disease control. This study was conducted to analyze vertical and spatial variability of temperature and humidity... Y. Seo, W. Lee, Y. Kim, S. Chung, S. Jang, I. Bae

507. The Spread of Precision Livestock Farming Technology at Dairy Farms in East Hungary

During the survey, 25 dairy farms were examined in East Hungary in Hajdú-Bihar (H-B) County between 2017 and 2018 by methodical observation and oral interviews with the farm managers, about the spread of Precision Livestock Farming (PLF) technologies. Among Holstein Friesian dairy farms in the County 60% were questioned, and the representativity was above 47 percent ins each size category. Nine precision farming equipment were examined on the farms: milking robot or robotic carousel mi... C. Nándor, T. Rátonyi, E. Harsányi, P. Ragán, Z. Hagymássy, J. Nagy, A. Vántus

508. Active and Passive Sensor Comparison for Variable Rate Nitrogen Determination and Accuracy in Irrigated Corn

The objectives of this research were to (i) compare active and passive crop canopy sensors’ sidedress variable rate nitrogen (VRN) derived from different vegetation indices (VI) and (ii) assess VRN recommendation accuracy of active and passive sensors as compared to the agronomic optimum N rate (AONR) in irrigated corn. This study is comprised of six site-years (SY), conducted in 2015, 2016 and 2017 on different soil types (silt loam, loam and sandy loam) and with a range of preplant-ap... L. Bastos, R.B. Ferguson

509. Field Test of a Satellite-Based Model for Irrigation Scheduling in Cotton

Cotton irrigation in Israel began in the mid-1950s. It is based on an irrigation protocol developed over dozens of years of cotton farming in Israel, and proved to provide among the world's best cotton yield results. In this experiment, we examined the use of an irrigation recommendation system that is based on satellite imagery and hyper-local meteorological data, "Manna treatment", compared to the common irrigation protocols in Israel, which use a crop coefficient (Kc) table a... O. Beeri, S. May-tal, J. Raz, R. Rud

510. Variable Selection and Data Clustering Methods for Agricultural Management Zones Delineation

Delineation of agricultural management zones (MZs) is the delimitation, within a field, of a number of sub-areas with high internal similarity in the topographic, soil and/or crop characteristics. This approach can contribute significantly to enable precision agriculture (PA) benefits for a larger number of producers, mainly due to the possibility of reducing costs related to the field management. Two fundamental tasks for the delineation of MZs are the variable selection and the cluster anal... A. Gavioli, E.G. Souza, C.L. Bazzi, N.M. Betzek, K. Schenatto

511. Creating Thematic Maps and Management Zones for Agriculture Fields

Thematic maps (TMs) are maps that represent not only the land but also a topic associated with it, and they aim to inform through graphic symbols where a specific geographical phenomenon occurs. Development of TMs is linked to data collection, analysis, interpretation, and representation of the information on a map, facilitating the identification of similarities, and enabling the visualization of spatial correlations. Important issues associated with the creation of TMs are: selection of the... E. Souza, K. Schenatto, C. Bazzi

512. Wheat Biomass Estimation Using Visible Aerial Images and Artificial Neural Network

In this study, visible RGB-based vegetation indices (VIs) from UAV high spatial resolution (1.9 cm) remote sensing images were used for modeling shoot biomass of two Brazilian wheat varieties (TBIO Toruk and BRS Parrudo). The approach consists of a combination of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) with several Vegetation Indices to model the measured crop biomass at different growth stages. Several vegetation indices were implemented: NGRDI (Normalized Green-Red Difference Index), CIVE (Color In... M.R. De souza, T.D. Bertani, A. Parraga, C. Bredemeier, C. Trentin, D. Doering, A. Susin, M. Negreiros


Despite of the worldwide relevance of canola (Brassica napus L.), the agronomic information available about the crop is scarce in Argentina, even more about it yield spatio-temporal variability. This issue constrain the use of canola as winter alternative in intensificated agricultural sequences. The objectives were to i) determine canola yield spatial variability and its relationship with soil properties; ii) evaluate the effect of nutritional limitations removal on canola yield spa... R. Melchiori, L. Coll, S. Albarenque, J. Pautasso, A. Kemerer

514. Profitability of Variable Rate Nitrogen Application on Corn

The profitability of variable rate technology for the application of nitrogen fertilizer on corn is assessed using data on field trials from 24 farm cooperators in Ontario. Different rates of fertilizer were applied post emergence across the field depending on the spatial management zone as defined by previous yields.  The number of management zones varied across the farms and ranged from 3 to 5. Test strips were placed in several locations in the field and consisted of a strip of no add... A. Weersink, K. Probyn-smith, N. Rabe

515. Assessing Soil Organic Carbon Levels at the Sub-Field Scale in Southwestern Ontario Using a UAV Mounted Multispectral Sensor

Since agricultural cropping practices both influence and are influenced by soil health, the quantification and maintenance of soil health is of critical importance for sustainable production.  An important indicator of soil health is Soil Organic Carbon (SOC), thus making its conservation vital.  Traditional quantification methods of SOC content include laboratory and field based techniques; approaches that are both time and labor intensive. The remote detection of SOC using Unmanne... M. March, A. Laamrani, A. Berg, R. Martin, P. Voroney, A. Mclaren

516. Canopy sensors for estimating in-season corn grain yield potential

One of the main building blocks of high grain yields of maize is related to nitrogen (N) nutrition, since this nutrient has key functions in plant metabolism. To properly manage nitrogen more precise methodologies are required to help decision-making process in real time in the field. The evaluation of canopy variables during plant development represents an opportunity to improve grain yield by site-specific nitrogen fertilization. In order to access spatial variability of nitrogen (N) supply... A.L. Vian, C. Bredemeier, C. Trentin, M.A. Drum, J.A. Silva, C.P. Giordano, M.A. Turra

517. Identification of a Unique Spectral Signature of Black Layer Formation in Maize (Zea mays L.)

Physiological maturity in maize is reached at the developmental stage black layer, where photosynthates are no longer able to move into the developing kernels. Currently there is no high-throughput field-based phenotyping method available for detecting black layer, although remotely sensed spectral data may offer a solution to this problem. The aim of this project is to identify a unique reflectance signature associated with physiological maturity in maize.  Being repeatable across genot... V. Craig, H. Earl, S. Bowley, A. Berg, E.A. Lee

518. Use of UAV Acquired Imagery As a Precision Agriculture Method for Measuring Crop Residue in Southwestern Ontario, Canada

Residue management on agriculture land is a practice of great importance in southwestern Ontario, where soil management practices have an important effect on Great Lakes water quality. The ability of tillage or planting system to maintain soil residue cover is currently measured by using one or more of the common methods, line transect (e.g. knotted rope, Meter stick) and photographic (grid, script, and image analysis) methods. Each of these techniques has various advantages and disadvantages... A. Laamrani, A. Berg, M. March, A. Mclaren, R. Martin

519. Delineation of Soil Management Zones: Comparison of Three Proximal Soil Sensor Systems Under Commercial Potato Field in Eastern Canada.

Precision agriculture (PA) involves optimization of seeding, fertilizer application, irrigation, and pesticide use to optimize crop production for the purpose of increasing grower revenue and protecting the environment. Potato crops (Solanum tuberosum L.) are recognized as good candidates for the adoption of PA because of the high cost of inputs. In addition, the sensitivity of potato yield and quality to crop management and environmental conditions makes precision management economicall... A. Cambouris, I. Perron, B. Zebarth, F. Vargas, K. Chokmani, A. Biswas, V. Adamchuk

520. UAVs and Ground-Based Robotics - Agriculture in the 21st Century.

This research examines the use of emergent technology in precision agriculture applications, notably the use of UAVs (drones), in-field micro-meteorological / weather monitoring stations, and remotely operated surface rovers (where applicable). Working together in near-real time, these three technologies have the potential to provide invaluable information as to the current conditions in any field at any particular time. This project will explain how such technology, opens the doors to new op... N. Pilger, M. Duncan, A. Berg, E. Wrona

521. Integration of Proximal and Remote Sensing Data for Site-Specific Management of Wild Blueberry

In Saguenay-Lac-St-Jean, there are nearly 27,000 ha of wild blueberries (Vaccinium angustifolium Ait.). This production is carried out in fields with heterogeneous growing conditions due to the local changes in topography, key soil properties, and crop density. The main objective of this study was to develop a regression-based approach to site-specific management (SSM) by integrating proximally and remotely sensed data layers, namely, apparent soil electrical conductivity (ECa), field elevati... A. Johnston, V. Adamchuk, A. Biswas, A. Cambouris, J. Lafond, I. Perron

522. Soybean Maturity Stage Estimation with Unmanned Aerial Systems

Many agronomic decisions in soybean production systems revolve around crop maturity. The primary objective of this research was to evaluate the ability of UAS to determine when soybeans have reached maturity stage sufficient for harvest aid application. A producer typically applies harvest aid chemicals when he or she perceives the crop has reached a critical level of maturity (R6.5) based on a subjective assessment. A convention is to apply harvest aids when 65% of soybean pods reach a matur... J.M. Prince czarnecki, L.L. Wasson, J.T. Irby, A.B. Scholtes, S.M. Carver

523. Usage of Milk Revenue Per Minute of Boxtime to Assess Cows Selection and Farm Profitability in Automatic Milking Systems

The number of farms implementing robotic milking systems, usually referred as automatic milking systems (AMS), is increasing rapidly. AMS efficiency is a priority to achieve high milk production and higher incomes from dairy herds. Recent studies suggested that milkability (i.e., amount of milk produced per total time spent in the AMS [kg milk/ minute of boxtime]) could be used for as a criteria for genetic evaluations. Therefore, an indicator of milkability was developed, which combines econ... L. Fadul-pacheco, G. Bisson, R. Lacroix, M. Séguin, R. Roy, E. Vasseur, D. Lefebvre

524. Development of an Overhead Optical Yield Monitor for a Sugarcane Harvester in Louisiana

A yield monitor is a device used to measure harvested crop weight per unit area for a specific location within a field.  The device documents yield variability in harvested fields and ultimately can be used to create a geographical-referenced yield map. Yield maps can be used to identify low yielding areas where poor soil fertility, disease, or pests may adversely affect yield.  Management practices can then be adjusted to correct these issues, resulting in an increase in yields and... R.R. Price, R.M. Johnson, R.P. Viator

525. Wheat nitrogen fertilizer prescription based on drone images

The use of drone technologies is growing in agriculture, and research groups are working worldwide in order to use them, however scarce practical application in agriculture has been developed up today. The aim of this research was to determine the performance of drone images to prescribe in season Nitrogen (N) fertilization rates for wheat. A drone based nitrogen rate calculator was developed using a vegetation index obtained from high resolution images. In order to obtain a practical use a v... R. Melchiori, N. Bergmann, S. Albarenque, A. Campos, A. Kemerer, F. Romagnoli, J. Pautasso


Sustainable agriculture plays a main role for maintaining the food production and preserve the environment from excessive chemical usage, using technology for better management. Malaysia Economic Transformation Program (ETP) emphasizes on the use of technology to optimally aid crop production. Drone applications in crop production are increasing globally and getting its place among end-users. The objective of this paper is to introduce the applications for agricultural activities using drone ... N. Che ya, A. Mat su

527. A Geographic Information System for Mapping Apple Quality

Growing food demand, water shortage, increased concern about the environment and the search to increase profitability are factors that have stimulated the adoption of techniques to optimize the agricultural managementand are growing in importance. In this sense, technologies related to precision agriculture (PA) has led to the emergence of systems to support decision making in many areas, including, grape yards, almonds and apples orchards. In this work, a tool is presented that allows mappin... D. Longo, C. Bazzi, P.S. Magalhães, L. Gebler, E.G. Souza

528. Evaluation of Nutrient Intake in Sheep Fed with Increasing Levels of Crambe Meal (Crambe Abyssinica Hoscht)

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of increasing levels of crude protein (CP) substitution of the concentrate by CP of crambe meal (CM) (0, 25, 50 and 75% dry matter basis) on consumption of nutrients. Four rumen fistulated and castrated sheep (18 months old on average and initial body weight of 50 kg) were used distributed in a 4 x 4 Latin square design with 4 treatments and 4 experimental periods (repetitions). Diets were balanced to meet requirements for minimum gains ... K.K. De azevedo, D.M. De figueiredo, M.G. De sousa, G.M. Dallago, R.R. Silveira, L.D. Da silva, R.A. Santos

529. Levels of Inclusion of Crambe Meal (Crambe Abyssinica Hochst) in Sheep Diet on the Balance of Nitrogen and Ureic Nitrogen in the Blood Serum

Crambe meal, which is a co-product of biodiesel production, is a potential substitute for conventional protein sources in ruminant diets. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of the substitution of crude protein of the concentrate by crude protein of crambe meal with increasing levels (0, 25, 50, and 75%) on nitrogen balance and blood plasma urea nitrogen concentration in sheep. Four male sheep, rumen fistulated, were placed in metabolic crates and distributed in a 4 x 4 Lat... K.K. De azevedo, D.M. Figueiredo, M.G. De sousa, G.M. Dallago, R.R. Silveira, L.D. Da silva, L.N. Rennó, R.A. Santos

530. Efficiency of Microbial Synthesis and the Flow of Nitrogen Compounds in Sheep Receiving Crambe Meal (Crambe Abyssinica Hochst) Replacing the Concentrade Crude Protein

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of increasing levels (0, 25, 50, 75%) of crude protein substitution of the concentrate by crude protein of crambe meal on microbial protein synthesis and the flow of microbial nitrogen compounds in sheep. Four rumen fistulated sheep (18 months and initial average body weight of 50 kg) were distributed in a 4 x 4 Latin square design. Diets were balanced to meet the requirements for minimum gains, containing approximately 14% crude protein ... K.K. De azevedo, D.M. Figueiredo, G.M. Dallago, J.A. Vieira, R.R. Silveira, L.D. Da silva, R.A. Santos, L.N. Rennó, G.B. Pacheco

531. Canola Response to Variable-Rate N Applications Under Different Weather Conditions: A Multi-Year Case Study in Northern Ontario, Canada

Over the past ten years, there has been a fast increase in practicing variable-rate nitrogen (N) application (VRNA), especially for annual field crops.  However, due to the complexity of the soil, plant, and atmosphere interaction, the success of the VRNA depends largely on the soil available N to crops at critical growth stages.  To properly determine how nutrients should be managed in different parts of a field, among different fields, and over different years for the same crop ty... J. Shang

532. Mapping Leaf Area Index of Maize in Tasseling Stage Based on Beer-Lambert Law and Landsat-8 Image

Leaf area index (LAI) is one of the important structural parameters of crop population, which could be used to monitor the variety of crop canopy structure and analyze photosynthesis rate. Mapping leaf area index of maize in a large scale by using remote sensing technology is very important for management of fertilizer and water, monitoring growth change and predicting yield. The Beer-Lambert law has been preliminarily applied to develop inversion model of crop LAI, and has achieved good appl... X. Gu, S. Wang, G. Yang, X. Xu

533. Economics of Swarm Bot Profitability for Cotton Harvest

Improved equipment management is one way which producers can increase profits. For cotton, this is especially true due to specialized equipment used for the sole purpose of harvest. Questions are raised regarding a way to either reduce or replace traditional cotton pickers. The main alternative being discussed is an investment in autonomous “swarm bots” to replace traditional equipment. Swarm bots are fully automated robots tasked with the responsibility of picking cotton one row ... J. Cullop, T.W. Griffin, G. Ibendahl, E. Barnes, J. Shockley, J. Devine

534. Toward a Precision Agricultural Implementation for Sugar Cane Plantations in Southwestern Region of Colombia, South America

The Colombian Sugar Cane Research Center, CENICAÑA, has initiated an ambitious project for the implementation of Precision Agriculture (PA) technologies in the Cauca river valley region, where one of its main objectives is to have the ability to collect large volumes of geospatial data. The main sugarcane growers in the country perform their work in the selected work area, which covers an area of ​​approximately 242,000 ha, characterized by diverse topographic and edaphic condition... J.A. Celades, J.H. Caicedo, C.E. García, H. Mora

535. Measurement System of Winter Wheat LAI Based on Android

Leaf area index (LAI) is an important parameter for evaluating crop growth. It is also the main index to determine the spraying dosage of UAV. In order to establish a real-time measurement method of crop leaf area index (LAI), a rapid measurement system of winter wheat leaf area index was developed based on Android mobile platform. Under the condition of field, 10 evenly growing experimental areas were selected, and the canopy images of wheat were obtained using the Android mobile platform an... W. Yang, Y. Chen

536. UAV/UAS Remote Sensing in Precision Viticulture Pre-Assessment

Pre-assessment of crop vitality early in the growing season is paramount for application of remedial solutions prior to full leaf-flush. This research examines the utility of aerial RGB survey of viticulture blocks in the Greater Niagara region, for the sole purpose of identifying deficient growth areas early in the season. Patterns of deficient/dead plants, such as linear or areal clusters aids in management decisions as to the potential cause of the damage (e.g. topographical, fungal, drain... N. Pilger

537. Droplets deposition and downwash flow field measurement of the unmanned helicopter AF-25B

As the spray drift and deposition of the unmanned helicopter is of great importance in application effeciency and enviromental effect. The droplets deposition and downwash flow field of the unmanned helicopter AF-25B have been measured at hovering and cruising conditions. 3D ultrasonic wind anemometers, paper bands, and water sensitive papers have been used in the field trials. The cruising height of the helicopter is fixed at 2.5 m above the ... Q. Tang, L. Chen, R. Zhang, M. Xu, G. Xu, C. Ding

538. Spatial Decision Support System: Controlled Tile Drainage – Calculate Your Benefits

Climate projection studies suggest that extreme heat waves and floods will become more frequent, affecting future crop yields by 20%-30%, globally. Managing vulnerability and risk begins at the farm level where best management practices can reduce the impacts associated with extreme weather events. A practice that can assist in mitigating the impact of some extreme events is controlled tile drainage (CTD). With CTD, producers use water flow control structures to manage the drainage of water f... A. Kross, G. Kaur, D. Callegari, D. Lapen, M. Sunohara, H. Mcnairn, H. Rudy, L. Van vliet

539. Organic Nitrogen Uptake: A Novel Pathway to Improve Nitrogen Use Efficiency and Crop Productivity

Formulation of amino acid N fertilizer and uptake of organic N by plants has the ability not only to ensure N availability to plants particularly in N-limiting environments but also can manipulate the environmental hazards associated with over inorganic N fertilization. To support this view, clear experimental evidence is still lacking. In addition, the current experiments aimed to evaluate the uptake of organic N (Amino acid based N fertilizer) by plants in comparison with inorganic fertiliz... K. Ali, D.L. Jones, M. Arif

540. Modeling of Plant Growth Dynamics in Field-grown Wheat

Accurately monitoring and assessing crop growth dynamics are important for precision crop management. Numerous studies have been performed to describe the relationships between crop growth traits and environmental conditions. The objective of this study was to develop a statistical model for the comprehensive assessment of wheat plant growth dynamics by investigating the correlations between the main environmental factors and plant growth morphological characteristic indicators. The environme... K. Du, H. Liu, Z. Sun, X. Hu, J. Ma, F. Zheng

541. Vegetation index time-series analysis as data input to differentiate management zones for corn seed production fields

The main goal of Precision agriculture concepts is enabling the field management practices considering its spatial-temporal variability. Management zones can be defined based on the variables that impact directly or indirectly the performance of a specific field, as soil attributes, topography and crop yield. For yield analysis, due the high cost and low accessibility of on-board technology in several countries and for different crops, the analysis of satellite images, once the sensors are de... R. Dainese, K.R. Leandro

542. Implementation of a CAN Bus System to Monitor Hydroponic Systems

Controlled Area Network (CAN) bus systems designed for greenhouse monitoring have been proposed to measure soil moisture content, yet they are still absent from hydroponic systems. In this study, irrigation control, monitoring of substrate moisture levels and temperature were achieved using a CAN bus system connected to hydroponic beds. In total, five nodes were mounted on five hydroponic beds and two irrigation methods were compared on lettuce and kale: first, where a pre-set timer activated... P. Tikasz, R.M. Buelvas, M. Lefsrud, V. Adamchuk

543. Application of Routines for Automation of Geostatistical Analysis Procedures and Interpolation of Data by Ordinary Kriging

Ordinary kriging (OK) is one of the most suitable interpolation methods for the construction of thematic maps used in precision agriculture. However, the use of OK is complex. Farmers/agronomists are generally not highly trained to use geostatistical methods to produce soil and plant attribute maps for precision agriculture and thus ensure that best management approaches are used. Therefore, the objective of this work was to develop and apply computational routines using procedures and geosta... N.M. Betzek, E.G. Souza, C.L. Bazzi, P.G. Magalhães, A. Gavioli, K. Schenatto, R.W. Dall'agnol

544. Statistical analysis of climate, soil and management variables on potato yields

Although the amount of data from fertilizer trials, digital soil maps and meteorological stations is constantly growing, few tools are available for intelligent, computer-assisted decision-making. In the objective of developing such model for N-fertilisation of potato crops, we assembled, in a single database, experimentations conducted on potato crops in Québec, Canada, between 1970 and 2015. After cleaning the data, we obtained 93 N fertilizer trials conducted in different edaphic, m...


The estimation of the degree of maturation of the peanut is essential for the decision making of the beginning of the culture harvest. Considering that the placement classification process is highly subjective and that the counting process is laborious and time-consuming, the objectives of this work were to develop the application using the image processing method and also to validate it using samples under conditions To test and evaluate software performance. Samples were collected from thre... C. Zerbato, R.P. Da silva, L.D. Gírio, W.A. Da costa, P.C. Junior


Sensors have shown great potential for development and are widely used in precision agriculture. Canopy sensors are tools that help in the application of variable rate of nitrogen fertilization, obtain accurate data in real time, and do not cause damage to the plant. These sensors are being used in agriculture to assess crop status, such as rice, corn, soybeans and wheat, by monitoring plant variability and assisting in management practices. However, there are still few studies on peanut cult... C. Zerbato, F.M. Carneiro, P.C. De menezes, L.D. Gírio, C.A. Furlani, R.P. Da silva

547. Characterization of Soil Properties, Nutrient Distribution and Rice (Oryza Sativa.) Productivity As Influenced by Tillage Methods in a Typical Gleysols

Global emphasis and interest in conservation Tillage in agricultural soils has tremendously increased in the last few years, especially no tillage with its potential to improve soil physicochemical properties, reduce nutrient leaching as well as improve crop productivity in a more sustainable manner.  Several questions still exist with regard to the true role of no tillage in improving soil fertility. A two year field study was conducted to characterize the effects of different tillage m... F. Issaka, L. Yongtao, L. Jiuhao, M.M. Buri, E. Asenso, A. Sheka kanu, Z. Zhao

548. High Definition Aerial and Satellite Multispectral Images Evaluation for Biomass Quantification for Bioenergy

Remote sensing from aerial platforms or satellite is considered an important source of information when it comes to decision making in crop management; in the last decade, with the advancements in mobile telephony technology, new components were achieved which today allow the production of smaller platforms and sensors, while more powerful at the same time. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), satellites such as Rapid Eye and Sentinell, nanosatellites such as Global Mapper are continually evolving... J.P. Vélez, D.F. Mathier, F.M. Scaramuzza, D.D. Villarroel, N. Sosa, A. Gramaglia, M.A. Bragachini

549. Improving the Use of Artificial Neural Networks for 
Site-Specific Nitrogen Fertilization

For the planning of site-specific nitrogen fertilization, adequate decision rules are needed. Prerequisite for site specific nitrogen fertilization is the site specific forecast of yield. For this the use of artificial neural networks (ANN) has proven particularly interesting. Therefore, ANN based small-scale yield forecasts are realized in order to deviate the economic optimum of fertilization. The basis of yield forecasts with ANN are different site-specific input variables that have presum... J.S. Hauser, P. Wagner

550. Harness the Power of the Internet to Improve Yield

It’s rare to find a fertile farm or ranch that has complete cellular coverage across the entirety of its property. Because networking options like Wi-Fi are limited by restricted infrastructure in these areas, maintaining a reliable flow of connectivity is difficult. Yet, even if consistent cellular coverage is available, it’s frequently cost prohibitive for farm monitoring. Similarly, alternate wireless devices that require batteries aren’t practical because of high mainten... M. Finegan, D. Wallace


Abstract: Modern technologies and information tools can be used to maximize agricultural aviation productivity allowing for precision application of agrochemical products. This paper reviews and summarizes the state-of-the-art in precision agricultural aviation technology highlighting remote sensing, aerial spraying and ground verification technologies. Further, the authors forecast the future of precision agricultural aviation technology with key development directions in pr...

552. Dynamic Feeding Intake Monitoring in Growing-Finishing Pigs Reared Under Precision Feeding Strategies

Pigs exposed to challenges with no prior experience change their daily feeding intake pattern. A method identifying deviations from normal feeding patterns could be used to develop a model framework to estimate individual nutrient requirements of challenged pigs fed with precision feeding systems. The objective of this study was to develop a tool for early identification of feed intake deviations in precision fed growing-finishing pigs. Feed intake measurements collected during 84 d in 126 gr... L. Hauschild, A.R. Kristensen, I. Andretta, C. Pomar, A. Remus

553. Environmental Impacts of Precision Feeding Programs Applied in Brazilian Pig Production

This study was undertaken to evaluate the effect that switching from conventional to precision feeding systems during the growing-finishing phase would have on the potential environmental impact of Brazilian pig production. Standard life-cycle assessment procedures were used, with a cradle-to-farm gate boundary. The inputs and outputs of each interface of the life cycle were organized in a model. Grain production was independently characterized in the Central-West and South regions of Brazil,... C. Pomar, I. Andretta, L. Hauschild, M. Kipper, P.S. Pires

554. Development of Vision Monitoring Technology of Determining the Optimum Timing to Control Eurytoma Maslovskii for Increasing Plum Productivity

○ The biggest damage in plum production is damage caused by Eurytoma maslovskii, and its ecology is as follows (Hongji et al., 2014) - Eurytoma maslovskii was wintered in the stage of larvae in the nucleus of the drupes which fell to the ground. The larvae were observed until mid April, the pupa was observed from the end of March to the end of April, and more than 90% of the adult came from late April to early May - Female adults scattered their eggs to the beneath of th... Y. Bae, H. Kim, S. Park, T. Akhter, G. Jang, H. Seonwoo

555. High Accuracy Path Tracking for Rice Drill Seeder in Uneven Paddy Fields

High accuracy track tracing is a challenging task in paddy fields due to uneven grounds as well as wet soil conditions, thus restricting the development of autonomous rice drill seeder in China. For the purpose of overcoming the obstacles in application of autonomous rice drill seeder in paddy fields, a path tracking algorithm with high accuracy used for steering control during straight traveling in uneven mud paddy fields is introduced in this paper. Combining lateral deviation and heading a... Y. Li, Y. Zhang, X. Liu, C. Liu

556. Intensification and Diversification of Crops in Need Based Cropping Systems for Yield and Soil Fertility Increment

A field experiment conducted on clay loam soils of Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Agriculture University at Akola during 2013-14 to 2015-16, in randomized block design with eight treatments replicated four times. The groundnut based cropping system experiment conducted in all three seasons for consecutive three years with the objective of crops intensification and diversification in a need based cropping systems to meet the feed and fodder requirements of small farmers. The groundnut crop sown in rai... D. Ghanbahadur, B. Gangwar, N. Ravisankar, B. Saoji, B. Morwal, O. Rakhonde

557. Temporal Dynamics of Spatial Heterogeneity of Soil Properties Under Variable Rate Fertilization

This presentation will disclose results of a study of yearly change of key soil properties in response to variable rate application of mineral fertilizers while cultivating different crops under different climatic conditions. These experiment were conducted across several fields in Northern Ukraine. In each field, annual systematic soil sampling and analysis was conducted using the same sampling locations and analytical procedure. Prescription maps were developed using interpolated thematic s... I. Boiko, O. Gaidai

558. Monitoring Soybean Growth and Yield Due to Topographic Variation Using UAV-Based Remote Sensing

Remote sensing has been used as an important tool in precision agriculture. With the development of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) technology, collection of high-resolution site-specific field data becomes promising. Field topography affects spatial variation in soil organic carbon, nitrogen and water content, which ultimately affect crop performance. To improve crop production and reduce inputs to the field, it is critical to collect site-specific information in a real-time manner and at a la... J. Zhou, K.A. Sudduth, A. Feng

559. Field Efficiency Comparison of Traditional and Semi Automated Wild Blueberry Harvester Handling Systems

Wild blueberry is a unique cash crop of Eastern North America. The harvestable yield has significantly increased after commercialization of mechanical harvesters in the early 1980’s.  Important factors leading to a transition from traditional to semi-automated harvester include narrow harvesting time window, declining availability of skilled labour, and increased high wages, and other production costs. Berry boxes are handled manually with the traditional wild blueberry harvester (... A.H. Khan, E.K. Yiridoe, T.J. Esau, Q.U. Zaman, A.A. Farooque, A. Khan

560. A Regional Comparative Analysis of High-speed Planting’s Expected Impact on Farm Net Returns

The precision agriculture community is seeing growing interest in high-speed planting (HSP) resulting from relatively recent development and commercialization of this technology.  Studies analyzing the opportunity afforded by HSP for planting at the optimal time are consequently ongoing with few yet to be published.  One important element for the consideration of adopting HSP is the anticipated impacts of HSP to a farmer’s net returns.  This study furthers the economic ev... C. Dillon, J. Shockley, T. Mark, A. Smith

561. Data-Driven Agricultural Machinery Activity Anomaly Detection and Classification

In modern agriculture, machinery has become the one of the necessities in providing safe, effective and economical farming operations and logistics. In a typical farming operation, different machines perform different tasks, and sometimes are used together for collaborative work. In such cases, different machines are associated with representative activity patterns, for example, in a harvest scenario, combines move through a field following regular swaths while grain carts follow irregular pa... Y. Wang, A. Balmos, J. Krogmeier, D. Buckmaster

562. Evaluation of an Artificial Neural Network Approach for Prediction of Corn and Soybean Yield

The ability to predict crop yield during the growing season is important for crop income, insurance projections and for evaluating food security. Yet, modeling crop yield is challenging because of the complexity of the relationships between crop growth and the interrelated predictor variables. Artificial neural networks (ANNs) are useful for such complex systems as they can capture non-linear relationships of data without explicitly knowing the underlying processes. In this study, an ANN-base... A. Kross, G. Kaur, E. Znoj, D. Callegari, M. Sunohara, H. Mcnairn, D. Lapen, H. Rudy, L. Van vliet

563. Effects of maize geometry on the remote estimation of the lower leaves nitrogen concentration

The spatial distribution of nitrogen (N) in different vertical distribution leaves is considered to be an important adaptive response of crop growth and production. Accordingly, remote sensing has been widely used for monitoring the crop N status. Nevertheless, the impacts of the type of plant geometry on the detection of the N vertical distribution of the maize canopy by canopy spectral reflectance remain poorly understood. In this study, treatments of three types of maize plants (horizontal... H. Ye, W. Huang, S. Huang, Y. Dong

564. Rapid Acquisition of Site Specific Lime Requirement with Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy

In Germany, the lime requirement of arable topsoils is derived from the organic matter content, clay content, and pH(CaCl2). For this purpose, it is common practice to determine the lime requirement of a field size up to three hectares from only one composite soil sample, whereby site heterogeneity is regularly not taken into account. To consider site heterogeneity, a measurement technique is required which allows a rapid and high resolution data acquisition. Mid-infrared... M. Leenen, S. Pätzold, T. Heggemann, G. Welp

565. Lead contained in tea infusions does not endanger human health under regular consumptions

Lead contamination in tea has always been a major concern of consumers not only the toxicity of lead, but also the popularity of tea. Distinct from fresh leaves and made tea, tea infusions are the beverage that consumers drink and through which lead contained in tea is transferred to our body and affects our health. This review summarizes studies which determined lead concentrations in tea infusions and then discovered the sources of lead contamination, analyzed the forms of lead and compared... X. Yu, Y. He

566. Variable-Rate-Fertilization of Phosphorus and Lime – Economic Effects and Maximum Allowed Costs for Small-Scale Soil Analysis

The pH values and macro nutrient contents are characterised by considerable variance within a field. A constant-rate-fertilization, which is practiced at most farms, does not reduce this effect, it may even boost variance. Besides the suboptimal nutrient supply, the site-specific yield potential is not exploited. Constant-rate-fertilization and liming results in an inefficient utilisation by over- and undersupply of most of the areas within a field. Fertilization with lime and phosphorus caus... S. Schulte-ostermann, P. Wagner

567. Farmland Linetype's Acquisition Method Based on Hough Transform and Its Application in Tractor's Roll Angle Monitoring

As the development of computer, automation and artificial intelligence, many researches about machine vision are doing in precision agriculture. The research of machine vision about agriculture, focus on the following areas: the recognition of weed, path planning, autonomous navigation. The extraction of farmland boundary lines can provide navigation information and roll angle information for autonomous tractors, which can improve the control accuracy for tractor autonomous driving. ... H. Jia, J. Qi, H. Liu, D. Huang, Z. Zhang, Y. Li

568. The possibility of predicting crop yield of taro plants using subsurface soil reflectance spectra

Spatial variability of soil nutrients is considered to be one of the factors that affect crop yield in a field. These spatial variability necessitates chemical analysis of the soil, which is not a practical solution considering its financial and time cost, especially when the number of soil sample is large. This research aims to develop a calibration model that enables us to predict the amount of yield directly from spectral reflectance of subsurface soils without going through the ... E. Marukawa, M. Kodaira, S. Shibusawa

569. Towards Universal Applicability of On-the-Go Gamma-Spectrometry for Soil Texture Estimation in Precision Farming by Using Machine Learning Applications

High resolution soil data are an essential prerequisite for the application of precision farming techniques. Sensor-based evaluation of soil properties may replace or at least reduce laborious, time-consuming and expensive soil sampling with subsequent measurements in the lab. Gamma spectrometry usually provides information that can be translated into topsoil texture data after calibration. This is because the natural content of the radioactive isotopes 40-K, 232-Th, and 238-U as we... S. Pätzold, T. heggemann, M. Leenen, S. Koszinski, K. Schmidt, G. Welp

570. Agricultural Mission Planning

According to the Unit Nations UN, the current world population is 7.2 billion and it will reach 8 billion in the next ten years. In 28 years, there will be 9 billion people.  Therefore, increasing food production in a sustainable way is mandatory. Nowadays Brazil is one of the big food pantry into the world That is why it is important to take up the challenge of using new technologies to improve agricultural production. This article presents the use of images to mission plannin... J.F. Archila-diaz, I.L. Argote-pedraza, M.L. Tronco

571. Agricultural sensors review

Nowadays there are important challenges in intelligent agriculture, one of them corresponds to the development of equipment and sensors that allow to monitor agricultural signals, these signals are used to apply precision agriculture techniques and help in decision making. In the main agricultural variables are the hydraulic relationships which are extremely important variables to estimate the physiological state of the plants. This article presents a review of sensors used in preci... J. Archila-diaz, J. Araque, L. Gomez, N. Rodriguez

572. Exploring Wireless Sensor Network Technology in Sustainable Okra Garden: A Comparative Analysis of Okra Grown in Different Fertilizer Treatments

The goal of this project was to explore commercial agricultural and irrigation sensor kits and to discern if the commercial wireless sensor network (WSN) is a viable tool for providing accurate real-time farm data at the nexus of food energy and water. The smart garden consists of two different varieties of Abelmoschus esculentus (okra) planted in raised beds, each grown under two different fertilizer treatments. Soil watermark sensors were programed to evaluate soil moisture and dictate irri... L. Burton, K. Jayachandran, S. Bhansali, Y. Mekonnen, A. Sarwat

573. The Use of Principal Component Analysis of Ecological Data Using CANACO (Case Study: Rangeland of Ravansar)

This research was conducted in range of Ravansar located in west of Iran. Relationships between soil factors and vegetation types was investigated. Four vegetation types including Artemisia aucheri, Agropyron cristatum, Trifolium sp.-Poa bulbosa, Lotus corniculatus were studied. One range land was recognized in the study area and the research was conducted within mentioned types. canopy percentage of plant in different types was estimated based on randomized systematic sampling metho... M. Rahimi dehcheraghi, H. Arzani

574. Monitoring phenological footprints of corn in Kansas

One limitation of the use of remote sensing is the implementation of systematized workflows for large scale monitoring of crops performance. This information is particularly relevant for Kansas due to a marked regional variability of annual precipitations, soil types, and yield potential across the state. We propose a workflow for the systematic extraction of in seasonal phenological metrics and the detection of anomalies using MODIS MOD13Q1 product during the period 2000-2016. The methodolog... S. Varela

575. Development of a Manual Soil Sensing System for Measuring Multiple Chemical Soil Properties in the Field

Variable Rate Fertilizer Application (VRA) requires the input of soil chemical data. One of the preferred methods for analyzing soil chemical properties in the field is by using Ion Selective Electrodes (ISEs). To accommodate portability in soil measurements, a manual soil sampling system was developed. Nitrate, Phosphate and pH ISEs were integrated to provide a general outlook on the condition of essential soil nutrients. These ISEs were placed on a modified hand-held soil sampler equip... E. Leksono, V. Adamchuk, J. Whalen, R. Buelvas

576. Determining the effects of water stress on cold hardiness in tea leaves (Camellia sinensis) by terahertz time-domain spectroscopy

Water is vital for plant growth and development. However, profuse water molecule present in leaves can increase the possibility of frost or cold injury in winter at temperate region. During frost nights, reduced irrigation or water stress could be effective to reduce frost or cold injury specially in tea plant. THz radiations unlock many interesting possibilities, ranging from fundamental science through to applications in communications, noninvasive imaging, and other areas of nondestructive... A. Mahmood, Y. Hu, E.A. Asante, Z. Du

577. Spatiotemporal Mapping of Soil Salinity for Identification of Site-Specific Management Options based on Socioeconomic and Environmental Conditions

In recent years, precision agriculture has gained considerable importance in terms of saving potential resources and providing management solutions tailored to within-field differences. This research discusses an innovative idea of using the state-of-the-art stakeholder-friendly model coupling software Tinamït to apply a coupled group-built socioeconomic-physical model of soil salinity in Pakistan to identify site-specific management scenarios on a regional scale. Several studie... A. Baig, J. Adamowski, J. Malard

578. Effect of Composts Prepared from Municipal Solid Waste in the Agrochemical Properties of Serosem Soils of Uzbekistan

Optimizing soil fertility and agro-chemical soil properties are currently of great importance, since the content of humus and nutrients from year to year decreases. The reason for decline of soil fertility is the lack of organic fertilizers and use of crop rotation involving leguminous perennial herb. On the other hand a source of organic fertilizer can be municipal solid waste. Currently in the cities of Uzbekistan accumulated huge amount of solid waste whose disposal is an environmental nec... S. Kholikulov, S. Pardaev

579. Performance evaluation of indigenously developed air-assisted electrostatic sprayer at severely affected cotton crops

Electrostatic force field has been exploited in the design and development of an air-assisted electrostatic nozzle for agricultural applications to increase the mass transfer efficiency, pesticide bio-efficacy, uniform deposition, maximum canopy coverage and liquid pest to reach the hidden areas and underside of the target by reducing the drift of active ingredients of pesticides from the target microorganism. Electrostatic spraying technology offers a very favourable approach to increase pes... B. Praveen, A. Jangra, M. Patel

580. In-field Automatic Detection of Maize Tassels Using Computer Vision

The heading stage of maize is one of the most important periods during its growth and development and indicates the start of its pollination. In this regard, an automated method for maize tassel detection is highly important for precision agriculture. However, the recognition of maize heading stage mainly relies on artificial observation. This method presents some limitations, such as its high cost and subjectivity. This work proposes a novel method for automatic tassel detection. In the algo... Q. Zhu, Y. Zheng, M. Huang, Y. Guo

581. Model Updating for Apple Soluble Solid Content Prediction Harvest in Different Years Based on Near Infrared Spectroscopy with Distance Metrics and Semi-supervised Learning

The essence of apple soluble solid content (SSC) prediction model based on near infrared spectroscopy is to establish the mathematical relationship between spectral information and apple quality indicators. The performance of the model is susceptible to the influence of time and depends on the training set used in the modeling process. The accuracy of prediction models maybe deteriorate when they are used to predict the same variety of apples harvested in different years, due to new variances... M. Huang, D. Guo, Q. Zhu, Y. Guo

582. Research and Application of Intelligent Identification of Crop Diseases  Based on Mobile Terminal

At present, smart agriculture has more touch between agriculture and information technology. The internet of things (IoT) of agricultural is a concrete embodiment of smart agriculture. The computer vision technology makes the IoT of agricultural more intelligent. The application of this technology can accurately identify crop diseases, and real-timely forecast and prevent the diseases. It is of great significance to increase farmers' income. Based on the IoT of agricultural and machine vi... X. Ji

583. Salinity Stress Assessment on Vegetation Cover in Arid Regions Using Visible Range Indices of True Color Aerial UAV/Drone Images

Date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) is one of the most important plant growing in arid and semi-arid regions, where it has a social, cultural, economic and nutritious importance. Although date palm can be ranked as the highest salt tolerance plant among fruit crop, extreme salinity can negatively affect its growth, yield and fruit quality. Inadequate annual rainfall of arid regions has stressed and rapidly decreased date palm plantation due to salinity and drought. In this study unmanned ... Y.A. Al-mulla, S. Al-rahbi

584. Application of Drones in Agriculture in China

Abstract: Application of drones in agriculture can improve the pesticide efficiency, reduce the usage of the pesticides, which plays an important role in precision agriculture. With the support of  national policy on agricultural drones, new policies on lands transfer, the shortage of rural labor and the developing of the drone’s technology, drones in agriculture are in a rapid development stage in China. According to the statistics of Chinese Ministry of Agri... Y. Lan, G. Wang

585. A Wireless Auto-Monitoring System for Subsoiling

Shallow ploughing and rotary tillage has been applied in large areas of China for a long time, and with the clayey sediment by rains, hard plough pan formed under the 12cm to 18cm depth of soil surface due to continues ploughing by the almost same plough in the same land. This phenomenon severely hinders the water permeability and energy transmission of the soil, and has a particularly bad influence on crops. The subsoiling could break the plough pan, increase the capacity of soil moisture ab... Y. Yin, Z. Meng, C. Luo, S. Guo, H. Mei

586. Experiences in the Development of Commercial Web-Based Data Engines to Support UK Growers Within an Industry-Academic Partnership

The lifecycle of Precision Agriculture data begins the moment that the measurement is taken, after which it may pass through each multiple data processes until finally arriving as an output employed back in the production system. This flow can be hindered by the fact that many farm datasets have different spatial resolutions. This makes the process to aggregate or analyse multiple Precision Agriculture layers arduous and time consuming.  Precision Decisions Ltd located in Yorks... J. Taylor, Y. Shahar, P. James, C. Blacker, S. Leese, R. Sanderson, R. Kavanagh

587. Prototype Unmanned Aerial Sprayer for Plant Protection in Agricultural and Horticultural Crops

Aerial application of pesticides has the potential to reduce the amount of pesticides required as chemicals are applied where needed. A prototype Unmanned Aerial Sprayer with a payload of 20 kg; a spraying rate of 6 liters per minute; a spraying swathe of 3 meters, coverage rate of 2 to 4 meters per second and 10 minutes of flight time was built using state of the art technologies. The project is a joint development by University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad, KLE Technological University... S. G, D.P. Biradar, B.L. Desai, V.C. Patil, P. Patil, V.B. Nargund, V. Desai, W. John, S.M. Channangi, V. Tulasigeri

588. Application of Variable-Rate Irrigation for Potato Productivity

Variable-rate irrigation (VRI) has the potential to increase yields and reduce water consumption and energy costs. Spatial and temporal variability of soil and field properties can impact the efficiency of irrigation and crop yield. The VRI technology allows for the precise application of irrigation to meet crop water demands in controlled amounts prescribed for specific management zones within a field. Sensitivity to over and under-irrigation and the high-water requirements of potato make th... A. Yari, C. Madramootoo, S.A. Woods, V.I. Adamchuk, L. Gilbert

589. Design and Performance Experiment of an Outer Grooved-Wheel Fertilizer Apparatus with the Helical Tooth

Traditional outer groove-wheel fertilizer apparatus (OGWFA) with the straight tooth exists the problem of breakage and pulsation in the fertilizing process. A new type of OGWFA with the helical tooth has been designed to solve this problem, and the amount of fertilizer can be adjusted. The helix angle of the helical tooth has been optimized by theory analysis and DEM simulation. It reveals that the helix angle should be ranged from 34.4° to 68.8°. The performances of the OGWFA with th... D. Jun, X. Junfang, Z. Wangyuan, W. Qiaohua, D. Youchun, S. Caixia, Z. Zhihui

590. Combining texture and spectral feature values for rice plant detection using unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) imagery

Combining texture and spectral feature values for rice plant detection using unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) imagery   Xiang Zhou, Xiaoqing Xu, Xiaokang Ge, Yu Zhang, Xia Yao, Tao Cheng, Yan Zhu, Weixing Cao, Yongchao Tian *   National Engineering and Technology Center for Information Agriculture, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210095, China   Abstract: ... X. Zhou, X. Xu, X. Ge, Y. Zhang, X. Yao, T. Cheng, Y. Zhu, W. Cao, Y. Tian

591. Estimating Litchi Canopy Nitrogen Content Using Simulated Multispectral Remote Sensing Data

This study aims at evaluating the performance of seven highly spatial resolution remote sensing data in litchi canopy nitrogen content estimation. The litchi canopy reflectance were collected by ASD field spectrometer. Then the canopy spectral data were resampled based on the spectral response functions of each satellite sensors (Geo-eye, GF-WFV1, Rapid-eye, WV-2, Landsat 8, WV-3, and Sentinel-2). The spectral indices in literature were derived based on the simulated data. Meanwhile, the succ... D. Li, H. Jiang, S. Chen, C. Wang

592. Optical High-Resolution Camera System with Computer Vision Software for Recognizing Insects, Fruit on Trees, Growth of Crops

With the inspiration of helping the farmer to grow his crop in the optimal way, Pessl Instruments GmbH, from Weiz, Austria, developed optical high-resolution camera system, together with a computer vision software which is able to recognize insects, fruits on trees and growth of crop. Pessl Instruments develops decision support system which is consisting from remote monitoring of insect traps and remote monitoring of fields and crops. Optical high-resolution camera system can be installed on ... J. Potrpin, G. Pessl, D. Najvirt, C. Pilz

593. Development of a Wireless Sensor Network for Passive in situ Measurement of Soil CO2 Gas Emissions in the Agriculture Landscape

Quantification of soil Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions from agricultural fields is essential for understanding the environmental impact of intensive crop and livestock production systems. Current methods of analysis include flux calculations derived from the concentration of gases (CO2, N2O, CH4) exchanged between soil and the atmosphere. Samples of these GHG are obtained manually by closed non-steady state non-flow through,or “static”, chambers and analyzed ex situvia ga... V. Adamchuk, M. Debbagh, C. Madramootoo, J. Whalen

594. Map Whiteboard As Collaboration Tool for Smart Farming Advisory Services

Precision agriculture, a branch of smart farming, holds great promise for modernization of European agriculture both in terms of environmental sustainability and economic outlook.  The vast data archives made available through Copernicus and related infrastructures, combined with a low entry threshold into the domain of AI-technologies has made it possible, if not outright easy, to make meaningful predictions that divides  individual agricultural fields into zones where variable rat... K. Charvat, R. Berzins, R. Bergheim, F. Zadrazil, J. Macura, D. Langovskis, H. Snevajs, H. Kubickova, S. Horakova, K. Charvat jr.

595. SmartAgriHubs FIE20 - Groundwater and Meteo Sensors and Earth Observation for Precision Agriculture

The solution developed under the SmartAgriHubs project in the scope of the Flagship Innovation Experiment FIE20 Groundwater and meteo sensors is an expert system to support farmers in decision-making process and planning process of field interventions. This FIE20 solution integrates various data sources and different analytical processes in a complete system and provides users an easy-to-use web map application as a common user interface. The FIE20 system integrates components developed durin... K. Charvat, M. Kepka, R. Berzins, F. Zadrazil, D. Langovskis, M. Musil

596. Fruit Fly Electronic Monitoring System

Insects are a constant threat to agriculture, especially the cultivation of various types of fruits such as apples, pears, guava, etc. In this sense, it is worth mentioning the Anastrepha genus flies (known as fruit fly), responsible for billionaire losses in the fruit growing sector around the world, due to the severity of their attack on orchards. In Brazil, this type of pests has been controlled in most product areas by spraying insecticides, which due to the need for prior knowledge regar... C.L. Bazzi, F.V. Silva, L. Gebler, E.G. Souza, K. Schenatto, R. Sobjak, R.S. Dos santos, A.M. Hachisuca, F. Franz

597. Yield Mapping in Fruit Farming

Due to the importance of increasing the quantity and quality of world agricultural production, the use of technologies to assist in production processes is essential. Despite this, a timid adoption by precision agriculture (PA) technologies is verified by the Brazilian fruit producers, even though it is one of the segments that had been stood out in recent years in the country's economy. In the PA context, yield maps are rich sources of information, especially by species harvested through... C.L. Bazzi, M.R. Martins, L. Gebler, E.G. Souza, K. Schenatto, R. Sobjak, A. . Hachisuca, F. Franz

598. AgDataBox: Web Platform of Data Integration, Software, and Methodologies for Digital Agriculture

Agriculture is challenging to produce more profitably, with the world population expected to reach some 10 billion people by 2050. Such a challenge can be achieved by adopting precision agriculture and digital agriculture (Agriculture 4.0). Digital agriculture has become a reality with the availability of cheaper and more powerful sensors, actuators and microprocessors, high-bandwidth cellular communication, cloud communication, and Big Data. Digital agriculture enables the flow of informatio... E.G. Souza, C. Bazzi, A. Hachisuca, R. Sobjak, A. Gavioli, N. Betzek, K. Schenatto, E. Mercante, M. Rodrigues, W. Moreira

599. On-the-go Gamma Spectrometry and Its Evaluation Via Support Vector Machines: Really a Valuable Tool for Site-independent Soil Texture Prediction?

With progressive implementation of precision agriculture (PA) techniques in current agricultural/ viticultural practice, the need for high-resolution information on soil properties at low effort and cost is increasing. Moreover, climate change and extended drought periods do even increase this demand. Evaluating soil fertility and carbon storage potential of arable fields and vineyards, e.g. for future economic assessment of ecosystem services, requires spatially resolved soil data. Soil text... S. PÄtzold, T.W. Heggemann, R. Wehrle

600. Survey of Pesticide Application Practices and Technologies in Georgia Agricultural Crops

Georgia is a leading producer of numerous crops including cotton, peanut, blueberries, pecans, bell peppers, cabbage, watermelons, and peaches in the United States. Pesticide applications are critical for the successful production of these crops. Pesticide regulations and application technologies are changing rapidly due to growing concerns around off-target movement and increased focus on improving the efficiency and efficacy of pesticide applications. In order to provide suitable ... S.S. Virk, E.P. Prostko

601. Application of Drone Data to Assess Damage Intensity of Bacterial Leaf Blight Disease on Rice Crop in Indonesia

The Government of Indonesia has launched agricultural insurance program since 2016. A key in agricultural insurance is damage assessment which is required to be as precise, quick, quantitative and inexpensive as possible. Current method is to inspect the damage by human eyes of specialist having experiences. This method, however, costs much and is difficult to estimate disease infected fields precisely in wide area. So, there is increasing need to develop effective, simplified and low cost me... C. Hongo, S. Isono, G. Sigit, B. Utoyo, E. Tamura

602. Soil Moisture Variability on Golf Course Fairways Across the United States: an Opportunity for Water Conservation with Precision Irrigation

Fairways account for an average of 11.3 irrigated hectares on each of the 15,000+ golf courses in the US. Annual median water use per hectare on fairways is between ~2,800,000 and 14,000,000 liters, depending on the region. Conventional fairway irrigation relies on visual observation of the turfgrass, followed by secondary considerations of short-term weather forecasts, which oftentimes lead to “blanket” applications to the entire area. The concept of precision irrigation is a str... C. Straw, C. Bolton, J. Young, R. Hejl, J. Friell, E. Watkins

603. Web Application for Automatic Creation of Thematic Maps and Management Zones - AgDataBox-Fast Track

Agriculture is challenging to produce more profitably, with the world population expected to reach some 10 billion people by 2050. Such a challenge can be achieved by adopting precision agriculture and digital agriculture (Agriculture 4.0). Digital agriculture (DA) has become a reality with the availability of cheaper and more powerful sensors, actuators and microprocessors, high-bandwidth cellular communication, cloud communication, and Big Data. DA enables information to flow from used agri... J. Aikes junior, E.G. Souza, C. Bazzi, R. Sobjak, A. Hachisuca, A. Gavioli, N. Betzek, K. Schenatto, W. Moreira, E. Mercante, M. Rodrigues

604. Delineation of Site-specific Management Zones with Proximal Data and Multi-spectral Imagery

Many findings suggested that it’s possible to improve the accuracy of delineating site-specific management zones (SSMZs) through a combination of proximal data with remote sensing imagery. The objective of this study is to assess the feasibility of delineating SSMZs with a wide range of ancillary data (proximal survey and multi-spectral data). The study area is a 22.1acre located 10 miles north of Fort Collins, CO and is known for having a high spatial and temporal variability of soil p... W.A. Yilma, J. Siegfried, R. Khosla

605. Temperature Effect on Wild Blueberry Fruit Quality During Mechanical Harvest

Mechanical harvesters, utilizing a range of technologies, have been developed for timely operations and remain the most cost-effective means of picking the wild blueberry crop. Approximately 95% of wild blueberries in Atlantic Canada are immediately frozen and processed, while only a small percentage is sold in the fresh market. However, the producers can benefit by increasing the value of their harvested crop through fresh market sales. The objective of this study was to determine the optimu... T.J. Esau, A.A. Farooque, F. Abbas

606. Development of a Granular Herbicide Spot Applicator for Management of Hair Fescue (Festuca Filiformis) in Wild Blueberry (Vaccinium Angustifolium)

Hair fescue has quickly become the pest of greatest concern for the wild blueberry industry. This is largely due to its ability to outcompete wild blueberry for critical resources including water, nutrients and most importantly space. In Nova Scotia, between 2001 and 2019, hair fescue had increased in field frequency from 7% to 68% and in field uniformity from 1.4% to 25%. This rapidly spreading and economically destructive weed is likewise a significant challenge to manage, with only a s... C. Maceachern, T. Esau, Q. Zaman

607. Using Prescription Maps for in Field Evaluations of Parameteres Affecting Spraying Accuracy of Self-propelled Sprayer

Weed presence continues to reemerge year over year, chemical costs continue to increase, and chemical usage continuing to face increasing government oversight, are just a few of the challenges that site-specific weed management intends to address by minimizing wasted application of chemicals and reducing environmental load of active ingredients. Thus, sprayer system manufacturers have developed precision spray systems that allow the individual spray nozzles to be controlled precisely. These s... J. Mayer, P. Flores, J. Stenger

608. Investigating Spatial Relationship of Apparent Electrical Conductivity with Turfgrass and Soil Characteristics in Sand-capped Golf Course Fairways

Turfgrass quality decreases when grown on fine textured soils that are irrigated with poor quality water. As a result, sand-capping (i.e., a sand layer above existing native soil) is now considered during golf course fairway renovation and construction. Mapping spatial variability of soil apparent electrical conductivity (ECa) has recently been suggested to have applications for precision turfgrass management (PTM) in native soil fairways, but sand-capped fairways have received les... C. Straw, B. Wyatt, A.P. Smith, K. Watkins, S. Hong, W. Floyd, D. Williams, C. Garza, T. Jansky

609. AgDataBox-IoT Application Development for Agrometeorogical Stations in Smart Farm

Currently, Brazil is one of the world’s largest grain producers and exporters. Brazil produced 125 million tons of soybean in the 2019/2020 growing season, becoming the world’s largest soybean producer in 2020. Brazil’s economic dependence on agribusiness makes investments and research necessary to increase yield and profitability. Agriculture has already entered its 4.0 version, also known as digital agriculture, when the industry has entered the 4.0 era. This new paradigm ... A. Hachisuca, E.G. Souza, E. Mercante, R. Sobjak, D. Ganascini, M. Abdala, I. Mendes, C. Bazzi, M. Rodrigues

610. Integration of High Resolution Multitemporal Satellite Imagery for Improving Agricultural Crop Classification: a Case Study

Timely and accurate agriculture information is vital for ensuring global food security. Satellite imagery has already been proved as a reliable tool for remote crop mapping. Planet satellite imagery provides high cadence, global satellite coverage with higher temporal and spatial resolution than the Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2. This study examined the potential of utilizing high-resolution multitemporal imagery along with and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) to map the agricultural ... U. Ali, T. Esau, A. Farooque, Q. Zaman

611. UAV-based Hyperspectral Monitoring of Peach Trees As Affected by Silicon Applications and Water Stress Status

Previous research has shown that the application of reduced doses of Silicon (Si) improves crop tolerance to water stress, which is common in commercial young peach trees because irrigation is not usually applied during their first two years. In this study, aerial images were used to monitor the impact of different Si and water treatments on the hyperspectral response of peach trees. An experiment with 60 young (under 1 year old) peach trees located at the Musser Fruit Research Center (Seneca... J. Peña, J. Melgar, A. De castro, J. Maja, K. Nascimento-silva

612. Cotton Boll Detection and Yield Estimation Using UAS Lidar Data and RGB Image

Cotton boll distribution is a critical phenotypic trait that represents the plant's response to its environment. Accurate quantification of boll distribution provides valuable information for breeding cultivars with high yield and fiber quality. Manual methods for boll mapping are time-consuming and labor-intensive. We evaluated the application of Lidar point cloud and RGB image data in boll detection and distribution and yield estimation. Lidar data was acquired at 15 m using a DJI Matri... Z. Lin, W. Guo, N. Gill

613. Evaluation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Images in Estimating Cotton Nitrogen Content

Estimating crop nitrogen content is a critical step for optimizing nitrogen fertilizer application. The objective of this study was to evaluate the application of UAV images in estimating cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) N content. This study was conducted in a dryland cotton field in Garza County, Texas, in 2020. The experiment was implemented as a randomized complete block design with three N rates of 0, 34, and 67 kg N ha-1. A RedEdge multispectral sensor was used to acqu... R. Karn, H. Gu, O. Adedeji, W. Guo

614. Establishment of a Canola Emergence Assessment Methodology Using Image-based Plant Count and Ground Cover Analysis

Manual assessment of emergence is a time-consuming practice that must occur within a short time-frame of the emergence stage in canola (Brassica napus). Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) may allow for a more thorough assessment of canola emergence by covering a wider scope of the field and in a more timely manner than in-person evaluations. This research aims to calibrate the relationship between emerging plant population count and the ground cover. The field trial took place at the Uni... K. Krys, S. Shirtliffe, H. Duddu, T. Ha, A. Attanayake, E. Johnson, E. Andvaag, I. Stavness

615. Utilization of UASs to Predict Sugarcane Yields in Louisiana Prior to Harvest

One of the most difficult tasks that both sugarcane producers and processors face every year is estimating the yields of sugarcane fields prior to the start of harvest. This information is needed by processors to determine when the harvest season is to be initiated each year and by producers to decide when each field should be harvested. This is particularly important in Louisiana because the end of the harvest season is often affected by freeze events. These events can severely damage the cr... R.M. Johnson, B. Ramachandran

616. Grassland System Impacts on Spatial Variability of Soil Phosphorus in Eastern Canada

Phosphorus (P) is an essential nutrient for plants, including grasslands. However, continuous applications of P fertilizer result in P accumulations in the soil, increasing the risk of P losses through runoff and erosion. Since 2008, more than 31 million tonnes of organic fertilizers, representing more than 95,000 tonnes of P2O5, were applied to agricultural fields in Eastern Canada. Thus, grassland systems were fertilized intensively using organic fertilizers with high ... J.D. Nze memiaghe, A. Cambouris

617. Using On-the-Go Soil Sensors to Assess Spatial Variability within the KS Wheat Breeding Program

In plant breeding the impacts of genotype by environment interactions and the challenges to quantify these interactions has long been recognized. Both macro and microenvironment variations in precipitation, temperature and soil nutrient availability have been shown to impact breeder selections. Traditionally, breeders mitigate these interactions by evaluating genotype performance across varying environments over multiple years. However, limitations in labor, equipment and seed availably can l... B. Evers, M. Rekhi, G. Hettiarachchi, S. Welch, A. Fritz, P.D. Alderman, J. Poland

618. Coupling Machine Learning Algorithms and GIS for Crop Yield Predictions Based on Remote Sensing Imagery and Topographic Indices

In-season yield prediction can support crop management decisions helping farmers achieve their yield goals. The use of remote sensing to predict yield it is an alternative for non-destructive yield assessment but coupling auxiliary data such as topography features could help increase the accuracy of yield estimation. Predictive algorithms that can effectively identify, process and predict yield at field scale base on remote sensing and topography still needed. Machine learning could be an alt... M.F. Oliveira, G.T. Morata, B. Ortiz, R.P. Silva, A. Jimenez

619. A Framework for Imputation of Missing Parts in UAV Orthomosaics Using Planetscope and Sentinel-2 Data

In recent years, the emergence of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), also known as drones, with high spatial resolution, has broadened the application of remote sensing in agriculture. However, UAV images commonly have specific problems with missing areas due to drone flight restrictions. Data mining techniques for imputing missing data is an activity often demanded in several fields of science. In this context, this research used the same approach to predict missing parts on orthomosaics obtain... F.R. Pereira, A.A. Dos reis, R.G. Freitas, S.R. Oliveira, L.R. Amaral, G.K. Figueiredo, J.F. Antunes, R.A. Lamparelli, E. Moro, N.D. Pereira, P.S. Magalhães

620. Estimating Soil Carbon Stocks with In-field Visible and Near-infrared Spectroscopy

Agricultural lands can be a sink for carbon and play an important role in offsetting carbon emissions. Current methods of measuring carbon sequestration—through repeated temporal soil samples—are costly and laborious. A promising alternative is using visible, near-infrared (VNIR) diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. However, VNIR data are complex, which requires several data processing steps and often yields inconsistent results, especially when using in situ VNIR measurements. Using... C.J. Ransom, C. Vong, K.S. Veum, K.A. Sudduth, N.R. Kitchen, J. Zhou

621. Establishing the First Soil Water Characteristics Curve for the Soils of Prince Edward Island, Canada

Soil water characteristics curve (SWCC), for Prince Edward Island (PEI), is much more needed currently for the sustainable production of agriculture yields. It will not only fulfil the requirements of the province’s farmers for irrigation scheduling but also help the government to decide about permitting the use of groundwater for supplemental irrigation on the island.  A soil water characteristics curve in PEI does not exist to support precision agriculture practices. Precision ir... S.J. Cheema, A.A. Farooque, F. Abbas, T. Esau, K. Grewal

622. Suitability of ML Algorithms to Predict Wild Blueberry Harvesting Losses

The production of wild blueberries (Vaccinium angustifolium.) is contributing 112.2 million dollars to the Canada’s revenue which can be further increased through controlling harvest losses. A precise prediction of blueberry harvesting losses is necessary to mitigate such losses. In this study, the performance of three machine learning (ML) models was evaluated to predict the wild blueberry harvest losses on the ground. The data from four commercial fields in Atlantic Canada we... H. Khan, T. Esau, A. Farooque, F. Abbas

623. Low Cost Smartphone Camera Accessory to Digitally Measure Leaf Color for Crop Nitrogen Status Assessment

Crop nitrogen (N) status is a desirable information for crop nutrition management. In addition to the traditional leaf sampling with subsequent laboratory analysis, the use of chlorophyll meters is a well-studied and accepted practice to indirectly measure crop N status. Nevertheless, chlorophyll meters are dedicated devices that still cost at least a few hundred dollars, thus being unsuitable to large scale use among low budget smallholders. Aiming to address this issue, a new low cost smart... G. Portz, S. Reusch, J. Jasper

624. Precision Nitrogen and Water Management for Optimized Sugar Beet Yield and Sugar Content

Sugar beet (SB) production profitability is based on maximizing three parameters: beet yield, sucrose content, and sucrose recovery efficiency. Efficient nitrogen (N) and water management are key for successful SB production. Nitrogen deficits in the soil can reduce root and sugar yield. Overapplication of N can reduce sucrose content and increase nitrate impurities which lowers sucrose recovery. Application of N in excess of SB crop need leads to vigorous canopy growth, while compromising ro... O.S. Walsh, S. Shafian

625. Changes in Soil Quality when Building Ridges for Fruit Plantation

Many fruit plantations are usually performed in ridges for various reasons including, escaping from a clay horizon, improving overall soil quality and drainage, among others. Normally ridges are built using the surface horizons, producing a mixture of soils layers, and therefore changing the quality of the soil at the rooting zone. We were interested in studying the changes in soil properties when building ridges in a flat alluvial soil that was planted with avocado. A det... H.P. Poblete, R.A. Ortega

626. Evaluating the Potential of Integrated Precision Irrigation and Nitrogen Management for Corn in Minnesota

The environmental impact of irrigated agriculture on ground and surface water resources in Minnesota is of major concern. Previous studies have focused on either precision irrigation or precision nitrogen (N) management, with very limited studies on the integrated precision management of irrigation and N fertilizers, especially in Minnesota. The Dualex Scientific sensor is a leaf fluorescence sensor that has been used to diagnose crop&nbs... A. Elvir flores, Y. Miao, V. Sharma, L. Lacerda

627. Students’ Perceptions of Learning Precision Agriculture through Cooperative Learning Groups

The goal of this study is to investigate, analyze and understand students’ perceptions of learning precision agriculture through cooperative learning groups. The study will concentrate on educational needs of students in learning precision agriculture in the post-secondary level. The study will provide students’ perceptions on group work in understanding and mastering precision agriculture related contents and topics. There are many research studies on economic benefits ... O.T. Turayev

628. How to Prepare a Virtual Poster for The 15th International Conference on Precision Agriculture

... Q. Rund, M. Tobin, L. Rund, F. Salihin

629. How to Create a Virtual Poster for The 15th International Conference on Precision Agriculture

... M. Tobin, L. Rund, I. Rund

630. Snap-shot Hyperspectral Camera for Potassium Prediction of Peach Trees Using Multivariate Analysis

Hyperspectral imaging (HSI) is an emerging technology being utilized in agriculture. This system could be used to monitor the overall health of plants or pest disease detection. As sensing technology advances, measuring nutrient levels and disease detection also progresses. This study aimed to predict the levels of potassium (K) content in peach leaves with the new snapshot hyperspectral camera. The study was conducted at the Clemson University Musser Fruit Research Farm (Seneca, SC, USA, 34.... J.J. Maja, M. Abenina, M. Cutulle, J. Melgar, H. Liu

631. Enhancing PA Adoption Through Value Connections

Despite an increase in breadth of precision agriculture over time, and the attendant elements of digital agriculture that either support PA or integrates the outputs of PA, the pace of adoption of digital agriculture in our farming systems remains slow. In assessing impediments to adoption of digital agriculture, much work to date has focused on the value proposition as considered by individual producers or value chain actors.  At this level, adoption remains constrained by perceptions o... D.W. Lamb, M.T. Schaefer

632. Cloud Correction of Sentinel-2 NDVI Using S2cloudless Package

Optical satellite-derived Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) is by far the most commonly used vegetation index value for crop monitoring. However, it is quite sensitive to the cloud, and cloud shadows and significantly decreases its usability, especially in agricultural applications. Therefore, an accurate and reliable cloud correction method is mandatory for its effective application. To address this issue, we have developed an approach to correct the NDVI values of each and every... A. Saxena, M. Dash, A.P. Verma

633. Multi-sensor Imagery Fusion for Pixel-by-pixel Water Stress Mapping

Evaluating water stress in agricultural fields is fundamental in irrigation decision-making, especially mapping the in-field water stress variability as it allows real-time detection of system failures or avoiding yield loss in cases of unplanned water stress. Water stress mapping by remote sensing imagery is commonly associated with the thermal or the short-wave-infra-red (SWIR) bands. However, integration of multi-sensors imagery such as radar imagery or sensors with only visible and near-i... O. Beeri, R. Pelta, Z. Sade, T. Shilo

634. Supervised Feature Selection and Clustering for Equine Activity Recognition

In this paper we introduce a novel supervised algorithm for equine activity recognition based on accelerometer data. By combining an approach of calculating a wide variety of time-series features with a supervised feature significance test we can obtain the best suited features using just 5 labeled samples per class and without requiring any expert domain knowledge. By using a simple cluster assignment algorithm with these obtained features, we get a classification algorithm that achieves a m... T. De waele, D. Peralta, A. Shahid, E. De poorter

635. Making Irrigator Pro an Adaptive Irrigation Decision Support System

Irrigator Pro is a public domain irrigation scheduling model developed by the USDA-ARS National Peanut Research Laboratory. The latest version of the model uses either matric potential sensors to estimate the plant’s available soil water or manual data input. In this project, a new algorithm is developed, which will provide growers and consultants with much more flexibility in how they can feed data to the model. The new version will also run with Volumetric Water Content sensors, givin... I. Gallios, G. Vellidis, C. Butts

636. Farmer Charlie - Low Cost Smart Local Data Available to Remote Farmers

Farmer Charlie brings connectivity and information to farmers, who receive tailored agronomic data to improve their agricultural practice. Farmer Charlie is based on on-site sensors through which soil data can be detected, gathered, and processed by a dedicated server. Broadband communication allows farmers to receive real-time, localised information on tablet or mobile phone. Farmer Charlie is a low-cost solution, it can be adapted to various crops and to detect soil humidity, pH, temperatur... B. Bonnardel

637. Multispectral Assessment of Chickpea in the Northern Great Plains

Chickpea is an increasingly important crop in the Montana agricultural system. From 2017 to 2021 the U.S. has planted an average of about 492,000 acres per year with Montana chickpea production accounting for around 44% of the U.S. total (USDA/NASS QuickStats accessed on 2/11/2021). This has led to an increase in breeding efforts for elite varieties adapted to the unique conditions in the Northern Great Plains. Breeding of chickpea often relies on traditional phenotyping techniques that are l... J.M. Vetch

638. Smart Food Oases: Development of a Distributed Point-to-point Urban Food Ecosystem in Food Desert Areas

Urban agriculture has been getting much attention in the past decade as a solution to overcome food insecurity and accessibility of food for urban residents and to have better green environments in cities. Urban agriculture is expected to provide better nutrients to residents, reduce transportation and environmental costs, and help urban dwellers access food efficiently. The present study is to build a collaborative ecosystem among urban growers/producers and create bridges from these farmers... J. Lee, S. Song, S. Oh, K. Krishnaswamy, C. Sun, Y. Adu-gyamfi

639. Proximal Sensing of Penetration Resistance at a Permanent Grassland Site in Southern Finland

Proximal soil sensing allows for assessing soil spatial heterogeneity at a high spatial resolution. These data can be used for decision support on soil and crop agronomic management. Recent sensor systems are capable of simultaneously mapping several variables, such as soil electrical conductivity (EC), spectral reflectance, temperature, and water content, in real-time. In autumn 2021, we used a commercial soil scanner (Veris iScan+) to derive information on soil spatial variability for a per... H.E. Ahrends, A. Lajunen

640. Increasing Precision Irrigation Efficacy for Row Crop Agriculture Through the Use of Artificial Intelligence

The agricultural sector is the largest consumer of the world’s available fresh water resources. With fresh water scarcity increasing worldwide, more efficient use for irrigation water is necessary. Precision irrigation is described as the application of water to meet crop needs of a specific area, at the right amount and at the time that is optimum for crop health and management objectives. Irrigation becomes increasingly efficient through the use of precision irrigation tools. Howe... E. Bedwell

641. Assessment of Active Crop Canopy Sensor As a Tool for Optimal Nitrogen Management in Dryland Winter Wheat

Optimum nitrogen (N) fertilizer application is important for agronomic, economic, and environmental reasons. Among different N management tools, active crop canopy sensors are a recent and promising tool widely evaluated for use in corn but still under-evaluated for use in winter wheat. The objective of this study was to determine whether vegetation indices derived from in-season active crop canopy sensor data can be used to predict winter wheat grain yield and protein content and subsequentl... D. Ghimire

642. Developing a neural-network model for detecting Aflatoxin hotspots in peanut fields

Aflatoxin is a carcinogenic toxin produced by a soilborne fungi, called Aspergillus flavus, causing a difficult struggle for the peanut industry in terms of produce quality, price and the range of selling market. This study aims to develop a successful U-Net CNN (Convolutional Neural Network) model, a reliable image segmentation method, that will help in distinguishing high probability zones of occurrence of Aflatoxin in peanut fields using remotely sensed hyperspectral imagery. The research ... S. Kukal, G. Vellidis

643. Mapping Soil Health and Grain Quality Variations Across a Corn Field in Texas

Soil health is a key property of soils influencing grain yield and quality. Within-field mapping of soil health index and grain quality can help farmers and managers to adjust site-specific farm management decisions for economic benefits. A study was conducted to map within-field soil health and grain protein and oil content variations using apparent electrical conductivity (ECa) and terrain attributes as their predictors. Two hundred and two topsoil samples were analyzed to determine soil he... K. Adhikari, D.R. Smith, C. Hajda, P.R. Owens

644. Portable Soil EC - Development of an Electronic Device for Determining Soil Electrical Conductivity

Decision-making in agriculture demands continuous monitoring, a factor that propels the advancement of tools within Agriculture 4.0. In this context, understanding soil characteristics is essential. Electrical conductivity (EC) sensors play a pivotal role in this comprehension. Given this backdrop, the core motivation of this research was developing an accessible and effective electronic device to measure the apparent EC of the soil. It provides features like geolocation, recording of the dat... C.L. Bazzi, L.A. Rauber, W.K. Oliveira, R. Sobjak, K. Schenatto, L. Gebler, L.M. Rabello

645. AgDataBox-IoT - Managing IoT Data and Devices on Precision Agriculture

The increasing global population has resulted in a substantial demand for nourishment, which has prompted the agricultural sector to investigate ways to improve efficiency. Precision agriculture (PA) uses advanced technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and sensor networks to collect and analyze field information. Although the advantages are numerous, the available data storage, management, and analysis resources are limited. Therefore, creating and providing a user-friendly web app... C.L. Bazzi, W.K. Oliveira, R. Sobjak, K. Schenatto, E. Souza, A. Hachisuca, F. Franz

646. Geographic Database in Precision Agriculture for the Development of AI Research

Agriculture 4.0 has profoundly transformed production processes by incorporating technologies such as Precision Agriculture, Artificial Intelligence, the Internet of Things, and telemetry. This evolution has enabled more accurate and timely decision-making in agriculture. In response to this movement, the Precision Agriculture Laboratory (AgriLab) of UTFPR, located in Medianeira, proposes the establishment of a consistent and standardized database. This database is continually updated with su... E.N. Avila, C.L. Bazzi, W.K. Oliveira, K. Schenatto, R. Sobjak, D.M. Rocha

647. Improving Winter Wheat Nitrogen Status Monitoring Using Proximal Canopy Sensing and Agrometeorological Information with Machine Learning

Timely and accurate diagnosis of winter wheat nitrogen (N) status plays an important role in guiding precision N management. This study aims to combine proximal canopy sensing and agrometeorological information to establish a reliable winter wheat plant N concentration (PNC) monitoring model with seven machine learning (ML) algorithms (Random Forest Regression (RFR), Support Vector Regression (SVR), K-Nearest Neighbors Regression (KNNR), Partial Least Squares Regression (PLSR), Gradient Boost... X. Chen, Y. Miao, K. Yu, Q. Chang, F. Li

648. Potential Benefits of Variable Rate Nitrogen Topdressing Strategy Coupled with Zoning Technique: a Case Study in a Town-scale Rice Production System

Integrating remote sensing (RS)-based variable rate nitrogen (N) recommendation (VRNR) algorithms and management zones (MZs) may improve the accuracy and efficiency of site-specific N management. However, its potential benefits for application in commercial rice production systems can hardly be assessed, since it requires to intervene in common agricultural practices and causes certain economic and environmental consequences. Through a machine learning approach, this study aims to comprehensi... J. Zhang, W. Wang, Z. Fu, Q. Cao, Y. Tian, Y. Zhu, W. Cao, X. Liu

649. Developing a Decision Support Model for Informing N Fertilization in Corn

Assessing crop nitrogen (N) status is crucial for optimizing the application of N fertilizers in corn. The Critical Nitrogen Dilution Curve (CNDC) stands as a fundamental model supporting diagnostic tool for identifying the corn nitrogen (N) status. However, there is a need for efficient, non-destructive methods to estimate the crop N status. The objective of this study was to evaluate the potential of three handheld sensors: SPAD, LI-600, and Green Seeker to diagnose corn N deficiencies at e... L. Lemes bosche, I. Ciampitti

650. Effect of Application Rate and Height on Spray Deposition and Efficacy of Fungicides Applied with a Spray Drone in Corn

Foliar application of fungicides is a key management strategy for corn growers in the United States to protect crop yield from diseases like southern corn rust (SCR), tar spot (TS), and northern corn leaf blight (NLB). Recently, the use of spray drones for fungicide applications have gained an interest among growers and consultants due to their potential as another application tool to ensure the timely application of fungicides. Currently, the information on optimal application parameters to&... C. Byers, S. Virk, R.C. Kemerait

651. Recovery Mechanism for Real-time Precision Agriculture Sensor Networks: a Case Study

Variable rate technologies are lagging behind other precision agriculture technologies in terms of farmer adoption, and sensor networks have been identified as a necessary step to implement these improvements. However, sensor networks face many issues in terms of cost, flexibility, and reliability. In rugged outdoor environments, it cannot be assumed that a sensor network will maintain constant connectivity to a monitoring interface, even if data is still being collected onsite. This paper pr... L. Hunt, M. Everett, J. Shovic

652. Application Accuracy of Two Different Sprayer Flow Control Systems During Site-specific Pesticide Applications

Precise and efficient pesticide applications are crucial aspects of modern agriculture to effectively manage pests throughout the season while also reducing the negative impacts of pesticides on the environment. Recent advancements in spray technology, such as pulse width modulation (PWM) and individual nozzle control, have enabled capabilities for site-specific pesticide applications on modern application equipment. With the increasing interest of industry and growers in site-specific pestic... R.K. Meena, S. Virk, C. Byers, G. Rains

653. Evaluation of Fall and Spring Nitrogen Rates Effect on Cereal Rye Forage Crude Protein and Tillering Using NDVI and Canopeo to Make Infield Nitrogen Rate Decisions

Fall applied nitrogen has been used to increase plant tiller and protein in wheat but less research has been done of its effects on cereal rye forage and how NDVI and Canopeo readings can be used to make nitrogen application management decisions. This study took place at the Ohio State University North Central Agricultural Research Station in Fremont, Ohio. The experiment is a randomized complete block split-plot design with four nitrogen rates in the fall (0, 30, 60, and 90 lbs/ac) and in th... K. Stahl, J.M. Hartschuh, A. Gahler

654. AgDataBox-IA – Web Application with Artificial Intelligence for Agricultural Data Analysis in Precision Agriculture

Agriculture has been continually evolving, incorporating hardware, software, sensors, aerial surveys, soil sampling for chemical, physical, and granulometric analysis (based on sample grids), and microclimatic data, leading to a substantial volume of data. This requires platforms to store, manage, and transform these data into actionable information for decision-making in the field. In this regard, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the most widely used tool globally to mine and transform vast d... R. Sobjak, C.L. Bazzi, K. Schenatto, W.K. Oliveira, A.E. Menegasso

655. Precision Tools for Monitoring Experimental Irrigation Treatments in California Vineyards

Precision farming techniques, such as zonal management and variable rate nutrient delivery, have been used to manage spatial variability in many crops. Wine grapes, and most permanent crops, have been slower than row crops or agronomic crops to take advantage of these techniques, though there are barriers to implementing these methods when compared to agronomic crops. The objective of this project is to show how a suite of monitoring and management tools can be used to evaluate the performanc... B. Sams, P. Previtali, J. Mezger, M. Aboutalebi, L. Sanchez, N. Dokoozlian

656. Comparative Analysis of Different On-the-go Soil Sensor Systems

This study is part of the field of precision agriculture. This management mode is one of the great revolutions in the agriculture field, and it means better management of farm inputs such as fertilizers, herbicides, and seeds by applying the right amount at the right place and at the right time. To succeed in this, we should dispose of a tool that allows a precise assessment of the soil’s physical state. Thus, on-the-go soil sensors can be used as a creative tool to gain bette... H. Moulay, B. Arnall, S. Phillips

657. In-season Nitrogen Management for Wheat in Tunisia Using Proximal and Remote Sensing

While the cereal sector represents an important factor in the social and economic farming structure in Tunisia, the national wheat average yield is very low, estimated to 1.4 t/ha. However, the frequent spreading of nitrogen in large quantities to raise yields can lead to low use efficiency of N and groundwater pollution. In Sweden, digital tools using proximal and remote sensing for variable rate application (VRA) of nutrients were developed and widely used by farmers to optimize fertilizati... M. Mechri, O. Alshihabi, H. Angar, I. Nouiri, M. Soderstrom, K. Persson, S. Phillips

658. UAV Multispectral Data As a Suitable Tool for Predicting Sweetness, Size, and Yield of Vidalia Onions

Vidalia onions is a specialty crop cultivated solely within the southeastern region of Georgia. The key distinguishing characteristic of Vidalia onions is its high sugar content, making them highly prized and widely consumed. Ten thousand acres are grown with Vidalia Onions each year approximately, and the market value (~$150Mi/year) makes the crop very important for the State of Georgia. Traditionally, the planting, weeding, spraying, harvesting, and post-harvesting operations are usually do... M. Barbosa, L. Oliveira, C. Tyson, A. Shirley, R. Santos, L. Sales, R. Vargas

659. Assess the Feasibility of Remote Sensing Vegetation Index for In-season N Status Evaluation with Nitrogen Measurement from Commercial Field

Nitrogen (N) fertilization plays a crucial role in corn production in the United States. Corn, being a major commodity crop, relies heavily on N fertilization throughout its growth cycle to achieve optimal yields and maintain profitability. During this period of rapid N uptake, it's imperative for farmers to supply sufficient N at the right time to support proper crop development. However, the use of N fertilizer comes with environmental considerations as it can be susceptible to loss thr... A. Nguyen, A. Sharma, R. Prasad

660. Soil Microbial Biomass and Bacterial Diversity Enhanced Through Winter Cover Cropping in Paddy Fields

Rice production is typically based on input-intensive and often environmentally unsustainable monoculture system. Alternatives are increasing, such as fallow cover cropping and rice–fish coculture (RFC). However, options of fallow cover cropping in RFC are scarcely explored, and the soil microbial response strategies to cover cropping remain unclear. Here, we evaluated soil-plant-microbe interactions under three cover cropping systems: Chinese milk vetch single cropping (CM), rapeseed s... S. Cai, S. Xu, D. Zhang, H. Zhu, L. Longchamps

661. Creating a Comprehensive Software Framework for Sensor-driven Precision Agriculture

Robots and GPS-guided tractors are the backbone of smart farming and precision agriculture. Many companies and vendors contribute to the market, each offering their own customized solutions for common tasks. These developments are often based on vendor-specific, proprietary components, protocols and software. Many small companies that produce sensors, actuators or software for niche applications could contribute their expertise to the global efforts of creating smart farming solutions, if the... O. Scholz, F. Uhrmann, M. Weule, T. Meyer, A. Gilson, J. Makarov, J. Hansen, T. Henties

662. Unsupervised Techniques for Enhanced Crop Segmentation in Agriculture

Optimizing yields, minimizing losses, and reducing environmental impact are paramount objectives in agriculture. However, the manual annotation of masks to identify agricultural products like wheat, tomatoes, and maize is known to be a complex and costly process. This research introduces an innovative approach that harnesses the power of bounding boxes in combination with unsupervised models, such as DeepMac and SAM, to significantly enhance the detection and segmentation of these agricultura... E. Ennadifi, M. Mokhtari, B. Gosselin

663. Spatial and Temporal Variability of Soil Biological and Chemical Parameters Following the Introduction of Cover Crops into a Conventional Corn-cotton Rotational System

Methods to characterize soil microbial diversity and abundance are labor intensive and require destructive sampling that incurs a per unit cost. There are advantages to replacing current methods with remote sensing approaches; the most obvious of which is spatially explicit representation of microbes on agricultural landscapes. Such a method will ultimately address open questions related to (1) the spatial scale of variability in soil microbial activity, and (2) the behavior of microbes in co... J. Czarnecki, J.P. Brooks, M.C. Reeks, J. Hu

664. Growth Analysis on Cotton Using Unoccupied Aerial Systems (UAS) Based Multi-temporal Canopy Features

The use of Unoccupied Aerial Systems (UAS) is rapidly evolving to generate imagery to determine crop growth patterns. A field experiment was conducted with thirty cotton varieties in 2016 and forty-two cotton varieties in 2021. The main objectives were (i) to perform growth analysis by using Canopy Cover (CC) and Canopy Height (CH) measurements obtained from UAS, (ii) to extract growth parameters from CC and CH data, (iii) to assess the relationship between the yield of co... S. Palla, M. Bhandari

665. Airborne Spectral Detection of Leaf Chlorophyll Concentration in Wild Blueberries

Leaf chlorophyll concentration (LCC) detection is crucial for monitoring crop physiological status, assessing the overall health of crops, and estimating their photosynthetic potential. Fast, non-destructive, and spatially extensive monitoring of LCC in crops is critical for accurately diagnosing and assessing crop health in large commercial fields. Advancements in hyperspectral remote sensing offer non-destructive and spatially extensive alternatives for monitoring plant parameters such as L... K. Barai, C. Ewanik, V. Dhiman, Y. Zhang, U.R. Hodeghatta

666. Relationship Between Water Use Efficiency, Daily Stomatal Conductance Trend and Evaporation of Maize and Soybean Crops

Water Use Efficiency (WUE) represents the biomass production per unit of water and is commonly affected by temperature, carbon dioxide concentration, and water availability. Plants regulate the water transpiration efficiency through the opening and closing of stomata. Farmers can save water and maintain yield by improving crop's WUE during the period of drought through proper field management. The calculation of WUE requires the information of crop weight and irrigation volume, which is d... J. Zhang, N. Chamara, G. Bai, Y. Ge

667. Improving Site-specific Nutrient Management in the Southeastern US: Variable-rate Fertilization Based on Yield Goal by Management Zone

Site-specific nutrient management is a critical aspect of row crop production, especially when aiming to achieve improved yields in the highly variable fields in the Southeastern United States. Variable-rate (VR) fertilizer application is a common practice to implement site-specific nutrient management and relies heavily on the use of precision soil sampling methods (grid or zone) to obtain accurate information on spatial nutrient variability within the fields. Most fields in the southeastern... S. Virk, T. Colley, C. Kamerer, G. Harris, D. Beasley

668. Comparison of NDVI Values at Different Phenological Stages of Winter Wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.)

The main objective of this study is to monitor, detect and quantify the presence of live green vegetation with the MicaSense RedEdge-MX Dual Camera System (MS) mounted on a DJI Matrice 210 V2 and GreenSeeker HCS 250 (GS) in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) by using Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). Surveys were conducted in the North-Western part of Hungary, in Mosonmagyaróvár on six different dates. A small-scale field trial in winter wheat was constructed as a ... S. Zsebő, G. Kukorelli, V. Vona, L. Bede, D. Stencinger, A. Kovacs, G. Milics, I.M. Kulmany, B. Horváth, G. Hegedűs, J.A. Abdinoor

669. Differential Response of Pro-vitamin A Cassava Cultivars to Nitrogen Fertilization in Nigeria

The differential response of fifteen contrasting cassava cultivars (pro vitamin A cassava – VAC) to two rates of soil-applied nitrogen (N) on the number of roots, root yield, nitrogen uptake, and nitrogen-use efficiency was studied over a period of 3 years on an alfisol in Ibadan, Nigeria. The experiment was laid out in a split-plot design with fifteen cultivars of cassava in the main plots, and two urea-N rates (0 and 100 kg ha/) in subplots; with all the N applied at two months after ... V. Aduramigba-modupe

670. Eco-friendly LiDAR Drone Surveying for Sugarcane Land Leveling in the Cauca River Valley, Colombia

Land leveling is a crucial process in sugarcane cultivation in the Cauca River Valley. It plays a vital role in ensuring proper water flow within the fields, reducing fuel consumption for water pumping, promoting seed emergence, and facilitating other mechanized tasks that can be carried out more quickly and efficiently. Traditionally, land leveling involves the use of high-powered tractors (typically around 310 horsepower) equipped with high-precision topographic survey systems fro... S. Anderson-guerrero, A.M. Caballero-rodriguez, O. Munar vivas, J.F. Mateus-rodriguez

671. Using Dynamic Crop Growth Data to Assess Early Season N Status in Maize

Nitrogen (N) is perhaps the most important mineral nutrient determining crop growth and yield. Fertilizer sources can vary, but it is used in practically all cropping systems, and accounts for one of the highest input costs. Farmers often overapply N to their fields as a simple "insurance policy" to guarantee maximum yields. This can be problematic due to the volatile nature of N in the environment, as well reducing potential profits by not optimizing the rates. ... A. Yore, P. Lanza, L. Longchamps

672. Predicting Peanut Yield Integrating Topographic Indices and Remote Sensing

The estimation of crop yield plays a crucial role in agricultural planning, decision-making, and resource management. Therefore, the primary objective of this study was to develop predictive models for peanut yield using a combination of remote sensing data and machine learning techniques. The experiments were carried out during the 2021/2022 growing season in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. In each experimental field, we established 20 sampling points for the assessment of peanut prod... M.F. Freire de oliveira, R.P. Silva, J.B. Souza

673. Detailed Derivation of Spatial Soil Attributes Using Soil Sensor Data, Terrain Analysis and Soil Maps with Supervised Classification

Detailed knowledge of the spatial distribution of soils is critical for improved management and modeling in agriculture and forestry. However, information from existing soil maps is often not accurate enough and soil units are too large. In the current study, we used intensively collected information from soil profile analyses at the Scheyern site and used this as training data to map soil relationships on land in Dürnast with long-term fertilization experiments (BonaRes). Both... K. Heil

674. Assessing Crop Yield and Profitability with Site-specific Seed Rate Management in Corn and Soybean Cropping Systems

Integrating the information about soil and topographic properties for variable rate seeding is a prerequisite for improved crop production and thus profit. However, limited studies have explored the geospatial and machine learning approaches to understand factors influencing crop yield and profit under site-specific seed rate management. The objectives of this study were to: a) observe the effect of variable seeding rate based on soil and topographic properties on soybean and corn grain ... J. Neupane, N. Joshi, J.P. Fulton, S. Khanal, A. B k, B. Bhattarai

675. Delineation of Site-Specific Management Zones using Sensor-based Data for Precision N management

Nitrogen is a critical nutrient influencing crop yield, but the common practice of uniform application of nitrogen fertilizer across a field often results in spatially variable nitrogen availability for the crop, leading to over-application in some areas and under-application in others. This imbalance can cause economic losses and significant environmental issues. Precision nitrogen application involves application of N fertilizers based on soil conditions and crop requirements. One approach ... R. Joshi, R. Khosla, D. Mandal, R. Unruh, W.A. Admasu

676. Optimizing Corn Irrigation Strategies: Insights from NDVI Trends, Soil Moisture Dynamics, and Remote Sensing

This comprehensive field experiment systematically examines the impact of varied irrigation rates on corn growth and yield across three treatments: 33%, 67%, and 100% irrigation rates. Utilizing the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) as a parameter for vegetation health, distinct patterns emerge throughout key growth stages. The 100% irrigation treatment consistently exhibits superior vegetation health, sustaining higher NDVI values across all stages, while the 33% treatment reveal... J.O. Abon, A. Sharda

677. Assessing the Nutritional Status of Field Crops by Remote Sensing During the Growing Season

Plant nutritional status is one of the most important indicators of stand vigour that can be monitored by remote sensing techniques. In this study, we focused on the possibility of assessing crop nutritional status, which was evaluated by plant nitrogen content, using different multispectral Earth remote sensing systems throughout the growing season. Core data were obtained from Sentinel-2 and PlanetScope satellites as well as from an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) system, and the data were co... B. Šusliková

678. Delineating Dynamic Variable Rate Irrigation Management Zones

Agriculture irrigation strategies have traditionally been made without accounting for the natural small-scale variability in the field, leading to uniform applications that often over-irrigate parts of the field that do not need as much water. The future success of irrigated agriculture depends on advancements in the capability to account for and leverage the natural variability in croplands for optimum irrigation management both in space and time. Variable Rate Irrigation (VRI) management of... R. Unruh, W.A. Yilma, D. Mandal, R. Joshi, R. Khosla

679. Evaluation of the Effect of Different Herbicide Treatments by Using UAV in Maise (Zea mays L.) Cultivation – First Experiences in a Long-term Experiment at Széchenyi István University, Hungary

As part of the Green Deal, the European Union has set a goal to reduce the use of chemical pesticides by 50 percent until 2030. To achieve this goal, in addition to reducing the amount of pesticide used, attention must also be paid to monitoring the temporal and spatial effects of pesticides on weeds during the cultivation of various crops. Hence, Syngenta Ltd., collaborating with researchers, aimed to monitor the effect of five different types of herbicides by UAV in two tillage treatments (... I.M. Kulmany, B. Horváth, G. Kukorelli, S. Zsebő, D. Stencinger, Z. Borbás, R. Pecze, L. Bede, Z. Varga, A. Kósa, G. Pinke, Z.K. Hashim, G. Hegedűs, J.A. Abdinoor, G.S. Agampodi

680. Assessing Spray Coverage Variability of an Under-canopy Robotic Sprayer System in Sorghum Crop

An under-canopy robotic sprayer system was developed for site-specific pest management in row crops. However, the effect of nozzle type and spray coverage variability at different points within the plant canopy was unknown. The objective of this study was to quantify the spray coverage at multiple locations within the sorghum crop canopy to determine the effectiveness of such robotic systems. The experiments were conducted in a sorghum field in Ashland, Kansas, using XR8001 flat fan and TXVS6... P. Pokharel, A. Sharda, M. Gadhwal, B. Aryal

681. System Development for Application and Testing of Spray-on Biodegradable Mulch

Plastic mulch films have long been a staple in agriculture and plays a critical part in the specialty crop production. Plastic mulch provides benefits such as conserving soil moisture, suppress weed growth and increase soil temperature. However, the widespread use of petroleum based plastic mulch films have raised concerns due to challenges associated with their removal and environmental impact. Plastic mulch has to be removed after every growing season. During the removal process, microplast... N.K. Piya, A. Sharda, D. Flippo

682. Prediction of Field-scale Evapotranspiration Using Process Based Modeling and Geostatistical Time-series Interpolation

Irrigation scheduling depends on the combination of evaporative demand from the atmosphere, spatial and temporal heterogeneity in soil properties and changes in crop canopy during a growing season. This on-farm trial is based on data collected in 72-acre processing tomato field in Central Valley of California. The Multiband Spectrometric Arable Mark 2 sensors at three different locations in the field. Multispectral and thermal imagery provided by Ceres Imaging were collected eight times durin... G. Jha, F. Nazrul, M. Nocco, M. Pagé fortin, B. Whitaker, D. Diaz, A. Gal, R. Schmidt

683. Simulation of Cotton Yield Variability Within Field Using Crop Model for Application in Precision Agriculture

The quantification of spatial and temporal variability of cotton yield provides critical information for optimizing resources, especially water. Southern High Plains (SHP), Texas is a major cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) production region with a diminishing water supply. The variation in yields within a field are mostly influenced by the types of soil and their various properties. The objective of this study was to predict within field cotton yield variability using soil propert... B.P. Ghimire

684. Spatio-temporal Assessment of Climate Change Impacts on Food Security in Saudi Arabia: a Case Study on Wheat and Barley Yields

Food security and climate change are greatly linked as variability in climate patterns directly impacts agricultural productivity, especially in the context of precision agriculture research. Variability in climate patterns significantly impacts agricultural productivity, with extreme weather events, altered precipitation patterns, and temperature fluctuations directly affecting crop yields and, consequently, food availability and affordability. Recognizing the urgent need for sustainable and... A.H. Rabia, O. Alkhateeb

685. Delineating Management Zones for Optimizing Soil Phosphorus Recommendations Under a No Till Field in Eastern Canada

Corn (Zea mays L.) and soybean (Glycine max L.) represent the most common crop rotation in Eastern Canada. These crops are cultivated using no-tillage (NT) practice to enhance agroecosystem sustainability. However, NT practice can cause several agri-environmental issues related to phosphorus (P) stratification, movement and runoff leading to P eutrophication in waters. Another major challenge is the expensive costs of extensive soil sampling and laboratory tests needed for a... J. Nze memiaghe, A. Cambouris, M. Duchemin, N. Ziadi, A. Karam

686. Optimizing the Connectivity of Wireless Underground Sensor Networks

In the rapidly evolving field of wireless communication, extending this technology into subterranean realms presents a frontier replete with unique challenges and opportunities. This study explores the intricate dynamics of establishing reliable connectivity in underground environments, a critical component for applications in diverse fields including precision agriculture and environmental monitoring. The distinct characteristics of underground settings impose significant obstacles for wirel... M. Han, N. Zhang, P. Armstrong

687. Spectral Response of Six Treatments of Soil Fertilization in Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Var. Diacol Capiro with UAS

In Colombia, potato cultivation occupies the third place among the transient crops in the country, covering approximately 160,000 hectares. It holds the first place in terms of production value, reaching US $500 million, and ranks as the second crop with the highest demand for fertilizers, constituting 20% of production costs. The departments of Cundinamarca, Boyacá, Nariño, and Antioquia are the primary potato producers, accounting for 87.8% of the total production. Traditional... S.A. Rubaino sosa, O.Y. Cristancho rojas, W.A. Leon rueda, O.G. Montero pinilla, J.C. Roa bello, I.A. Lizarazo salcedo

688. Semiautomatization in Open Source Software of a Method for Monitoring the Land Cover Change with GEE and Sentinel-2

Land cover change is a dynamic process that unfolds spatially and temporally. As such, it is imperative to develop semi-automatic methods within freely available software to enhance processing efficiency and reduce costs. The amalgamation of open-source applications, platforms, and software for satellite image processing has emerged as a compelling alternative, fostering advancements in land cover change classification and monitoring. This study introduces a semi-automated methodology using t... S.A. Rubaino sosa, Y. Rubiano, J.H. Bernal riobo

689. AI Tools in Agri DSS Pipeline - the Case of Irrigated Sugarbeet

A general pipeline that can be associated to a DSS includes several steps. Data Collectionn includes Acquisition, extraction, and aggregation of data from previously identified and selected sources. Data Cleaning and preparation make data available for exploratory analysis that make them usable. Data Analysis is then applied to extract meaningful information e.g. by statistical and/or simulation models. Data are successively synthesized and visualized to make them clear to the decision-maker ... G.-. Vitali, C. Ferraz

690. Use of Radar SAR Images to Assess Soil Moisture in Cane Crops: Practical Implications in Agricultural Operation

Sugar cane cultivation in the geographical region of the Cauca River Valley is a key industry for the local economy. However, this crop faces constant challenges related to the management of agricultural machinery for soil cultivation in conditions of high soil moisture. In this context, the synthetic aperture radar (SAR Radar) of the Sentinel 1 satellite emerges as a promising technology. The purpose of this work is to explore the use of the Sentinel 1 satellite SAR radar sensor in su... O.J. Munar-vivas, S. Anderson guerrero, D.F. Angrino chiran, J.F. Mateus-rodriguez

691. Using Remote Sensing to Evaluate Cover Crop Performance and Plan Variable Rate Management

The adoption of cover crops (CC) in row-crop production, particularly in states like Indiana, has surged due to their recognized benefits in nutrient scavenging, soil health improvement, and erosion prevention. However, the spatial and temporal dynamics of CC performance pose challenges for efficient assessment and management. Traditional methods of quantifying CC production involve labor-intensive and time-consuming processes, creating a lag between data collection and decision-making for fa... S.A. Rubaino sosa, D. . Quinn, S. Armstrong

692. Environmental Characterization for Rainfed Maize Production in the US Great Plains Region

Identifying regions with similar productivity and yield-limiting climatic factors enables the design of tailored strategies for rainfed maize (Zea mays L.) production in vulnerable environments. Within the United States (US) Great Plains region, rainfed maize production in Kansas is susceptible to weather fluctuations. This study aims to delimit environmental regions with similar crop growth conditions and to identify the main climatic factors limiting rainfed maize yield, using the ... L.N. Lingua, A. Carcedo, V. Gimenez, G. Maddonni, I. Ciampitti

693. Detection of Sorghum Aphids with Advanced Machine Vision

Sorghum aphid, Melanaphis sorghi (Theobald), became a significant pest concern due to the significant yield losses caused in the sorghum production region. Different management practices, including monitoring and applying insecticides, have been used to manage this invasive pest in sorghum. The most common management strategy consists of visual assessments of aphids on sorghum leaves to determine an economic threshold level to spray. However, because of their rapid reproduction,... I.A. Grijalva teran, B. Spiesman, N. Clark, B. Mccornack

694. Estimating Spatial and Temporal Variability in Soil Respiration Using UAV-based Multispectral and Thermal Images in an Irrigated Pistachio (Pistachia Vera L.) Orchard

Soil respiration (Rs) accounts for the autotrophic and heterotrophic respiration happening in the soil and is a major component of the carbon budget of agricultural ecosystems. Rs is controlled by various interactive factors, including soil moisture, temperature, soil properties, and vegetation productivity. To quantify the carbon budget of climate-smart agriculture systems, it is necessary to understand how irrigation and cover cropping management practices impact... A. Sapkota, M. Roby, C. Chen, I. Kisekka

695. The Evaluation of Spatial Response to Potassium in Soybeans

In agriculture, the nutrients that are in the largest demand are nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K), as product demand increases  so does demand for fertilizers. In the case of potassium, most soils can provide potassium in amounts that exceed crop demand; however the potassium within the soil is not always readily available to the crop, this leads to producers apply potassium to their crops even though soil tests suggests otherwise. One such crop where potassium is in deman... S. Akin, B. Arnall

696. Field Mapping for Aflatoxin Assessment in Peanut Crops Using Thermal Imagery

Aflatoxin is a toxic carcinogenic compound produced by certain species of Aspergillus fungi, which has a significant impact on peanut production. Aflatoxin levels above a certain threshold (20 ppb in the USA and 4 ppb in Europe) make peanuts unsuitable for export, resulting in significant financial losses for farmers and traders. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are becoming increasingly popular for remote sensing applications in agriculture. Leveraging this advancement, UAV-based thermal imag... S. Shrestha, L. Lacerda, G. Vellidis, C. Pilcon, S. Maktabi, M. Sysskind

697. A Digital Interactive Decision Dashboard to Analyze, Store and Share Year-to-year Crop Genotype Yield

The lag time between data collection and sharing is a critical bottleneck in order to make impactful decision at farmer field-scale. Following this line, there is a need for developing a digital interactive decision dashboard for sharing results of crop trials, in parallel to establish a database for storing data. These crop trials, invaluable for farmers seeking to determine the optimal genotype for their crops, are at risk of becoming obsolete due to the current format and the lack of more ... P. Magalhaes cisdeli, G.N. Nocera santiago, I. Ciampitti, C. Hernandez

698. Site Specific Evaluation of Dynamic Nitrogen Recommendation Tools

Management tools are a potential solution for increased profit and N use efficiency (NUE) in corn production. Most previous studies evaluating these tools used small plot research which does not accurately represent large scale performance and inhibits adoption. Two dynamic model-based N management tools, which were commercially available in 2021 and 2022 (Adapt-N and Granular), were tested at fifteen on-farm research locations in Nebraska. The objective of this study were to evaluate the sit... S. Norquest, L. Puntel, G. Balboa, L. Thompson

699. Fertigation Management Strategies Effect on Residual Nitrates in the Soil Profile and Ground Water

Nitrogen is an input that is vital for growth and productivity within the corn belt states of the U.S. However, when nitrogen as an input into agricultural cropping systems is often over-applied and thus not optimally utilized by the cropping system. Therefore, it is at risk of loss within the environment through processes of leaching, denitrification, and volatilization. This is a major concern in Nebraska, as the reality is that much of the state’s groundwater has been contaminated wi... K.J. Bathke, T. Cross, J.D. Luck

700. Generative Modeling Method Comparison for Class Imbalance Correction

An image dataset, for use in object detection of hay bales, with over 6000 images of both good and bad hay bales was collected.  Unfortunately, the dataset developed a class imbalance, with more good bale images than bad bales.  This dataset class imbalance caused the bad bale class to over train and the good bale class to under train, severely impacting precision, and recall.  To correct this imbalance and provide a comparison of differing generative modeling methods; three di... B. Vail, Z. Oster, B. Weinhold

701. Predicting Soil Cation Exchange Capacity from Satellite Imagery Using Random Forest Models

Crop yield variability is often attributed to spatial variation in soil properties. Remote sensing offers a practical approach to capture soil surface properties over large areas, enabling the development of detailed soil maps. This study aimed to predict cation exchange capacity (CEC), a key indicator of soil quality, in the agricultural fields of the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley using digital soil mapping techniques. A total of 15,586 soil samples were collected from agricultural field... I. Muller, J. Czarnecki, M. Li, B.K. Smith

702. In-Season Nitrogen Management: Leveraging Data Visualization for Precision Agriculture

The agricultural sector nitrogen management-related research has been extensively high by experiencing a data revolution, with an increasing influx of information from diverse sources like sensors, satellites, and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) imaging technologies. In this context, effective in-season nitrogen data management has become a critical factor; however, the ability of farmers to visualize the impact of such technologies in field research settings has been limited. This ... C. Narayana, S. vanderplas, K.J. Bathke, J.D. Luck

703. Crop and Water Monitoring Networks with Low-cost, Internet of Things Technology

Making meaningful changes in agroecosystems often requires the ability to monitor many environmental parameters to accurately identify potential areas for improvement in water quality and crop production. Increasingly, research questions are requiring larger and larger monitoring networks to draw applicable insights for both researchers and producers. However, acquiring enough sensors to address a particular research question is often cost-prohibitive, making it harder to draw meaningful conc... A.J. Brown, E. Deleon, E. Wardle

704. Exploring Crop Suitability in Senegal Across Global Warming Scenarios: an In-silico Approach

Food production systems in Africa are fragile and vulnerable to climate change. In this context, rising temperatures are the primary cause of the anticipated negative climate change impacts on crop yields. Future yield reductions poses a challenging setting for smallholders to attain self-sufficiency, but new opportunities for managing the risk via implementationof decisions towards mitigate these negative effects from an economic, nutritional, and productive standpoint. Therefore, the object... A. Carcedo, I. Ciampitti

705. Private Simple Databases for Digital Records of Contextual Events and Activities

Farmers’ commitment and ability to keep good records varies tremendously. Records and notes are often cryptic, misplaced, or damaged and for many, remain unused. If such information were recorded digitally and stored in the cloud, we immediately solve some access and consistency issues and make this data FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable). More importantly, interoperable digital formats can also enable mining for insights and analysi... M.S. Basir, J. Krogmeier, Y. Zhang, D. Buckmaster

706. Predicting Within-field Cotton Yield Variability Using DSSAT for Decision Support in Precision Agriculture

The quantification of spatial and temporal variability of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)  yield provides critical information for optimizing resources, especially water, in the Southern High Plains (SHP), Texas, with a diminishing water supply. The within-field yield variation is mostly influenced by the properties of soil and their interaction with water and nutrients. The objective of this study was to predict within-field cotton yield variability using a crop growth mode... B. Ghimire, R. Karn, O. Adedeji, W. Guo

707. Integrating Collected Field Machine Vibration Data with Machine Learning for Enhanced Precision in Agricultural Operations

In this research, we provide an innovative combination of the Agricultural Vibration Data Acquisition Platform (avDAQ) with cutting-edge machine learning methods for data collecting from agricultural machinery. The avDAQ system, which has a strong connection to a GPS sensor, provides precise spatial information to the vibration data that has been collected, providing an in-depth explanation of the locations of the vibrations. The objective is to fully utilize avDAQ's potential to extract ... S. Janbazialamdari, E. Brokesh

708. A Multi-level Filtering Approach for Yield Data Cleaning and Automated Analysis Using R Programming

In the realm of on-farm studies, a recurring challenge surfaces in the form of disparities between field implementation and experimental design within Rx treatment plots. This disjunction underscores the critical need for intensive data cleaning and analysis to generate precise outcomes for the experiments. Complicating matters is the absence of readily available ground truth data for comparative analyses, making it particularly challenging to ascertain the extent of necessary data cleaning a... S. Vinod, J.D. Luck

709. Using Remote Sensing to Quantify Biomass in Alfalfa

Satellite images are a useful decision support tool to optimize management practices at on-farm scale. Based on this, the development of predictive tools to estimate pasture biomass can be a promising framework to determine the best cutting time, maximizing biomass without compromising yield parameters. Therefore, the main objective of this study was to develop a regression model that allows estimating a value of biomass to give as a recommendation to farmers. To collaborate in their decision... M.F. Lucero, A. Zajdband, C. Hernandez, I. Ciampitti, A. Carcedo

710. Influence of Potassium Variability on Soybean Yield

Due to its role as a plant essential nutrient, Potassium (K) serves as a fundamental component for plant growth. Soybeans are heavily reliant upon this nutrient for root growth and the production of pods, so much so that after nitrogen, potassium is the second most in-demand nutrient. Much of the overall soybean crop grown in Oklahoma is not managed with the fertility of K directly in mind. However, as the potential and expectation for greater yield increases, so does interest from produ... J. Derrick, S. Akin, R. Sharry, B. Arnall

711. Enhancing Phosphorus Nutrient Management in Corn Through Tissue Analysis and Diagnostic Tools

Phosphorus (P) plays a pivotal role in crop growth, and optimizing its application is crucial for sustainable agriculture. This research focuses on advancing nutrient management by precisely evaluating tissue phosphorus concentrations in corn. The study delves into identifying critical P levels during various growth stages, assessing alternative diagnostic tools, and exploring correlations to refine phosphorus nutrition strategies. Across 26 locations in Kansas, field experiments employed a r... G. Roa acosta, D. Ruiz diaz

712. Implementation of Autonomous Material Re-filling Using Customized UAV for Autonomous Planting Operations

This project introduces a groundbreaking use case for customized Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in precision agriculture, focused on achieving holistic autonomy in agricultural operations through multi-robot collaboration.  Currently, commercially available drones for agriculture are restrictive in achieving collaborative autonomy with the growing number of unmanned ground robots, limiting their use to narrow and specific tasks.  The advanced payload capacities of multi-rotor UAVs,... V. Muvva, H. Mwunguzi, S. Pitla, K. Joseph

713. Using Drone Remote Sensing for Phenotyping Hessian Fly Resistance in Wheat

Hessian fly, Mayetiola destructor (Say) (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), is an endemic pest reducing wheat yield in most of the world, excluding Australia. The most effective strategy for managing the damage potential of Hessian fly (HF) infestations is to leverage genetic resistance in wheat cultivars. There are over 30 genes that attribute to HF resistance, and there are multiple biotypes of HF. The variety of wheat and HF genetics leads to a complex problem of developing cultivars that p... T.D. Witt, B. Mccornack, I.A. Grijalva teran

714. From Scientific Literature to the End User: Democratizing Access to Data Products Through Interactive Applications

In recent years, the sustained advance in the creation of powerful programming libraries is allowing not only the creation of complex models with predictive capabilities but also revolutionizing visualization processes and the deployment of interactive applications. Some of these tools, such as Streamlit or Shiny frameworks in languages such as Python or R, allow us to create from simple applications with friendly interfaces to complex tools. These interactive digital decision dashboards allo... C. Hernandez, A. Correndo, J. Lacasa, P. Magalhaes cisdeli, G.N. Nocera santiago, I. Ciampitti

715. Fungicide Application Methods and Corn Variety Effect on Corn Silage Deoxynivalenol Levels

Mycotoxin contamination is a major challenge for dairy producers. Deoxynivalenol, (DON) a mycotoxin produced by the fungus Fusarium graminearum, can infect both the corn stalk and ear. Studies have found that 86% of corn silage samples have some concentration of DON. Deoxynivalenol causes major issues in the dairy industry causing decreased milk production, lower components, higher SCC, and decreased reproductive performance. The objective of this research project was to dete... J.M. Hartschuh, R. Minyo

716. Simultaneously Estimating Crop Biomass and Nutrient Parameters Using UAS Remote Sensing and Multitask Learning

Rapid and accurate estimation of crop growth status and nutrient levels such as aboveground biomass, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium concentrations and uptake is critical with respect to precision agriculture and field-based crop monitoring. Recent developments in Uncrewed Aircraft Systems (UAS) and sensor technologies have enabled the collection of high spatial, spectral, and temporal remote sensing data over large areas at a lower cost. Coupled deep learning-based modeling approaches wi... P. Kovacs, M. Maimaitijiang, B. Millett, L. Dorissant, I. Acharya, U.U. Janjua, K. Dilmurat

717. Enhancing Autonomy in Flex-Ro with UNL Farm Scene Dataset for Advanced Object Classification

Flex-Ro, an agricultural rover designed to make farm management more functional, has made significant strides towards achieving full autonomy by integrating the UNL Farm Scene Dataset. This dataset, encompassing diverse farm-related classes such as cows, trees, machinery, irrigation pivots, and hay, has been pivotal in enhancing Flex-Ro's object detection and autonomous navigation capabilities. The integration of this comprehensive dataset has led to marked improvements in Flex-Ro's t... A. Kalra, S. Pitla, J.D. Luck

718. AIR-N: AI-Enabled Robotic Precision Nitrogen Management Platform

The AI-Enabled Robotic Nitrogen Management (AIR-N) system is a versatile, cloud-based platform designed for precision nitrogen management in agriculture, targeting the reduction of nitrous oxide emissions as emphasized by the EPA. This end-to-end integrated system is adaptable to various cloud services, enhancing its applicability across different farming environments. AIR-N's framework consists of three primary components: a sensing layer for gathering data, a cloud layer where AI and ma... A. Kalra, S. Pitla, J.D. Luck

719. Plant-protecting Potential of Biostimulants Against Septoria Tritici in Winter Wheat Under Different N Supply

The persistent pathogenic fungus Septoria tritici is a global problem in the cultivation of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Thus, bio-control alternatives are of a high interest. Biostimulants (BS) such as microbial consortia and algae extracts, or the use of micronutrients could offer a promising solution due to its ability to reduce biotic stress by activating the antioxidant defense system of crops and improving plant growth [1, 2, 3]. In this study, different biostimulants... K. Bradacova, T. Müller, G. Neumann

720. Bird Welfare and Comfort in Poultry Coops Through Computations and AI

Bird welfare and comfort is very important inside poultry coops during transportation, especially during summer and winter months.  The microenvironment inside a poultry coop resulting from hot/cold temperatures, relative humidity and heat production leads to complex scenarios affecting the bird welfare. The enthalpy comfort index (ECI) that relates to temperature, relative humidity was calculated to evaluate the poultry coop welfare that corresponds to bird welfare conditions (comfort; ... R. Pidaparti, A. Moghadham, H. Thippareddi

721. Develop Portable Near-infrared Sensing Devices for Rapid Seed Moisture Measuring in Grass Seed Crops

To maximize harvest efficiency and seed yield, it is essential to harvest seed crops at appropriate timing. Seed moisture content (SMC) is the most reliable indicator of seed maturity and harvest timing in grass seed crops. Currently, to determine the SMC of a particular field, a minimum sample of 30 to 50 seed heads has to be collected from representative areas of the field and measured by wet and dry weights to calculate the SMC. The seeds must be either oven dried, microwave dried, or plac... J. Zhou

722. Biochar Synthesis, Its Impact on Different Soils and Canola Growth

Biochar has been demonstrated as a soil amendment to improve soil health and plant yield. The present study aimed at investigating the potential of wheat straw on canola morphology and yield grown in different soils. The influence of biochar on soil physical and chemical properties was also assessed..Biochar was prepared by pyrolysis of wheat straw in a fixed-bed reactor.  Crushed wheat straw was loaded into the reactor in an N2 environment, and the heating was continued up to... M. Hassan

723. Utilizing Thermal and RGB Imaging for Nutrient Deficiency and Chlorophyll Status Evaluation in Plants

As global population growth and climate change continue to challenge food security, addressing agricultural issues efficiently and cost-effectively is vital for enhancing productivity. Integrating technology into agriculture, particularly through timely interventions, offers promising solutions to mitigate challenges before they escalate. This study investigates the feasibility of using thermal and RGB imaging as efficient, non-destructive methods to assess nutrient deficiencies and chlorophy... A.H. Rabia, D.G. Allam, E.F. Abdelaty, E.A. Abderaouf

724. Evaluating the Impact of Irrigation Rate, Timing, and Maturity-based Cotton Cultivars on Yield and Fiber Quality in West Texas

In West Texas, effective irrigation is crucial for sustainable cotton production given the water scarcity from the declining Ogallala aquifer and erratic rainfall patterns. A three-year study (2020-2022) investigated irrigation rate and timing effects on early to mid-season cotton maturity groups. Five treatments, including rainfed (W1 or LLL) and variations in irrigation rates at growth stages (P1 to P4), were applied. Evaluation involved six to seven cotton cultivars from four maturity grou... O. Adedeji, R. Karn, B.P. Ghimire, W. Guo, E.N. Wieber

725. Hyperspectral Analysis of Mycotoxins to Identify Sensitive Wavelengths for Identifying Contaminated and Clean Corn

Mycotoxins are produced by fungi in the field and in storage settings. It is expensive to measure mycotoxin levels so previous research has concentrated on trying to determine locations at greater risk of contamination in the field at several scales. Within fields Kerry et al. (2023) showed that aflatoxin concentrations were higher in areas that were most prone to drought in dry growing seasons where there were light-textured soils and shedding topographic positions. Kerry et al. (2023) propo... R. Kerry, B. Ingram, G. Ahlborn, K. Sanders, R. Jensen

726. Analytics Model for Predicting Sucrose Percentage in Sugarcane Using Machine Learning Techniques

Sucrose is one of the most important indicators in the final profitability of Colombian sugar mills, therefore, its understanding and forecast are fundamental for the business. In this work, a proposal is formulated for an analysis model that allows predicting the percentage of sucrose based on historical data from mechanically harvested farms with the objective of knowing the numerical value of sucrose for each month of milling and be able to plan monthly and annual sugar production. ... P. Valencia ramirez

727. Effects of Fallow Management Practices on Soil Water, Crop Yield and Water Use Efficiency in Winter Wheat Monoculture System: a Meta-analysis

Winter wheat monoculture is a predominant cropping system for agricultural production in dry areas. However, fallow management effects on soil water conservation and crop yield and water use have been inconsistent among studies. We selected 137 studies and performed a meta-analysis to test the effects of tillage and mulching during the fallow period on precipitation storage efficiency (PSE), soil water storage at wheat planting (SWSp), crop yield, evapotranspiration (ET), and water use effici... M. Adil

728. Determining Desirable Swine Traits that Correlate to High Carcass Grades for Artificial Intelligence Predictions

With the global population continuing to grow, there has been an increased stress applied to the agriculture industry to improve efficiency and yield. To achieve this goal within the cattle industry, selection and reproductive decisions have been lucrative aspects, both genetically and fiscally. Breeding animal selection impacts farms through passing on favorable market, reproductive, and temperament traits. The cattle industry has experienced genetic advancement due to the flexibility of art... A.N. Spina, J.P. Fulton, S.A. Shearer, T. Berger-wolf, D. Drewry

729. AI for Precision Crop-fertilisation Using Anaerobic Digestate as an Organic Fertiliser

The use of fertilisers to support is globally appreciated to support food production and security, especially in Low and Middle-Income Countries. Notwithstanding, the entire synthetic nitrogen (N) fertiliser chain from production through to post-farmland application on global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions demands the identification and precise application of alternative organic fertilisers. For example, in 2018 1.13 GtCO2e was estimated from the synthetic N fertiliser supply c... C.K. Okoro shekwaga

730. Utilizing Image-based Artificial Intelligence for Grading Bovine Oocytes

For years, proper oocyte selection has been carried out with the precision of a lab technician’s eyes. The classification of oocytes using image-based artificial intelligence is a new technology that IVF lab technicians, cattle genetics companies, and veterinarians can utilize. Via the aspiration of the follicles on a cow’s ovaries, oocytes are able to be collected. Once oocytes are obtained from the ovaries of a cow, they are sent to an IVF lab to be cleaned and evaluated by a la... G. Koppelman, J.P. Fulton, S. Khanal, T. Berger-wolf

731. Potential for Improving African Smallholder Cereal Farming Using Sentinel-2A Spectral Reflectance

Cereal crops are critical for African smallholder farmers seeking to improve regional food availability, yet many struggle with low productivity from non optimal practices. This present study evaluated the possibility of using the satellite Sentinel-2 Multispectral Instrument data to inform management techniques tailored to African small-scale cereal farms’ local conditions. Improved practices maize, wheat, and rice plots were established respectively in Togo, Tunisia, and Tanzania... A. Biaou, S. Phillips

732. Potato Disease Detection Using Laser Speckle Imaging and Deep Learning

Early detection of potato diseases is essential for minimizing crop loss. Implementing advanced imaging techniques can significantly improve the accuracy and efficiency of disease detection in potato crops. Leveraging machine learning algorithms can further enhance the speed and precision of disease identification, enabling timely intervention measures. This work presents a novel potato disease detection technique using whole-potato speckle imaging and deep learning. Laser Speckle Imaging (LS... A.H. Rabia, M.A. Salem

733. Development of a High-throughput UAV System for Precision Weed Detection and Control Using Laser Speckle Imaging and UV-C Irradiation

Traditional weed control methods, predominantly reliant on herbicides or labor-intensive ground robots, present notable environmental and efficiency challenges within agricultural practices. To address these concerns, this study introduces an innovative approach utilizing unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for autonomous weed detection and control in agricultural fields. Our proposed system depends on the agility of UAV platforms, integrating two primary technologies. Firstly, Laser Speckle Imag... M.A. Salem, A.H. Rabia

734. Advancements in Agricultural Robots for Specialty Crops: a Comprehensive Review of Innovations, Challenges, and Prospects

The emergence of robot technology presents a timely opportunity to revolutionize specialty crop production, offering crucial support across various activities such as planting, supporting general traits, and harvesting. These robots play a pivotal role in keeping stakeholders up-to-date of developments in their production fields, while providing them the capability to automate laborious tasks. Then, to elucidate the advancements in this domain, we present the results of a comprehensive review... M. Barbosa, R. Santos, L. Sales, L. Oliveira

735. Computer Vision by UAVs for Estimate Soybean Population Across Different Physiological Growth Stages and Sowing Speeds

Soybean (Glycine max (Linnaeus) Merrill) production in the United States plays a crucial role in agriculture, occupying a considerable amount of cultivated land. However, the costs associated with soybean production have shown a notable increase in recent years, with seed-related expenses accounting for a significant proportion of the total. This increase in costs is attributed to a number of factors, including the introduction of patented and protected genetic traits, as well as inflationary... F. Pereira de souza, L. Shiratsuchi, H. Tao, M. Acconcia dias, M. Barbosa, T. Deri setiyono, S. campos

736. Optimizing Soybean Management with UAV RGB and Multispectral Imagery: a Neural Network Method and Image Processing

Precision agriculture (PA) has emerged as a fundamental approach in contemporary agricultural management, aimed at maximizing efficiency in the use of resources and improving crop productivity. The transition to so-called "agriculture 4.0" represents a revolution in the way technology is applied in the field, with an emphasis on digital and automated solutions such as UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles). These devices offer new capabilities for capturing high-resolution images, enabling... F. Pereira de souza, L. Shiratsuchi, H. Tao, M. Acconcia dias, M. Barbosa, T. deri setiyono, S. Campos

737. Optimizing Chloride (Cl) Application for Enhanced Agricultural Yield

The optimization of chloride (Cl-) application rates is crucial for enhancing crop yields and reducing environmental impact in agricultural systems. This study investigates the relationship between chloride application rates and wheat yields, focusing on Club wheat cultivation in a 19.76-hectare field in Washington State. The target yield was set at 3765 kilograms per hectare, with seeding conducted at 67.24 kilograms per hectare using conservation tillage practices. Potassium chlo... F. Pereira de souza, R.P. Negrini, H. Tao

738. Monitoring and Mapping of Weed Canopy Cover Using Drone Data

Weeds remain a major problem with winter wheat production and often grow contemporaneously, through different growth stages in the phenology of winter wheat. The occurrence of certain weed varieties depends largely on some soil and environmental conditions, such as climate, tillage effects, and environmental factors. The science of effective weed management is crucial to attaining optimum winter wheat yield as weeds compete with crop species for resources needed for proper growth, such as lig... J. Oppong, C. Akumu, S. Dennis

739. Advanced Classification of Beetle Doppelgängers Using Siamese Neural Networks and Imaging Techniques

The precise identification of beetle species, especially those that have similar macrostructure and physical characteristics, is a challenging task in the field of entomology. The term "Beetle Doppelgängers" refers to species that exhibit almost indistinguishable macrostructural characteristics, which can complicate tasks in ecological studies, conservation efforts, and pest management. The core issue resides in their striking similarity, frequently confusing both experts and a... P.R. Armstrong, L.O. Pordesimo, K. Siliveru, A.R. Gerken, R.O. Serfa juan

740. Machine Learning Algorithms in Detecting Long-term Effect of Climatic Factors for Alfalfa Production in Kansas

The water levels of the Ogallala Aquifer are depleting so much that agricultural land returns in Kansas are expected to drop by $34.1 million by 2050. It is imperative to understand how frequent droughts and the contrasting rates of groundwater withdrawal and recharge are affected by climate shifts in Kansas. Alfalfa, the ‘Queen of Forages’, is a water demanding crop which supplies high nutritional feed for beef industry that offered Kansas producers a $500 million production valu... F. Nazrul, J. Kim, S. Dey, S. Palla, D. Sihi, B. Whitaker, G. Jha

741. Dimensionality Reduction and Similarity Metrics for Predicting Crop Yields in Sparse Data Microclimates

This study explores and develops new methodologies for predicting agricultural outcomes, such as crop yields, in microclimates characterized by sparse meteorological data. Specifically, it focuses on reducing the dimensionality in time series data as a preprocessing step to generate simpler and more explainable forecast models. Dimensionality reduction helps in managing large data sets by simplifying the information into more manageable forms without significant loss of information. We explor... L. Huender, M. Everett

742. Utilizing ArUco Markers to Define Implement Boundaries

John Deere and Blue River Technology’s autonomous tillage system combines multidisciplinary efforts and cutting-edge technology to achieve Level 5—Unsupervised Autonomy. To create this engineering marvel, countless parameters need defined to ensure safe operation of the system; some of these parameters are static, while other of these parameters are dynamic. One particular set of parameters define the tillage implement’s boundaries for the software stack to utilize, and toda... R. Sleichter

743. Trends in Agricultural Technology Advancements: Insights from US Patent Analysis

Meeting the demand for food, fiber, and fuel production while addressing environmental concerns and enhancing societal benefits underscores the need to transition to conservation approaches and sustainable intensification pathways in current agricultural cropping systems. Technological advances in agriculture offer promising opportunities to facilitate this transition. Following this rationale, this study aims to analyze prevailing trends in agricultural technology advancements. Active patent... P.B. Cano, A. Carcedo, F. Gomez, C. Hernandez, V. Gimenez, I. Ciampitti

744. Spectral Imaging Deep Learning Mapper for Precision Agriculture

With the growing variety of RGB cameras, spectral sensors, and platforms like field robots or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) in precision agriculture, there is a demand for straightforward utilization of collected field data. In recent years, deep learning has gained significant attention and delivered impressive results in the realm of computer vision tasks, such as semantic segmentation. These models have also found extensive applications in research related to precision agriculture and spe... L. Thomas, B. Jakimow, A. Janz, P. Hostert, A. Lajunen

745. Application of Advanced Soft Computing to Estimate Potato Tuber Yield: a Case Study from Atlantic Canada

The potato crop plays a crucial role in the economy of Atlantic Canada, particularly in Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick, where it contributes significantly to potato production. To help farmers make informed decisions for sustainable and profitable farming, this study was conducted to examine the variations in potato tuber yield based on thirty soil properties collected over four growing seasons through experimental trials. The study employed an advanced and explainable ensemble model ... Q.U. Zaman, A. Farooque, M. Jamei, T.J. Esau

746. 3D Computer Vision with a Spatial-temporal Neural Network for Lameness Detection of Sows

The lameness of sows is one of the biggest concerns for swine producers, which can lead to considerable economic losses due to reduced productivity and welfare. There is a real need for early detection of lameness in sows to enable timely intervention and minimize loss. Currently, lame detection relies on visual observation and locomotion scoring of sows, which is subjective, labor-intensive, and difficult to conduct for large groups of animals within a short time. This study presents 3D comp... Y. Wang, Y. Lu, D. Morris, M. Benjamin, M. Lavagnino, J. Mcintyre

747. Proximal, Drone, and Satellite Sensors for In-season Variable Nitrogen Rate Application in Corn: a Comparative Study of Fixed-rate and Sensor-based Approaches

Effective nitrogen (N) management is essential for optimizing corn yield and enhancing agricultural sustainability. Traditional N application methods, typically uniform split pre-plant and in-season applications, often neglect the spatial and temporal variability of N requirements across different fields and years, potentially leading to N overuse. With the rise of precision agriculture technologies, it is crucial to reassess these conventional practices. This study had two main objectives: f... A. Jakhar, A. Bhattarai, L. Bastos, G. Scarpin

748. Integration of Post Emergence Herbicide (PoE) with Nano-urea for Optimized Management of Weed in Indian Black Mustard (Brassica Juncea L.)

Nano-urea (NU) is gaining attention due to its environmental benefits and precise application. Unlike traditional urea fertilizers, NU is engineered at the nanoscale, which increases its efficiency and reduces environmental impacts. However, limited research has been done to evaluate the combined effect of herbicides and NU. Therefore, the overarching goal of our study is to conduct field trials to understand the optimization rates of the synergized composition of herbicide and NU. Our hypoth... B. Duary, U. Debangshi, W. Dutta, G. Jha

749. Affordable Telematics System for Recording and Monitoring Operational Data in Crop Farming

The aim of this research was to create an affordable telematics system for agricultural tractors for enhancing existing data logging capabilities. This system enables real-time transmission of operational data from the tractor's CAN bus to a server for storage, monitoring, and further analysis. By leveraging standardized communication protocols like ISO 11783 and J1939, operational data such as fuel consumption and engine load can be easily monitored. The system was built around a Raspber... A. Lajunen, H. Hovio

750. Automated Detection and Length Estimation of Green Asparagus Towards Selective Harvesting

Green asparagus is an important vegetable crop in the United States (U.S.). Harvesting the crop is notoriously labor-intensive, accounting for over 50% of production costs. There is an urgent need to develop harvesting automation technology for the U.S. asparagus industry to remain sustainable and competitive. Despite previous research and developments on mechanical asparagus harvesting, no practically viable products are available because of their low harvest selectivity and significant yiel... J. Xu, Y. Lu

751. Agrosense: AI-enabled Sensing for Precision Management of Tree Crops

Monitoring the tree inventory and canopy density and height frequently is critical for researchers and farm managers. However, it is very expensive and challenging to manually complete these tasks weekly. Therefore, a low-cost and artificial intelligence (AI) enhanced sensing system, Agrosense, was developed for tree inventory, canopy height measurement, and tree canopy density classification in this study. The sensing system mainly consisted of four RGB-D cameras, two Jetson Xavier NX, and o... C. Zhou, Y. Ampatzidis, H. Guan, W. Liu, A. De oliveira costa neto, S. Kunwar, O. Batuman

752. Lameness Detection in Dairy Cattle Using GPS and Accelerometers Wearable Sensors

Lameness significantly impacts cow health and welfare on dairy farms, yet identifying lamecows remains challenging. Wearable sensors like GPS and accelerometers show promise for automated lameness detection, but their effectiveness outdoors is still unclear. Therefore, there are gaps in understanding their applicability and the necessary features for outdoor settings. Additionally, it is uncertain whether environmental factors, such as temperature and time of day, influence their the model pe... N. Mhlongo, H. De knegt, W.F. De boer, F. Van langevelde

753. On-farm Experimentation Case Study in Brazil: Evaluation of Soybean Seeding Rate Using Resources Available at the Farm

In order to maximize grain yield in soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.) it is necessary that the plant population is correctly defined. Production environments differ spatially, and cultivar holders suggest plant populations across macroregions and in broad ranges. Refinements of planting seasons and populations are carried out through tests on many properties, often costly and sometimes unrepresentative of most fields. Tools for managing spatial variability are ways to conduct mor... M. Rodrigues alves franchi, I. Molina cyrineu, F. Kagami taira, L. Hunhoff, L.M. Gimenez

754. Optimizing Soil Nutrient Management: Agricultural Policy/environmental Extender (APEX) Model Simulation for Field Scale Phosphorous Loss Reduction in Virginia

Managing soil nutrients is crucial for enhancing crop productivity and meeting consumptions demands while minimizing environmental impacts. Sustainable agriculture relies on well-planned soil nutrient management strategies. Phosphorous (P) stands out among the 16 essential soil nutrients, particularly in Virginia, where natural P levels are typically low. Adequate amount of P is necessary for the early root formation and plant growth. However, excess amount of P in the soil leads to increase ... S. Kumari, J. Rathore, S. Mitra, M. Gardezi, O. Walsh

755. Evaluation of Peanut Response to Soil Water Levels Using the Crop Water Stress Index Generated from Infrared Thermal Sensors and Imagery

In precision agriculture, precise monitoring of crop water stress is crucial for optimizing water use, increasing crop yield, and promoting environmental sustainability. Achieving high water use efficiency in peanut production is key to producing high-quality crop. This study investigates the efficiency of infrared thermal sensors and thermal imagery from satellites and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for determining peanut crop water stress index (CWSI). Furthermore, this research explores t... B. Parbi, B.V. Ortiz, E. Abban-baidoo , A. Sanz-saez, J.S. Velasco

756. Predicting Soybean Yield Using Remote Sensing and a Machine Learning Model

Soybean (Glycine max L.), a nutrient-rich legume crop, is an important resource for both livestock feed and human dietary needs. Accurate preharvest yield prediction of soybeans can help optimize harvesting strategies, enhance profitability, and improve sustainability. Soybean yield estimation is inherently complex because yield is influenced by many factors including growth patterns, varying crop physiological traits, soil properties, within-field variability, and weather conditions. The obj... M. Gardezi, O. Walsh, D. Joshi, S. Kumari, D.E. Clay, J. Rathore

757. Sugarcane Yield Mapping Using an On-board Volumetric Sensor

Few alternatives are available to the sugarcane sector for monitoring crop productivity. However, in recent years, research has been dedicated to developing methods ranging from estimation based on engine parameters to using sensors and artificial intelligence. This study aims to present a new tool for monitoring productivity applied to sugarcane cultivation, which utilizes a volumetric optical sensor, in contrast to other methods already used for this measurement, and is recently being intro... G. Balboa, J.C. Masnello, F. De oliveira moreira, R. Canal filho, E.R. Da silva, J.P. Molin

758. Comparing Proximal and Remote Sensors for Variable Rate Nitrogen Management in Cotton

Sensing and variable rate technology are becoming increasingly important in precision agriculture. These technologies utilize sensors to monitor crop growth and health, enabling informed decisions such as diagnosing nitrogen (N) stress and applying variable rates of N. Sensor-based solutions allow for customized N applications based on plant needs and environmental factors. This approach has led to notable reductions in N application rates, minimized N losses by improving N use efficiency (NU... A. Bhattarai, A. Jakhar, L. Bastos, G.J. Scarpin

759. Using Simulation Modeling to Evaluate the Corn Response to Deficit Irrigation Imposed During Reproductive Period

In Alabama, as in many regions of the southeastern states, flash droughts and rising temperatures present significant challenges to the sustainability of agricultural systems. Specifically maize, a crop with a high water demand, faces production risks due to these adverse conditions. The study explores the optimum irrigation scheduling strategies on maize (Zea mays L.) in the reproductive growth stages through the evaluation of the impact of three irrigation treatments, defined by Maximum All... J.S. Velasco, B.V. Ortiz, L. Nunes, R. Prasad, G. Hoogenboom

760. Development of a Multispectral Vision-based Automated Sweetpotato Grading System

Quality evaluation and grading of sweetpotatoes is a manual operation that requires significant labor input. Machine vision technology offers a promising solution for automated sweetpotato grading and sorting. Although color imaging is widely used for quality evaluation of various horticultural commodities, a multispectral vision technique that acquires color and near-infrared (NIR) images simultaneously is a potentially more effective modality for fruit grading, especially for defects, while... J. Xu, Y. Lu

761. Response of Canola and Wheat to Application of Enhanced Efficiency Nitrogen Fertilizers on Contrasting Management Zones

Investment on nitrogen (N) fertilizers is a major cost of growers, and variable rate (VR) application of N fertilizers could help optimize its usage. In the growing season of 2023, field experiments were conducted at four sites (i.e., Watrous – Saskatchewan SK and two fields in the vicinity of Strathmore, Alberta AB, Canada). The main objectives were to (i) determine performance of Enhanced Efficiency N Fertilizers - EENF (i.e., Coated urea, urea with double inhibitors - DI, urea mixed ... H. Asgedom, G. Hehar, C. Willness, W. Anderson, H. Duddu, P. Mooleki, J. Schoenau, M. Khakbazan, R. Lemke, E. derdall, J. Shang, K. Liu, J. Sulik, E. Karppinen, I. Mbakwe

762. Evaluation of a Commercial Robotic Spraying System for Specialty Crops

Effective spraying coverage is crucial in modern agriculture to ensure that crops receive adequate protection from pests and diseases while minimizing the use of chemicals. The advent of robotics in agriculture has introduced autonomous commercial systems capable of performing precise and efficient spraying tasks. Moreover, it is important to test the capabilities and limitations of current technologies on the market to increase these technologies adoption. Therefore, the primary objecti... L. Oliveira, M. Barbosa, L. Sales, R. Santos, R. Vargas

763. Ground-based Imagery Data Collection of Cotton Using a Robotic Platform

In modern agriculture, technological advancements are pivotal in optimizing crop production and resource management. Integrating robotics and image processing techniques allows the efficient collection, analysis, and storage of high-resolution images crucial for monitoring crop health, identifying pest infestations, assessing growth stages, making precise management decisions and predicting yield potential. The objective of this project is to utilize the Farm-NG Amiga robot to develop an imag... O. Fernandez, M. Bhandari, J.L. Landivar-scoot, M. Eldefrawy, L. Zhao, J. Landivar

764. Vegetation Coverage Specific Flower Density Estimation in Blackberry Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Remote Sensing

The effective management of agricultural systems relies on the utilization of accurate data collection techniques to analyze essential crop attributes to enhance productivity and ensure profits. Data collection procedures for specialty horticultural crops are mostly subjective, time consuming and may not be accurate for management decisions in both phenotypic studies and crop production. Reliable and repeatable standard methods are therefore needed to capture and calculate attributes of horti... A. Tagoe, C. Koparan, A. Poncet, D.M. Johnson, M. Worthington, D. Wang

765. Driving Growth Through Precision Agriculture: the Evolution of the Nebraska On-farm Research Network

The Nebraska On-Farm Research Network (NOFRN), allows farmers to answer production, profitability and sustainability questions in their own field. The University of Nebraska (USA) sponsors the NOFRN and provides technical support in the experimental design, execution, data analysis and results dissemination. In recent years, precision agriculture technologies have expanded network capabilities through an increasing ​number of experiments and provided new avenues for data analyses. The goal ... G. Balboa, B. Tobaldo, T. Lexow, J.D. Luck

766. Test

... I. Rund