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Seielstad, G
Pitla, S.K
Cheng, S
Larsen, D
Lai, C
P.W Clevers, J.G
Channangi, S.M
Magyar, F
Cordero, E
Schroeder, M.A
Mansor, S
Stefanini, M
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Ortiz, B
Mahns, B
Souza, E.G
Maja, J.M
Postelmans, A
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Liaghat, S
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Neto, J.C
Ortiz, B
Ortiz, B
Thomson, S.J
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Tyler, D.D
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Patil, V.C
Desai, B.L
Nargund, V.B
Patil, P
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Tulasigeri, V
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John, W
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Lai, C
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Schenatto, K
Souza, E.G
Bazzi, C.L
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Betzek, N.M
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Romani, M
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Skovsen, S
Steen, K.A
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Jørgensen, R.N
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Lai, C
Min, C
Chiang, R
Hafferman, A
Morgan, S
Cambouris, A
Perron, I
Zebarth, B
Vargas, F
Chokmani, K
Biswas, A
Adamchuk, V
G, S
Biradar, D.P
Desai, B.L
Patil, V.C
Patil, P
Nargund, V.B
Desai, V
John, W
Channangi, S.M
Tulasigeri, V
Tsibart, A
Postelmans, A
Dillen, J
Elsen, A
Van de Ven, G
Saeys, W
Milics, G
Varga, P.M
Magyar, F
Balla, I
Oliveira, M.F
Carneiro, F.M
Thurmond, M
del Val, M.D
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Ortiz, B
Sanz-Saez, A
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Oliveira, M.F
Morata, G.T
Ortiz, B
Silva, R.P
Jimenez, A
Rahman, M.M
Robson, A
Brinkhoff, J
Precision Horticulture
Precision A to Z for Practitioners
Remote Sensing Applications in Precision Agriculture
Guidance, Auto Steer, and GPS Systems
Precision Conservation
Modeling and Geo-statistics
Precision Weed Management
Emerging Issues in Precision Agriculture (Energy, Biofuels, Climate Change, Standards)
Sensor Application in Managing In-season CropVariability
Profitability, Sustainability and Adoption
Precision Nutrient Management
Remote Sensing Application / Sensor Technology
Spatial and Temporal Variability in Crop, Soil and Natural Resources
Applications of Unmanned Aerial Systems
Big Data, Data Mining and Deep Learning
On Farm Experimentation with Site-Specific Technologies
In-Season Nitrogen Management
Proximal and Remote Sensing of Soil and Crop (including Phenotyping)
Site-Specific Nutrient, Lime and Seed Management
Decision Support Systems
Big Data, Data Mining and Deep Learning
Precision Horticulture
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Filter results27 paper(s) found.

1. Determination Of Crop Injury From Aerial Application Of Glyphosate Using Vegetation Indices And Geostatistics

Injury to crops caused by off-target drift of glyphosate can seriously reduce growth and yield, and is of great concern to farmers and aerial applicators. Determining an indirect method for assessing the levels and extent of crop injury could support management decisions. The objectives of this study were to evaluate multiple vegetation indices (VIs) as surrogate variables for glyphosate injury identification and to evaluate the combined use of Geostatistical methods and the VIs to assess... B. Ortiz, S.J. Thomson, Y. Huang, K. Reddy

2. Profitability Of RTK Autoguidance And Its Influence On Peanut Production

Efficient harvest of peanuts (Arachis hypogea L.) requires that the digging implement be accurately positioned directly over the target rows. Small driving... K. Balkcom, B. Ortiz, J. Shockley, J.P. Fulton

3. Variable Rate Application Of Nematicides On Cotton Fields: A Promising Site-specific Management Strategy

  The impact of two nematicides [ 1,3 – Dichloropropene (Telone® II) and Aldicarb (Temik)] applied at two rates on RKN population density and cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) lint yield were compared across previously determined RKN management zones (MZ) in commercial fields between 2007 and 2009. The MZ were delineated using fuzzy clustering of various surrogate data for soil texture. All treatments were randomly allocated among... B. Ortiz, C. Perry, D.G. Sullivan, R.C. Kemerait, R.F. Davis, P. Lu, A. Smith

4. Analysis Of Water Use Efficiency Using On-the-go Soil Sensing And A Wireless Network

An efficient irrigation system should meet the demands of the growing crops. While limited water supply may result in yield reduction, excess irrigation is a waste of resources. To investigate water use efficiency, on-the-go sensing technology was used to reveal soil spatial variability relevant to water holding capacity (in this example, field elevation and apparent electrical conductivity). These high-density data layers were used to identify strategic sites where monitoring water availability... L. Pan, V.I. Adamchuk, D.L. Martin, M.A. Schroeder, R.B. Fergugson

5. Generating Herbicide Effective Application Rate Maps Based On GPS Position, Nozzle Pressure, And Boom Section Actuation Data Collected From Sprayer Control Systems

The application of pre- and post- emergence burn-down herbicides (i.e., glyphosate) continues to increase as producers attempt to reduce both negative environmental impacts from tillage and input costs from labor, machinery and materials.  The use of precision agriculture technologies such as automatic boom section control allows producers to reduce off-target application when applying herbicides.  While automatic boom section control has provided benefits, pressure differences across... J.D. Luck, A. Sharda, S.K. Pitla, J.P. Fulton, S.A. Shearer

6. Early Detection of Oil Palm Fungal Disease Infestation Using A Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy Technique

Basal stem rot (BSR) caused by Ganoderma boninense is known as the most destructive disease of oil palm plantations in Southeast Asia. Ganoderma could potentially reduce the market share of palm oil for Malaysia. Currently Malaysia produces about 50% of the world’s supply of palm oil. Early, accurate, and non-destructive diagnosis of Ganoderma fungal infection is critical for management of this disease. Early disease management of Ganoderma could also prevent great losses in production and... S. Liaghat, S. Mansor, H. Shafri, S. Meon, R. Ehsani, S. Azam, N. Noh

7. Affordable Multi-Rotor Remote Sensing Platform for Applications In Precision Horticulture.

Satellite and aerial imaging technologies have been explored for a long time as an extremely useful source of collecting cost-effective data for agricultural applications. In spite of the availability of such technologies, very few growers are using the technology... R. Ehsani, S. Sankaran, J.M. Maja, J.C. Neto

8. Raising Awareness of the Potential of Crop Sensing Technologies to Improve Environmental Stewardship

Extensive research and on-farm work using active crop sensors for input management have been conducted in the Midwest and Great Plain USA with favorable results. Contrasting is the situation in the Southeast where the adoption by farmers is still limited and current on-going research is focused on the main southeastern crops. This presentation will provide an overview of the multiple extension activities related to crop sensing involving farmers, extension agents and crop consultants in Alabama.... B. Ortiz

9. Building Proactive Predictive Models With Big Data Technology For Precision Agriculture

In a world with ever increasing shortages of food production due to increasing populations and depletion of resources, the need for new technologies and techniques for sustainable and efficient agriculture with long term financial, environmental and cultural benefits are critical.  An area of scientific study concerning crop-production management called Precision Agriculture (PA) is a concept based on integrating modern information technologies such as Big Data Analytics, GPS... C. Lai, C. Belsky

10. Crop Circle Sensor-Based Precision Nitrogen Management Strategy For Rice In Northeast China

GreenSeeker (GS) sensor-based precision N management strategy for rice has been developed, significantly improved N fertilizer use efficiency. Crop Circle ACS-470 (CC) active sensor is a new user configurable sensor, with a choice of 6 possible bands. The objectives of this study were to identify important vegetation indices obtained from CC sensor for estimating rice yield potential and rice responsiveness to topdressing N application and evaluate their potential improvements over GS normalized... Q. Cao, Y. Miao, J. Shen, S. Cheng, R. Khosla, F. Liu

11. Net Returns and Production Use Efficiency for Optical Sensing and Variable Rate Nitrogen Technologies in Cotton Production

This research evaluated the profitability and N use efficiency of real time on-the-go optical sensing measurements (OPM) and variable-rate technologies (VRT) to manage spatial variability in cotton production in the Mississippi River Basin states of Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, and Tennessee. Two forms of OPM and VRT and the existing farmer practice (FP) were used to determine N fertilizer rates applied to cotton on farm fields in the four states. Changes in yields and N rates due to OPM... J.A. Larson, M. Stefanini, D.M. Lambert, X. Yin, C.N. Boyer, J.J. Varco, P.C. Scharf , B.S. Tubaña, D. Dunn, H.J. Savoy, M.J. Buschermohle, D.D. Tyler

12. Integrated Approach to Site-specific Soil Fertility Management

In precision agriculture the lack of affordable methods for mapping relevant soil attributes is a funda­mental problem. It restricts the development and application of advanced models and algorithms for decision making. The project “I4S - Integrated System for Site-Specific Soil Fertility Management” combines new sensing technologies with dynamic soil-crop models and decision support systems. Using sensors with different measurement principles improves the estimation of soil fertility... R. Gebbers, V. Dworak, B. Mahns, C. Weltzien, D. Büchele, I. Gornushkin, M. Mailwald, M. Ostermann, M. Rühlmann, T. Schmid, M. Maiwald, B. Sumpf, J. Rühlmann, M. Bourouah, H. Scheithauer, K. Heil, T. Heggemann, M. Leenen, S. Pätzold, G. Welp, T. Chudy, A. Mizgirev, P. Wagner, T. Beitz, M. Kumke, D. Riebe, C. Kersebaum, E. Wallor

13. Remote Sensing-based Biomass Maps for an Efficient Use of Fertilizers

For decades the main objective of farmers was to get the highest yields from their farmland. Nowadays, quality of agricultural products is becoming more and more important for the largest returns. In addition, the effects on our environment are also becoming important. These put increasing limitations on modern agriculture. So-called site-specific management can optimize the input of, for instance, nutrients and pesticides to the need of the plants. In this study, the objective was to study whether... J.G. P.w clevers, K.H. Wijnholds, J.N. Jukema

14. Zone Mapping Application for Precision-farming: a Decision Support Tool for Variable Rate Application

We have developed a web-based decision support tool, Zone Mapping Application for Precision Farming (ZoneMAP, http://zonemap.umac.org), which can automatically determine the optimal number of management zones and delineate them using satellite imagery and field survey data provided by users. Application rates, say for fertilizer, can be prescribed for each zone and downloaded in a variety of formats to ensure compatibility with GPS-enabled farming applicators. ZoneMAP is linked to Digital Northern... X. Zhang, C. Helgason, G. Seielstad, L. Shi

15. Prototype Unmanned Aerial Sprayer for Plant Protection in Agricultural and Horticultural Crops

Aerial application of pesticides has the potential to reduce the amount of pesticides required as chemicals are applied where needed. A prototype Unmanned Aerial Sprayer with a payload of 20 kg; a spraying rate of 6 liters per minute; a spraying swathe of 3 meters, coverage rate of 2 to 4 meters per second and 10 minutes of flight time was built using state of the art technologies. The project is a joint development by University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad, KLE Technological University,... S. Reddy, D.P. Biradar, V.C. Patil, B.L. Desai, V.B. Nargund, P. Patil, V. Desai, V. Tulasigeri, S.M. Channangi, W. John

16. Weed Detection Among Crops by Convolutional Neural Networks with Sliding Windows

One of the primary objectives in the field of precision agriculture is weed detection. Detecting and expunging weeds in the initial stages of crop growth with deep learning technique can minimize the usage of herbicides and maximize the crop yield for the farmers. This paper proposes a sliding window approach for the detection of weed regions using convolutional neural networks. The proposed approach involves two processes: (1) Image extraction and labelling, (2) building and training our neural... K. Kantipudi, C. Lai, C. Min, R.C. Chiang

17. Use of Farmer’s Experience for Management Zones Delineation

In the management of spatial variability of the fields, the management zone approach (MZs) divides the area into sub-regions of minimal soil and plant variability, which have maximum homogeneity of topography and soil conditions, so that these MZs must lead to the same potential yield. Farmers have experience of which areas of a field have high and low yields, and the use of this knowledge base can allow the identification of MZs in a field based on production history. The objective of this study... K. Schenatto, E.G. Souza, C.L. Bazzi, A. Gavioli, N.M. Betzek, P.S. Magalhães

18. Deriving Fertiliser VRA Calibration Based on Ground Sensing Data from Specific Field Experiments

Nitrogen (N) fertilisation affects both rice yield and quality. In order to improve grain yield while limiting N losses, providing N fertilisers during the critical growth stages is essential. NDRE is considered a reliable crop N status indicator, suitable to drive topdressing N fertilisation in rice. A multi-year experiment on different rice varieties (Gladio, Centauro, and Carnaroli) was conducted between 2011 and 2017 in Castello d’Agogna (PV), northwest Italy, with the aim of i) establishing... E. Cordero, D. Sacco, B. Moretti, E.F. Miniotti, D. Tenni, G. Beltarre, M. Romani, C. Grignani

19. Autonomous Mapping of Grass-Clover Ratio Based on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Convolutional Neural Networks

This paper presents a method which can provide support in determining the grass-clover ratio, in grass-clover fields, based on images from an unmanned aerial vehicle. Automated estimation of the grass-clover ratio can serve as a tool for optimizing fertilization of grass-clover fields. A higher clover content gives a higher performance of the cows, when the harvested material is used for fodder, and thereby this has a direct impact on the dairy industry. An android application... D. Larsen, S. Skovsen, K.A. Steen, K. Grooters, O. Green, R.N. Jørgensen, J. Eriksen

20. Precision Agriculture Research Infrastructure for Sustainable Farming

Precision agriculture is an emerging area at the intersection of engineering and agriculture, with the goal of intelligently managing crops at a microscale to maximize yield while minimizing necessary resource. Achieving these goals requires sensors and systems with predictive models to constantly monitor crop and environment status. Large datasets from various sensors are critical in developing predictive models which can optimally manage necessary resources. Initial experiments at University... C. Lai, C. Min, R. Chiang, A. Hafferman, S. Morgan

21. Delineation of Soil Management Zones: Comparison of Three Proximal Soil Sensor Systems Under Commercial Potato Field in Eastern Canada.

Precision agriculture (PA) involves optimization of seeding, fertilizer application, irrigation, and pesticide use to optimize crop production for the purpose of increasing grower revenue and protecting the environment. Potato crops (Solanum tuberosum L.) are recognized as good candidates for the adoption of PA because of the high cost of inputs. In addition, the sensitivity of potato yield and quality to crop management and environmental conditions makes precision management economically... A. Cambouris, I. Perron, B. Zebarth, F. Vargas, K. Chokmani, A. Biswas, V. Adamchuk

22. Prototype Unmanned Aerial Sprayer for Plant Protection in Agricultural and Horticultural Crops

Aerial application of pesticides has the potential to reduce the amount of pesticides required as chemicals are applied where needed. A prototype Unmanned Aerial Sprayer with a payload of 20 kg; a spraying rate of 6 liters per minute; a spraying swathe of 3 meters, coverage rate of 2 to 4 meters per second and 10 minutes of flight time was built using state of the art technologies. The project is a joint development by University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad, KLE Technological University,... S. G, D.P. Biradar, B.L. Desai, V.C. Patil, P. Patil, V.B. Nargund, V. Desai, W. John, S.M. Channangi, V. Tulasigeri

23. Should We Increase or Decrease the Fertilization in the Zones with the Highest Crop Productivity Potential?

Introduction. In traditional farming, fertilizers are applied homogeneously on the agricultural fields taking into account the average crop recommendation. As most fields are not homogeneous, this results in overfertilization of certain zones and underfertilization of other zones. The excess of nitrate leaches to the surface and groundwaters which causes problems with the water quality. Precision fertilizer management has been proposed to reduce these negative effects.... A. Tsibart, A. Postelmans, J. Dillen, A. Elsen, G. Van de ven, W. Saeys

24. Data Sources and Risk Management in Precision Agriculture

The digitalisation of the agricultural economy provides more data about the biological processes and technological solutions used for producing agricultural products than ever before. Paralell to the data collection – aiming to provide information for agricultural decision-making and operations – the data informs the farmers, public administration officers and other players in agriculture about the state of the environment. The strategic planning on operation of farms and data handling... G. Milics, P.M. Varga, F. Magyar, I. Balla

25. Predicting Below and Above Ground Peanut Biomass and Maturity Using Multi-target Regression

Peanut growth and maturity prediction can help farmers and breeding programs improving crop management. Remote sensing images collected by satellites and drones make possible and accurate crop monitoring. Today, empirical relations between crop biomass and spectral reflectance could be used for prediction of single variables such as aboveground crop biomass, pod weight (PW), or peanut maturity. Robust algorithms such as multioutput regression (MTR) implemented through multioutput random forest... M.F. Oliveira, F.M. Carneiro, M. Thurmond, M.D. Del val, L.P. Oliveira, B. Ortiz, A. Sanz-saez, D. Tedesco

26. Coupling Machine Learning Algorithms and GIS for Crop Yield Predictions Based on Remote Sensing Imagery and Topographic Indices

In-season yield prediction can support crop management decisions helping farmers achieve their yield goals. The use of remote sensing to predict yield it is an alternative for non-destructive yield assessment but coupling auxiliary data such as topography features could help increase the accuracy of yield estimation. Predictive algorithms that can effectively identify, process and predict yield at field scale base on remote sensing and topography still needed. Machine learning could be an alternative... M.F. Oliveira, G.T. Morata, B. Ortiz, R.P. Silva, A. Jimenez

27. Assessing the Potential of Sentinel-1 in Retrieving Mango Phenology and Investigating Its Relation to Weather in Southern Ghana

The rise in global production of horticultural tree crops over the past few decades is driving technology-based innovation and research to promote productivity and efficiency. Although mango production is on the rise, application of the remote sensing technology is generally limited and the available study on retrieving mango phenology stages specifically, was focused on the application of optical data. We therefore sought to answer the questions; (1) can key phenology stages of mango be retrieved... B.A. Torgbor, M.M. Rahman, A. Robson, J. Brinkhoff