Community Leaders
Marius Michels
George-August-University of Goettingen
Deputy Lead:
Markus Gandorfer
LFL, Germany
Community Members
Kehinde Adesiyan
Alumni, National Association of Agricultural Students
Ejaz Ashraf
University of Sargodha, Punjab-Pakistan
Amlan Balabantaray
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Guillermo Balboa
University of Nebraska
Bere Benjamin Bantchina
Bursa Uludağ University
Claudio Leones Bazzi
Technological Federal University of Parana
David Behr
Karl Behrendt
Harper Adams University
Abdel-Aziz Belal
National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences (NA
Asim Biswas
University of Guelph
Maria Boerngen
Illinois State University
Betty Bonnardel
Farmer Charlie
Prof. Martin Bosompem
University of Cape Coast
Priscila Belen Cano
University of Palermo
Warren Eugene Clark
CCI Marketing | agnewscenter
Jose Miguel del Cid
Jacob Demarais
CNH Industrial
Latifa Dhaouadi
Centre Régional de Recherches en Agriculture Oasienne
Rajveer Dhillon
Central State University
Gheorghe Donca
University of Oradea
Aashvi Dua
Kansas State University
Daniel Eberz-Eder
Association for Technology and Structures in Agriculture
Alex Escolà
Universitat de Lleida
Mark Daniel Estrada
Kansas State University
Byron Evers
Kansas State University
Nicodeme Fassinou Hotegni
University of Abomey Calavi
John P Fulton
The Ohio State University
Bishnu Ghimire
Texas Tech University
Wenxuan Guo
Texas Tech University and Texas A&M AgriLife Research
Jose Antonio Guzman Alvarez
Corporación Bananera Nacional (CORBANA)
Hannu E S Haapala
University of Helsinki
Ittai Herrmann
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Saddam Hussain
University of Agriculture Faisalabad
Marcel Ionescu
Bilal Javed
University Laval | Agriculture and agrifood, Canada
Kirk Jessup
Mainstay Farming Partnership
Gaurav Jha
Kansas State University
Deepak Joshi
Kansas State University
Masakazu Kodaira
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Peter Kovacs
South Dakota State University
Andrew Krmenec
Won Suk Lee
University of Florida
Saskia Lehnert
Great Plains Mfg
Boris Roldan Leon
James Lowenberg-DeBoer
Harper Adams University
Matias Federico Lucero
Ajibola Oluwatosin Matthews
Maotronics Systems Limited
Bruce D Maxwell
Montana StateUniversity
Yuxin Miao
College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences, University of Minnesota
Marius Michels
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Katsutoshi Mizuta
Ohio Wesleyan University
Somali National University
Jose Paulo Molin
University of Sao Paulo
EIJI Morimoto
Kobe University
Carlos Mosquera
Penelope Nagel
Persistence Data Mining, Inc
Anh Nguyen
Auburn University
Scott Thomas Nieman
AgGateway, Land O'Lakes, Truterra
Chikeobi Nnah
Pedro Olivares
Asesoría y Dirección Agroindustrial S.A. de C.V.
Luan Oliveira
University of Georgia
Michael Oyunga
Harsh Pathak
Purdue University
Søren Marcus Marcus pedersen
University of Copenhagen
Manuel Pérez-Ruiz
University of Seville, Spain
Laila Puntel
Syngenta IT & Digital; University of Nebraska
Bayu Taruna Widjaja Putra
Center of Excellence on AI for Industrial Agriculture
Tom Roth
Stanislaw Marek Marek Samborski
Warsaw University of Life Sciences
Brent Sams
Amrit Shrestha
Mississippi State University
Akwasi Tagoe
University of Arkansas
Simerjeet Virk
Auburn University
Shiying Wang
Greencare-HZAU Institute of Precision Agriculture
Jim Wilson
Soilessentials Ltd
Kang Yu
Technical University of Munich
Jonathan Zettler
Fieldwalker Agronomy Limited
Congliang Zhou
University of Florida
Economics Community
Community name: Precision Agriculture Economics, Profitability, Adoption, and Risk
Justification: The profitability of new technology ultimately determines the success at the farm level and can be measured in part by examining the adoption trends. From the farm and agribusiness side, the economic questions have always been at least as important as the technical issues especially after commercialization of the product.
Justification: The profitability of new technology ultimately determines the success at the farm level and can be measured in part by examining the adoption trends. From the farm and agribusiness side, the economic questions have always been at least as important as the technical issues especially after commercialization of the product.
The scope of this community includes all agricultural economists and associated economic topics including other social sciences. Pertinent topics are profitability, economics, efficiency, and adoption. Economists often examine the profitability of precision either as individual or bundled technology. The economics at the micro- and macro-scale are being evaluated. The adoption trends of technology in both developed and developing countries are often a sub-theme that economists study. Social science topics may include impacts of technology on the rural household, not just the farming operation.
Proposed activities
- Organize two oral paper sessions at each ICPA, one for profitability and economics and the other on adoption trends and other social science issues.
- Hold bi-yearly virtual meetings via Skype or similar to encourage worldwide collaboration on adoption trends of precision technology.
- Hold breakfast meeting at ICPA in even number years to elect Community Leaders and discuss topics for collaboration to present at the next ICPA.
- Community members will reach out to their colleagues to encourage abstract submission for consideration for presentations.
- Maintain web page on ISPA website including list of current projects and team members
- Contribute an entry for ISPA newsletter twice a year
Related Resources
ISPA Economics Community
Deputy Economics Community Leader
Professor Marius Michels from Humboldt University in Berlin (Germany) has successfully been elected un-opposed as the incoming ISPA Economics Community Deputy Leader.
Marius Michels, who grew up on an arable farm, pursued a bachelor's degree in agricultural sciences with a specialization in crop sciences at the Georg-August University of Göttingen, Germany in 2013. Subsequently, he commenced a master's program in economic and social sciences of agriculture at the same university, completing it in 2016. His PhD thesis centered on the utilization of smartphones for agricultural purposes.
At present, Marius Michels is a visiting professor at Humboldt University in Berlin, where he directs the department of quantitative agricultural economics. His primary research interest pertains to digitalization in agriculture, with a particular emphasis on analyzing farm-level decision-making. Additionally, he actively investigates risk management strategies for farms, the agricultural land market, agricultural policies, as well as behavioral and experimental economics. The ISPA Economics Community greatly appreciates Marius’ commitment and support and look forward to his leadership.
ISPA Economics Community Event
During the 18th & 19th September 2023 the ISPA Economics Community will be hosting a special session at the 6th Symposium on Agri-Tech Economics for Sustainable Futures organised by Harper Adams University, UK. The session will be focused on the Economics and Adoption of Precision Agriculture. We are very excited to announce that the keynote speaker for the session is Professor Jess (James) Lowenberg-DeBoer (co-editor of the journal Precision Agriculture 2016-2022 and past president of the ISPA) who will be presenting on Lessons Learned in 30 years of Precision Agriculture Research.
The session is part of an in-person symposium at Harper Adams University in the UK, with discounted on-campus accommodation available and a very sociable conference dinner. You are invited to showcase your work and discuss it among world leading peers and fellow Economics Community members. The call for papers is currently open and closes on the 10th July 2023 and we encourage ISPA members to consider submitting their work. For more information go to:
Notes from 2018 JUN Meeting in Montreal
Bullet points regarding the Economics Community meeting at ICPA in Montreal, June 2018:
Terry Griffin, Founding Leader, from Kansas State University and Jordan Shockley, Founding Vice Leader, from the University of Kentucky initiated the first economics community meeting
26 people were in attendance plus 2 that called into the meeting.
Those in the meeting represented a wide range of backgrounds, locations, and experience in PA (not just economists)
Many topics were discussed but two areas the committee decided to move forward with were: (1) economics of autonomous machinery and (2) pulling together adoption data and research from the global perspective.
Jordan Shockley (University of Kentucky) agreed to be the new Leader of the Economcis Community while Jiali Shang (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada) agreed to be the new Vice Leader