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Be sure to follow ISPA on Twitter and LinkedIn to remain up to date with what the society has to offer.  If you're posting about precision agriculture and would like to reach our international community, please add #ispag to your post. 

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The purposes of ISPA are to:
  • Organize and conduct international conferences related to precision agriculture (PA), such as International Conference on Precision Agriculture, European Conference on Precision Agriculture, and other related conferences.
  • Develop and maintain a web-portal to communicate the latest developments in PA with the world, and maintain a member listserv to communicate among society members.
  • Publish a monthly ISPA e-newsletter for members and other subscribers.
  • Provide members an opportunity for publication of original scientific research in the society sponsored peer-reviewed journal, Precision Agriculture.
16th ICPA and International Symposium on Robotics and Automation flyer

16th International Conference on Precision Agriculture

The 16th International Conference on Precision Agriculture will highlight significant research and its applications in precision agriculture and showcase emerging technologies and information management for agriculture. It will offer oral and poster presentations and exhibits, as well as discussions and exchanges of information on various aspects of precision agriculture. Sessions will offer information on key topics for scientists, crop consultants, advisors, extension personnel, agronomists, producers, and other practitioners.

International Symposium on Robotics & Automation

Agricultural production is challenged by world food demand, the need to reduce agriculture's environmental footprint, the shortage of labor, and unprecedented variations in weather patterns. These stressors are accelerating the pace of innovation in automation and robotic systems which have benefited from the advancements made in machine vision, sensors and actuators, artificial intelligence (AI), and human-robot interactions.

This symposium will provide a space where academia, industry, funding agencies, and other stakeholders can exchange knowledge on emerging trends and identify challenges along with opportunities in the fields of automation and robotics in agriculture.

ISPA Country Representative

Jim WilsonCountry Representatives serve to help promote ISPA by championing the ISPA mission and purpose globally, in particular, in the country they represent. ISPA is growing internationally so Country Representatives remain an important position to help ISPA best serve people, groups, governments and others, globally connecting them to science and experts.
Please join us in thanking ISPA Country Representative from the United Kingdom, Jim Wilson. 
If you are interested in becoming a Country Representative, please email info@ispag.org with your bio highlighting your experience in precision agriculture and your CV.  ISPA requires that all Country Representatives are current members of the society. To become a member, please complete the membership form.  

Precision Agriculture available to members

The Springer journal, Precision Agriculture, is available to ISPA members through this website. When you login to the website you will see a Members tab at the far right of the navigation tabs. Click on the Members tab to see the menu and select Precision Agriculture journal to be redirected to the Springer site. 
Springer link website

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