
Newsletter Suggestion

Have an event, project, job opening, or interesting news item related to precision agriculture? Please suggest an item for our ISPA newsletter. We welcome contributions from members and associates. 

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ISPA Newsletter 8(2) February 2020: CLAP2020, ECPA 2021, Upcoming Events, Jobs
Feb 12, 2020
CLAP2020 Latin American Congress of Precision Agriculture
On behalf of Dr. Gabriel Esposito, President of the Second Latin American Crogress of Precision Agriculture, please consider attending CLAP2020, "Managing the variability for sustainable production," organized by the Latin American Society of Precision Agriculture. The event will take place in Cordoba, Argentina, 14-16 October 2020. For more information visit the website at www.aslatap.com/clap-2020
ECPA 2021
Dear colleagues,
It is with great pleasure that we invite you to the 13th European Conference on Precision Agriculture (ECPA) to be held between 19-22 of July, 2021 in Budapest, Hungary, under the auspices of the International Society of Precision Agriculture (ISPA) and organized by the Hungarian Society of Precision Agriculture and Agroinform. Abstract submission opens soon, deadline for the abstract submission will be 7th of October, 2020 (Wednesday) 12pm CET. 
Budapest is the capital city of Hungary. Once called the “Queen of the Danube,” Budapest has long been the focal point of the nation. The city is a lively cultural centre on both sides of the Danube (Hungarian: Duna) River in the magnificent natural setting where the hills of western Hungary meet the plains stretching to the east and south. It consists of two parts, Buda and Pest, which are situated on opposite sides of the river and connected by a series of bridges. 
Precision Agriculture (PA) is just as an important issue now as when it was first developing in the late 80s/early 90s. The size of ECPA meetings allows the community to focus on specific topics covering all aspects of PA practices, while discovering what our colleagues are working on, enabling synergies and co-operation. We cordially invite you to submit an abstract of your research related to the topics of 13th ECPA (listed in the conference website). We will do our best to keep the standards of the Proceedings, which will require a full paper submission (after acceptance of an abstract) and careful assessment by the Scientific Committee.
The 13th European Conference on Precision Agriculture conference website (https://ecpa2021.agroinform.hu/) will provide you with all the information related to the conference. 
Shortly we will kindly ask you to fill in a questionnaire in order to have a better indication of possible attendance and to register your name and contact information in a database with the sole purpose of keeping you up-to-date.
Finally, we would like to  encourage all of you to come to Budapest and let your colleagues and the society know about your achievements.
We are looking forward to meeting you in Budapest.
The organizing committee
Upcoming Events
29 JUN - 3 JUL 2025
15th European Conference on Precision Agriculture
Barcelona, Spain 
22-31 AUG 2025
XXXII ISSCT Centennial Congress
Cali, Colombia 
14-16 OCT 2025
11th Asian-Australasian Conference on Precision Agriculture 
Chiayi, Taiwan
2-4 FEB 2026
International Crop Modeling Symposium (iCROPM2026)
Florence, Italy 
Do you have an event that would be of interest to our members? Send us an email to let us know.
Jobs Listing
Do you have a job you would like to post to the ISPA website? Please send your job announcement, a short description, and cutoff deadline for applications to info@ispag.org
Contribute to the ISPA Newsletter
Do you have a precision ag event, project, or news article that our members would be interested in? Please let us know. We post events, job opportunities, and news from members from around the globe. Email info@ispag.org or use the handy online form to submit your contribution

The International Society of Precision Agriculture (ISPA) is a non-profit professional scientific organization.
The mission of ISPA is to advance the science of precision agriculture globally.
newsletter@ispag.org to suggest content for future newsletters or visit www.ispag.org for more about the Society