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15th ICPA Plenary Presentation

Plenary Keynote

Join us on Tuesday, 28 JUNE for Dr. Raj Khosla's presentation: Past, Present, and Future of the Precision Agriculture and our Professional Society.  Learn more about the Plenary Keynote and following Panel Discussion here.
Dr. Raj Khosla

Past, Present, and Future of Precision Agriculture and our Professional Society

The passage of law in 1983 to allow Global Positioning Systems (GPS) to be available for civil applications was a landmark event in the history of human kind.  Later in early 2000 a further commitment was made by the US government to grant civilians access to un-degraded GPS signals on par with those used by the military.  This was a game changer for everybody and particularly agriculture worldwide.  It was pivotal to the progress we have made today in the field of precision agriculture which is rapidly definin the emerging discipline of Digital Agriculture.  How did we get here?  What role GPS played in enabling the shape of Precision Agriculture as we know today?  What does future hold for us as Precision Agronomists / Scientists / Engineers / Data Analytics / Social aspects and more in the next ten years and beyond.  What role does our professional Society - ISPA can play in furthering the science of precision agriculture globally?  These questions and more will be presented in the Plenary Keynote followed by a panel discussion among the scientists and engineers from around the world.