ISPA Account
Special Issue on OFE in Agronomy for Sustainable Development
Back in August 2021, guest editors Myrtille Lacoste, Isabelle Piot-Lepetit, Nicolas Tremblay and Simon Cook sent a call for papers for a virtual issue on OFE, which ended in March 2022. The virtual issue is titled “Farmer-Centric On-Farm Experimentation (OFE): digital tools for a scalable transformative pathway”
Papers are starting to be published online and we want to highlight them here as they are coming out:
► Laurent et al. (2022) A yield comparison between small-plot and on-farm foliar fungicide trials in soybean and maize.
► Song et al. (2022) Factors influencing intention to apply spatial approaches to on-farm experimentation: insights from the Australian winegrape sector.
Papers are starting to be published online and we want to highlight them here as they are coming out:
► Laurent et al. (2022) A yield comparison between small-plot and on-farm foliar fungicide trials in soybean and maize.
► Song et al. (2022) Factors influencing intention to apply spatial approaches to on-farm experimentation: insights from the Australian winegrape sector.