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DIFM International Conference for On-Farm Precision Experimentation

DIFM Conference Flyer
On-farm precision experiments (OFPEs) are large, statistically valid on-farm agronomic trials that farmers implement using precision technology to generate data-based input management decisions. On Jan. 8-11, the Data-Intensive Farm Management Project (DIFM) will be hosting the USDA-sponsored International Conference for On-Farm Precision Experimentation.  The conference will be preceded by a Jan. 7 welcome and ”meet and greet,” in which DIFM’s NRCS-sponsored subsidization of farmers and consultants to conduct on-farm research is explained.  Jan. 8-9 will introduce OFPE to farmers and farm managers, professional crop consultants, and college students in digital agricultural programs, and will feature training sessions for the use of the DIFM’s cloud-based cyber-infrastructure, which offers user-friendly methods for the design, implementation and analysis of OFPEs.  Farmers and consultants will present results and lessons from their on-farm trials.  January 10-11 will focus on academic research reports, but will be open to all.
View the conference flyer here