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ISPA Participation During the 14th ECPA

The 14th European Conference on Precision Agriculture (ECPA) took place in Bologna during the week of July 2-6, 2023. Members of ISPA attended the conference and engaged with more than 400 participants that traveled to Bologna from Africa, Asia, South and North America, and of course Europe. During the conference opening session, Brenda Ortiz, current ISPA Board Secretary, gave introductory and welcome remarks highlighting the role of Precision Agriculture to increase crop productivity as well as to strengthen environmental sustainability. She emphasized the need to accelerate the innovation process and stressed that aspect as one of the biggest challenges for scientists and practitioners.  She also highlighted the need to work together and build up on our strengths to produce solutions with people and for the people. Participants to the conference were invited to an ISPA business meeting on Monday, July 3rd, where Brenda Ortiz and ISPA Board Treasurer, Ruth Kerry, provided an update on the society. 
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