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University of Georgia - Assistant Professor - Extension Specialist Precision Agriculture Systems

The Department of Crop and Soil Sciences (CRSS) within the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES)
at the University of Georgia is seeking an outstanding and qualified candidate for a full-time (9-month appointment with
two-months of guaranteed summer salary), 75% Extension / 20% Research / 5% Service tenure-track faculty position
based at the University of Georgia’s Tifton Campus in Tifton, GA (http://tifton.caes.uga.edu/). The successful candidate
is expected to develop local, state, regional, national, and internationally recognized programs broadly focused on the
area of Precision Agriculture. Specific areas of emphasis will be based on the candidates’ strengths, and will include topics
such as Advanced Machinery Systems, Precision Irrigation, Remote Sensing and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Autonomy in
Agriculture, Advanced Water and Nutrient Management and other related fields and topics.

The estimated start date is January 1, 2025.

The successful candidate is expected to:

Develop strong, externally funded Extension and research programs in one or more of the following areas:
• Utilization and implementation of precision-agriculture technologies such as yield monitors, field mapping,
remote sensing, advanced data mapping and collection for site specific agriculture
• Evaluation and education in digital agriculture for producers
• Implementation of Precision Irrigation and Advanced Water Management Strategies directly applicable to GA
• Utilization of systems such as guidance systems for off-road vehicles and control systems and sensors for variable rate
• Use of drones for herbicide and seeding applications
• Development of field experiments as related to precision technologies
• Development and evaluation of machinery systems such as planters, fertilizer spreaders, sprayers, harvesters, tillage
equipment and other equipment utilized in field operations.
• Work with the existing UGA Precision Agriculture Team and other faculty within CAES, the College of Engineering,
the Institute for Integrative Precision Agriculture, and related disciplines to provide leadership in precision agriculture
solutions to crop production in the southeastern U.S.
• Develop both Extension and research materials which can be presented at local, regional, national and international
• Mentor graduate students and collaborate with Georgia county agents.

All applicants must possess a Ph.D. in mechanical/biological/agricultural/biosystems engineering, agronomy, crop and
soil sciences, or related field with documented expertise in Precision Agriculture as it relates to the candidate’s area of

Preferred Qualifications: The successful candidate should have a solid background in the areas listed above, demonstrated
a record of scholarship, show evidence of potential to secure extramural funding, and be able to perform and publish
high quality integrated work. Excellent oral and written communication skills are critical for success in this position
as it includes a large appointment in Extension. The ability and desire to work collaboratively in an interdisciplinary
environment is expected.

The job can be found at https://www.ugajobsearch.com/postings/388076 on UGA’s jobsite. For more information please
contact the committee chair Dr. Wesley Porter at wporter@uga.edu for inquiries, questions, or interest in the position.