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ISPA Members Presenting at 7th Precision Ag Summit

The theme of the 7th annual Precision Ag Action Summit is “Creating Certainty during Times of Volatility,” and reflects the current state of the agricultural industry. Dr. Terry Griffin, Treasurer of the ISPA, will deliver the keynote address on “The Evolution of a Revolution: Past, Present & Future of Precision Ag” describing the infancy of precision agriculture and how technology evolved into big data in agriculture. In addition to delivering the keynote address, Griffin will moderate the panel on “Farmers Who Know Precision Ag” with two North Dakota farmers. Griffin is following in the footsteps of Dr. Raj Khosla, Founding President of ISPA, who delivered the keynote in 2017. Dr. Jordan Shockley, University of Kentucky, will present economics of precision technology. Griffin and Shockley are the Founding Leaders of the newly formed Economics Community within ISPA.
The 7th annual Precision Ag Action Summit will be held January 15 and 16 at the North Dakota Farmers Union headquarters in Jamestown, ND. http://theresearchcorridor.com/precisionagsummit2018/agenda