ISPA Account
Notes from 2018 JUN Meeting in Montreal
Bullet points regarding the Economics Community meeting at ICPA in Montreal, June 2018:
- Terry Griffin, Founding Leader, from Kansas State University and Jordan Shockley, Founding Vice Leader, from the University of Kentucky initiated the first economics community meeting
- 26 people were in attendance plus 2 that called into the meeting.
- Those in the meeting represented a wide range of backgrounds, locations, and experience in PA (not just economists)
- Many topics were discussed but two areas the committee decided to move forward with were: (1) economics of autonomous machinery and (2) pulling together adoption data and research from the global perspective.
- Jordan Shockley (University of Kentucky) agreed to be the new Leader of the Economcis Community while Jiali Shang (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada) agreed to be the new Vice Leader