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Past Proceedings

Access to the proceedings of the ICPA are available online.
All the oral and poster presentation abstracts and full papers are available to the public.
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The International Society of Precision Agriculture and the Brazilian Association of Precision and Digital Agriculture are pleased to announce a joint conference in 2026.
Join us the week of 13 July 2026 for the 17th International Conference on Precision Agriculture (17th ICPA) and the 11th Brazilian Congress on Precision Agriculture (11th ConBAP) in Porto Alegre, Brazil.
The combined conference will bring together the global Precision Agriculture audience that ICPA attendees have come to know, as well as a strong representation from Brazil’s research, education, and industry sectors.  
This event serves as an exceptional platform for networking, collaboration in research, professional development, and extension activities.  The conference will include a joint ConBAP and ICPA educational program and exhibit hall. 
Abstract submissions and Registration will open this spring, please stay tuned for that announcement.
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