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Fajardo, M
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Filippi, P
Jones, E.J
Fajardo, M
Whelan, B.M
Bishop, T.F
Whelan, B
Fajardo, M
Big Data, Data Mining and Deep Learning
Decision Support Systems
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Filter results2 paper(s) found.

1. Forecasting Crop Yield Using Multi-Layered, Whole-Farm Data Sets and Machine Learning

The ultimate goal of Precision Agriculture is to improve decision making in the business of farming. Many broadacre farmers now have a number of years of crop yield data for their fields which are often augmented with additional spatial data, such as apparent soil electrical conductivity (ECa), soil gamma radiometrics, terrain attributes and soil sample information. In addition there are now freely available public datasets, such as rainfall, digital soil maps and archives of satellite remote... P. Filippi, E.J. Jones, M. Fajardo, B.M. Whelan, T.F. Bishop

2. Optimising Nitrogen Use in Cereal Crops Using Site-Specific Management Classes and Crop Reflectance Sensors

The relative cost of Nitrogen (N) fertilisers in a cropping input budget, the 33% Nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) seen in global cereal grain production and the potential environmental costs of over-application are leading to changes in the application rates and timing of N fertiliser. Precision agriculture (PA) provides tools for producers to achieve greater synchrony between N supply and crop N demand. To help achieve these goals this research has explored the use of management classes derived... B. Whelan, M. Fajardo