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Drainage Optimization and Variable Rate Irrigation
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Adamchuk, V.I
Baggard, J
Bauer, P.J
Biswas, A
Cox, C
Dukes, M
Gilbert, L
Hedley, C
Kodaira, M
Lacerda, L
Li, Q
Liakos, V
Madramootoo, C
Nadav, I
Porter, W
Rowland, D
Sharp, J
Shibusawa, S
Stone, K.C
Strachan, I.B
Sugihara, T
Sui, R
Tucker, M
Vellidis, G
Vidana Gamage, D.N
Woods, S.A
Yari, A
Zamora, M
Drainage Optimization and Variable Rate Irrigation
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Filter results9 paper(s) found.

1. Elimination of Spatial Variability Using Variable Rate Drip Irrigation (VRDI) in Vineyards

Vineyards worldwide are subjected to spatial variability, which can be exhibited in both low and high yield areas meaning that the vineyard is not achieving his full yield potential. In addition, the grapes quality is not uniformed leading to different wine qualities from the same plot. The assumption is that a variability in available water for the plant due to soil variability leads to the observed yield variability. A variable rate drip irrigation (VRDI) concept was developed to reduce suc... I. Nadav

2. Wireless Sensor System for Variable Rate Irrigation

Variable rate irrigation (VRI) systems use intelligent electronic devices to control individual sprinklers or groups of sprinklers to deliver the desired amount irrigation water at each specific location within a field according to VRI prescriptions. Currently VRI systems, including software tools for generate prescription maps, are commercially available for VRI practices. However, algorithms and models are required to determine the desired amount of water that needs to be applied based on t... R. Sui, J. Baggard

3. Management Zone Delineation for Irrigation Based on Sentinel-2 Satellite Images and Field Properties

This paper presents a case study of the first application of the dynamic Variable Rate Irrigation (VRI) System developed by the University of Georgia to cotton. The system consists of the EZZone management zone software, the University of Georgia Smart Sensor Array (UGA SSA) and an irrigation scheduling decision support tool. An experiment was conducted in 2017 in a cotton field to evaluate the performance of the system in cotton. The field was divided into four parallel strips. All four stri... V. Liakos, G. Vellidis, L. Lacerda, W. Porter, M. Tucker, C. Cox

4. Variable Rate Irrigation Management Using NDVI

Center pivot irrigation systems are commonly used for corn and cotton production in the southeast USA. Technology for variable rate water application with center pivots is available; however, it is not widely used due to increased management requirements. Methods to develop dynamic in-season prescriptions in response to changing crop conditions are needed to move this technology forward. The objective of this research was to evaluate the potential of using normalized difference vegetative ind... K.C. Stone, P.J. Bauer

5. High Resolution Soil Moisture Monitoring Using Active Heat Pulse Method with Fiber Optic Temperature Sensing at Field Scale

Knowledge of spatial and temporal variability of soil moisture is critical for site specific irrigation management at field scale. However, installation feasibility, cost and between-sensor variability restrict the use of many point–based sensors at field scale. Active heat pulse method with fiber optic temperature sensing (AHFO) has shown a potential to provide soil moisture data at sub-meter intervals along a fiber optic cable to a distance >10000 meters. Despite the limited number... A. Biswas, D.N. Vidana gamage, I.B. Strachan

6. Water Use Efficiency of Precision Irrigation System Under Critical Water-Saving Condition

Non-transpiration water loss is often neglected when evaluating water use efficiency (WUE) of precision irrigation system, due to the difficulties in determining water loss from the root zone. The objective of this study is to investigate the feasibility of a new water saving approach by controlling soil water retention around root zone during the plant growth. We grew two tomato cultivars (Anemo, Japanese variety) in an environmental controlled growth chamber, with previously oven dried and ... Q. Li, T. Sugihara, M. Kodaira, S. Shibusawa

7. Effect of Irrigation Scheduling Technique and Fertility Level on Corn Yield and Nitrogen Movement

Florida has more first magnitude springs that anywhere in the world. Most of these are located in north Florida where agricultural production is the primary basis for the economy. Irrigated corn has become a popular part of the crop rotation in recent years. This project is a study of a corn and peanut rotation investigating Best Management Practices (BMPs) of nitrogen fertility level (336, 246, 157 kg/ha) and irrigation strategies as follows:  (i) GROW, mimicking grower’s practice... M. Dukes, M. Zamora, D. Rowland

8. Application of a Systems Model to a Spatially Complex Irrigated Agricultural System: A Case Study

Although New Zealand is water-rich, many of the intensively farmed lowland areas suffer frequent summer droughts. Irrigation schemes have been developed to move water from rivers and aquifers to support agricultural production. There is therefore a need to develop tools and recommendations that consider both water dynamics and outcomes in these irrigated cropping systems. A spatial framework for an existing systems model (APSIM Next Generation) was developed that could capture the variability... J. Sharp, C. Hedley

9. Application of Variable-Rate Irrigation for Potato Productivity

Variable-rate irrigation (VRI) has the potential to increase yields and reduce water consumption and energy costs. Spatial and temporal variability of soil and field properties can impact the efficiency of irrigation and crop yield. The VRI technology allows for the precise application of irrigation to meet crop water demands in controlled amounts prescribed for specific management zones within a field. Sensitivity to over and under-irrigation and the high-water requirements of potato make th... A. Yari, C. Madramootoo, S.A. Woods, V.I. Adamchuk, L. Gilbert