
The 10th ICPA History

Historical Evolution and Recent Advances in Precision Farming

History of PA and OFE

History of ISPA

The ISPA is the scientific organization that comes in a straight line from the founders of the precision farming idea in Minnesota in the early 90’s.
The texts listed at left are provided as a reference to those interested in knowing more about the history of precision agriculture in general and the origins of the ISPA in particular.
The International Society of Precision Agriculture is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization registered in the State of Illinois (USA) and Piatt County.

Past Presidents



Dr. John Fulton

Dr. John Fulton

Professor, Food, Agriculture and Biological Engineering 
The Ohio State University 


Dr. James Lowenberg-DeBoer

Dr. Jess Lowenberg-DeBoer

Agri-Tech Applied Economics at Harper Adams University,
Newport, Shropshire, UK
Co-editor of Precision Agriculture journal


Dr. Ian Yule

Professor in Precision Agriculture
Massey University, New Zealand


Dr. Nicolas Tremblay

Plant Nutrition and Crop Management Specialist
Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu Research and Development Center, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada



Dr. Ken Sudduth

Research Agricultural Engineer


Dr. John Stafford

Consultant in Precision Agriculture and Computing
Silsoe Solutions


Dr. Raj Khosla

Professor and Head, Department of Agronomy
Kansas State University