
ISPA Account

A GARDIAN of Big Data

GARDIAN is CGIAR’s (Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research) flagship data harvesters. It enables the discovery of publications and datasets from across the thirty-odd institutional publications and data repositories from CGIAR Centers and beyond. Actually, most data and publications are not stored in it but in other public databases and repositories. GARDIAN a key component of the Platform’s objective to establish the infrastructure, tools, and approaches to making CGIAR data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable (FAIR). GARDIAN employs text mining to enrich the associated metadata to enhance discovery, and will soon test data mining techniques with cleaned, well-annotated datasets to enhance interoperability. Plans for GARDIAN include further demonstration of the value of interoperable data via seamless interactivity of discovered data with key analytical/visualization tools, including models and maps. Have a look also at the CGIAR Platform for Big Data in Agriculture.