Filter results7 paper(s) found. |
1. Validation Of On-the-go Soil Ph-measurements – Primary Results From GermanyUntil recently in-field variability for soil pH could not be considered for agronomic decisions (e.g. liming rates) because reliable spatial information was hardly available. The required density of soil pH-measurements could not be achieved by manual soil sampling due to time constraints and analysis costs for the vast number of samples. A comprehensive... H. Olfs, D. Trautz, A. Borchert |
2. Sensor And System Technology For Individual Plant Crop ScoutingSensor and system technologies are key components for automatic treatment of individual plants as well as for plant phenotyping in field trials. Based on experiences in research and application of sensors in agriculture the authors have developed phenotyping platforms for field applications including sensors, system and software development and application-specific mountings. Sensor and data fusion have a high potential by compensating varying selectivities... A. Ruckelshausen, K.V. Alheit, L. Busemeyer, R. Klose, A. Linz, K. Moeller, F. Rahe, M. Thiel, D. Trautz, U. Weiss |
3. Categorization of Districts Based on Nonexchangeable Potassium: Generation GIS Maps and Implications in Efficient K Fertility Management in Indian AgricultureRecommendations of K fertilizer are made based on available (exchangeable + water soluble) K status only in India and other despite of substantial contribution of nonexchangeable fraction of soil K to crop K uptake. Present paper examines the information generated in the last 30 years on the status of nonexchangeable K in Indian soils, categorization of Indian soils based on exchangeable and nonexchangeable K fractions and making K recommendations. Data for both K fractions of different... C. Srinivasa rao, K. Rao, H. Magen, B. Venkateswarlu, A. Subba rao |
4. The Effect of Scheduling Irrigation on Yield, Concentration and Uptake of Nutrient in Zero Tilled Wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.)Abstract: The rice–wheat rotation... D. Krishna |
5. Soil pH maps Derived from On-the-Go pH-Measurements as Basis for Variable Lime Application under German Conditions: Concept Development and Evaluation in Field Trials... A. Borchert, D. Trautz, H. Olfs |
6. Economic Evaluation of a Variable Lime Application Strategy Based on Soil pH Maps Derived from On-The-Go pH-Measurements under German Conditions... A. Borchert, G. Recke, D. Dabbelt, D. Trautz, H. Olfs |
7. Assessing Soybean Water Stress Patterns and ENSO Occurrence in Southern Brazil: an in Silico ApproachWater stress (WS) is one of the most important abiotic stresses worldwide, responsible for crop yield penalties and impacting food supply. The frequency and intensity of weather stresses are relevant to delimitating agricultural regions. In addition, El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) has been employed to forecast the occurrence of seasonal WS. Lastly, planting date and cultivar maturity selection are key management strategies for boosting soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) yield... A. Carcedo, L.F. Antunes de almeida, T. Horbe, G. Corassa, L.P. Pott, I. Ciampitti, G.D. Hintz, T. Hefley, R.A. Schwalbert, V. Prasad |