Filter results62 paper(s) found. |
1. Quantifying Spatial Variability Of Indigenous Nitrogen Supply For Precision Nitrogen Management In North China Plain... Y. Miao, Q. Cao, Z. Cui, F. Li, T.H. Dao, R. Khosla, X. Chen |
2. Precision Manure Management: It Matters Where You Put Your Manure“Precision fertilizer management” has been around for more than a decade and is practiced widely in Colorado and elsewhere. By precision, we mean application of fertilizer at the right time, in the right place, and in the right amount. However, “Precision Manure Management” is a relatively new concept that converge the best manure management practices with precision nutrient management practices, such as variable rate nutrient application across site-specific management... M.E. Moshia, R. Khosla, J. Davis, D. Westfall |
3. Developing An Active Crop Sensor-based In-season Nitrogen Management Strategy For Rice In Northeast ChinaCrop sensor-based in-season N management strategies have been successfully developed and evaluated for winter wheat around the world, but little has been reported for rice. The objective of this study was to develop an active crop sensor-based in-season N management strategy for upland rice in Northeast... Y. Yao, Y. Miao, S. Huang, M.L. Gnyp, R. Jiang, X. Chen, G. Bareth |
4. Evaluation Of Different N Management Strategies Using A Tool For Fuzzy Multi Attributive Comparison Of AlternativesApplication of precision agriculture is related with choosing of optimal agrotechnilogy and, in particular, with definition of the best alternative of N management strategy. A potential satisfactory solution of this decision analysis problem could be the uses of multi attribute decision-making analysis based on fuzzy set theory and fuzzy logic (FMADA). This technique provides a means to achieve an optimal decision for real world problems which involve multiple alternatives and criteria... E. Krueger, D. Kurtener, D. Kurtener, R. Khosla |
5. Spatial Variability Of Measured Soil Properties Across Site- Specific Management ZonesThe spatial variation of productivity across farm fields can be classified by delineating site-specific management zones. Since productivity is influenced by soil characteristics, the spatial pattern of productivity could be caused by a corresponding variation in certain soil properties. Determining the source of variation in productivity can help achieve more effective site-specific management, the objectives of this study were (i) to characterize the spatial variability of soil physical properties... M. Mzuku, R. Khosla, R. Reich, G. Http://, F. Smith, L. Macdonald |
6. Development Of A Nitrogen Requirement Algorithm Using Ground-based Active Remote Sensors In Irrigated MaizeStudies have shown that normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) from ground-based active remote sensors is highly related with leaf N content in maize (Zea mays). Remotely sensed NDVI imagery can provide valuable information about in-field N variability in maize and significant linear relationships between sensor NDVI and maize grain yield have been found suggesting that an N recommendation algorithm based on NDVI could optimize N application. Therefore, a study was conducted using the two... T. Shaver, R. Khosla, D. Westfall |
7. Spatio-temporal Analysis Of Atrazine Degradation And Associated Attributes In Eastern Colorado SoilsAtrazine catabolism is an example of a rapidly evolved soil microbial adaptation. In the last 20 years, atrazine-degrading bacteria have become globally distributed, and many soils have developed enhanced capacities to degrade atrazine, reducing its half-life from 60 to a few days or less. While the presence of atrazine-degrading bacteria determine a soil's potential to catabolize atrazine,... M. Stromberger, R. Khosla, D. Shaner, D. Zach |
8. Precision Nitrogen Management and Global Nitrogen Use EfficiencyTraditionally, nitrogen (N) fertilizers have been applied uniformly across entire field while ignoring inherent spatial variation in crop N needs across crop fields. This results in either too little or too much application of N in various parts of the fields.... M. Gupta, R. Khosla |
9. A Statistical and an Agronomic Approach for Definition of Management Zones in Corn and SoybeanThe use of productivity level management zones (MZ) has demonstrated good potential for the site-specific management of crop inputs in traditional row crops. The objectives of this research were to analyze the process of defining MZs and develop methods to evaluate the quality of MZ maps. Two approaches were used to select the layers to be used in the MZ definition: 1) Statistical Approach (SA_MZ) and 2) Agronomic Approach (AA_MZ). The difference is that in the AA_MZ approach all non stable variables... C.L. Bazzi, E.G. Souza, R. Khosla, R.M. Reich |
10. Variation in Nitrogen Use Efficiency for Multiple Wheat Genotypes across Dryland and Irrigated Cropping SystemsABSTRACT ... M.A. Naser, R. Khosla, R. Reich, S. Haley, L. longchamps, M. Moragues, G.W. buchleiter, G.S. Mcmaster |