Filter results7 paper(s) found. |
1. Landscape Influences on Soil Nitrogen Supply and Water Holding Capacity for Irrigated Corn... T. Shaver, M. Schmer, S. Irmak, S. Van donk, B. Wienhold, V. Jin, A. Bereuter, D. Francis, D. Rudnick, N. Ward, L. Hendrickson, R. Ferguson, V.I. Adamchuk |
2. Detection Of Fruit In Canopy Night-Time Images: Two Case Studies With Apple And MangoReliable estimation of the expected yield remains a major challenge in orchards. In a recent work we reported the development of an algorithm for estimating the number of fruits in images of apple trees acquired in natural daylight conditions. In the present work we tested this approach with night-time images of similar apple trees and further adapted this approach to night-time images of mango trees. Working with the apple images required only... R. Linker, A. Payne, K. Walsh, O. Cohen |
3. The Use Of A Multirotor And High-Resolution Imaging For Precision Horticulture In Chile: An Industry PerspectiveAs part of the prototype development of a yield forecasting and precision agriculture service for Chilean horticulture, we evaluated the use of an eight-rotor Mikrokopter for high-resolution aerial imaging to support ground-based surveys. Specific considerations for UAV and communications performance under Chilean conditions are windy conditions, limited space for take-off and landing in orchards, tree height and plantation density, and the presence of high metal contents in soils. We discuss... I. Zamora, D. Wulfsohn |
4. Laboratory Evaluation of Two VNIR Optical Sensor Designs for Vertical Soil SensingVisible and near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (VNIR) is becoming an extensively researched technology to predict soil properties such as soil organic carbon, inorganic carbon, total nitrogen, moisture for precision agriculture. Due to its rapid, non-destructive nature and ability to infer multiple soil properties simultaneously, engineers have been trying to develop proximal sensors based on the VNIR technology to enable horizontal soil sensing and mapping. Since the vertical variation... N. Wijewardane, Y. Ge |
5. Agronomic Characteristics of Green Corn and Correlations with Productivity for the Establishment of Management Zones in Vale Do Ribeira, SP, BrazilIn Brazil, the progressive development in the cultivation of the corn for consumption in the green stadium stands by the relevant socio-economic role that this related to multiple applications, the attractive market price and continuous demand for the product in nature. Therefore, this study was to analyze the correlations and spatial variability of the productivity of the culture of the green corn in winter, in alluvial soil of the type Cambisols eutrophic in the amount areas and Hydromorphic... W.J. Souza, V.S. Akune, S.H. Benez, L.C. Citon, P.H. Nakazawa, A.J. Santana neto |
6. Spatial Variability and Correlations Between Soil Attributes and Productivity of Green Corn CropIn Brazil, the progressive development in the cultivation of the corn for consumption in the green stadium stands by the relevant socio-economic role that this related to multiple applications, the attractive market price and continuous demand for the product in nature. Therefore, this study was to analyze the correlations and spatial variability of the productivity of the culture of the green corn in winter, in alluvial soil of the type Cambisols eutrophic in the amount areas and Hydromorphic... W.J. Souza, S.H. Benez, P.H. Nakazawa, A.J. Santana neto, L.C. Citon, V.S. Akune |
7. Sugarcane Yield Mapping Using an On-board Volumetric SensorFew alternatives are available to the sugarcane sector for monitoring crop productivity. However, in recent years, research has been dedicated to developing methods ranging from estimation based on engine parameters to using sensors and artificial intelligence. This study aims to present a new tool for monitoring productivity applied to sugarcane cultivation, which utilizes a volumetric optical sensor, in contrast to other methods already used for this measurement, and is recently being introduced... G. Balboa, J.C. Masnello, F. De oliveira moreira, R. Canal filho, E.R. Da silva, J.P. Molin |