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Chae, Y
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Chung, S
Kong, J
Huh, Y
Bae, K
Hur, S
Lee, D
Chae, Y
Huh, Y
Chung, S
Chae, Y
Lee, J
Kim, S
Choi, M
Jung, K
Emerging Issues in Precision Agriculture (Energy, Biofuels, Climate Change)
Sensor Application in Managing In-season CropVariability
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Filter results2 paper(s) found.

1. Evaluation of Photovoltaic Modules at Different Installation Angles and Times of the Day

Several electricity-consuming components for cooling and heating, illumination, ventilation, and irrigation are used to maintain proper environments of protected crop cultivation facilities. Photovoltaic system is considered as one of the most promising alternative power source for protected cultivation. Effects of environment,... S. Chung, J. Kong, Y. Huh, K. Bae, S. Hur, D. Lee, Y. Chae

2. Design And Construction Of An Ultrasonic Cutting Width Sensor For Full-Feed Type Mid-Sized Multi-Purpose Combines

Precision agriculture analyzes the spatial variability according to the characteristics of an optimum setting of agricultural materials. To raise the profitability of agriculture and to reduce the environmental impact, technological research and development of precision agriculture has been conducted. In Asian countries such as Japan... Y. Huh, S. Chung, Y. Chae, J. Lee, S. Kim, M. Choi, K. Jung

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