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1. Estimating Soil Moisture And Organic Matter Content Variabality Using Electromagnatic Induction MetodAbstract: Electromagnetic induction (EMI) methods are gaining popularity due to their non-destructive nature, rapid response and ease of integration into mobile platforms for assessment of the soil moisture content, water table depth, and salinity etc. The objective of this study was to estimate and map soil moisture content and organic matter content using DualEM.... A. Farooque, Q. Zaman, A.W. Schumann, D.C. Percival, T.J. Esau, T. Stauffer |
2. Spot- Application of Pre-Emergence Herbicide Using a Variable Rate Sprayer in Wild BlueberryWild blueberry producers apply herbicides uniformly to control grasses and weeds without considering the significant weed density variability and bare spots within fields. The repeated and excessive use of herbicides... Q. Zaman, Y. Chang, A. Farooque, A. Schumann, D. Percival, M. Cheema, T. Esau |
3. Development of Sensing System Using Digital Photography Technique for Spot-Application of Herbicide in Wild Blueberry FieldsAn automated sensing system, hardware and software, was developed for spot-application of herbicide with 6.1 m boom automated prototype sprayer.... Q. Zaman, T.J. Esau, A.A. Farooque, A.W. Schumann, D.C. Percival, Y.K. Chang |
4. Relationship of Soil Properties to Apparent Ground Conductivity in Wild Blueberry FieldsOne of the fundamental deficiencies in high value crops is the lack of detailed, up-to-date and pertinent geo-referenced soil information for site-specific crop management to improve productivity. This experiment was designed to estimate and map soil properties rapidly and reliably using an electromagnetic induction (EMI) method. Two wild blueberry... F.S. Khan, Q.U. Zaman, A.W. Schumann, A. Madani, D.C. Percival, A.A. Farooque, S.R. Saleem, F.S. Khan |
5. Impact of Variable Rate Fertilization on Nutrients Losses in Surface Runoff for Wild Blueberry FieldsWild blueberry producers apply agrochemicals uniformly without considering substantial variation in soil properties, topographic features that may affect fruit yield within field. A wild blueberry field was selected to evaluate the impact of variable rate (VR) fertilization on nutrient losses in surface runoff from steep slope to low lying areas to improve crop... S. Slaeem, Q.U. Zaman, A. Madani, A. Schumann, D. Percival, H.N. Ahmad, A.A. Farooque, F. Khan |
6. Sensor Fusion on a Wild Blueberry Harvester for Fruit Yield, Plant Height and Topographic Features Mapping to Improve Crop ProductivitySite-specific crop management can improve profitability and environmental risks of wild blueberry crop having large spatial variation in soil/plant characteristics, topographic features which may affect fruit yield. An integrated automated sensor fusion system including an ultrasonic sensor, a digital color camera, a slope sensor,... A.A. Farooque, Q.U. Zaman, D. Groulx, A.W. Schumann, T.J. Esau, Y.K. Chang |
7. Nutrient Expert Software For Nutrient Management In Cereal CropsMany countries in Asia have started replacing blanket fertilizer recommendations for vast areas of rice, maize, or wheat with more site-specific guidelines adapted to local needs. This process has been accompanied with a shift from traditional on-station research to on-farm development and evaluation of novel practices. A key challenge faced by the local extension agencies remains the complex nature of factors influencing nutrient requirements. To aid in this process, the International... M. Pampolino, K. Majumdar, S. Phillips |
8. UAV-based Crop Scouting for Precision Nutrient ManagementPrecision agriculture – is one of the most substantial markets for the Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). Mounted on the UAVs, sensors and cameras enable rapid screening of large numbers of experimental plots to identify crop growth habits that contribute to final yield and quality in a variety of environments. Wheat is one of the Idaho’s most important cereal crops grown in 42 of 44 Idaho counties. We are working on establishing a UAV-based methodology for in-season prediction of wheat... O.S. Walsh, K. Belmont, J. Mcclintick-chess, J. Marshall, C. Jackson, C. Thompson, K. Swoboda |
9. Should One Phosphorus Extraction Method Be Used for VRT Phosphorus Recommendation in the Southern Great Plains?Winter Wheat has been produced throughout the southern Great Plains for over 100 years. In most cases this continuous production of mono-culture lower value wheat crop has led to the neglect of the soils, one such soil property is soil pH. In an area dominated by eroded soils and short term leases, Land-Grant University wheat breeders have created lines of winter wheat which are aluminum tolerant to increase production in low productive soils. Now the fields in this region can have... D.B. Arnall, S. Phillips, C. Penn, P. Watkins, B. Rutter, J. Warren |
10. Assessment of Red-Edge Based Vegetation Indices Derived from Unmanned Arial Vehicle for Plant Nitrogen Content EstimationUnmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have become increasingly popular in recent years for agricultural research. High spatial and temporal resolution images obtained with UAVs are ideal for many applications in agriculture. The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of red edge based vegetation indices (VIs) derived from UAV images for quantification of plant nitrogen (N) content of spring wheat, a major cereal crop worldwide. This study was conducted at three locations in Idaho, United... O.S. Walsh, S. Shafian |