Filter results12 paper(s) found. |
1. A High-Reliability Database-Supported Modular Precision Irrigation SystemTitle of Abstract: A High-Reliability Database-Supported Modular Precision Irrigation System Authors of Abstract: N. Kamel1, S. Sharaf1, A. El-Shafei2,... S. Sharaf, A. Elshafie, N.N. Kamel, D.A. Yousef |
2. UAV-based Crop Scouting for Precision Nutrient ManagementPrecision agriculture – is one of the most substantial markets for the Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). Mounted on the UAVs, sensors and cameras enable rapid screening of large numbers of experimental plots to identify crop growth habits that contribute to final yield and quality in a variety of environments. Wheat is one of the Idaho’s most important cereal crops grown in 42 of 44 Idaho counties. We are working on establishing a UAV-based methodology for in-season prediction of wheat... O.S. Walsh, K. Belmont, J. Mcclintick-chess, J. Marshall, C. Jackson, C. Thompson, K. Swoboda |
3. Should One Phosphorus Extraction Method Be Used for VRT Phosphorus Recommendation in the Southern Great Plains?Winter Wheat has been produced throughout the southern Great Plains for over 100 years. In most cases this continuous production of mono-culture lower value wheat crop has led to the neglect of the soils, one such soil property is soil pH. In an area dominated by eroded soils and short term leases, Land-Grant University wheat breeders have created lines of winter wheat which are aluminum tolerant to increase production in low productive soils. Now the fields in this region can have... D.B. Arnall, S. Phillips, C. Penn, P. Watkins, B. Rutter, J. Warren |
4. Thermal Characterization and Spatial Analysis of Water Stress in Cotton (Gossypium Hirsutum L.) and Phytochemical Composition Related to Water Stress in Soybean (Glycine Max)Studies were designed to explore spatial relationships of water and/or heat stress in cotton and soybeans and to assess factors that may influence yield potential. Investigations focused on detecting the onset of water/heat stress in row crops using thermal and multispectral imagery with ancillary physicochemical data such as soil moisture status and photosynthetic pigment concentrations. One cotton field with gradations in soil texture showed distinct patterns in thermal imagery, matching patterns... S.J. Thomson, S.L. Defauw, P.J. English, J.E. Hanks, D.K. Fisher, P.N. Foster, P.V. Zimba |
5. Assessment of Red-Edge Based Vegetation Indices Derived from Unmanned Arial Vehicle for Plant Nitrogen Content EstimationUnmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have become increasingly popular in recent years for agricultural research. High spatial and temporal resolution images obtained with UAVs are ideal for many applications in agriculture. The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of red edge based vegetation indices (VIs) derived from UAV images for quantification of plant nitrogen (N) content of spring wheat, a major cereal crop worldwide. This study was conducted at three locations in Idaho, United... O.S. Walsh, S. Shafian |
6. Utilizing GPS Technology and Science to Improve Digital Literacy Among Students in Australia and the United States of AmericaA key issue facing regional, rural and remote communities, in both Australia and the United States of America (USA), is the low level of digital literacy among some cohorts of students. This is particularly the case for students involved in agricultural studies where it is commonly perceived that digital literacy is not relevant to their future occupation. However, this perception is far from the truth, as the reality of farming today means students who intend on entering the agricultural workforce... C.W. Knight, A. Cosby, M. Trotter |
7. Precision Nitrogen and Water Management for Optimized Sugar Beet Yield and Sugar ContentSugar beet (SB) production profitability is based on maximizing three parameters: beet yield, sucrose content, and sucrose recovery efficiency. Efficient nitrogen (N) and water management are key for successful SB production. Nitrogen deficits in the soil can reduce root and sugar yield. Overapplication of N can reduce sucrose content and increase nitrate impurities which lowers sucrose recovery. Application of N in excess of SB crop need leads to vigorous canopy growth, while compromising root... O.S. Walsh, S. Shafian |
8. Evaluating the Potential of Integrated Precision Irrigation and Nitrogen Management for Corn in MinnesotaThe environmental impact of irrigated agriculture on ground and surface water resources in Minnesota is of major concern. Previous studies have focused on either precision irrigation or precision nitrogen (N) management, with very limited studies on the integrated precision management of irrigation and N fertilizers, especially in Minnesota. The Dualex Scientific sensor is a leaf fluorescence sensor that has been used to diagnose crop N... A. Elvir flores, Y. Miao, V. Sharma, L. Lacerda |
9. Automated Southern Leaf Blight Severity Grading of Corn Leaves in RGB Field ImageryPlant stress phenotyping research has progressively addressed approaches for stress quantification. Deep learning techniques provide a means to develop objective and automated methods for identifying abiotic and biotic stress experienced in an uncontrolled environment by plants comparable to the traditional visual assessment conducted by an expert rater. This work demonstrates a computational pipeline capable of estimating the disease severity caused by southern corn leaf blight in images of field-grown... C. Ottley, M. Kudenov, P. Balint-kurti, R. Dean, C. Williams |
10. Using the Open Data Farm As a Digital Twin of a Farm in an Innovative School Setting to Increase Data Literacy and AwarenessIn recent years, the number of digital applications and data streams has steadily increased, but knowledge and expertise in dealing with them has not increased to the same extent. The Open Data Farm is intended to make a significant contribution to education and training in order to increase data literacy in agriculture. The Open Data Farm (ODF) represents a twin of a real agricultural business as a 3D model in which existing data streams in various branches of the business are visualised.... D. Eberz-eder, E. Wölbert, J. Hinze, C. Weiß |