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Upadhayaya, S.K
Erbe, A
Cuitiva Baracaldo, R
White, M
Quinn, D.
Ciampitti, I.A
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Ciampitti, I.A
Shroyer, K
Prasad, V
Sharda, A
Stamm, M.J
Wang, H
Price, K
Mangus, D
Yule, I.J
Chok, S.E
Grafton, M.C
White, M
Yule, I.J
Pullanagari, R.R
Kereszturi, G
Irwin, M.E
McVeagh, P.J
Cushnahan, T
White, M
Rund, Q
Murrell, S
Erbe, A
Williams, R
Williams, E
Upadhayaya, S.K
Udompetaikul, V
Shafii, M.S
Browne, G.T
Cuitiva Baracaldo, R
Munar Vivas, O
Carrillo Romero, G
Mizuta, K
Miao, Y
Morales, A.C
Lacerda, L.N
Cammarano, D
Nielsen, R.L
Gunzenhauser, R
Kuehner, K
Wakahara, S
Coulter, J.A
Mulla, D.J
Quinn, D.
McArtor, B
Morales, A.C
Quinn, D.
Mizuta, K
Miao, Y
Rubaino Sosa, S.A
Quinn, D.
Armstrong, S
Applications of UAVs (unmanned aircraft vehicle systems) in precision agriculture
Precision Nutrient Management
Remote Sensing Applications in Precision Agriculture
Big Data Mining & Statistical Issues in Precision Agriculture
Engineering Technologies
Geospatial Data
In-Season Nitrogen Management
In-Season Nitrogen Management
Proximal and Remote Sensing of Soils and Crops (including Phenotyping)
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Filter results9 paper(s) found.

1. sUAVS Technology For Better Monitoring Crop Status For Winter Canola

The small-unmanned aircraft vehicles (sUAVS) are currently gaining more popularity in agriculture with uses including identification of weeds and crop production issues, diagnosing nutrient deficiencies, detection of chemical drift, scouting for pests, identification of biotic or abiotic stresses, and prediction of biomass and yield. Research information on the use of sUAVS have been published and conducted in crops such as rice, wheat, and corn, but the development of... I.A. Ciampitti, K. Shroyer, V. Prasad, A. Sharda, M.J. Stamm, H. Wang, K. Price, D. Mangus

2. Accuracy of Differential Rate Application Technology for Aerial Spreading of Granular Fertiliser Within New Zealand

Aerial topdressing of granular fertilizer is common practice on New Zealand hill country farms because of the challenging topography. Ravensdown Limited is a New Zealand fertilizer manufacturer, supplier and applicator, who are funding research and development of differential rate application from aircraft. The motivation for utilising this technology is to improve the accuracy of fertilizer application and fulfil the variable nutrient requirements of hill country farms.  The capability of... I.J. Yule, S.E. Chok, M.C. Grafton, M. White

3. Hyperspectral Imaging to Measure Pasture Nutrient Concentration and Other Quality Parameters

Managing pasture nutrient requirements on large hill country sheep and beef properties based on information from soil sampling is expensive because of the time and labor involved. High levels of error are also expected as these properties are often greatly variable and it is therefore extremely difficult to sample intensively enough to capture this variation. Extensive sampling was also not considered viable as there was no effective means of spreading fertilizer with a variable rate capability... I.J. Yule, R.R. Pullanagari, G. Kereszturi, M.E. Irwin, P.J. Mcveagh, T. Cushnahan, M. White

4. North American Soil Test Summary

With the assistance and cooperation of numerous private and public soil testing laboratories, the International Plant Nutrition Institute (IPNI) periodically summarizes soil test levels in North America (NA). Soil tests indicate the relative capacity of soil to provide nutrients to plants. Therefore, this summary can be viewed as an indicator of the nutrient supplying capacity or fertility of soils in NA. This is the eleventh summary completed by IPNI or its predecessor, the Potash &... Q. Rund, S. Murrell, A. Erbe, R. Williams, E. Williams

5. A Tree Planting Site-Specific Fumigant Applicator for Orchard Crops

The goal of this research was to use recent advances in the global positioning system and computer technology to apply just the right amount of fumigant where it is most needed (i.e., in the neighborhood of each tree planting site or tree- planting-site-specific application) to decrease the incidence of replant disease, and achieve the environmental and economical benefits of reducing the application of these toxic chemicals. In the first year of this study we retrofitted a chemical applicator... S.K. Upadhayaya, V. Udompetaikul, M.S. Shafii, G.T. Browne

6. GIS Web and Mobile Development with Interfaces in QGIS for Variable Rate Fertilization

In this paper we described the implementation of a GIS for Precision Agriculture for sugarcane crop in Colombia. An spatial equation for Variable Rate Fertilization Model was defined using as inputs estimated harvest data, nutrients in soil and fertilizer efficiently. Models for soil and harvest variability are also defined. A personalized plugin for precision agriculture was developed into QGIS software, there is the option of upload maps to a Web and mobile app using the Desktop software and... R. Cuitiva baracaldo, O. Munar vivas, G. Carrillo romero

7. Evaluating a Satellite Remote Sensing and Calibration Strip-based Precision Nitrogen Management Strategy for Corn in Minnesota and Indiana

Precision nitrogen (N) management (PNM) aims to match N supply with crop N demand in both space and time and has the potential to improve N use efficiency (NUE), increase farmer profitability, and reduce N losses and negative environmental impacts. However, current PNM adoption rate is still quite low. A remote sensing and calibration strip-based PNM strategy (RS-CS-PNM) has been developed by the Precision Agriculture Center at the University of Minnesota.... K. Mizuta, Y. Miao, A.C. Morales, L.N. Lacerda, D. Cammarano, R.L. Nielsen, R. Gunzenhauser, K. Kuehner, S. Wakahara, J.A. Coulter, D.J. Mulla, D. . Quinn, B. Mcartor

8. Effects of Crop Rotation on In-season Estimation of Optimal Nitrogen Rates for Corn Based on Proximal and Remote Sensing Data

A remote sensing and calibration strip-based precision nitrogen (N) management (RS-CS-PNM) strategy has been developed by the Precision Agriculture Center at the University of Minnesota to provide in-season N recommendation rates based on satellite imagery. This strategy involves the application of multiple N rates before planting and the identification of the agronomic optimum N rate (AONR) at V7-V8 growth stages using normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) calculated using satellite imagery.... A.C. Morales, D. . Quinn, K. Mizuta, Y. Miao

9. Using Remote Sensing to Evaluate Cover Crop Performance and Plan Variable Rate Management

The adoption of cover crops (CC) in row-crop production, particularly in states like Indiana, has surged due to their recognized benefits in nutrient scavenging, soil health improvement, and erosion prevention. However, the spatial and temporal dynamics of CC performance pose challenges for efficient assessment and management. Traditional methods of quantifying CC production involve labor-intensive and time-consuming processes, creating a lag between data collection and decision-making for farmers.... S.A. Rubaino sosa, D. . Quinn, S. Armstrong

Showing 1 to 9 of 9 entries