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1. Enhancing Farmers' Indigenous Knowledge Management in Cassava Varietal Trial Using Agro Ecosystem Analysis, Farmers' Drama Group and Animations in Eastern part of Nigeria.Researchers continue to come up with new varieties but farmer perspectives and preferences are very important factors for new varieties to spread in farmers’ communities. Researcher priorities alone are not enough. A variety may be ‘scientifically pe... C.C. Asiabaka, M.O. Adesope, C.C. Ifeanyi- obi, R.N. Nwakwasi, F. Nnadi, E.C. Matthews- njoku, J. Chikaire |
2. 3D Acquisition System Applied to Agronomic ScenesTo enable a better decision making by the farmer in order to optimize the crop management, it is essential to provide a set of information on basic parameters of the crops. These information are numerous and the image processing is increasingly used for disease detection, weed detection or yield estimation. We will focus initially on assessing the yield of a wheat crop in automatic way. This yield is directly related to the number of ears per square meter for which the counting is curren... F. Cointault, P. Gouton, B. Billiot |
3. A 3-D Stereovision Simulator for Centrifugal Fertilizer Granule Spreading... J. Vangeyte, F. Cointault, M. Paindavoine, J. Pieters, B. Hijazi |
4. A Comparison of Plant Temperatures as Measured By Thermal Imaging and Infrared Thermometry... P. Baresel, B. Mistele, H. Yuncai, U. Schmidhalter, H. Hackl |
5. A High-Reliability Database-Supported Modular Precision Irrigation SystemTitle of Abstract: A High-Reliability Database-Supported Modular Precision Irrigation System Authors of Abstract: N. Kamel1, S. Sharaf1, A. El-Shafei... S. Sharaf, A. Elshafie, N.N. Kamel, D.A. Yousef |
6. A Low Cost, Modular Robotics Tool Carrier for Precision Agriculture ResearchCurrent research within agricultural crop production focus on using autonomous robot technology to optimize the production efficiency, enhance sustainability and minimize tedious, monotonous and wearing tasks. But progress is slow pa... A. Bøgild, S.H. Nielsen, N.J. Jacobsen, C.L. Jaeger-hansen, R.N. Jørgensen, K. Jensen, O.J. Jørgensen |
7. A Method for Combining Spatial and Hyperspectral Information for Delineation of Homogenous Management ZonesHyperspectral (HS) remote sensing is a constantly developing field. New remote sensing applications of different fields constantly appear. The possibility of acquisition information about an object without physical contact is spanning new opportunities in many fields and for precision agricultural in particular. These opportunities demand constant improvement and development of new analysis approaches and algorith... Y. Cohen, V. Alchanatis, O. Levi, S. Cohen |
8. A Model to Analyze “As-Applied” Reports of Variable Rate ApplicationsVariable rate technology enables users to access crop inputs such as fertilizers and pesticides, based on site specific information. This technology combines a variable rate control system, positioning system and GIS software to enable variable rate application. During operation some of these systems report information (“as-applied” files) about target rates and actual applied rates on georeferenced points along the ... A.F. Colaço, H.J. Rosa, J.P. Molin |
9. A New Approach to Yield Map CreationOne of the barriers to using yield maps as a data layer in precision agriculture activities is that the maps being generated to day are not very accurate in representing what really happened in field. Numerous data errors in the way the data is collected, poor calibration habits on the part of opera... C. Romier, M. Hyrien, D. Lamker |
10. A New Sensing System for Immediate and Direct Measurements of Soil NitrateIn-season management of nitrogen is a critical component in the drive to increase the nitrogen use efficiency of commercial crop production. Increasing nitrogen use efficiency itself has become a prominent issue due to both economic and environmental/regulatory drivers over the last decade. Solum, Inc (Mountain View, CA) has developed a new sensing technology to enable the immediate and direct measurement of soil nitrate. This allows rapid and economical so... M. Preiner |