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Food Security and Precision Agriculture
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Adesope, M.O
Asiabaka, C.C
Bøgild, A
B.G, M
Benjamin, D
Chikaire, J
Fan, M
H, V
Ifeanyi- Obi, C.C
Jørgensen, O.J
Jørgensen, R.N
Jacobsen, N.J
Jaeger-Hansen, C.L
Jensen, K
Khosla, R
Majdi, M
Marie-France, D
Matthews- Njoku, E.C
Miao, Y
Molin, J.P
N.L., R
Nadiradze, K
Nielsen, S.H
Nnadi, F
Nwakwasi, R.N
Patil, M.B
Patil, V.C
R, P
S, S
Santos, R.T
Saraiva, A.M
Shanwad, U.K
Zhang, F
Zhao, G
Food Security and Precision Agriculture
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Filter results8 paper(s) found.

1. Microbial Contaminants in Cocoa Powder Samples in South – West Nigeria

Cocoa powder (CP), which is the major ingredient of cocoa-based beverages, is obtained from cocoa cake in a process involving hydraulic pressing of cocoa butter from fermented and roasted cocoa beans. Cocoa powder is presently being consumed as a health drink because of the presence of flavonoids in it. Evidences have shown that cocoa flavonoids exert powerful antioxidant properties by boosting immune responses and also the presence of procyanidins in cocoa protects the body against free-radi... A.A. Oluwadun, O.0. Olubamiwa, O.C. Jayeola

2. Precision Agriculture Initiative for Karnataka – A New Direction for Strengthening Farming Community

Strengthening agriculture is crucial to meet the myriad challenges of rural poverty, food security, unemployment, and sustainability of natural resources and it also needs strengthening at technical, financial and management levels. In this c... U.K. Shanwad, M.B. Patil, V. H, M. B.g , P. R, R. N.l. , S. S, R. Khosla, V.C. Patil

3. Bayesian Methods for Predicting LAI and Soil Moisture

Crop models describe the growth and development of a crop interacting with soil, climate, and managemen... M. Majdi, D. Benjamin, D. Marie-france

4. Developing an Integrated Rice Management System for Improved Yield and Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Northeast China

... G. Zhao, Y. Miao, F. Zhang, M. Fan

5. Enhancing Farmers' Indigenous Knowledge Management in Cassava Varietal Trial Using Agro Ecosystem Analysis, Farmers' Drama Group and Animations in Eastern part of Nigeria.

Researchers continue to come up with new varieties but farmer perspectives and preferences are very important factors for new varieties to spread in farmers’ communities. Researcher priorities alone are not enough. A variety may be ‘scientifically pe... C.C. Asiabaka, M.O. Adesope, C.C. Ifeanyi- obi, R.N. Nwakwasi, F. Nnadi, E.C. Matthews- njoku, J. Chikaire

6. Comparison of Algorithms for Delineating Management Zones

... A.M. Saraiva, R.T. Santos, J.P. Molin

7. A Low Cost, Modular Robotics Tool Carrier for Precision Agriculture Research

Current research within agricultural crop production focus on using autonomous robot technology to optimize the production efficiency, enhance sustainability and minimize tedious, monotonous and wearing tasks. But progress is slow pa... A. Bøgild, S.H. Nielsen, N.J. Jacobsen, C.L. Jaeger-hansen, R.N. Jørgensen, K. Jensen, O.J. Jørgensen

8. Farmers Cooperatives in Georgia as Key Factor for Food Security

... K. Nadiradze

Showing 1 to 8 of 8 entries