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Proximal and Remote Sensing of Soils and Crops (including Phenotyping)
Decision Support Systems
Precision Management / Precision Conservation
Weather and Models for Precision Agriculture
Precision Dairy and Livestock Management
Precision Agriculture and Global Food Security
Applications of Unmanned Aerial Systems
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Adedeji, O.I
Admasu, W.A
Aduramigba-Modupe, V
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Aggarwal, V
Ahmad, A
Al-Gaadi, K
Al-Shammari, D
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Aldridge, K
Allam, D.G
Alves, G
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Andrade, P
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Andretta, I
Andvaag, E
Antunes de Almeida, L.F
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Arnall, B
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Auer, W
Auer, W
Auer, W
Bai, G
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Berger, A
Berger, A
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Dallago, G.M
Dallago, G.M
Das, A
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Dey, S
Dhiman, V
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Dong, J
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Drillich, M
Drillich, M
Drillich, M
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Duft, D.G
Dutilleul, P
E. Flores, A
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El Gamal, A
Eldeeb, E
Ettema, J.F
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Ewanik, C
Eyster, R
Fadul-Pacheco, L
Fassinou Hotegni, N
Fathololoumi, S
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Figueiredo, D
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Figueiredo, D
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Ge, Y
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Ghimire, B
Ghimire, B
Ghimire, B.P
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González Piqueras, J
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Gu, H
Gu, H
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Guimarães, L
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Guo, W
Guo, W
Guo, W
Guo, W
Guo, W
Guo, W
Guo, W
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Hoffmann Silva Karp, F
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Hoogenboom, G
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Huang, Y
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Iwersen, M
Iwersen, M
Iwersen, M
Iwersen, M
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Karn, R
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Kickinger, F
Kickinger, F
Kickinger, F
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Krieger, S
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Kukal, S
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Lacerda, L
Lacerda, L
Lacerda, L
Lacerda, L
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Lidauer, L
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Miao, Y
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Pilcon, C
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Pomar, C
Pomar, C
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Santos, R
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Sysskind, M
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Vellidis, G
Vellidis, G
Vellidis, G
Vellidis, G
Vellidis, G
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Virk, S
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Vitantonio, L
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da Cunha, I.A
de Castro, A
dos Santos, C.L
van Versendaal, E
Öhlschuster, M
Öhlschuster, M
Öhlschuster, M
Proximal and Remote Sensing of Soils and Crops (including Phenotyping)
Decision Support Systems
Applications of Unmanned Aerial Systems
Precision Agriculture and Global Food Security
Precision Dairy and Livestock Management
Weather and Models for Precision Agriculture
Precision Management / Precision Conservation
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Filter results121 paper(s) found.

1. Precision Nitrogen Management Based on Nitrogen Removal in Rainfed Wheat

Growers of hard red spring wheat may capture price premiums for maximizing the protein concentration of their grain. Nitrogen (N) nutrition adequacy is crucial to achieving high grain protein concentration. The objective of this study was to determine the usefulness of N removal maps by comparing grain protein, yields, and dollar returns obtained from this precision N management approach with that from conventional uniform N management. Strip plot experiments were designed to compare spatiall... D.J. Bonfil, I. Mufradi, S. Asido, D.S. Long

2. Using Pricise Gps/gis Based Barley Yield Maps to Predict Site-specific Phosphorus Requirements

Three fundamental stages and technologies as main parts of a precision farming project should be considered precisely. These are access to actual multi- dimensional variability detail or variable description on farms, creating a suitable variable-rate technology, and finally providing a decision support system. Some results of a long term practical research conducted by the author in Upon-Tyne Newcastle University of UK for reliable yield monitoring and mapping were utilised to prepare this p... A. Sanaei

3. Economic and Environmental Impacts in Sugarcane Production to Meet the Brazilian Ethanol Demands by 2030: The Role of Precision Agriculture

The agreement signed at COP-21 reaffirms the vital compromise of Brazil with sugarcane and ethanol production. To meet the established targets, the ethanol production should be 54 billion liters in 2030. From the agronomic standpoint, two alternatives are possible; increase the planted area and/or agricultural yield. The present study aimed to evaluate the economic and environmental impacts in sugarcane production meeting the established targets in São Paulo state. In this context, wer... G.M. Sanches, T.F. Cardoso, M.F. Chagas, A.C. Luciano, D.G. Duft, P.S. Magalhães, H.C. Franco, A. Bonomi

4. Applying a Bivariate Frequency Ratio Technique for Potato High Yield Susceptibility Mapping

Spatial variation of soil characteristics and vegetation conditions are viewed as the most important indicators of crop yield status. Therefore, this study was designed to develop a crop yield prediction model through spatial autocorrelation between the actual yield of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) crop and selected yield status indicators (soil N, EC, pH, texture and vegetation condition), where the vegetation condition was represented by the cumulative normalized difference vegetation index... K. Al-gaadi, A.A. Hassaballa, E. Tola, R. Madugundu, A.G. Kayad

5. A Tool for Monitoring Genetic Selection Differentials in Dairy Herds in Canada

A software tool was developed to allow a dairy producer and/or agricultural advisor to monitor the genetic selection differentials (GSD) that a dairy farm is making. The objectives of this study were (i) to monitor GSD in individual farms, over years, so that producers can be advised as to whether or not they are achieving their selection objectives (and hence optimizing productivity and profitability); (ii) the development of a prototype software tool and visualization model to assist produc... B.A. Hagan, R.I. Cue

6. Introducing Precision Ag Tools to Over-100 Year Old Historical Experiment

The historic Knorr-Holden experimental site near Scottsbluff, Nebraska, US, established in 1912 is the oldest irrigated maize plot in North America. Over years, the treatment has been revised a few times to reflect and address contemporary practices. The N fertilization is found to be capable of restoring most of production capacity of the soil. After a full century of the experiment, in 2014, N treatments were revised again. Now, the experiment is a split-plot randomized complete block desig... B. Maharjan

7. Agronōmics: Eliciting Food Security from Big Data, Big Ideas and Small Farms

Most farmers globally could make their farms more productive; few are limited by ambient availabilities of light energy and water. Similarly the sustainability of farming practices offers large scope for innovation and improvement. However, conventional ‘top-down’ Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems (AKISs) are commonly failing to maintain significant progress in either productivity or sustainability because multifarious and complex agronomic interactions thwart accurate... R. Sylvester-bradley, D. Kindred, P. Berry

8. Realising the Full Potential of Precision Agriculture: Encouraging Farmer 'Buy-in' by Building Trust in Data Sharing

Uncertainty around the ownership, privacy and security of farm data are most commonly the reasons cited for farmer’s reluctance to “buy-in” to big data in agriculture. Evidence provided to the recent US Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation Subcommittee on Consumer Protections, Product Safety, Insurance, and Data Security, United States Senate Technology in Agriculture: Data Driven Farming (Nov 2017) highlighted that “data ownership, and rel... L. Wiseman, J. Sanderson

9. An Automatic Control Method Research for 9YG-1.2 Large Round Baler

When manual or semi-automatic round baler working, the tractor driver have to frequently manual the machine according to the bale process at the same time of driving. The driver easily feel fatigue in this operating mode for a long time, so the consistency of the bale’s density can not be guaranteed. And there may be wrong operation. In this article, we use the model 9YG-1.2 large round baler as a research prototype. We study the information collection and processing of the baler’... J. Dong, Z. Meng, Y. Cong, A. Zhang, W. Fu, R. Pan, Q. Yang, Y. Shang

10. A Pilot Study on Monitoring Drinking Behavior in Bucket Fed Dairy Calves Using an Ear-Attached Tri-Axial Accelerometer

Accelerometers support the farmer with collecting information about animal behavior and thus allow a reduction in visual observation time. The milk intake of calves fed by teat-buckets has not been monitored automatically on commercial farms so far, although it is crucial for the calves’ development. This pilot study was based on bucket-fed dairy calves and intended (1) to evaluate the technical feasibility of using an ear-attached accelerometer (SMARTBOW, Smartbow GmbH, Weibern, Austri... L. Roland, L. Lidauer, G. Sattlecker, F. Kickinger, W. Auer, V. Sturm, D. Efrosinin, M. Drillich, M. Iwersen, A. Berger

Showing 1 to 10 of 121 entries