Filter results18 paper(s) found. |
1. Precision Nitrogen Management and Global Nitrogen Use EfficiencyTraditionally, nitrogen (N) fertilizers have been applied uniformly across entire field while ignoring inherent spatial variation in crop N needs across crop fields. This results in either too little or too much application of N in various parts of the ... M. Gupta, R. Khosla |
2. Categorization of Districts Based on Nonexchangeable Potassium: Generation GIS Maps and Implications in Efficient K Fertility Management in Indian AgricultureRecommendations of K fertilizer are made based on available (exchangeable + water soluble) K status only in India and other despite of substantial contribution of nonexchangeable fraction of soil K to crop K uptake. Present paper examines the information generated in the last 30 years on the status of nonexchangeable K in Indian soils, categorization of Indian soils based on exchangeable and nonexchangeable K fractions and making K recommendations. Data for both K fractions of dif... C. Srinivasa rao, K. Rao, H. Magen, B. Venkateswarlu, A. Subba rao |
3. A Statistical and an Agronomic Approach for Definition of Management Zones in Corn and SoybeanThe use of productivity level management zones (MZ) has demonstrated good potential for the site-specific management of crop inputs in traditional row crops. The objectives of this research were to analyze the process of defining MZs and develop methods to evaluate the quality of MZ maps. Two approaches were used to select the layers to be used in the MZ definition: 1) Statistical Approach (SA_MZ) and 2) Agronomic Approach (AA_MZ). The difference is that in the AA_MZ approach all non stable v... C.L. Bazzi, E.G. Souza, R. Khosla, R.M. Reich |
4. Use of Chemical and Physical Attributes Of the Soil in Management Units DefinitionSeveral equipments and methodologies have been developed to make available precision agriculture, especially the high cost of its implantation and sampling. An interesting ... C.L. Bazzi, E.G. Souza, L.H. Nobrega, M.A. Uribe-opazo, D.M. Rocha |
5. Early Detection of Corn N-Deficiency by Active Fluorescence Sensing in MaizeGlobally, the agricultural nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) is no more than 40 %. This low efficiency comes with an agronomic, economic and environmental cost. By better management of spatial and temporal variability of crop nitrogen need, NUE can be improved. Currently available crop canopy sensors based on reflectance are cap... R. Khosla, D.G. Westfall, L. Longchamps |
6. Stable Isotope N-15 as Precision Technique to Investigate Elemental Sulfur Effects on Fertilizer Nitrogen Use Efficiency of Corn Grown in Calcareous Sandy Soils... A.A. Soaud, .M. Rahman, F.H. Al darwish |
7. The Effect of Scheduling Irrigation on Yield, Concentration and Uptake of Nutrient in Zero Tilled Wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.)Abstract: The rice–wheat rotati... D. Krishna |
8. Precision Fertigation in Wheat for Sustainable Agriculture in Saudi ArabiaWheat is an important cereal crop of Saudi Arabia grown on an area of 250,000 ha with an annual production of 1,260,000 metric tons. The crop is cultivated on sandy soils using sprinkler irrigation under center pivots. The crop is sown in Nove... V.C. Patil, K.A. Al-gaadi |
9. Soil pH maps Derived from On-the-Go pH-Measurements as Basis for Variable Lime Application under German Conditions: Concept Development and Evaluation in Field Trials... A. Borchert, D. Trautz, H. Olfs |
10. Economic Evaluation of a Variable Lime Application Strategy Based on Soil pH Maps Derived from On-The-Go pH-Measurements under German Conditions... A. Borchert, G. Recke, D. Dabbelt, D. Trautz, H. Olfs |