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1. A Clustering Approach For Management Zone Delineation In Precision AgricultureIn recent years, an increasing amount of research has been devoted to the delineation of management zones. There have been quite a number of approaches towards using small-scale data for subdividing the field into a small number of zones, usually three or four. However, these zones are usually static, often require multi-year data sets and are based on low-resolution sampling methods for data acquisition. Furthermore, existing research into th... G. Ru, M. Schneider, R. Kruse |
2. Yield Limiting Factors In The Conditions Of Southern AlbertaThe main goal of our experiment was to determine the main factors determining yield of green biomass of spring barley in the conditions of Southern Alberta. To analyze soil properties in the field, grid sampling was conducted at 1-ha grid. Soil samples were collected from the depths of 0…15 and 15…60 cm and analyzed for over 20 different characteristics including soil organic matter content, pH, cation exchange capacity (CEC), and the concentrations of macro- and micronutrients.... A. Melnitchouck |
3. 20/20 Vision On Precision---What The Last 20 Years Has Shown Us / What The Next 20 Promises To Give Usplaceholder... H. Reetz |
4. A Case Study For Variable-rate Seeding Of Corn And Cotton In The Tennessee Valley Of AlabamaFarmers have recently become more interested in implementing variable-rate seeding of corn and cotton in Alabama due to increasing seed costs and the potential to maximize yields site-specifically due to inherent field variability. Therefore, an on-farm case study was conducted to evaluate the feasibility of variable-rate seeding for a corn and cotton rotation.... S.H. Norwood, J.P. Fulton, A.T. Winstead, J.N. Shaw, D. Rodekohr, C.J. Brodbeck, T. Macy |
5. A Comparison Of Alternative Methods For Prioritizing Buffer Placement In Agricultural Watersheds For Water Quality ImprovementConservation buffers are a widely used best management practice for reducing agricultural nonpoint source pollution. Various governmental programs and community initiatives have been implemented to adopt conservation buffers for water quality improvement. Since there is substantial cost for installing conservation buffers in watersheds, cost-effectiveness would be improved by targeting buffers to locations where they would produce greater benefit and to avoid location... Z. Qiu, M.G. Dosskey, D. Frieberg |
6. A Comparison Of Conventional And Sensor-based Lime Requirement MapsSuccessful variable-rate applications of agricultural inputs, such as lime, rely on quality of input data. Systematic soil sampling is... A.K. Jonjak, V.I. Adamchuk, C.S. Wortmann, C.A. Shapiro, R.B. Fergugson |
7. A Comparison Of Spectral Reflectance And Laser-induced Cholorphyll Fluorescence Measurements To Detect Differences In Aerial Dry Weight And Nitrogen Update Of WheatChlorophyll fluorescence and spectral reflectance analysis are both powerful tools to study the spatial and temporal heterogeneity of plants` biomass and nitrogen status. Whereas reflectance techniques have intensively been tested for their use in precision fertilizer application, laser-induced chlorophyll fluorescence has been tested to a lesser degree, and there are hardly any... B. Mistele, U. Schmidhalter |
8. A Computer Decision Aid For The Cotton Precision Agriculture Investment DecisionThis article introduces the Cotton Precision Agriculture Investment Decision Aid (CPAIDA), a software decision tool for analyzing the precision agriculture investment decision. CPAIDA was developed to provide improved educational information about precision farming equipment ownership costs, and the required returns to pay for their investment. The partial budgeting and breakeven analysis framework is documented along with use of the decision aid. With care in specifying values, program users... J.A. Larson, D.F. Mooney, R.K. Roberts, B.C. English |
9. A Crop And Soil Strategy For Sensor-based Variable-rate Nitrogen ManagementCrop-based active canopy sensors and soil-based management zones (MZ) are currently being studied as tools to direct in-season variable-rate N application. Some have suggested the integration of these tools as a more robust decision tool for guiding spatially variable N rates. The objectives of this study were to identify (1) soil variables useful for MZ delineation and (2) determine if MZ could be useful in identifying field areas wi... D.F. Roberts, J.F. Shanahan, R.B. Fergugson, V.I. Adamchuk, N.R. Kitchen |
10. A Model For Wheat Yield Prediction Based On Real-time Monitoring Of Environmental Factors... B. Dumont, F. Vancutsem, J. Destain, B. Bodson, F. Lebeau, M. Destain |